24 research outputs found

    Concomitant Congenital Diaphagmatic Hernia (CDH) and bilateral bacterial glomerulonephritis in a pet chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera)

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    Background: The domestic chinchilla has been descended from Chinchilla lanigera (long-tailed Chinchilla) or Chinchilla chinchilla (short-tailed Chinchilla). Both species of chinchilla are currently listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Over the past 20 years, they have spread as pets and overall knowledge about their care is improving. The present case report describes a congenital diaphragmatic hernia in a Chinchilla lanigera. Case presentation: A 1-year-old, 420 g female chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) was presented for clinical examination due to 2 days haematuria episodes and anorexia. A complete haematological analysis was performed, showing a moderate neutrophilia and severe renal involvement. X-rays showed severe intestinal meteorism affecting mostly the cecum, and a soft tissue density mass with translucent areas located in the caudal thorax, making it hard to distinguish the cardiac silhouette. A barium swallow (barium sulfate) was performed and after 20 min, radiograms were performed again, showing part of the stomach dislocated in thorax. Ultrasound was also carried out, confirming the partial stomach herniation into the thoracic cavity and a severe nephropathy. The patient was euthanized according to the owner’s wish and a complete necropsy was performed. The diagnosis was congenital diaphragmatic hernia concomitant to a severe bilateral bacterial glomerulonephritis. Discussion and conclusions: Diaphragmatic hernias can be either congenital or acquired. About CDHs in pet chinchillas, literature is still lacking. In this patient there was no history of previous traumas. No scar tissue or thickening involved margins of the pathological diaphragm window at the necropsy, supporting the hypothesis of a congenital defect. Glomerulonephritis most often results from immune-mediated mechanisms, generally after the deposition of soluble immune complexes within the glomeruli. This mechanism is favoured by a prolonged antigenemia that could occur during specific viral infections, chronic bacterial infections, chronic parasitism, autoimmune diseases and neoplasia. Few cases of nephritis are described in chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera), mostly related to bacterial sepsis or less commonly involving fungi. The evidence of bacterial aggregates in kidneys at the histopathology, confirmed the infective aetiology. No relationship between the diaphragmatic hernia and glomerulonephritis was found in this report

    Fermi Surface Variation of Ce 4f-electrons in Hybridization Controlled Heavy-Fermion Systems

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    Ce 3d-4f resonant angle-resolved photoemission measurements on CeCoGe1.2_{1.2}Si0.8_{0.8} and CeCoSi2_{2} have been performed to understand the Fermi surface topology as a function of hybridization strength between Ce 4ff- and conduction electrons in heavy-fermion systems. We directly observe that the hole-like Ce 4ff-Fermi surfaces of CeCoSi2_{2} is smaller than that of CeCoGe1.2_{1.2}Si0.8_{0.8}, indicating the evolution of the Ce 4ff-Fermi surface with the increase of the hybridization strength. In comparision with LDA calculation, the Fermi surface variation cannot be understood even though the overall electronic structure are roughly explained, indicating the importance of strong correlation effects. We also discuss the relation between the Ce 4ff-Fermi surface variation and the Kondo peaks.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitte


