41 research outputs found

    Precision Beam Position Monitor for EUROTeV

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    For future linear colliders (ILC, CLIC) a new Precision Beam Position Monitor (PBPM) has been designed within the framework of EUROTeV. The design goals are a resolution of 100nm and an overall precision of 10μm, in a circular vacuum chamber of 6mm in diameter. The required frequency bandwidth is 100kHz-30MHz. The PBPM is based on an inductive type BPM. Beam positions are derived from the difference between the image currents created by the electron beam into four strip electrodes surrounding the vacuum ceramics insert. In this paper, the design of the PBPM is presented together with first bench measurements, where two micro movers and a rotational stage, installed on a vibration damped table, have been used to characterize the PBPM

    Precision Beam Position Monitor for EUROTeV

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    In the framework of EUROTeV, a Precision Beam Position Monitor (PBPM) has been designed, manufactured and tested. The new PBPM, based on the inductive BPM presently used in the CERN CLIC Test Facility (CTF3), aims to achieve a resolution of 100 nm and an accuracy of 10 μm in a 6 mm aperture. A dedicated test bench has been designed and constructed to fully characterize and optimize the PBPM. This paper describes the final design, presents the test bench results and reports on the beam tests carried out in the CERN CTF3 Linac

    Com afronten els infants amb factors de risc de TDAH l'adquisició de la lectura: la consciència fonològica com a eina per millorar l'aprenentatge dels components bàsics de la lectura a educació infantil

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    Curs 2013-2014L’adquisició de la lectura és un dels moments més importants i reconeguts socialment en la vida de l’infant, per això, amb aquesta recerca es pretén investigar les dificultats i mancances que tenen els infants davant d’aquest gran repte. Es centrarà l’atenció en aquells infants que mostren factors de risc de TDAH per tal de justificar i comprovar que aquests mostren més dificultats en l’adquisició de la lectura que els infants que no mostren aquest factor de risc. Per una altra banda, amb aquesta recerca també es pretén demostrar la importància del treball sistemàtic de la consciència fonològica en l’etapa d’educació infantil, per afavorir i garantir l’adquisició de la lectura de manera integra i significativa.The acquisition of reading is one of the most important moments and socially recognized in the child's life, so this research aims to investigate the problems that children have faced this concept. It will focus the attention on those children who show risk factors for ADHD to justify and verify that they have more difficulties in the acquisition of reading than children that do not show this risk factor. On the other hand, this research also aims to demostrate the importance of phonological work awareness in the infant education stage to improve and ensure the acquisition of reading in a meaningful way

    Status of the design of a Wide Band beam Current Monitor (WBCM) for EUROTeV

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    In the framework of EUROTeV, the conceptual design of a new wide band wall current monitor is being carried out. The design is based on the wall current monitors presently installed in CTF3. The new design aims to increase the bandwidth up to 20 GHz. The present device has been tested in a dedicated test bench to understand its limitations in terms of bandwidth. The tests with the present device and the results of the conceptual design for the new one are summarized and discussed in this report

    Preparation of cooled and bunched ion beams at ISOLDE-CERN

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    Abstract.: At ISOLDE a new RadioFrequency Quadrupole ion Cooler and Buncher (RFQCB) is being constructed to improve ion optical properties of low-energy RIBs. The new features of the mechanical design and the status of the test bench, which will serve to test the device, will be presented in this contributio

    Nuclear data libraries for IFMIF-DONES neutronic calculations

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    International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility-DEMO Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is an installation aimed to irradiate with a high neutron flux materials relevant for the construction of the DEMOnstration fusion power plant (DEMO), in order to study the damage due to irradiation. Neutrons are generated using a 40 MeV and 125 mA deuteron beam impinging on a thick liquid lithium target. With these characteristics, damage due to irradiation comparable to that in the first wall of a fusion power reactor is achieved. In this paper we investigate the differences in the neutronic calculations of the IFMIF-DONES design when using different nuclear data libraries. We first studied the differences in neutron production due to Li(d, xn) reactions between different models and evaluations, comparing the different results with experimental data. Additionally, we tested the performance of the MCNP6.2 and Geant4 Monte Carlo codes when using deuteron incident data libraries. Then, we performed neutronic calculations of the IFMIF-DONES design using the most reliable Li(d, xn) neutron production models available, which are the FZK-2005 and JENDL/DEU-2020 evaluations according to the results obtained in the first part of the study. Thus, the differences in these evaluations are propagated to different neutronic calculation results: neutron flux, primary displacement damage, gas production, and heating in the materials to be irradiated. Finally, we also carried out these same neutronic calculations while using different nuclear data libraries for the neutron transport

    Status of the Engineering Design of the IFMIF-DONES High Energy Beam Transport Line and Beam Dump System

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    IFMIF-DONES plant (In­ter­na­tional Fu­sion Ma­te­ri­als Ir­ra­di­a­tion Fa­cil­ity ’ DEMO Ori­ented Neu­tron Source) will be an in­stal­la­tion lo­cated in the south of Spain at Granada. Its ob­jec­tive is the fu­sion ma­te­r­ial test­ing by the gen­er­a­tion of a neu­tron flux with a broad en­ergy dis­tri­b­u­tion cov­er­ing the typ­i­cal neu­tron spec­trum of a (D-T) fu­sion re­ac­tor. This is achieved by the Li(d, xn) nu­clear re­ac­tions oc­cur­ring in a liq­uid lithium tar­get where a 40 MeV at 125 mA deuteron beam with a vari­able rec­tan­gu­lar beam foot­print be­tween 100mm x 50mm and 200mm x 50mm col­lides. The ac­cel­er­a­tor sys­tem is in charge of pro­vid­ing such high en­ergy deuterons in order to pro­duce the re­quired neu­tron flux. The High En­ergy Beam Trans­port line is the last sub­sys­tem of the IFMIF-DONES ac­cel­er­a­tor and its main func­tions are to guide the deuteron beam to­wards the liq­uid lithium tar­get and to shape it with the re­quired rec­tan­gu­lar ref­er­ence beam foot­print. The pre­sent work de­tails the sta­tus of the HEBT en­gi­neer­ing de­sign, in­clud­ing beam dy­nam­ics, vac­uum con­fig­u­ra­tion, ra­dio­pro­tec­tion, beam di­ag­nos­tics de­vices and re­mote han­dling analy­ses per­formed de­tail­ing the lay­out and in­te­gra­tion

    The IFMIF-DONES Project: Design Status and Main Achievements Within the EUROfusion FP8 Work Programme

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    International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility-DEMO-Oriented NEutron Source (IFMIF-DONES) is a high-intensity neutron irradiation facility for qualification of fusion reactor materials, which is being designed as part of the European roadmap to fusion-generated electricity. Its main purpose is to study the behavior of materials properties under irradiation in a neutron flux able to simulate the same effects in terms of relevant nuclear responses as those expected in the first wall of the DEMO reactor which is envisaged to follow ITER. It is thus a key facility to support the design, licensing and safe operation of DEMO as well as of the fusion power plants that will be developed afterwards. The start of its construction is foreseen in the next few years. In this contribution, an overview of the IFMIF-DONES neutron source is presented together with a snapshot of the current engineering design status and of the relevant key results achieved within the EUROfusion Work Package Early Neutron Source (WPENS) as part of the 2014–2020 EURATOM Research and Training Programme, complementary to the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (FP8). Moreover, some information on the future developments of the project are given