67 research outputs found

    Application of the Agricultural Chemistry Monitoring for Forming of Strategy Management Soils Fertility in Volin Area

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    Актуальність роботи визначена потребою в науковому забезпеченні підстав для формування системи заходів із відтворення та підвищення родючості ґрунтів. Обґрунтування необхідності стимулювання застосування агроприйомів здійснено на підставі агрохімічної паспортизації земель сільськогосподарського призначення. Розглянуто стан та основні тенденції базових агрохімічних показників ґрунтів у Волинській області та запропоновано заходи для стратегії управління їх родючістю. Визначено пріоритети стосовно стимулювання агровиробників у напрямку відтворення запасів гумусу, елементів живлення, підтримання рівня кислотності та застосування мікроелементів. Зокрема, рекомендовано забезпечити повернення в ґрунт не менше 7–10 т/га органіки, збільшити застосування калійних добрив, оптимізувати азотне підживлення згідно даних ґрунтової та листової діагностики. Запропоновано забезпечити підтримку розвитку виробництва екологічно чистої продукції на підставі досліджень вмісту ксенобіотиків та хімічних забруднювачів у ґрунтах. Volin branch of GO «Institute guard soils of Ukraine». Actuality of work is certain a requirement in the scientific providing of grounds for forming of the system measures on recreation and increase of fertility soils. Ground of necessity of stimulation application agrireceptions it is carried out on the basis of the agricultural chemistry passport-system of earths of the agricultural setting. Consisting and basic tendencies of base agricultural chemistry indexes of soils is considered of the Volin area and measures are offered for strategy of management their fertility. Certainly priorities are in relation to stimulation agriproducers in direction recreation supplies of gumus, elements feed, maintenance of level acidity and application of microelements. In particular, recommended to ensure the return of the ground not less than 7-10 t/ha of organic matter, increase application of potash, optimize nitrogen feeding according to the data of soil and leaf diagnosis.Support to provide development production of environmentally clean goods is offered on the basis of researches maintenance xenobiotics and chemical contaminations in soils

    Об особенностях алмазов перспективных территорий Сибирской платформы

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    oai:ojs.geology-vestnik.psu.ru:article/75As a result of carried out research and summarized materials on specific features of diamonds of the Siberian platform, conclusions were made that indications exist at all the levels of their occurrence: from diamondiferous provinces, sub-provinces, fields, diatremes, to ore columns. All the diamond varieties in kimberlite rocks forms not paragenetic, but parasteric associations based on the similarity of their coexistence in the kimberlites. Morphological criteria of kimberlite diamondiferousness according the quantitative content of rounded diamonds were formulated. Sufficient differences in diamondiferousness of kimberlites through all the explored depth of diatremes (up to 1200 m) were not revealed.По результатам проведенных исследований и обобщения материалов об особенностях алмазов в кимберлитах Сибирской платформы сделаны выводы, что существуют индикаторные признаки на всех уровнях их нахождения: от кимберлитовых провинций, субпровинций, полей, диатрем до рудных столбов. Совокупность разновидностей алмаза в кимберлитовых породах образует не парагенетические, а парастерические ассоциации, связанные общностью их сонахождения в кимберлитах. Сформулированы морфологические критерии алмазоносности кимберлитов в зависимости от количественного содержания в них округлых алмазов. Не установлено существенных различий в алмазоносности кимберлитов на разведанную глубину диатрем (до 1200 м)

    Evolutionary aspects of thymology in pediatric practice

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    The thymus is now considered a derivative of the immune system being, to greater extent, its central organ. Immunodeficiency states and immune dysregulation also depend on the quality of the thymus, which may be determined both genetically and by fetopathic approach as well as due to the possibility and mode of its intravital injuries, age-related involution over different periods of life. Not accidentally, there are various morphometric bipolar states of the thymus gland in the pediatric population (3-7%), whereas its size may be sufficiently larger or smaller than the reference variable values. In certain cases, the phenomenon of thymomegaly (for example, in newborns) is considered a result of genetic errors (neuro-endocrine-immune syndrome with thymomegaly) induced by the mutated Hox genes. This syndrome may also be associated with congenital heart disorders. Moreover, the excessive morbidity in respiratory infections (commonly, viral by their etiology) among young children with bipolar thymus conditions remains the subject of sharp discussions. Some works assessing immune status in the children subjected to forced thymectomy, e.g., during heart surgery, yielded quite controversial results, even in cases of subtotal removal of thymus gland.Dialectically, the concepts of “morphology” and “organ function” could not be separated from one another. The morphometric transformations in organs (even transient ones) occuring within the range of > 95 and < 5 percentiles, should be almost always underlied by a certain pathomorphosis which require verification of their causes and origin. Even today, however, the assessment of thymus pathomorphology in the deceased children is not always critical, being often descriptive. This situation is, probably, associated with extreme complexity of thymic morphology assessment. The final point seems to be not set in the discussion about immunodeficiency states or immune dysregulation among children with bipolar thymus transformations. This is due to current absence of reliable immune-mediated biomarkers, the limited availability of genetic diagnostics in primary immunodeficiency conditions, and a decreased interest of clinical science in the issues of bipolar conditions of the thymus gland at the early age, in the absence of longitudinal observations in this category of patients, etc. In this article, the authors attempt to draw attention of researchers to this problem