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    Scopo del lavoro - Questo studio si prefigge di mettere a confronto il grado di resistenza ossea omerale tra diverse specie di rapaci per dimostrare come l’insorgenza di fratture sia maggiore in alcune specie rispetto che altre per fattori di predisposizione dovuti alle diversità anatomiche esistenti tra le diverse specie esaminate, rilevate attraverso uno studio comparativo con tomografo industriale Micro-Macrofocus per la ricostruzione 3D degli omeri e prove di resistenza con metodo Charpie. Materiali e metodi - Le specie messe a confronto in questo studio sono 4 soggetti (2 Buteo bute; 2 Falco peregrinus). Gli animali erano deceduti per varie patologie. Lo studio è stato effettuato sugli omeri destri. La prima fase di studio è stata realizzata mediante esame tomografico con un Tomografo Industriale Micro-Macrofocus. Per l’esecuzione delle tomografie sugli omeri è stato utilizzato un focal spot size di 250 μm. Durante la scansione, il macchinario ha fornito in tempo reale una ricostruzione video dell’immagine del campione sotto forma di sinogramma. Successivamente si è proceduto alla ricostruzione video delle immagini degli omeri, mettendo in successione tutte le varie scansioni ottenute in due sensi, uno prossimo-distale e uno in senso latero-laterale. Successivamente si è proceduto alle misurazioni in specifici punti anatomici: Epifisi Prossimale (a livello del forame pneumatico e della sommità della tuberosità deltoidea), Diafisi (porzione centrale del corpo della diafisi) ed Epifisi Distale (al di sopra dei condili distali), dove sono stati misurati specificatamente il diametro di sezione esterna, il diametro di sezione interna, lo spessore della corticale, le dimensione ed il numero delle trabecole ossee. Per la valutazione della densità è stato misurato (a livello della diafisi) il livello di densità apparente della corticale ossea (riportata su Scala dei grigi,) mediante coefficiente di Hunsfield (UH). La seconda fase di questo studio, ha messo a confronto mediante prove ad impatto secondo il modello Charpie, le proprietà meccaniche degli omeri delle due specie prese in esame. Sono stati valutati: l’energia assorbita dal campione e l’andamento della Forza. Tutti i singoli campioni ossei esaminati durante le tomografie sono stati misurati nei diversi punti prestabiliti, sono stati calcolati i valori medi di ogni misura per tutti i soggetti appartenenti alla stessa specie. È stato possibile mettere a confronto più semplicemente i valori medi di tutte le misure e fare così un confronto tra le due specie. Risultati - La scansione di ogni singolo campione ha avuto una durata media di circa 20 minuti. Conclusioni - L’omero di Falco Pellegrino è un osso di piccole dimensioni in lunghezza, ma certamente voluminoso; lo si può per l’appunto definire un osso molto compatto e resistente. Detta resistenza è confermata dall’elevatissimo numero rispetto le altre specie di trabecole ossee sia a livello dell’epifisi prossimale che distale, nonché da una spessa corticale sempre a livello delle dette epifisi, ma ancor più a livello diafisario. Questo quindi dovrebbe risultare più resistente rispetto le altre specie. L’omero di Poiana, se pur voluminoso, si mostra estremamente fragile. Ciò è dovuto certamente all’esiguo spessore della corticale nei vari suoi punti ed alla scarsa presenza di trabecole di sottile fattura. Anche le misurazioni con la scala dei grigi per la densità e le relative prove ad impatto confermano la debolezza della corticale. Sicuramente sono tra i soggetti più predisposti a fratture. Confrontando le prove ad impatto eseguite sui campioni ossei di Poiana e Falco Pellegrino, in base ai dati ottenuti ed alla loro interpretazione si è notato che i campioni ossei di Falco Pellegrino rispetto quello di Poiana sono molto più resistenti; ciò è stato confermato anche dai dati numerici rilevati durante le, in cui densità, numero e dimensioni delle trabecole, spessore della corticale hanno valori statisticmente maggiori nel Falco Pellegrino rispetto la poiana

    Lateral Approach for Excision of Maxillary Incisor Pseudo-Odontoma in Prairie Dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus)

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    Aim: To describe our experience with lateral approach for excision of maxillary pseudo-odontomas and to illustrate surgical outcomes and postoperative complications in seven pet prairie dogs. Materials and Methods: Excision of 11 maxillary pseudo-odontomas was performed in seven prairie dogs with lateral approach technique and clinical presentation, duration of surgery, time and type of postsurgical complications, presence or absence of symptom recurrence, time to follow-up, overall survival time and causes of death of each case were recorded. Results: Duration of surgery, postoperative hospitalization and time to autonomous feeding were 54.8 minutes, 58 hours and 1 day, respectively. Recurrence of respiratory symptoms was observed in four cases. Mean follow-up time was 632 days. Six out of seven cases were still alive at the end of the study. Conclusion: The lateral approach to excision showed good and promising results for treatment of maxillary pseudo- odontomas in prairie dogs

    Klebsiella sp.-related infectious spondylitis in a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps)

