408 research outputs found

    Originality of Author’s Position as a Playful Dialogue with Reader in Novel by M. Ende «Der Spiegel im Spiegel»

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    The article is devoted to the study of the category of the game and its embodiment in the form of specific game techniques in discourse. The research material was the work of M. Ende «Der Spiegel im Spiegel». The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the combined connections of artistic stories form irrational worlds. The relevance of the study is due to the growing interest of researchers in the surrealist reflection of reality in a literary text. It is shown in the work that play is a process of personality formation and a kind of free human activity. Special attention is paid to the theoretical analysis of fairytale discourse. The principle of semantic and compositional connection of individual works of the cycle of stories is brought into consideration. The article deals with the issues of realization by characters of literary texts of the key parameters of play and non-play in mythological discourse. Attention is paid to the main variants of human behavior. The question is also raised about the physical properties of mirrors, which are implicit markers of various symbols. Special attention is paid to the spherical mirror. It is shown that M. Ende’s work is based on the principle of the panoramic reflection effect


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    O objetivo do estudo é analisar a implementação das expectativas dos alunos de estudar na Universidade. O método principal para o estudo desse problema é o método do questionário, que permite o estudo mais qualitativo e aprofundado das expectativas dos jovens em relação ao ensino superior. É revelado que os problemas existentes têm um impacto negativo na atitude dos alunos em relação à sua instituição educacional e, consequentemente, reduzir sua imagem aos olhos dos futuros alunos e do público em geral. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho podem ser utilizados nas áreas de psicologia da educação, psicologia da idade, psicologia social, pedagogia, sociologia, bem como para o desenvolvimento teórico adicional desta questão.El objetivo del estudio es analizar la implementación de las expectativas de los estudiantes al estudiar en la Universidad. El método principal para el estudio de este problema es el método del cuestionario, que permite el estudio más cualitativo y profundo de las expectativas de los jóvenes en relación con la educación superior. Se revela que los problemas existentes tienen un impacto negativo. sobre la actitud de los estudiantes hacia su institución educativa y, en consecuencia, reducir su imagen ante los futuros estudiantes y el público en general. Los datos obtenidos en este trabajo pueden utilizarse en psicología de la educación, psicología de la edad, psicología social, pedagogía, sociología, así como para un mayor desarrollo teórico de este tema.The aim of the study is to analyze the implementation of students' expectations from studying at the University. The leading method for the study of this problem is the method of the questionnaire, which allows the most qualitative and in-depth study of the expectations of young people in relation to higher education.. It is revealed that the existing problems have a negative impact on the attitude of students to their educational institution and, consequently, reduce its image in the eyes of future students and the public as a whole. The data obtained in this work can be used in the psychology of education, age psychology, social psychology, pedagogy, sociology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    Prospects for the Development of Online Learning in Higher Education in the Russian Federation

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    Статья посвящена анализу системы отечественного образования. Целью работы стало изучение текущего уровня высшего образования — его обеспеченности оборудованием, достаточностью педагогического состава и т. д. В ходе работы применялся метод анализа официальных данных. В статье приводится статистика как по динамике численности учебных организаций, так и по численности профессорско-преподавательского состава и учащихся. Дана оценка процессов реформирования системы высшего образования в России, которая заключается в недостаточности финансирования. В заключении приводятся обоснованные предложения по реформированию системы управления российским образованием, чем и обоснована актуальность и новизна работы.The article is devoted to the analysis of the system of national education. The aim of the work was to study the current level of higher education — its provision with equipment, the adequacy of the teaching staff, and so on. In the course of the work, the method of analysis of official data was used. The article provides statistics on both the dynamics of the number of educational organizations and the number of faculty and students. An assessment is given of the processes of reforming the system of higher education in Russia, which lies in the lack of funding. In conclusion, substantiated proposals are given for reforming the management system of Russian education, which justifies the relevance and novelty of the work

    Features of molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance pathogenesis in various tissues in obesity

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    Obesity is a chronic pathology, which experts of theWorld Health Organization regard as an epidemic, based on the high rates of annual growth in the proportion of the overweight population in almost all countries of the world. Obesity is the leading cause of tissue insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. This disease is fraught with serious complications: the onset and aggravation of cardiovascular pathology, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the appearance of certain types of malignant neoplasms and dysfunctions of the reproductive system. Adipose tissue, skeletal muscle and liver play unique roles in maintaining metabolic homeostasis of the whole organism. These differences are due to the tissue-specificity of the intracellular signaling  pathways of insulin. This review presents the current literature data on the features of the molecular mechanisms responsible for disturbances in the conduction of regulatory insulin signals at the intracellular level in its main target organs in obesity. The data on the nature of disturbances  in interorgan metabolic flows caused by the growth of adipose tissue mass and their participation in the formation of insulin resistance in the liver and muscles are presented. The importance of  further in-depth study of the tissue features of the mechanisms of insulin resistance pathogenesis  for the development of new targeted pharmaceuticals that will serve to improve the complex drug correction of metabolic disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes is discussed

    Peculiarities off socially important diseases spread among schoolchildren depending on their sex and age

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    The article under consideration presents the analysis of initial and general morbidity with socially important diseases of schoolchildren for the five-year period from 2008 to 2012.В статье представлен анализ первичной и общей заболеваемости социально значимыми заболеваниями детей школьного возраста за пятилетний период 2008-2012 г