    Thymic gland aspects in childhood: morpho-functional reciprocal relationships betwen thymus, nervous and endocrine system, in particular, with the somatotrophic axis hormones

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    Thymic gland (thymus) represents a huge mystery for biology, medicine (primarily immunology), including pediatric issues. Complexity of the study is determined by the multiplicity of integral connections of thymus with other components of immune system, neuroendocrine, hematopoietic systems, connective tissue, different organs and cells which provide appropriate barrier function. Discerning the direct thymic function from this continuum, or determining specific role of molecular factors (neuropeptides, growth hormone, etc.) upon the immune physiology represents a problem which is not yet resolved. In this review article dedicated to the current state of the problem, we consider the morphological and functional relationships between thymus, neuroendocrine system and, in particular, with hormones of the somatotropic axis. These interactions may also manifest by clinical heterogeneity which may be associated with impaired morphogenesis (organogenesis) at a very early stage of embryogenesis; namely, under the influence of gene family that determine the fate of each segment of the embryo-Hox genes which control the expression of other, functionally interconnected genes. Previously, T lymphocytes produced by the thymus and brain neurons have been shown to express the same antigen (Thy antigen), which was considered a specific antigen of T lymphocytes. A common molecular language, mediated by the molecules of intercellular interaction, was revealed which is used for the signal exchange between the cells, tissues and organs regulating the three mentioned systems (nervous, endocrine and immune). The interest of pediatricians in this field is associated with definite concept of human ontogenesis, from birth to elderly age, with thymic gland playing the main role, since antenatal period to early childhood. The main line of reasoning in this research area is not only theoretical, but also important from practical point of view. Since any critical involution of the thymus is accompanied by reduced number of produced and exported cells, a hormone-based therapy may be an alternative strategy to restore the organ by increasing thymocyte proliferation, and exporting mature T cells to peripheral lymphoid organs. Great opportunities have been opened in clinical immunology due to development of effective epistemological methods, e.g., genetic knock-out, transgenic animal models with human stem cell transfer, transplantation of hematopoietic and immunopoietic cells in primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, immune cell malignancies, autoinflammatory diseases, and, finally, infections of the immune system

    Mitochondrial Structure, Function and Dynamics Are Temporally Controlled by c-Myc

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    Although the c-Myc (Myc) oncoprotein controls mitochondrial biogenesis and multiple enzymes involved in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), the coordination of these events and the mechanistic underpinnings of their regulation remain largely unexplored. We show here that re-expression of Myc in myc−/− fibroblasts is accompanied by a gradual accumulation of mitochondrial biomass and by increases in membrane polarization and mitochondrial fusion. A correction of OXPHOS deficiency is also seen, although structural abnormalities in electron transport chain complexes (ETC) are not entirely normalized. Conversely, the down-regulation of Myc leads to a gradual decrease in mitochondrial mass and a more rapid loss of fusion and membrane potential. Increases in the levels of proteins specifically involved in mitochondrial fission and fusion support the idea that Myc affects mitochondrial mass by influencing both of these processes, albeit favoring the latter. The ETC defects that persist following Myc restoration may represent metabolic adaptations, as mitochondrial function is re-directed away from producing ATP to providing a source of metabolic precursors demanded by the transformed cell

    EphA3 Expressed in the Chicken Tectum Stimulates Nasal Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Growth and Is Required for Retinotectal Topographic Map Formation

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    BACKGROUND: Retinotopic projection onto the tectum/colliculus constitutes the most studied model of topographic mapping and Eph receptors and their ligands, the ephrins, are the best characterized molecular system involved in this process. Ephrin-As, expressed in an increasing rostro-caudal gradient in the tectum/colliculus, repel temporal retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons from the caudal tectum and inhibit their branching posterior to their termination zones. However, there are conflicting data regarding the nature of the second force that guides nasal axons to invade and branch only in the caudal tectum/colliculus. The predominant model postulates that this second force is produced by a decreasing rostro-caudal gradient of EphA7 which repels nasal optic fibers and prevents their branching in the rostral tectum/colliculus. However, as optic fibers invade the tectum/colliculus growing throughout this gradient, this model cannot explain how the axons grow throughout this repellent molecule. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By using chicken retinal cultures we showed that EphA3 ectodomain stimulates nasal RGC axon growth in a concentration dependent way. Moreover, we showed that nasal axons choose growing on EphA3-expressing cells and that EphA3 diminishes the density of interstitial filopodia in nasal RGC axons. Accordingly, in vivo EphA3 ectodomain misexpression directs nasal optic fibers toward the caudal tectum preventing their branching in the rostral tectum. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated in vitro and in vivo that EphA3 ectodomain (which is expressed in a decreasing rostro-caudal gradient in the tectum) is necessary for topographic mapping by stimulating the nasal axon growth toward the caudal tectum and inhibiting their branching in the rostral tectum. Furthermore, the ability of EphA3 of stimulating axon growth allows understanding how optic fibers invade the tectum growing throughout this molecular gradient. Therefore, opposing tectal gradients of repellent ephrin-As and of axon growth stimulating EphA3 complement each other to map optic fibers along the rostro-caudal tectal axis