593 research outputs found

    Computerized Design and Generation of Gear Drives With a Localized Bearing Contact and a Low Level of Transmission Errors

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    A general approach developed for the computerized simulation of loaded gear drives is presented. In this paper the methodology used to localize the bearing contact, provide a parabolic function of transmission errors, and simulate meshing and contact of unloaded gear drives is developed. The approach developed is applied to spur and helical gears, spiral bevel gears, face-gear drives, and worm-gear drives with cylindrical worms

    Measuring Temperature Gradients over Nanometer Length Scales

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    When a quantum dot is subjected to a thermal gradient, the temperature of electrons entering the dot can be determined from the dot's thermocurrent if the conductance spectrum and background temperature are known. We demonstrate this technique by measuring the temperature difference across a 15 nm quantum dot embedded in a nanowire. This technique can be used when the dot's energy states are separated by many kT and will enable future quantitative investigations of electron-phonon interaction, nonlinear thermoelectric effects, and the effciency of thermoelectric energy conversion in quantum dots.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Analysis of and workarounds for element reversal for a finite element-based algorithm for warping triangular and tetrahedral meshes

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    We consider an algorithm called FEMWARP for warping triangular and tetrahedral finite element meshes that computes the warping using the finite element method itself. The algorithm takes as input a two- or three-dimensional domain defined by a boundary mesh (segments in one dimension or triangles in two dimensions) that has a volume mesh (triangles in two dimensions or tetrahedra in three dimensions) in its interior. It also takes as input a prescribed movement of the boundary mesh. It computes as output updated positions of the vertices of the volume mesh. The first step of the algorithm is to determine from the initial mesh a set of local weights for each interior vertex that describes each interior vertex in terms of the positions of its neighbors. These weights are computed using a finite element stiffness matrix. After a boundary transformation is applied, a linear system of equations based upon the weights is solved to determine the final positions of the interior vertices. The FEMWARP algorithm has been considered in the previous literature (e.g., in a 2001 paper by Baker). FEMWARP has been succesful in computing deformed meshes for certain applications. However, sometimes FEMWARP reverses elements; this is our main concern in this paper. We analyze the causes for this undesirable behavior and propose several techniques to make the method more robust against reversals. The most successful of the proposed methods includes combining FEMWARP with an optimization-based untangler.Comment: Revision of earlier version of paper. Submitted for publication in BIT Numerical Mathematics on 27 April 2010. Accepted for publication on 7 September 2010. Published online on 9 October 2010. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    New insights into electron spin dynamics in the presence of correlated noise

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    The changes of the spin depolarization length in zinc-blende semiconductors when an external component of correlated noise is added to a static driving electric field are analyzed for different values of field strength, noise amplitude and correlation time. Electron dynamics is simulated by a Monte Carlo procedure which keeps into account all the possible scattering phenomena of the hot electrons in the medium and includes the evolution of spin polarization. Spin depolarization is studied by examinating the decay of the initial spin polarization of the conduction electrons through the D'yakonov-Perel process, the only relevant relaxation mechanism in III-V crystals. Our results show that, for electric field amplitude lower than the Gunn field, the dephasing length shortens with the increasing of the noise intensity. Moreover, a nonmonotonic behavior of spin depolarization length with the noise correlation time is found, characterized by a maximum variation for values of noise correlation time comparable with the dephasing time. Instead, in high field conditions, we find that, critically depending on the noise correlation time, external fluctuations can positively affect the relaxation length. The influence of the inclusion of the electron-electron scattering mechanism is also shown and discussed.Comment: Published on "Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter" as "Fast Track Communications", 11 pages, 9 figure

    Negative Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Graphene Measured by Raman Spectroscopy

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    The thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of single-layer graphene is estimated with temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy in the temperature range between 200 and 400 K. It is found to be strongly dependent on temperature but remains negative in the whole temperature range, with a room temperature value of -8.0x10^{-6} K^{-1}. The strain caused by the TEC mismatch between graphene and the substrate plays a crucial role in determining the physical properties of graphene, and hence its effect must be accounted for in the interpretation of experimental data taken at cryogenic or elevated temperatures.Comment: 17 pagese, 3 figures, and supporting information (4 pages, 3 figures); Nano Letters, 201

    Screening of suitable cationic dopants for solar absorber material CZTS/Se: A first principles study