    Epidemiological Situation on Tick-Borne Viral Encephalitis in the Russian Federation in 2011–2021 and Short-Term Forecast of its Development

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    The aim of the work was to analyze the epidemiological situation on tick-borne viral encephalitis in the endemic territories of the Russian Federation in 2021 in comparison with the dynamics over 2011–2020 and its shortterm forecast for 2022. In Russia, 48 constituent entities belonging to seven federal districts are endemic for tick-borne viral encephalitis (TBVE). There is a statistically significant downward trend in the incidence of TBVE in the Siberian Federal District (which is characterized by the maximum incidence rate in the country), the Volga and Far Eastern Federal Districts. In the Ural Federal District (the second in terms of TBVE incidence), the decline in the incidence has stalled since 2021. The average long-term incidence of TBVE in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation varies from sporadic (Republic of Crimea)  up to 12.5 per 100 thousand of the population (0/0000) (Krasnoyarsk Territory). In 2021, TBVE cases were detected in 42 endemic regions and in one non-endemic region – Stavropol Territory. At the same time, 1015 cases of TBVE were in the country (0.69 0/0000). In all Federal Districts, the incidence of TBVE is below the long-term average values. Using the Quantum GIS program, the incidence of TBVE in 917 administrative territories of the country has been ranked and grouped according to the level of epidemiological risk. This made it possible to establish that 65 % of the territories form a zone of low epidemiological risk. High and very high epidemiological risk is observed in 13% of the analyzed districts. The structure of TBVE clinical manifestations in 2021 was dominated by febrile (59.7 %) and meningeal (24.3 %) forms. 14 lethal outcomes were reported. In 2021, 2 889 515 people were vaccinated (including 1 433 850 children), of which 14 fell ill. Specific immunoglobulin was used to prevent the overt development of infection in 100 704 individuals, which accounts for 22.6 % of the persons affected by tick bites (30.6 % among children). Acaricidic treatments were carried out on an operational area of 233 125 hectares of territories of socially significant objects. The scope of all TBVE prevention measures in 2021 increased as compared to 2020. In 2022, a decline in the incidence of TBVE in endemic Federal Districts and in the country on the whole is forecasted to (0,64±0,192) 0/0000

    Experimental Substantiation of Cultural Technologies Introduction into Manufacturing of Anti-Rabies Immunoglobulin

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    The review provides information on the major outcomes of research and development work, performed within the frames of the Federal Target Program “National system of chemical and biological safety” (2009-2014), aimed at elaboration and introduction of cultural techniques into the manufacturing of anti-rabies immunoglobulin. Described are the key phases in methodology engineering, deployed for the large-scale cultivation of fixed rabies virus, concentration of cultural liquid, quantitation of rabies virus using PCR, and immunization of producers. Obtained pilot batches of the enhanced anti-rabies immunoglobulin, complying with normative requirements to commercial formulations, testify to the effectiveness of the developed biotechnological and methodological procedures, as well as of the designed engineering-manufacturing project documentation

    Апоптоз как фактор организации аутоиммунного воспаления при ревматоидном артрите

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    The paper summarizes the data available in the literature and those from the authors' studies on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of apoptosis and their state in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Impaired apoptotic processes in RA are one of the causes of synovial cell hyperactivation that leads to the increased inflammatory process, synovial hyperplasia, and progression of the disease as a whole. The most important feature of a cellular continuum in the affected synovial fluid is the coexistence of just two mechanisms that control apoptosis: 1) a traditional activation mechanism leading to progressive joint inflammation and destruction and 2) an inhibitory mechanism implemented through the expression of proapoptotic molecules. The apoptotic factors are a useful tool for assessing the prognosis of RA and a promising target for pharmacotherapy.В статье суммированы данные литературы и собственных исследований авторов о молекулярно-клеточных механизмах апоптоза и их состоянии при ревматоидном артрите (РА). Нарушения процессов апоптоза при РА являются одной из причин гиперактивации синовиальных клеток, ведущей к усилению воспалительного процесса, гиперплазии синовиальной оболочки и прогрессированию заболевания в целом. Важнейшая особенность клеточного континуума пораженной синовии — сосуществование сразу двух механизмов контроля апоптоза: традиционного активационного, приводящего к прогрессированию воспаления и деструкции сустава, и ингибиторного, реализуемого через экспрессию проапоптотических молекул. Факторы апоптоза являются полезным инструментом для оценки прогноза РА и перспективной мишенью для фармакотерапии

    Optimization of Specifications for Scaled-Up Fixed Rabies Virus Cultivation (“Moscow 3253” Strain) in Vero Cell Culture

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    /cell, using maintenance media 199 with admixture of 0.1 % human serum albumin or 2 % bovine serum. Optimum media volume in the roll-bottle for fixed rabies virus strain, “Moscow 3253”, cultivation is 200-400 ml. It depends upon the proliferating surface area. Specifications stated above provide for the obtainment of culture liquid with rabies virus titer - 1:256 - 1:512, if assayed in ELISA. This cultural virus is recommended as a basis for immunization material obtainment with a view to produce anti-rabies immunoglobulin from equine blood serum

    Micro-CT-based analysis of fibre-reinforced composites:Applications

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    The paper presents an overview of cases in which the analysis of the internal structure and mechanical properties of fibre reinforced composites is performed based on the micro-computed X-ray tomography (micro-CT) reconstruction of the composite reinforcement geometry. In all the cases, the analysis relies on structure tensor-based algorithms for quantification of the micro-CT image, implemented in VoxTex software