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    BACKGROUND: Spondylitis is an inflammation of the vertebrae that leads to a destructive process with exuberant new bone formation. Osteomyelitis can produce a distortion of the bone architecture, degenerative joint changes and ankyloses of adjacent vertebrae. In reptiles, intervertebral discs are absent, so the term discospondylitis is not used. In lizards, vertebral lesions have not been well studied. The present paper describes the first case of Klebsiella sp.-related spondylitis in a pet lizard (Pogona vitticeps). CASE PRESENTATION: A 2-year-old, female bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) was presented for clinical examination due to a decreased activity level, decreased appetite and constipation. Blood tests showed no remarkable alterations. The haemogram showed normal parameters with relative lymphocytosis, although the absolute number of lymphocytes did not differ from the reference values. A computed tomography scan revealed a mixed osteolytic-proliferative bone lesion diffusing to the first and last tracts of the pre-sacral vertebrae together. A small amount of material obtained from the spinal swelling was sampled with an aseptic technique for bacterial culture, which was positive for Klebsiella sp. The antibiogram revealed sensitivity to enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin, and chloramphenicol and intermediate sensitivity to gentamicin. Complete return to spontaneous feeding was achieved 15 days after the beginning of antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy. CONCLUSIONS: In veterinary medicine, spondylitis represents a well-known disease in small companion animals. In mammals, the most common aetiologic agents are fungi and bacteria. Antibiotic therapy was set based on the antibiogram, and marbofloxacin was chosen at a dosage of 10 mg/kg subcutaneously (SC) once per day (SID). After only 7 days of antibiotic therapy, the clinical condition improved significantly; the patient started feeding and drinking spontaneously and gained weight. This case should remind clinicians of the importance of always performing antibiograms before choosing any antibiotic therapy. Considering reptiles, there have been few papers about spinal diseases, mostly regarding snakes and a few about Iguana iguana. Relative to other species of saurians, the literature remains lacking


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    Scope of work - The aim of the present study is to monitor the reproductive cycle of female Royal python using ultrasonography. The Royal (Ball) python is one of the most commonly species bred in captivity. To have healthy, well acclimated, captivebred snakes an accurate monitoring of the reproductive activity is necessary. Ultrasonography has been used successfully to evaluate reproduction in many reptile species, such as tortoises, lizards and snakes. Ultrasound indeed allows the visualization of follicles, embryonic structures and viability. Materials and methods - A total of 25 adult female Python regius were examined at one week intervals between January 2015 and January 2016. All the animals were captive born and fed a diet of commercially raised rats. Pythons were individually housed in rack (80x60x20 cm) manteined at temperature of 28-29°C under a 12:12 h L/D cycle. We performed brief (5 min) scans on non-anaesthetized P. Regius using a portable ultrasound system and a 7.5-MHz linear array transducer (Esaote MyLab™ ClassC®). A layer of conductive gel was applied to the snake’s body and the transducer transversely oriented; a series of ventral and lateral scans of the lower third of each individual body was made. The position, ultrasound features, dimension and echogenicity of the ovarian follicles were determined. Results - Follicles in different stages of development were located laterally on both sides within the caudal half of the body in all female samples. We noticed a better view on the right side for nearly all animals. Round, anechoic pre-vitellogenic follicles, homogenous, hypoechoic to hyperechoic vitellogenic follicles, follicles undergoing regression and eggs in varying degrees of calcification were observed. On the basis of the sonographic appearance and size of follicles, we have divided the reproductive cycle in four phases: anovulatory phase (follicles less than 5 mm), transition phase (follicles from 5 to 10 mm), folliculogenesis (follicles from 10 to 30-35 mm) and embryogenesis (embryonic development until deposition). The folliculogenesis ends with ovulation, and thus indicates the correct time for entering of the male. Conclusions- Ultrasonography is a useful non-invasive technique to monitor reproduction both in mammals and in reptiles. The application of ultrasound in snakes has several technical considerations. The scales can produce artifacts due to the thickness of these structures and the potential air trapped between the scales themselves. These problems can be minimized by application of a conductive gel to improve contact with the transducer and displace air from under the scales. Although radiography can be used in reptiles to evaluate mineralized structured, like shelled eggs, there is poor delineation of other reproductive structures in the coelomic cavity. Ultrasonography has been widely used as a rapid and non-invasive method for image soft tissues of the coelomic cavity in reptiles. As regards snakes, there seems to be variability between species. In adult female Boa constrictor, reproductive structures have not been highlighted by ultrasonography. On the contrary, the ultrasound imaging it has been a useful method for the evaluation of reproductive activity in adult female Asian reticulated pythons. The present study suggests that by ultrasound it is possible to clearly identify the different phases of the Royal python female reproductive cycle. It is an important technique for breeding, to precisely detect folliculogenesis phase and thus to highlight the right time to introduce the male. This technique is also useful to identify the females with follicular regression or slugs producing. In conclusion our study suggests that ultrasonography gives an accurate picture of ovarian activity in adult female Royal python

    Monitoring of the reproductive cycle in captive‐bred female boa constrictor: Preliminary ultrasound observations

