58 research outputs found

    Changes in the rehabilitation status of irrigated lands in the Volgograd Oblast during 2001–2018

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    A comparative assessment of the rehabilitation status of irrigated lands, which are located in different natural areas of the Volgograd Oblast, is presented for 2001–2018. It was found that during the specified period there were recorded significant changes in the condition of irrigated lands: the total irrigation area has dramatically decreased since 2001 (-31%), especially at local runoff (-44.5%), the groundwater level has decreased (the level >5 m remains on 78% of the area). Also on this background, the areas of secondary salinized soils were also decreased (-3.9%). The main problems at the present are: the presence of fallow lands and rain-fed lands initially cultivated for irrigation, the lack of drainage on the most of irrigation systems and significant areas of saline soils requiring rehabilitation. Differences in natural conditions have largely determined the current rehabilitation state of irrigated soils and the intensity of their changes. Thus, the largest areas of secondary saline soils are preserved on irrigation systems located on the initially highly saline, poorly drained soils of the Khvalyn clay plain (Pallasovka, Svetloyarsk irrigation systems). Reconstruction of a number of irrigation systems with areas of secondary saline soils gave a positive result, after which secondary saline soils on reclaimed lands were not detected (Large Volgograd, Tyazhin irrigation systems). Significant areas of saline soils can be found on irrigated lands in the distribution areas of natural saline soils and chestnut, light chestnut saline soils – in the south of the Volga Upland, in the area of the Northern Yergeni and on the Khvalyn clay plain (Gorodishуsche, Generalovskoye, Pallasovka, etc. irrigation systems). Inherent research on the Volga-Don irrigation system with the involvement of remote sensing data has shown that this system reflects the general features of the modern rehabilitation condition of irrigated lands of the Volgograd Oblast – fallow lands, lack of drainage, and widespread saline soils are specific for this area. The use of high-resolution multispectral satellite images (Landsat-8, Sentinel-2) for the purposes of detection of fallow and irrigated lands in the current season demonstrates the possibility of clarifying information on this category of land. The determination of the distribution of salinized and solonetzic soils on irrigated lands of the Volgograd Oblast by remote methods can be carried out indirectly, i. e. according to the state of vegetation: when areas of sparse vegetation cover are being identified on images, targeted routes for soil surveys and soil sampling are selected

    Analysis of information about the alkaline soil areas in Russia at the end of the XX and beginning of the XXI centuries

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    The definitions of “alkaline” and “alkaline-solonetzic soils” are given in the paper. The data on the alkaline soils distribution in the national Soil Fund and in Russian agricultural areas are represented based on the summary of materials from late XX and early XXI centuries. It is shown that the data provided in the State reports of 2016 and 2019, in the monograph “Global climate and soil cover of Russia” (2019) and in other reviewed sources do not always coincide and do not allow us to get a clear idea about the alkaline soils distribution throughout the territory of the country and within the agricultural lands. However, the most important issue is to become acquainted and evaluate methodological approaches, currently used to obtain information about the distribution and changes of alkaline and alkaline-solonetzic soils on the territory of certain regions of the country and Russia as a whole. The materials presented in the paper indicate that the data on the areas of alkaline and alkaline-solonetzic soils need to be clarified on the basis of state-of-the-art remote sensing methods and ground-based soil mapping. At the same time, it is necessary to develop and approve unified methodological approaches for consideration of alkaline and alkaline-solonetzic soils on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is noted that the areas of irrigated lands need to be independently monitored and separated from the total Soil Fund of agricultural land, as well as a separate calculation of fallow, alkaline and solonetzic soils on irrigated land


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    It is shown that in highly developed countries a balance models and general computable equilibrium models are used to predict the dynamics of labor and employment markets. It was noted that a holistic approach to forecasting the needs of the national economies in qualified personnel was developed abroad, based on the optimal combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The necessity of revealing and analyzing the factors determining the current and prospective demand and supply of labor in the digital economy is substantiated. The expediency of creating an early warning system in the Russian Federation that allows timely detection of trends in the dynamics of demand and supply of skilled labor in order to develop strategic forecasts of the labor market and the formation of an effective state employment policy is argued

    Distribution of salinity in irrigated soils in the area of the Sarpinskaya hollow in the Caspian lowland

