8,197 research outputs found

    Design and construction of a wide angle diffuse source

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    A Multispectral Scanner (MSS) has been under development for some time and is now undergoing tests for final calibration. It has four bands, each containing six channels. Thus it has 24 detectors which receive radiation by fiber optics. It is shown that a spherical integrator makes a satisfactory extended source for the calibration of the scanner

    Relative spectral response of photodetectors, supplement 1

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    Determination of relative spectral response of photodetector

    Characterizing 15 Years of Saharan-like, Dry, Well-Mixed Air Layers in North Africa

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    The Saharan Air Layer (SAL) is a dry, well-mixed layer (WML) of warm and sometimes dusty air of nearly constant water vapor mixing ratio generated by the intense surface heating and strong, dry convection in the Sahara Desert, which has notable downstream impacts on the surface energy balance, organized convective system development, seasonal precipitation, and air quality. Characterizing both WMLs and SALs from the existing rawinsonde network has proven challenging because of its sparseness and inconsistent data reporting. Spurred on by this challenge, we previously created a detection methodology and supporting software to automate the identification and characterization of WMLs from multiple data sources including rawinsondes, remote sensing platforms, and model products. We applied our algorithm to each dataset at both its native and at a common (most coarse data product) vertical resolution to detect WMLs and their characteristics (temperature, mixing ratio, AOD, etc.) at each of the 53 rawinsonde launch sites in north Africa

    Finite nuclear size and Lamb shift of p-wave atomic states

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    We consider corrections to the Lamb shift of p-wave atomic states due to the finite nuclear size (FNS). In other words, these are radiative corrections to the atomic isotop shift related to FNS. It is shown that the structure of the corrections is qualitatively different from that for s-wave states. The perturbation theory expansion for the relative correction for a p1/2p_{1/2}-state starts from αln(1/Zα)\alpha\ln(1/Z\alpha)-term, while for s1/2s_{1/2}-states it starts from Zα2Z\alpha^2 term. Here α\alpha is the fine structure constant and ZZ is the nuclear charge. In the present work we calculate the α\alpha-terms for 2p2p-states, the result for 2p1/22p_{1/2}-state reads (8α/9π)[ln(1/(Zα)2)+0.710](8\alpha/9\pi)[\ln(1/(Z\alpha)^2)+0.710]. Even more interesting are p3/2p_{3/2}-states. In this case the ``correction'' is by several orders of magnitude larger than the ``leading'' FNS shift.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Finite nuclear size effect on Lamb shift of s1/2, p1/2, and p3/2 atomic states

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    We consider one-loop self-energy and vacuum polarization radiative corrections to the shift of atomic energy level due to finite nuclear size. Analytic expressions for vacuum polarization corrections are derived. For the self-energy of p1/2 and p3/2 states in addition to already known terms we derive next-to-leading nonlogarithmic Z\alpha-terms. Together with contributions obtained earlier the terms derived in the present work give explicit analytic expressions for s1/2 and p1/2 corrections which agree with results of previous numerical calculations up to Z=100 (Z is the nuclear charge number). We also show that the finite nuclear size radiative correction for a p3/2 state is not small compared to the similar correction for a p1/2 state at least for small Z.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Stellar Mass to Halo Mass Scaling Relation for X-ray Selected Low Mass Galaxy Clusters and Groups out to Redshift z1z\approx1