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    The Boa constrictor is one of the most common reptiles bred in captivity. To achieve a successful breeding season, thorough knowledge of the females’ reproductive activity is necessary. In this regard, information on the Boa constrictor is still rather scarce. The aim of the present study was to monitor the ovarian activity and the embryonic development of boas by ultrasound. We per-formed brief scans on thirty non‐anaesthetized snakes using a portable ultrasound system and a 7.5–10 MHz linear array transducer (Esaote MyLab™ Classic). Ultrasound features, dimensions, and echogenicity of the preovulatory and postovulatory follicles were determined. As gestation progresses, the postovulatory follicle size increases, and the embryonic silhouette becomes increasingly recognizable. During the second month after ovulation, by using color Doppler, early embryos’ heart activity could be evaluated. It is possible to highlight vascular connections between the mother and the membrane covering the embryonic structures. Ultrasound also allows one to identify follicular regression or slugs (nonfertilized eggs) early. The present study suggests that ultrasound could be an excellent noninvasive technique to evaluate the reproductive activity of Boa con-strictor, allowing us to precisely identify the correct time for mating, monitor embryo development and viability, and allow the early diagnosis of follicular regression

    Comparison between intramuscolar and intravenous administration of oxitocin in captive bred red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) with nonobstructive egg retention

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    Nonobstructive egg retention is quite common in captive-bred turtles and may result from several different factors, including poor husbandry and poor physical condition. Oxytocin, 1 to 40. IU/kg, can be used to stimulate oviductal contraction and induce egg deposition. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of low-dose intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) oxytocin for managing turtles with nonobstructive egg retention. Physical examination and radiographic and computed tomographic evaluations were performed in 39 female red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) that were showing overt clinical signs of egg retention. After being placed for 7 days in a suitable environment without laying their eggs, a diagnosis of nonobstructive egg retention was made in 30 of the turtles. These 30 turtles were then randomly divided in 2 groups. Group OXY-IM (n = 15) received 2. IU/kg of oxytocin IM, whereas group OXY-IV (n = 15) received the same dose IV. If animals did not lay all of their eggs within 60 minutes, a second dose (2. IU/kg) was administered. Follow-up doses were given every 120 minutes until all eggs were laid. The mean time for animals on OXY-IM to start laying and complete egg deposition was 97 ± 22.4 minutes and 246.1± 27.37 minutes, respectively. All animals required a second dose, 10 turtles (66.6%) required a third dose, and 5 turtles (33.3%) required a fourth dose. The animals in OXY-IV started laying eggs on average of 61.26 ± 13.9 minutes after treatment and completed laying eggs 147.2 ± 25.5 minutes after treatment. Six animals (40%) required a second dose of oxytocin, and 4 (26.6%) required a third dose. There were significant differences (p < 0.001) in the elapsed time between the first injection and the start of egg deposition and total egg deposition between the 2 treatment groups. In conclusion, oxytocin administered IV provided faster results than IM dosing for the treatment of nonobstructive egg retention in red-eared sliders. No side effects were observed in either treatment group. © 2014 Elsevier Inc

    Cytobrushing of the oral mucosa as a possible tool for early detection of testudinid herpesvirus in Horsfield’s tortoises with nonspecific clinical signs

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    Forty-five Horsfield’s tortoises (Testudo horsfieldii; syn. Agrionemys horfieldii, Russian tortoise) belonging to different owners had decreased appetite and respiratory issues. Twenty-nine tortoises had epiphora, dyspnea, and white necrotic diphtheroid oral plaques (group G1). Ten of the remaining 16 tortoises had serious dehydration, appetite disorder, and depression (G2). The last 6 tortoises had only decreased appetite and moderate conjunctival discharge (G3). During the physical examination of all 45 tortoises, a cytologic sample and an oral swab for herpesvirus and Mycoplasma agassizii PCR testing were taken. In 20 of 29 specimens from G1, in 8 of 16 from G2, and 0 of 6 from G3, the cytologic exam revealed intranuclear acidophilic inclusion bodies, multinucleate cellular syncytia, and further abnormalities caused by herpesviral infection. Moreover, all 45 tested subjects were found to be positive for testudinid herpesvirus 1; 2 were positive for M. agassizii. This prospective study suggests that Horsfield’s tortoises with such signs would benefit from this screening procedure, given that it was effective in a significant proportion of infected and symptomatic animals, and no negative effects were seen