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    The current state of salinity of irrigated soils in the area of the Sarpinskaya hollow in the Caspian lowland has been studied, using the example of the Duboovrazhny irrigated plot in the Volgograd region. At the peak of irrigation in the 85-90s of the last century, forage grasses were cultivated on the plot, irrigation was carried out by sprinkler irrigation, the groundwater level remained satisfactory, and there were no foci of secondary soil salinization. Currently, the plot is a private farm, where melons and vegetables are grown using drip irrigation, the groundwater level remains satisfactory with local formation of temporal water saturated layer. To identify the features of the process of salinization in irrigated soils in the Sarpinskaya hollow based on the materials of the field work performed in 2018–2019, a model of two-dimensional distribution (depth, distance) of the activity of ions (Ca2+, Cl–, Na+) over several profiles along weakly concave low ranges and elongated hollows between them and across relief wave was created. It was revealed that natural soil salinization predominates in the study plot mainly deeper than 1 m, and results from shallow bedding of Khvalynian chocolate clays at ranges. Solonchakous soils occur in elongated hollows between ranges where surface and subsurface runoff water is accumulated and natural drainability is low. Residual traces of soil secondary salinization expressed in the presence of calcium chloride in the soil solution were found. The maximum values of salts and exchangeable sodium are concentrated in the deeper part of the soil profile

    "Зелений" синтез етилових естерів 4-гідрокси-2-оксо-1,2-дигідрохінолін-3-карбонових кислот

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    One of the most convenient methods for obtaining ethyl of N-substituted 4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylates and their tricyclic analogues at present is condensation of the corresponding anilines with triethyl methanetricarboxylate. In spite of the fact that there are many methods describing the successful performance of this reaction in conditions of laboratory, but unfortunately, all of them appeared to be completely unusable for large production for a variety of reasons. The study of quality of the esters of 4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic acids by HPLC has shown that all of them contain from 2.4 to 5.6% of specific admixtures of 4-hydroxy-1,2-dihydroquinolin- 2-ones. In laboratory conditions these amounts can be neglected, but for industrial manufacture they can turn into great losses. The source of admixtures of 4-hydroxy-1,2-dihydroquinolin-2-ones appearing in crude esters can be only the esters themselves. It is obvious that ester grouping is partially destroyed not in the process of separation of the final products, but during the course of the basic reaction. It has been experimentally proven that the cause of contamination of the target products with the admixtures of the corresponding 4-hydroxy-1,2-dihydroquinolin-2-ones is water, which is present in reagents. Applying the principles of «green chemistry» the alternative for carrying out the syntheses of ethyl 4-hydroxy-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylates adapted for industrial manufacture has been suggested on the basis of N-substituted anilines and triethyl methanetricarboxylate.Одним из наиболее удобных способов получения этиловых эфиров N-замещённых 4-гидрокси-2-оксо-1,2-дигидрохинолин-3-карбоновых кислот и их трициклических аналогов в настоящее время остаётся конденсация соответствующих анилинов с триэтилметантрикарбоксилатом. Несмотря на то, что методов успешного проведения этой реакции в лабораторных условиях описано достаточно много, все они, к сожалению, по разным причинам оказались совершенно непригодными для крупного производства. Изучение качества получаемых сложных эфиров 4-гидрокси-2-оксо-1,2-дигидрохинолин-3-карбоновых кислот методом ВЭЖХ показало, что все они содержат от 2,4 до 5,6% специфических примесей 4-гидрокси-1,2-дигидрохинолин-2-онов. В лабораторной практике этими количествами можно пренебречь, но для промышленного производства они могут обернуться значительными потерями. Источником появления в неочищенных эфирах примесей 4-гидрокси-1,2-дигидрохинолин-2-онов могут быть только сами эти эфиры. Очевидно сложноэфирная группировка частично разрушается не при выделении конечных продуктов, а ещё в процессе проведения основной реакции. Экспериментально доказано, что причиной загрязнения целевых продуктов примесями соответствующих 4-гидрокси-1,2-дигидрохинолин-2-онов является присутствующая в реагентах вода. Руководствуясь принципами «зелёной химии», мы предложили адаптированный под промышленное производство вариант проведения синтезов этиловых эфиров 4-гидрокси-2-оксо-1,2-дигидрохинолин-3-карбоновых кислот на основе N-замещённых анилинов и триэтилметантрикарбоксилата.Одним з найбільш зручних способів одержання етилових естерів N-заміщених 4-гідрокси-2-оксо-1,2-дигідрохінолін-3-карбонових кислот та їх трициклічних аналогів на теперішній час залишається конденсація відповідних анілінів з триетилметантрикарбоксилатом. Незважаючи на те, що методів успішного проведення цієї реакції в лабораторних умовах описано досить багато, всі вони, на жаль, з різних причин виявились зовсім непридатними для масштабного виробництва. Вивчення якості одержуваних естерів 4-гідрокси-2- оксо-1,2-дигідрохінолін-3-карбонових кислот методом ВЕРХ показало, що всі вони містять від 2,4 до 5,6% специфічних домішок 4-гідрокси-1,2-дигідрохінолін-2-онів. У лабораторній практиці такими кількостями можна знехтувати, але для промислового виробництва вони можуть обернутися значними втратами. Джерелом появи в неочищених естерах домішок 4-гідрокси-1,2-дигідрохінолін-2-онів можуть бути тільки самі ці естери. Очевидно естерне угрупування частково розкладається не при виділенні кінцевих продуктів, а ще в процесі проведення основної реакції. Експериментально доведено, що причиною забруднення цільових продуктів специфічними домішками відповідних 4-гідрокси-1,2-дигідрохінолін-2-онів є присутня в реагентах вода. Керуючись принципами «зеленої хімії», ми запропонували адаптований під промислове виробництво варіант проведення синтезів етилових естерів 4-гідрокси-2-оксо-1,2-дигідрохінолін-3-карбонових кислот на основі N-заміщених анілінів та триетилметантрикарбоксилату

