4,501 research outputs found

    Primary transit of the planet HD189733b at 3.6 and 5.8 microns

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    The hot Jupiter HD 189733b was observed during its primary transit using the Infrared Array Camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The transit depths were measured simultaneously at 3.6 and 5.8 microns. Our analysis yields values of 2.356 +- 0.019 % and 2.436 +- 0.020$ % at 3.6 and 5.8 microns respectively, for a uniform source. We estimated the contribution of the limb-darkening and star-spot effects on the final results. We concluded that although the limb darkening increases by ~0.02-0.03 % the transit depths, and the differential effects between the two IRAC bands is even smaller, 0.01 %. Furthermore, the host star is known to be an active spotted K star with observed photometric modulation. If we adopt an extreme model of 20 % coverage with spots 1000K cooler of the star surface, it will make the observed transits shallower by 0.19 and 0.18 %. The difference between the two bands will be only of 0.01 %, in the opposite direction to the limb darkening correction. If the transit depth is affected by limb darkening and spots, the differential effects between the 3.6 and 5.8 microns bands are very small. The differential transit depths at 3.6 and 5.8 microns and the recent one published by Knutson et al.(2007) at 8 microns are in agreement with the presence of water vapour in the upper atmosphere of the planet. This is the companion paper to Tinetti et al. (2007b), where the detailed atmosphere models are presented.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Astrophysical Journal 675. Accepted Nov 21, 20007, to appear on March 10, 200

    La Flora aeròbia de les apendicitis cròniques

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    Quan els mots eivissencs són legítims

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    Els antics vidres esmaltats mataronins

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    Contribució al coneixament de la mortalitat mèdico legal a Manresa (1847-1854)

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    Fins el final de l'antic regim les inscripcions dels òbits només es troben de manera continuada en els llibres de registres parroquials. Aquests han estat la font pràcticament única per conèixer la mortalitat en el nostre país, des de finals del segle XVI en que comencen aquestes inscripcions de manera habitual fins ben avançat el segle XIX. Després de 1833 es va intentar establir un registre civil de naixements, òbits i matrimonis, apart de l'eclesiàstic que continuava fent la seva funció

    Les categories subjacents a la "Benedictus Deus"

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