3,576 research outputs found

    Knowledge Discovery in Online Repositories: A Text Mining Approach

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    Before the advent of the Internet, the newspapers were the prominent instrument of mobilization for independence and political struggles. Since independence in Nigeria, the political class has adopted newspapers as a medium of Political Competition and Communication. Consequently, most political information exists in unstructured form and hence the need to tap into it using text mining algorithm. This paper implements a text mining algorithm on some unstructured data format in some newspapers. The algorithm involves the following natural language processing techniques: tokenization, text filtering and refinement. As a follow-up to the natural language techniques, association rule mining technique of data mining is used to extract knowledge using the Modified Generating Association Rules based on Weighting scheme (GARW). The main contributions of the technique are that it integrates information retrieval scheme (Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency) (for keyword/feature selection that automatically selects the most discriminative keywords for use in association rules generation) with Data Mining technique for association rules discovery. The program is applied to Pre-Election information gotten from the website of the Nigerian Guardian newspaper. The extracted association rules contained important features and described the informative news included in the documents collection when related to the concluded 2007 presidential election. The system presented useful information that could help sanitize the polity as well as protect the nascent democracy

    Effects of Cadmium, Lead, Manganese, and Zinc at WHO Safe Limits in Drinking Water on the in Vitro Availability of Chloramphenicol

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    In the present study, The in vitro availability of chloramphenicol was studied in the presence of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) at 0.01, 0.003, 0.5 and 3 mg/L respectively corresponding to WHO safe limits in drinking water for each of the metals. The in vitro availability study was carried out in simulated gastric juice (0.1 M HCl) and intestinal pH (phosphate buffer pH 9.0) at 37°C using a dissolution apparatus. Samples were taken at 15 minutes intervals over a period of 3 hours and analyzed for concentration of chloramphenicol available using a Helios Zeta Model 164617 UV/VIS spectrophotometer at 278nm. In simulated gastric juice, a maximum availability of 99.48 % was achieved for chloramphenicol alone, while 89.48, 93.48, 105.88 and 93.60% of the drug was detected in the presence of Cd, Mn, Pb, and Zn respectively. The corresponding maximum availabilities in simulated intestinal pH were 64.12 for chloramphenicol alone, and 64.36, 83.76, 80.72 and 64.96 % in the presence of Cd, Mn, Pb, and Zn respectively. The presence of Cd did not affect the overall availability of chloramphenicol in both media; while the availability of the drug was observed to increase slightly in the  presence of Pb in both media. In simulated gastric juice, Mn and Zn did not affect the availability of chloramphenicol. However, their presence slightly increased the availability of the drug in simulated intestinal pH. The results of this study indicate that the absorption and subsequent bioavailability of chloramphenicol may not be reduced by Cd, Pb, Mn, and Zn at  concentrations corresponding to WHO safe limits in drinking water. Bioavailability may even be enhanced especially in the intestine, which may result in therapeutic effectiveness. Key words: Chloramphenicol, metal cations, in vitro availabilit

    The case for validating ADDIE model as a digital forensic model for peer to peer network investigation

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    Rapid technological advancement can substantially impact the processes of digital forensic investigation and present a myriad of challenges to the investigator. With these challenges, it is necessary to have a standard digital forensic framework as the foundation of any digital investigation. State-of-the-art digital forensic models assume that it is safe to move from one investigation stage to the next. It guides the investigators with the required steps and procedures. This brings a great stride to validate a non-specific framework to be used in most digital investigation procedures. This paper considers a new technique for detecting active peers that participate in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. As part of our study, we crawled the μTorrent P2P client over ten days in different instances while logging all participating peers. We then employed digital forensic techniques to analyse the popular users and generate evidence within them with high accuracy. We evaluated our approach against the standard Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model for the digital investigation to achieve the credible digital evidence presented in this paper. Finally, we presented a validation case for the ADDIE model using the United States Daubert Test and the United Kingdom’s Forensic Science Regulator Guidance – 218 (FSR-G-218) and Forensic Science Regulator Guidance – 201 (FSR-G-201) to formulate it as a standard digital forensic model

    Kajian Keuntungan antara Penyertaan Modal pada Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Gurami (Oshpronemus Gouramy, Lac) dengan Perolehan Bunga Deposito Bank

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    Ikan gurami (Oshpronemus gouramy, Lac) merupakan ikan asli Indonesia dan berasal dari perairan daerah Jawa Barat, Kegiatan pembenihan ikan gurami untuk ber produksi menggunakan sumber daya modal finansial. Sumber daya modal finansial merupakan faktor produksi yang harus dikelola secara efisien dan efektif. Usaha pembenihan ikan gurami umumnya dilaksanakan dalam skala USAha rumah tangga. Mendepositokan uang di bank termasuk USAha memperoleh pendapatan dari bunga yang diberikan sebagai imbal jasa atas penyertaan sejumlah uang pada sebuah lembaga keuangan atau bank. Penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Deskriftif kuantitatif melalui berbagai analisa yang di lakukan, hasil uji/penelitian didasarkan pada variable-variable input dan output sehingga dapat diperoleh suatu perbandingan antara penyertaan modal terhadap USAha pembenihan ikan gurami dengan menempatkan dana dalam bentuk deposito pada bank. Penelitian di lakukan di wilayah kecamatan Kemang dengan Responden pembudidaya ikan gurame, Tujuan penelitian yaitu 1. membandingkan mana yang lebih menguntungkan antara penyertaan modal pada USAha pembenihan ikan gurami (Oshpronemus gouramy, Lac) atau perolehan bunga deposito bank 2. Memberikan gambaran bagi calon investor dalam pengambilan keputusan peggunaan dana antara investasi pada USAha pembenihan ikan gurami atau deposito. Dari hasil kajian yang di lakukan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Usaha pembenihan ikan gurami dengan sekuen kegiatan selama 3 bulan secara finansial layak untuk dilaksanakan. Hal ini didukung oleh beberpa parameter kelayakan yang dipakai pada penelitian ini dengan hasil analisis : 1) Keuntungan per tahun (4 kali produksi) = Rp 33.153.725,- 2) R/C = 2,1 3) Payback Period 0,6 (Kurang dari 1 tahun) 4) BEP produksi = Rp 450,- = 66.3 ekor. BEP harga = Rp 213,2,-Jika total modal USAha pembenihan ini sebesar Rp 29.846.275,- didepositokan maka setiap bulan akan menghasilkan jasa atau keuntungan sebesar Rp 176.093,- Sedangkan keuntungan yang diperoleh pada USAha pembenihan ikan gurami setiap 3 bulan mencapai Rp 33.153.725,- atau Rp 11.051.241,- per bulan. Dari data yang di tunjukan memiliki Arti bahwa keuntungan USAha pembenihan ikan gurami bisa mencapai 111,08 % lebih besar dibanding deposito
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