    Modern state of irrigated soils at the south of the Volga upland

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    The goal is to assess the impact of 50-year irrigation by sprinkling on soil processes occurring in the light-chestnut soils (Luvic Kastanozem (Loamic, Aric, Protosodic, Bathysalic)) of the southern slopes of the Volga upland at the Volga-Don interfluve (FSUE “Oroshaemoe”, the Volgograd region) with deep ground water. Water for irrigation is supplied from the Varvarovsky reservoir of the Volga-Don Canal system. It is characterized by a total dissolved salts of about 1 g/l, a bicarbonate-chloride-sulfate compositionwith an increased sodium content. Detailed morphological description of soil profiles, granulometric composition, content of soluble salts in soils and sediments of the vadoze zone up to the depth of 3.5 m, dynamics of salts in the layer of 0-50 cm for 2011-2019 are presented. Until the autumn of 2015, the studied soils were deep saline, being no saline in the layer of 0-100 cm. In recent years, a weak salinity degree of soda-chloride sodium chemistry has been observed in the 0-50 cm layer as a result of gradual accumulation of irrigation water salts during irrigation organized according to water consumption of agricultural crops. Irrigated soils have acquired a complex of signs of secondary salinity: (1) the presence of light accumulations of sandy and silt mineral grains in the arable horizon, resulting from the destructive effect of irrigation water drops during sprinkling; (2) toxic alkalinity associated with sodium (residual sodium carbonate), according to water extraction 1 : 5 (soil : water), in the horizons from the depth of 10-20 to 60100 cm; (3) abundant humus-clay cutans on the lateral side faces of prismatic structural units in the undisturbed part of the soil profile from 30 to 100 cm

    The Evolution of Antitrust Regulation in Russia in Digital Era

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    The article includes a comprehensive analysis of changes that have been taking place in Russian antitrust enforcement in response to the digitalization of the economy. Digitalization has led to increase of the role of information and digital platforms in day-to-day business activities of the market players. Digitalization vanished geographical boundaries of the digital markets and modified market structures in general. Innovative technologies, big data, and intellectual property have become the key drivers of economic growth. The authors analyze new violations of antimonopoly legislation in the digital era (in particular collusive tendering using auction robots), the anticompetitive effects resulting from the use of pricing algorithms, and the first approaches of the antitrust authority to regulations of the algorithmic pricing. In addition, within the framework of this article, the first legal positions of the antitrust authority regarding the use of pricing algorithms, as well as the new approaches of the regulator to the analysis of digital markets in merger control are considered, taking into account such factors as network effects, big data and technologies. Moreover, the authors analyze the first practice of using the technology transfer as a remedy in merger control by the antitrust authority to mitigate anti-competitive effects of the transactions planned in the Russian market. Finally, the authors conduct an overview of the new legal provisions governing the mandatory pre-installation of applications by Russian developers, and also describe the background for this initiative. When considering the above topics, the authors deeply analyze the relevant Russian and foreign legislation, draft laws, and the law enforcement practice of the Federal Antimonopoly Service. New approaches of the regulator to the analysis of digital markets in the framework of antitrust investigations and merger control, as well as automation of the processes of detecting antitrust violations, demand more attention from market players. Companies are encouraged to take these trends into account in their business activities, reflect them in antitrust compliance programs, as well as implement additional measures to prevent potential antitrust violations in digital markets, in particular, committed with the use of pricing algorithms

