343,585 research outputs found

    Subklinički hopotireoidizam doprinosi makrovaskularnim komplikacijama u bolesnika s dijabetes melitusom tip 2

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    This study aimed to evaluate changes of the lipid panel data in patients with comorbid type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) and to identify the probable prognostic values of the lipid profile for macrovascular complication (MVC) development. The study included 370 patients presented with only T2DM and 30 patients suffering from both T2DM and SCH. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to identify prognostically significant values of the lipid profile with the optimal ratio of sensitivity and specificity for MVC development. All lipid profile values in the patients with T2DM combined with SCH were significantly higher compared to those with only T2DM. At the same time, SCH + T2DM increased the risk of exceeding target levels of triglycerides by 2.9 times and HDL-C by 4.1 times. Analysis of lipid profile values according to macrovascular involvement showed that total cholesterol, LDL-C and non-HDL-C in patients with T2DM and SCH were significantly higher compared to those with only T2DM. The levels of triglycerides >1.65 mmol/L, non-HDL-C >3.74 mmol/L and remnant cholesterol >0.74 mmol/L determined by the ROC analysis can be used for stratification of patients with T2DM combined with SCH into the category of increased risk of MVC development.Cilj istraĆŸivanja bio je procijeniti promjene u lipidnom profilu kod bolesnika s dijabetes melitusom tip 2 (T2DM) i subkliničkim hipotireoidizmom (SCH) te utvrditi vjerojatne prognostičke vrijednosti lipidnog profila za razvoj makrovaskularnih komplikacija (MVK). U studiju je bilo uključeno 370 bolesnika koji su imali samo T2DM i 30 bolesnika koji su imali i T2DM i SCH. Prognostički značajne vrijednosti lipidnog profila s optimalnim omjerom osjetljivosti i specifičnosti za razvoj MVK utvrđene su analizom krivulje ROC. Sve vrijednosti lipidnog profila bile su značajno viĆĄe u bolesnika s T2DM u kombinaciji sa SCH u usporedbi s bolesnicima koji su imali samo T2DM. Istodobna prisutnost SCH i T2DM povećala je rizik od prekoračenja ciljnih razina triglicerida 2,9 puta i HDL kolesterola 4,1 puta. Analiza vrijednosti lipidnog profila u odnosu na zahvaćenost makrovaskularnih struktura pokazala je da su ukupni kolesterol, LDL kolesterol i ne-HDL kolesterol značajno viĆĄi u bolesnika s T2DM i SCH u usporedbi s onima koji imaju samo T2DM. Razine triglicerida >1,65 mmol/L, ne-HDL kolesterola >3,74 mmol/L i ostatnog kolesterola >0,74 mmol/L utvrđene analizom ROC mogu posluĆŸiti za prepoznavanje bolesnika s T2DM i SCH kao skupine s poviĆĄenim rizikom za razvoj MVK

    Run Clever - No difference in risk of injury when comparing progression in running volume and running intensity in recreational runners:A randomised trial

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    Background/aimThe Run Clever trial investigated if there was a difference in injury occurrence across two running schedules, focusing on progression in volume of running intensity (Sch-I) or in total running volume (Sch-V). It was hypothesised that 15% more runners with a focus on progression in volume of running intensity would sustain an injury compared with runners with a focus on progression in total running volume.MethodsHealthy recreational runners were included and randomly allocated to Sch-I or Sch-V. In the first eight weeks of the 24-week follow-up, all participants (n=839) followed the same running schedule (preconditioning). Participants (n=447) not censored during the first eight weeks entered the 16-week training period with a focus on either progression in intensity (Sch-I) or volume (Sch-V). A global positioning system collected all data on running. During running, all participants received real-time, individualised feedback on running intensity and running volume. The primary outcome was running-related injury (RRI).ResultsAfter preconditioning a total of 80 runners sustained an RRI (Sch-I n=36/Sch-V n=44). The cumulative incidence proportion (CIP) in Sch-V (reference group) were CIP2 weeks4.6%; CIP4 weeks8.2%; CIP8 weeks13.2%; CIP16 weeks28.0%. The risk differences (RD) and 95% CI between the two schedules were RD2 weeks=2.9%(−5.7% to 11.6%); RD4 weeks=1.8%(−9.1% to 12.8%); RD8 weeks=−4.7%(−17.5% to 8.1%); RD16 weeks=−14.0% (−36.9% to 8.9%).ConclusionA similar proportion of runners sustained injuries in the two running schedules.</jats:sec

