3,722 research outputs found

    Scaling behavior of crystalline membranes: an ϵ\epsilon-expansion approach

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    We study the scaling behavior of two-dimensional (2D) crystalline membranes in the flat phase by a renormalization group (RG) method and an ϵ\epsilon-expansion. Generalization of the problem to non-integer dimensions, necessary to control the ϵ\epsilon-expansion, is achieved by dimensional continuation of a well-known effective theory describing out-of-plane fluctuations coupled to phonon-mediated interactions via a scalar composite field, equivalent for small deformations to the local Gaussian curvature. The effective theory, which will be referred to as Gaussian curvature interaction (GCI) model, is equivalent to theories of elastic DD-dimensional manifolds fluctuating in a (D+dc)(D + d_{c})-dimensional embedding space in the physical case D=2D = 2 for arbitrary dcd_{c}. For D2D\neq 2, instead, the GCI model is not equivalent to a direct dimensional continuation of elastic membrane theory and it defines an alternative generalization to generic internal dimension DD. We calculate explicitly RG functions at two-loop order and determine the exponent η\eta characterizing the long-wavelength scaling of correlation functions to order ϵ2\epsilon^{2} in an ϵ=(4D)\epsilon=(4-D)-expansion. The self-consistent screening approximation (SCSA) for the GCI model is shown to be exact to O(ϵ2\epsilon^{2}). For dc=1d_{c} = 1, the O(ϵ2\epsilon^{2}) correction is suppressed by a small numerical prefactor. As a result, despite the large value of ϵ=2\epsilon = 2, extrapolation of the first and second order results to D=2D = 2 leads to very close numbers, η=0.8\eta = 0.8 and η0.795\eta \simeq 0.795. The calculated exponent values are close to earlier reference results obtained by non-perturbative RG, the SCSA and numerical simulations. These indications suggest that a perturbative analysis of the GCI model could provide an useful framework for accurate quantitative predictions of the scaling exponent even at D=2D = 2.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of dimensionality on the charge-density-wave in few-layers 2H-NbSe2_2

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    We investigate the charge density wave (CDW) instability in single and double layers, as well as in the bulk 2H-NbSe2_{2}. We demonstrate that the density functional theory correctly describes the metallic CDW state in the bulk 2H-NbSe2_{2}. We predict that both mono- and bilayer NbSe2_{2} undergo a CDW instability. However, while in the bulk the instability occurs at a momentum qCDW2/3ΓM\mathbf{q}_{CDW}\approx{2/3}\mathbf{\Gamma M}, in free-standing layers it occurs at qCDW1/2ΓM\mathbf{q}_{CDW}\approx{1/2}\mathbf{\Gamma M}. Furthermore, while in the bulk the CDW leads to a metallic state, in a monolayer the ground state becomes semimetallic, in agreement with recent experimental data. We elucidate the key role that an enhancement of the electron-phonon matrix element at qqCDW\mathbf{q}\approx\mathbf{q}_{CDW} plays in forming the CDW ground state.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Effects of magnetism and doping on the electron-phonon coupling in BaFe2_{2}As2_{2}

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    We calculate the effect of local magnetic moments on the electron-phonon coupling in BaFe2_{2}As2+δ_{2}+\delta using the density functional perturbation theory. We show that the magnetism enhances the total electron-phonon coupling by 50\sim 50%, up to λ0.35\lambda \lesssim 0.35, still not enough to explain the high critical temperature, but strong enough to have a non-negligible effect on superconductivity, for instance, by frustrating the coupling with spin fluctuations and inducing order parameter nodes. The enhancement comes mostly from a renormalization of the electron-phonon matrix elements. We also investigate, in the rigid band approximation, the effect of doping, and find that λ\lambda versus doping does not mirror the behavior of the density of states; while the latter decreases upon electron doping, the former does not, and even increases slightly.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Cinc anys del Centre Internacional de Premsa

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    Julià Pinart i Soler; un gran argentoní ens ha deixat

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    La cooperació, avalada pels mèdia del Mediterrani

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    Residencia en Gavà (Barcelona)

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    Assaig sobre l'evolució del coneixement. Algunes relacions psicodinàmiques

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    El coneixement en l’ésser humà, en tant que espècie,apareixeria, en estrats successius de l’evolució, en forma decategories diferents de coneixement; les categories serien:fabril, artística, religiosa, filosòfica i científica, i eventualmentuna categoria emergent, intuïcional.L’assoliment i expressió de les categories tindria un aspectenominal i un altre factual (com en les fases de la libido). Lescategories de coneixement podrien explicar la disposiciódiferent dels individus, i estar en el substrat de les castessocials; també seria possible una transposició entre categoriesi estats evolutius, en termes psicodinàmics, de l’espèciehumana i l’individu humà