    Managing iron and steel enterprises: study of innovative methods of industrial engineering (logistics approach)

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    Specifics of the logistics approach in managing an iron and steel enterprise is reviewed. Attention is focused on the logistics management issues; the areas of their solution are defined. The article proposes an economic mechanism for managing the logistics activities of iron and steel enterprises, including a set of consistent, mutually agreed management activities and measures that encompasses the cycle of assessing, analyzing and optimizing logistics activities and aims at achieving the performance goals. The mechanism is based on a system of methods, models and techniques and provides for the adjustment and control of deviations, thereby ensuring timely response to the deteriorating parameters of managing the logistics activities of an iron and steel enterprise


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    In Yaroslavl region the death rate and physical inability indicators caused by cardiovascular diseases (including an arterial hypertension) take a leading place and exceed average indicators in Russia. For effective preventive maintenance and treatment of the given pathology maintenance of all categories needing necessary medical products is very significant. In the conditions of refusal of the most part of the population of the free medicinal help according to Federal Law №178-ФЗ from 7/17/1999 the increasing loading on medicinal maintenance lays down on the regional budget. The analysis of dynamics of maintenance sick of an arterial hypertension at the expense of the regional budget for 2008-2011 has revealed expansion of structure of assortment according to the modern recommendations, essential increase in quantity and cost released antihypertensive drugs that are caused by decrease in average costof one prescription.В Ярославской области показатели смертности и инвалидности, обусловленные заболеваниями системы кровообращения (включая артериальную гипертонию) занимают ведущее место и превышают среднероссийские показатели. Для эффективной профилактики и лечения данной патологии необходимо обеспечение всех категорий нуждающихся необходимыми лекарственными препаратами. В условиях отказа большой части населения от бесплатной лекарственной помощи, в соответствии с ФЗ №178-ФЗ от 17.07.1999, все большая нагрузка по лекарственному обеспечению ложится на региональный бюджет. Анализ динамики обеспечения больных артериальной гипертонией за счет областного бюджета за 2008-2011 г. выявил расширение структурыассортимента в соответствии с современными рекомендациями, существенное увеличение количества и стоимости отпущенных антигипертензивных лекарственных препаратов, что обусловлено снижением средней стоимости одного рецепта

    Status of Biodiversity in the Baltic Sea

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    The brackish Baltic Sea hosts species of various origins and environmental tolerances. These immigrated to the sea 10,000 to 15,000 years ago or have been introduced to the area over the relatively recent history of the system. The Baltic Sea has only one known endemic species. While information on some abiotic parameters extends back as long as five centuries and first quantitative snapshot data on biota (on exploited fish populations) originate generally from the same time, international coordination of research began in the early twentieth century. Continuous, annual Baltic Sea-wide long-term datasets on several organism groups (plankton, benthos, fish) are generally available since the mid-1950s. Based on a variety of available data sources (published papers, reports, grey literature, unpublished data), the Baltic Sea, incl. Kattegat, hosts altogether at least 6,065 species, including at least 1,700 phytoplankton, 442 phytobenthos, at least 1,199 zooplankton, at least 569 meiozoobenthos, 1,476 macrozoobenthos, at least 380 vertebrate parasites, about 200 fish, 3 seal, and 83 bird species. In general, but not in all organism groups, high sub-regional total species richness is associated with elevated salinity. Although in comparison with fully marine areas the Baltic Sea supports fewer species, several facets of the system's diversity remain underexplored to this day, such as micro-organisms, foraminiferans, meiobenthos and parasites. In the future, climate change and its interactions with multiple anthropogenic forcings are likely to have major impacts on the Baltic biodiversity