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    The earth abundant and non-toxic solar absorber material kesterite Cu2ZnSn(S/Se)(4) has been studied to achieve high power conversion efficiency beyond various limitations, such as secondary phases, antisite defects, band gap adjustment and microstructure. To alleviate these hurdles, we employed screening based approach to find suitable cationic dopant that can promote the current density and the theoretical maximum upper limit of the energy conversion efficiency (P(%)) of CZTS/Se solar devices. For this task, the hybrid functional (Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof, HSE06) were used to study the electronic and optical properties of cation (Al, Sb, Ga, Ba) doped CZTS/Se. Our in-depth investigation reveals that the Sb atom is suitable dopant of CZTS/CZTSe and also it has comparable bulk modulus as of pure material. The optical absorption coefficient of Sb doped CZTS/Se is considerably larger than the pure materials because of easy formation of visible range exciton due to the presence of defect state below the Fermi level, which leads to an increase in the current density and P(%). Our results demonstrate that the lower formation energy, preferable energy gap and excellent optical absorption of the Sb doped CZTS/Se make it potential component for relatively high efficient solar cells

    Probing Mechanical Properties of Graphene with Raman Spectroscopy

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    The use of Raman scattering techniques to study the mechanical properties of graphene films is reviewed here. The determination of Gruneisen parameters of suspended graphene sheets under uni- and bi-axial strain is discussed and the values are compared to theoretical predictions. The effects of the graphene-substrate interaction on strain and to the temperature evolution of the graphene Raman spectra are discussed. Finally, the relation between mechanical and thermal properties is presented along with the characterization of thermal properties of graphene with Raman spectroscopy.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Materials Scienc


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    ABSTRACT A thermal design of transformers has been performed using an empirical formula. In order to reduce the developing cost and time, CFD analysis is used in thermal design process for gas-insulated transformers. We calculated the pressure loss of coolant and the temperature rise of winding with empirical formulas and CFD analysis. Also, we constructed some real machines and compared the analytic results with the experimental data. The comparison shows a good agreement between the CFD calculations and experimental results

    Evaluating the feasibility of administering a combination of online dietary assessment tools in a cohort of adults in Alberta, Canada

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    Purpose: Evidence suggests that combining tools, such as 24-hour recalls and food frequency questionnaires, may allow more accurate assessment of diet in epidemiologic studies. Webbased technology should make this approach more feasible than in the past, but it is important to explore response rates and acceptability of such an approach in real-world settings. We sought to determine the feasibility of using a combination of online tools (Automated SelfAdministered 24-hour (ASA24) Dietary Assessment Tool and Diet History Questionnaire-II (DHQ-II)) in a sub-set of participants in Alberta’s Tomorrow Project (ATP); a prospective cohort of 55,000 adults >35y in Alberta, Canada. Methods: Invitations to the feasibility study were mailed to 550 ATP participants. Those who consented (n=331) were asked to complete a health questionnaire, four ASA24 recalls (approximately three weeks apart over a four month period, with staggered start dates between June and December 2016), followed by the DHQ-II, and an evaluation survey. Results: The majority of participants [mean (SD) age =57.1 (10.1)] were women (70.7%), urban residents (84.8%) and non-smokers (95.7%). Of the 229 participants who completed at least one ASA24, roughly equal proportions completed one (24.8%), two (24.5%), three (24.5%) and four recalls (26.2%). One third (n=102) of consenting participants did not respond to any ASA24 recall requests, with “lack of time” given as the primary reason. Only 41% of consenting participants (n=136) completed the DHQ-II; of these, 40% (n=55) completed all four recalls. Median (25th-75th percentile) completion times were 46 (26-64) minutes for the first ASA24 recall and 50 (40-90) minutes for the DHQ-II. Conclusions: Over half of participants completed at least two or more ASA24 recalls, and those who completed a greater number of recalls also completed the DHQ-II, demonstrating that the approach is feasible in the ATP cohort. However, response rates may be sensitive to the timing and frequency of recall administration. Future investigations will (i) evaluate the dietary data collected from each tool; (ii) explore methods of combining the data to optimize assessment of diet in the cohort, while accounting for the fact that not all participants will complete the entire dietary assessment protocol

    Practical Implementation of Attitude-Control Algorithms for an Underactuated Satellite

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    The challenging problem of controlling the attitude of satellites subject to actuator failures has been the subject of increased attention in recent years. The problem of controlling the attitude of a satellite on all three axes with two reaction wheels is addressed in this paper. This system is controllable in a zero-momentum mode. Three-axis attitude stability is proven by imposing a singular quaternion feedback law to the angular velocity trajectories.Two approaches are proposed and compared to achieve three-axis control: The first one does not require angular velocity measurements and is based on the assumption of a perfect zero momentum, while the second approach consists of tracking the desired angular velocity trajectories. The full-state feedback is a nonlinear singular controller. In-orbit tests of the first approach provide an unprecedented practical proof of three-axis stability with two control torques. The angular velocity tracking approach is shown to be less efficient using the nonlinear singular controller. However, when inverse optimization theory is applied to enhance the nonlinear singular controller, the angular velocity tracking approach is shown to be the most efficient. The resulting switched inverse optimal controller allows for a significant enhancement of settling time, for a prescribed level of the integrated torque