131 research outputs found

    Changes in University Teacher’s Pedagogical Activity in the Context of Digitalization of Education

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    The purpose of this article is to consider the changes in university teacher’s pedagogical activity in the conditions of a rapid transformation of higher education and propose a theoretical and empirical substantiation of the importance of teacher’s understanding of the value-semantic attitude to pedagogical activity, which is not limited only to mastering digital competencies, but consists in mastering pedagogical knowledge that allows you to critically analyze the productivity of modern educational strategies and methods.The conducted research was based on the methodology of post-non-classical science, which implies the widespread use of qualitative research methods that reflect the convergence of explanatory and interpretative research approaches, the use of representations, opinions, attitudes, and values of the research participants as full data.The article describes the results of studying the university teachers’ attitude to changes, the value orientations of the ongoing changes, as well as the main difficulties faced by university teachers in the context of digitalization of education – the design of educational and training programs, modern educational and methodological complex, the organization of productive self-directed work and communication with students in the educational process.The main directions of overcoming the identified difficulties are given – the construction of flexible curricula within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, the development of the digital educational environment of the university and updating the content of the professional development programs for teaching staff. The conclusion is made about the increasing importance of pedagogical knowledge in teacher’s professional activity in the conditions of a modern university

    Changes in the antigenic and genetic structure of influenza viruses: analysis of surveillance data of influenza A and B in Russia in 2006-2013

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    The goal of this research project was to study the natural variability of human influenza A and B viruses based on the analysis of the population structure of influenza viruses, circulating in Russia in 2006-2013, in order to determine the direction of their genetic and antigenic drift by comparison to the WHO reference strains. Our results proved that during that period significant changes occurred in the genetic structure of influenza viruses, their phylogenetic affiliation, as well as their sensitivity to antiviral drugs. According to the surveillance data, the percentage of influenza A(H1N1) viruses among patients with influenza-like illness or acute respiratory infection gradually decreased from 42% of the total number of influenza viruses in 2006-2007 to 19% in 2008- 2009. Influenza A(H1N1) viruses are characterized by «silent» variability that manifests in the gradual accumulation of amino acid substitutions in the minor undetectable group of viruses.The share of influenza A(H3N2) viruses varied from 10% in the 1st post pandemic year to approx. 60% in 2008-2009 and 2011- 2012 epidemic seasons. All of the influenza A strains isolated during the last years of the period, covered in this study, were found to be susceptible to neuraminidase inhibitors and resistant to adamantane antivirals.Influenza B viruses of both Yamagata and Victoria lineages circulated in Russia in the period from 2006 to 2013. The vast majority of these influenza B viruses belonged to the Victoria lineage. Phylogenetic and antigenic analyses of influenza B viruses have demonstrated a gradual drift of Russian isolates from the reference strains. No changes leading to resistance to oseltamivir or zanamivir were found in influenza B strains isolated until 2013.The goal of this research project was to study the natural variability of human influenza A and B viruses based on the analysis of the population structure of influenza viruses, circulating in Russia in 2006-2013, in order to determine the direction of their genetic and antigenic drift by comparison to the WHO reference strains. Our results proved that during that period significant changes occurred in the genetic structure of influenza viruses, their phylogenetic affiliation, as well as their sensitivity to antiviral drugs. According to the surveillance data, the percentage of influenza A(H1N1) viruses among patients with influenza-like illness or acute respiratory infection gradually decreased from 42% of the total number of influenza viruses in 2006-2007 to 19% in 2008- 2009. Influenza A(H1N1) viruses are characterized by «silent» variability that manifests in the gradual accumulation of amino acid substitutions in the minor undetectable group of viruses. The share of influenza A(H3N2) viruses varied from 10% in the 1st post pandemic year to approx. 60% in 2008-2009 and 2011- 2012 epidemic seasons. All of the influenza A strains isolated during the last years of the period, covered in this study, were found to be susceptible to neuraminidase inhibitors and resistant to adamantane antivirals. Influenza B viruses of both Yamagata and Victoria lineages circulated in Russia in the period from 2006 to 2013. The vast majority of these influenza B viruses belonged to the Victoria lineage. Phylogenetic and antigenic analyses of influenza B viruses have demonstrated a gradual drift of Russian isolates from the reference strains. No changes leading to resistance to oseltamivir or zanamivir were found in influenza B strains isolated until 2013