    Schematic homotopy types and non-abelian Hodge theory

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    In this work we use Hodge theoretic methods to study homotopy types of complex projective manifolds with arbitrary fundamental groups. The main tool we use is the \textit{schematization functor} X↩(X⊗C)schX \mapsto (X\otimes \mathbb{C})^{sch}, introduced by the third author as a substitute for the rationalization functor in homotopy theory in the case of non-simply connected spaces. Our main result is the construction of a \textit{Hodge decomposition} on (X⊗C)sch(X\otimes\mathbb{C})^{sch}. This Hodge decomposition is encoded in an action of the discrete group C×ή\mathbb{C}^{\times \delta} on the object (X⊗C)sch(X\otimes \mathbb{C})^{sch} and is shown to recover the usual Hodge decomposition on cohomology, the Hodge filtration on the pro-algebraic fundamental group as defined by C.Simpson, and in the simply connected case, the Hodge decomposition on the complexified homotopy groups as defined by J.Morgan and R. Hain. This Hodge decomposition is shown to satisfy a purity property with respect to a weight filtration, generalizing the fact that the higher homotopy groups of a simply connected projective manifold have natural mixed Hodge structures. As a first application we construct a new family of examples of homotopy types which are not realizable as complex projective manifolds. Our second application is a formality theorem for the schematization of a complex projective manifold. Finally, we present conditions on a complex projective manifold XX under which the image of the Hurewitz morphism of πi(X)→Hi(X)\pi_{i}(X) \to H_{i}(X) is a sub-Hodge structure.Comment: 57 pages. This new version has been globally reorganized and includes additional results and applications. Minor correction

    An Update on Models of Neutrino Masses and Mixings

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    At the School I gave three lectures on neutrino masses and mixings. Much of the material covered in my first two lectures is written down in a review on the subject that I published not long ago with F. Feruglio \cite{rev}. Here, I make a relatively short summary (with updates) of the content of my first two lectures, referring to our review for a more detailed presentation, and then I expand on the content of the third lecture which was dedicated to recent work on A4 models of tri-bimaximal neutrino mixing which were not covered in the review.Comment: Lectures given at IPM-LHP06, Tehran, Iran; PSN: IPM-LHP06-sch. 14 pages, 1 figure Typos corrected, one reference adde

    Nursing diagnoses in intensive care: cross-mapping and NANDA-I taxonomy

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    Objective: to identify nursing diagnoses in intensive care unit (ICU) patients by means of a cross-mapping of terms contained in nursing records with the NANDA-I taxonomy. Method: an exploratory, descriptive study with a retrospective analysis of nursing records in 256 medical records of patients that were hospitalized in the general ICU of a hospital in the western border of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Terms indicating conditions demanding nursing interventions were collected from the records; cross-mapping of these terms with the NANDA-I taxonomy diagnoses was performed and confirmed in a nursing focus group. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Results: a total of 832 terms and expressions referring to 52 different diagnoses in 9 of the 13 domains of the NANDA-I taxonomy were identified. Conclusion: the present study enabled the identification of nursing diagnoses in patients hospitalized in ICUs, affecting care management, the training process of experts in the area, and information systems.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Sch Nursing, Postgrad Program Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Pampa, Uruguaiana, RS, BrazilUniv Fed Goias, Sch Nursing, Goiania, Go, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Sch Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Sch Nursing, Postgrad Program Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Paulista Sch Nursing, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc