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    We present the stellar mass-halo mass scaling relation for 46 X-ray selected low-mass clusters or groups detected in the XMM-BCS survey with masses 2×1013MM5002.5×1014M2\times10^{13}M_{\odot}\lesssim M_{500}\lesssim2.5\times10^{14}M_{\odot} at redshift 0.1z1.020.1\le z \le1.02. The cluster binding masses M500M_{500} are inferred from the measured X-ray luminosities \Lx, while the stellar masses MM_{\star} of the galaxy populations are estimated using near-infrared imaging from the SSDF survey and optical imaging from the BCS survey. With the measured \Lx\ and stellar mass MM_{\star}, we determine the best fit stellar mass-halo mass relation, accounting for selection effects, measurement uncertainties and the intrinsic scatter in the scaling relation. The resulting mass trend is MM5000.69±0.15M_{\star}\propto M_{500}^{0.69\pm0.15}, the intrinsic (log-normal) scatter is σlnMM500=0.360.06+0.07\sigma_{\ln M_{\star}|M_{500}}=0.36^{+0.07}_{-0.06}, and there is no significant redshift trend M(1+z)0.04±0.47M_{\star}\propto (1+z)^{-0.04\pm0.47}, although the uncertainties are still large. We also examine MM_{\star} within a fixed projected radius of 0.50.5~Mpc, showing that it provides a cluster binding mass proxy with intrinsic scatter of 93%\approx93\% (1σ\sigma in M500M_{500}). We compare our M=M(M500,z)M_{\star}=M_{\star}(M_{500}, z) scaling relation from the XMM-BCS clusters with samples of massive, SZE-selected clusters (M5006×1014MM_{500}\approx6\times10^{14}M_{\odot}) and low mass NIR-selected clusters (M5001014MM_{500}\approx10^{14}M_{\odot}) at redshift 0.6z1.30.6\lesssim z \lesssim1.3. After correcting for the known mass measurement systematics in the compared samples, we find that the scaling relation is in good agreement with the high redshift samples, suggesting that for both groups and clusters the stellar content of the galaxy populations within R500R_{500} depends strongly on mass but only weakly on redshift out to z1z\approx1.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Predicting compliance: Leveraging chat data for supervised classification in experimental research

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    Behavioral and experimental economics have conventionally employed text data to facilitate the interpretation of decision-making processes. This paper introduces a novel methodology, leveraging text data for predictive analytics rather than mere explanation. We detail a supervised classification framework that interprets patterns in chat text to estimate the likelihood of associated numerical outcomes. Despite the unique advantages of experimental data in correlating textual and numerical information for predictive modeling, challenges such as limited sample sizes and potential data skewness persist. To address these, we propose a comprehensive methodological framework aimed at optimizing predictive modeling configurations, particularly in small experimental behavioral research datasets. We also present behavioral experimental data from a preregistered tax evasion game (n=324), demonstrating that chat behavior is not influenced by experimenter demand effects. This establishes chat text as an unbiased variable, enhancing its validity for prediction. Our findings further indicate that beliefs about others’ dishonesty, lying attitudes, and risk preferences significantly impact compliance decisions

    An Analysis of the Environments of Intense Convective Systems in West Africa in 2003

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    We investigated the local- and regional-scale thermodynamical and dynamical environments associated with intense convective systems in West Africa during 2003. We identified convective system cases from TRMM microwave imagery, classifying each case by the system minimum 85-GHz brightness temperature and by the estimated elapsed time of propagation from high terrain. The speed of the mid-level jet, the magnitude of the low-level shear, and the surface equivalent potential temperature (theta(sub e)) were greater for the intense cases compared to the non-intense cases, although the differences between the means tended to be small, less than 3K for surface theta(sub e). Hypothesis testing of a series of commonly used intensity prediction metrics resulted in significant results only for low-level metrics such as convective available potential energy and not for any of the mid- or upper-level metrics such as 700-hPa theta(sub e). None of the environmental variables or intensity metrics by themselves or in combination appeared to be reliable direct predictors of intensity. In the regional scale analysis, the majority of intense convective systems occurred in the surface baroclinic zone where surface theta(sub e) exceeded 344 K and the 700-hPa zonal wind speeds were less than -6/ms. Fewer intense cases compared to non-intense cases were associated with African easterly wave troughs. Fewer than 25% of our cases occurred in environments with detectable Saharan dust loads, and the results for intense and non-intense cases were similar. Our results for the regional analysis were consistent with the seasonal movement of the WAM and the intertropical front, regional differences in topography, and AEW energetics

    Third-order relativistic many-body calculations of energies and lifetimes of levels along the silver isoelectronic sequence

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    Energies of 5l_j (l= s, p, d, f, g) and 4f_j states in neutral Ag and Ag-like ions with nuclear charges Z = 48 - 100 are calculated using relativistic many-body perturbation theory. Reduced matrix elements, oscillator strengths, transition rates and lifetimes are calculated for the 17 possible 5l_j-5l'_{j'} and 4f_j-5l_{j'} electric-dipole transitions. Third-order corrections to energies and dipole matrix elements are included for neutral Ag and for ions with Z60. Comparisons are made with available experimental data for transition energies and lifetimes. Correlation energies and transition rates are shown graphically as functions of nuclear charge Z for selected cases. These calculations provide a theoretical benchmark for comparison with experiment and theory.Comment: 8 page

    The reincarnation of work motivation: Millennials vs older generations

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    Abstract: This study examines generational differences in valuing the sources of motivation in workplace behaviour between millennials and older generations, with a view to assist managers in making employment decisions and maintaining multigenerational staff in the services sector. Based on systematically sampled data, the authors used Gagné et al.’s Multidimensional Work Motivational Scale (MWMS) to measure the different facets of work motivators alongside a three-item measure of employee overall work motivation (designed for this study) to address the hypotheses. Using structural equation modelling procedures to analyse the data, the authors found that four out of six motivators regress differently to overall work motivation. In other words, both extrinsic regulation–material and identified regulation are valued more by millennials compared to older generations, while extrinsic regulation–social and introjected regulation are valued less by millennials compared to older generations. Résumé Dans cette étude, nous analysons les différences générationnelles d’appréciation des sources de motivation dans le comportement au travail entre la génération des millénials et les générations plus âgées, dans l’objectif d’aider les gestionnaires à prendre des décisions en matière d’embauche et à maintenir des équipes multigénérationnelles dans le secteur des services. À partir de données ayant fait l’objet d’un échantillonnage systématique, nous avons utilisé l’Échelle multidimensionnelle de la Motivation au Travail (MWMS) de Gagné et al. (2015) pour mesurer les différents aspects des facteurs de motivation au travail, ainsi qu’une échelle de mesure en trois points de la motivation globale des employés au travail (conçue pour cette étude) pour examiner les hypothèses formulées. En utilisant des modèles d’équations structurelles, nous avons constaté que quatre des six facteurs de motivation pèsent différemment sur la motivation globale au travail : la régulation extrinsèque (matérielle) et la régulation identifiée sont plus valorisées par les millénials que par les générations plus âgées, tandis que la régulation extrinsèque (sociale) et la régulation introjectée sont moins valorisées par les millénials que par leurs aînés. Resumen Este artículo analiza las diferencias generacionales en la valoración de las fuentes de motivación en el comportamiento en el trabajo entre la generación de los millenials y las generaciones mayores, con el objetivo de ayudar a los gerentes a tomar decisiones de reclutamiento y mantener una plantilla multigeneracional en el sector servicios. Usando datos muestreados sistemáticamente, se utiliza la Escala de Motivación Laboral Multidimensional (MWMS) de Gagné et al. (2015) para medir las diferentes facetas de los motivadores laborales junto con una medida de 3 ítems de la motivación laboral general de los empleados (diseñada para este estudio) para abordar las hipótesis formuladas. Utilizando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, se ha hallado que cuatro de los seis motivadores tienen un peso diferente sobre la motivación laboral general. Tanto la regulación extrínseca (material) y la regulación identificada son más valoradas por los millennials en comparación con las generaciones anteriores, mientras que la regulación extrínseca (social) y la regulación introyectada son menos valoradas por los millennials que por las generaciones anteriores