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    PCR clamping/wild-type blocking PCR with non-extendable locked nucleic acid (LNA) oligonucleotides is used for sensitive detection of somatic mutations in tumors. Various  versions of the technique use different DNA polymerases and LNA oligonucleotides with and  without additional phosphorothioate modifications. Here we studied requirements for successful  PCR clamping with LNA oligonucleotides and Taq DNA polymerase for analysis of mutations in  KRAS and BRAF genes by means of real-time PCR and Sanger sequencing. We found that  addition of phosphorothioate linkages at the 5’-end of LNA oligonucleotide to protect from 5’- exonuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase did not improve clamping. For most target  sequences, efficient clamping was observed at melting temperature of LNA oligonucleotide  20‑25°C above annealing/extension temperature of the PCR with a 2-step protocol. Under such  conditions, simple and sensitive detection of mutations in KRAS and BRAF genes was feasible using real-time PCR with TaqMan probes or Sanger sequencing.Специфическое блокирование амплификации аллеля дикого типа в ПЦР с помощью олигонуклеотидов, модифицированных по остатку рибозы (закрытые нуклеиновые кислоты, locked nucleic acids, LNA), используется для высокочувствительной детекции соматических мутаций в опухолях. Описаны различные версии метода анализа мутаций с использованием LNA-олигонуклеотидов как с дополнительной модификацией фосфотиоатными группами, так и без таких групп, при этом использовались  различные ДНК полимеразы. В работе проведен анализ оптимальных условий для успешного специфического блокирования ПЦР с помощью LNA-олигонуклеотидов при анализе мутаций в генах KRAS и  BRAF. Мы обнаружили, что фосфотиоатная защита на 5’-конце олигонуклеотидов не влияет на эффективность блокирования аллеля дикого типа. Выявлено, что для большинства последовательностей  эффективное блокирование наблюдается при проведении шага отжига и элонгации ПЦР при температуре на  20–25°С ниже температуры плавления LNA-олигонуклеотида. При таких условиях реакции возможна простая и высокочувствительная детекция мутаций в генах KRAS и BRAF с использованием как секвенирования по Сэнгеру, так и ПЦР в реальном времени с Taqman зондами


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    The review presents the worldwide data on the cancer incidence and mortality and risk factors for cancer.В обзоре представлены данные о заболеваемости и смертности от злокачественных новообразований и о факторах риска их развития в различных странах мира

    Two years of experience in hospital surveillance for the severe influenza like illnesses in St. Petersburg: etiology, clinical characterization of diseases, antigenic and genetic properties of isolated influenza viruses

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    In this paper, we analyze the etiology of the diseases occurring during two consecutive influenza epidemic seasons in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The analysis is based on the results of the PCR diagnostics of the clinical samples collected from patients hospitalized in three St. Petersburg hospitals with influenza like illnesses (ILI). It was shown that the influenza virus A(H1N1)pdm09 was the dominant causative agent during the 2012-2013 epidemic season while, in the 2013-2014 season, A(H3N2) virus was predominant among adults and children. The influenza B virus activity was high in the 2012-2013 season and low in the 2013-2014 season. During both seasons, the main causative agent for the hospitalization of young children was respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), followed by rhinovirus and influenza virus. The rate of involvement of parainfluenza, adenovirus, metapneumovirus and coronavirus was low and was negligible for bocavirus. Children 0-2 and 3-6 years old formed the group of patients that was affected by acute respiratory infection agents the most. Children younger than 3 months old were the major group of the intensive care unit (ICUs) patients and only 27.5% of them were adults. RSV and rhinovirus were the leading cause of ILI among the children admitted to ICU. Among the adult patients admitted to the ICU, only influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and B viruses were detected during both influenza seasons.According to the results of the antigenic and genetic analysis, most influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) viruses circulating in St. Petersburg matched the vaccine strains recommended by the WHO for vaccine composition in the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 seasons.In this paper, we analyze the etiology of the diseases occurring during two consecutive influenza epidemic seasons in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The analysis is based on the results of the PCR diagnostics of the clinical samples collected from patients hospitalized in three St. Petersburg hospitals with influenza like illnesses (ILI). It was shown that the influenza virus A(H1N1)pdm09 was the dominant causative agent during the 2012-2013 epidemic season while, in the 2013-2014 season, A(H3N2) virus was predominant among adults and children. The influenza B virus activity was high in the 2012-2013 season and low in the 2013-2014 season. During both seasons, the main causative agent for the hospitalization of young children was respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), followed by rhinovirus and influenza virus. The rate of involvement of parainfluenza, adenovirus, metapneumovirus and coronavirus was low and was negligible for bocavirus. Children 0-2 and 3-6 years old formed the group of patients that was affected by acute respiratory infection agents the most. Children younger than 3 months old were the major group of the intensive care unit (ICUs) patients and only 27.5% of them were adults. RSV and rhinovirus were the leading cause of ILI among the children admitted to ICU. Among the adult patients admitted to the ICU, only influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and B viruses were detected during both influenza seasons. According to the results of the antigenic and genetic analysis, most influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) viruses circulating in St. Petersburg matched the vaccine strains recommended by the WHO for vaccine composition in the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 seasons

    Increasing of train movement energy efficiency on a service area

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    Energy efficiency is one of the most important factors affecting the increase of the railway transport competitiveness on transport services market. Analysis showed that the main energy consumption is connected with traction of trains. To decrease the influence of this expenses item automated system «ELBRUS» that allows developing energy saving train schedules was used within the research. As a result, an optimal energy saving train schedule that improves quantitative and qualitative indexes of a service area was determined.Энергоэффективность является одним из основных факторов, влияющих на повышение конкурентоспособности железнодорожного транспорта на рынке транспортных услуг. Анализ показал, что основной расход топливно-энергетических ресурсов приходится на тягу поездов. С целью снижения данной статьи расходов в рамках исследования применен АПК «ЭЛЬБРУС», позволяющий разрабатывать вариантные энергосберегающие графики движения поездов. В результате, определен энергооптимальный вариант организации движения поездов, улучшающий количественные и качественные показатели работы участка


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    Evaluation of cancer incidence in a certain area is one of the most important components of cancer control. From 1993 to 2012, a 1.4-fold increase in the annual number of new cancer cases among the population of Siberia and the Far East was registered. The age-standardized incidence rates are increasing with aging of the population. For all cancers, cancer incidence is higher in men than in women with the exception of thyroid and skin melanoma cancer incidence. Six types of cancer incidence curves have been identified: 1) reduction; 2) high growth; 3) relatively uniform growth; 4) reduction followed by stabilization; 5) growth followed by stabilization; 6) relatively uniform increase, then a significant increase.Оценка заболеваемости злокачественными новообразованиями на определенной территории является одной из важнейших составляющих противораковой борьбы. С 1993 по 2012  число ежегодно выявляемых случаев злокачественных новообразований у населения Сибири и Дальнего Востока выросло в 1,4 раза. Рост повозрастных и стандартизованных показателей заболеваемости свидетельствует о том, что увеличение заболеваемости раком обусловлено не только постарением населения региона. При всех основных локализациях заболеваемость у мужчин выше, чем у женщин, за исключением опухолей щитовидной железы и мела номы кожи. Динамика изменений показателей заболеваемости основными локализациями рака имеет свои характерные особен ности. Выделено 6 типов динамических кривых показателей заболеваемости злокачественными новообразованиями: 1) снижение; 2) высокий рост; 3) рост относительно равномерен; 4) снижение, затем стабилизация; 5) рост, затем в разные периоды времени стабилизация; 6) относительно равномерное увеличение, затем значительный рост

    Метаболические и реологические нарушения в остром периоде ишемического инсульта

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    Objective: to study the specific features of metabolism and blood rheological properties in the acute period of ischemic stroke (IS) in patients aged less than 50 years.Subjects and methods. Thirty patients (mean age 45.1±1.1 years) having acute IS were examined. According to its severity, the patients were divided into 3 groups: 1) 8 patients with mild IS; 2) 11 patients with moderate IS; 3) 11 with severe IS. All Group 3 patients were treated at an intensive care unit. A control group comprised 20 healthy individuals (mean age 44.7±1.0 years). In all the patients, fasting blood homocysteine concentrations were measured on an IMMULITE One immunochemiluminescent analyzer (USA). The rheological properties of blood were examined, by measuring its viscosity on a rotary viscometer (Russia) at a shear rate of 10 to 200 sec-1. Fibrinogen concentrations were determined on an ACL-100 coagulograph.Results. The patients who had experienced ischemic stroke at the age of under 50 years were found to have atherogenic dyslipidemia, elevated homocysteine and fibrinogen levels and considerably increased blood viscosity, which correlated with the severity of their condition and the outcome of stroke. The highest values were noted in patients with severe ischemic stroke and a poor outcome.Conclusion. Studies of homocysteine and fibrinogen concentrations and blood viscosity may be used as additional criteria for evaluating the severity of ischemic stroke and predicting its outcome in patients aged less than 50 years. Цель исследования — изучить особенности метаболизма и реологические свойства крови в остром периоде ишемиче-ского инсульта (ИИ) у пациентов в возрасте до 50 лет.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 30 пациентов в остром периоде ИИ (средний возраст 45,1±1,1 лет). По степени тяжести пациентов распределили на три группы: 1-я группа — пациенты с ИИ легкой степени тяжести (n=8), 2-я — пациенты с ИИ средней степени тяжести (n=11), 3-я — пациенты с ИИ тяжелой степени тяжести (n=11). Все пациенты третьей группы находились на лечении в отделении реанимации. Контрольную группу составили 20 здоровых лиц (средний возраст 44,7±1,0 лет). У всех пациентов натощак определяли в крови концентрацию гомоцистеина на иммунохемилюминесцентном анализаторе «IMMULITE One» (США). Показатели липидного обмена (общий холестерин, холестерин липопротеидов различной плотности, тригли-цериды) определяли автоматизированными методами на анализаторе «HITACHI-912». Реологические свойства крови изучали, измеряя ее вязкость на ротационном вискозиметре (Россия) при скоростях сдвига в диапазоне от 10 до 200с-1. Концентрацию фибриногена определяли на коагулографе ACL-100.Результаты. У пациентов, перенесших ишемический инсульт в возрасте до 50 лет, обнаружено наличие атерогенной дислипидемии, а также коррелирующие со степенью тяжестью состояния и исходом инсульта повышенный уровень гомоцистеина, фибриногена и значительное увеличение вязкости крови. Наиболее высокие значения отмечены у больных с ишемическим инсультом тяжелой степени тяжести, с неблагоприятным исходом.Заключение. Исследования концентрации гомоцистеина, фибриногена и вязкости крови могут использоваться в качестве дополнительных критериев при оценке степени тяжести и прогнозирования исхода ишемического инсульта у пациентов в возрасте до 50 лет.


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    The present study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of pharyngeal cancer in the Tomsk region for the period between 2007 and 2015. Approximately 27 new cases of pharyngeal cancer are annually diagnosed in the region. Between 2007 and 2015, the pharyngeal cancer incidence in males was reported to be higher (80.9 %) than in females. The incidence rate of oropharyngeal cancer was 73.4 %. This incidence rate was not stable over time, and it was 2.2 per 100,000 population in 2015. In 2015, the pharyngeal cancer incidence in the Tomsk region was the highest in the Siberian Federal District (2.3 compared to 0.4) The pharyngeal cancer incidence was higher in rural than urban areas. High percentage of patients with advanced-stage disease and one-year mortality was registered in the region.Цель работы – оценить эпидемиологическую ситуацию в Томской области по раку глотки, достаточно редкому злокачественному новообразованию, но имеющему большое социальное значение.Материал и методы. В основе исследования отчетные формы территориального онкологического диспансера и территориального органа государственной статистики за 2007–2015 гг. Результаты. В среднем за год в области выявляется около 27 случаев рака глотки. Заболевание чаще диагностируется у мужчин (80,9 %). На долю опухолей ротоглотки приходится 73,4 %. В течение времени показатель заболеваемости нестабилен, в 2015 г. он составил 2,2 (ДИ 1,4–2,9) на 100 тыс. населения. Заболеваемость раком ротоглотки в 2015 г. в области – одна из самых высоких в Сибирском федеральном округе (2,3 и 0,4 соответственно). Распространенность заболевания в сельских административных районах выше, чем в городских поселениях. В области имеются проблемы в оказании онкологической помощи данной категории больных (высокая запущенность и одногодичная летальность)