456 research outputs found

    Scottish circumvention of the English Navigation Acts in the American colonies 1660-1707

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    From its insular location, its limited indigenous resources and its subordinate political standing as one of three kingdoms ruled by the Stuart dynasty, Scotland was dependent on overseas trade, commercial networks and an entrepreneurial willingness to set aside international regulations for its very survival as a distinctive European nation in the later 17th century. Scotland was manifestly not a major European power, nor a significant imperial presence in the Americas. By the later 17th century, however, colonial endeavours were offering Scots the opportunity not just to break out from the mercantilist dominance of the great European powers, but also to sustain regal union under a common monarchy without recourse to political incorporation with England. By the 1690s, the clannish cohesion of their landed and commercial elite, their diligence in securing positions of influence and their collusive disregard for the Navigation Acts were perceived by English merchants, colonial officials, diplomats and ruling ministries as highly threatening. The Scots challenged the English state through their Darien Scheme to create an international entrepĂ´t for the Pacific as well as the Atlantic on the Panama Isthmus, as through their expansion into Ireland and the Delaware Basin. If the Scots made a success of Darien, there seemed a real prospect to vested English interests that their domestic market would grow to include Ireland and that their entrepreneurial endeavours in the Delaware would lead to the secession of three counties to form a Scottish colony on the American mainland. Only political incorporation, through the Treaty of Union in 1707, seemingly put an end to Scottish flouting of English state power

    John Ogilvie : the smoke and mirrors of confessional politics

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    The trial and execution of the Jesuit John Ogilvie in 1615 is located within diverse political contexts-Reformation and Counter-Reformation; British state formation; and the contested control of the Scottish Kirk between episcopacy and Presbyterianism. The endeavors of James vi and i to promote his ius imperium by land and sea did not convert the union of the crowns into a parliamentary union. However, he pressed ahead with British policies to civilize frontiers, colonize overseas and engage in war and diplomacy. Integral to his desire not to be beholden to any foreign power was his promotion of religious uniformity which resulted in a Presbyterian backlash against episcopacy. At the same time, the Scottish bishops sought to present a united Protestant front by implementing penal laws against Roman Catholic priests and laity, which led to Ogilvie being charged with treason for upholding the spiritual supremacy of the papacy over King James. Ogilvie's martyrdom may stand in isolation, but it served to reinvigorate the Catholic mission to Scotland

    Medipix3 Demonstration and understanding of near ideal detector performance for 60 & 80 keV electrons

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    In our article we report first quantitative measurements of imaging performance for the current generation of hybrid pixel detector, Medipix3, as direct electron detector. Utilising beam energies of 60 & 80 keV, measurements of modulation transfer function (MTF) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) have revealed that, in single pixel mode (SPM), energy threshold values can be chosen to maximize either the MTF or DQE, obtaining values near to, or even exceeding, those for an ideal detector. We have demonstrated that the Medipix3 charge summing mode (CSM) can deliver simultaneous, near ideal values of both MTF and DQE. To understand direct detection performance further we have characterized the detector response to single electron events, building an empirical model which can predict detector MTF and DQE performance based on energy threshold. Exemplifying our findings we demonstrate the Medipix3 imaging performance, recording a fully exposed electron diffraction pattern at 24-bit depth and images in SPM and CSM modes. Taken together our findings highlight that for transmission electron microscopy performed at low energies (energies <100 keV) thick hybrid pixel detectors provide an advantageous and alternative architecture for direct electron imagin

    Addition to the Flora of Canada? A Specimen from the Arctic Archipelago, Northwest Territories Links Two Allopatric Species of Alkali Grass, Puccinellia

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    A single herbarium specimen from Banks Island in the Canadian National Herbarium, Ottawa, is closest to Puccinellia wrightii (Puccinellia sect. Pseudocolpodium). This would represent a species new to Canada and an extension of over 1100 km from the previously known range in NW Alaska and NE Russia. The morphological characteristics of this specimen are compared with all taxa in P. section Pseudocolpodium and the North American P. arctica aggregate. Principal components analysis supports placement of this specimen in P. section Pseudocolpodium near P. wrightii, where it contributes to a morphological continuum between this species and P. vahliana. The new combination Puccinellia wrightii var. flava is made and a map of the current known distribution of the species in P. section Pseudocolpodium is presented

    Characterisation of the Medipix3 detector for 60 and 80 keV electrons

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    In this paper we report quantitative measurements of the imaging performance for the current generation of hybrid pixel detector, Medipix3, used as a direct electron detector. We have measured the modulation transfer function and detective quantum efficiency at beam energies of 60 and 80 keV. In single pixel mode, energy threshold values can be chosen to maximize either the modulation transfer function or the detective quantum efficiency, obtaining values near to, or exceeding those for a theoretical detector with square pixels. The Medipix3 charge summing mode delivers simultaneous, high values of both modulation transfer function and detective quantum efficiency. We have also characterized the detector response to single electron events and describe an empirical model that predicts the detector modulation transfer function and detective quantum efficiency based on energy threshold. Exemplifying our findings we demonstrate the Medipix3 imaging performance recording a fully exposed electron diffraction pattern at 24-bit depth together with images in single pixel and charge summing modes. Our findings highlight that for transmission electron microscopy performed at low energies (energies &lt;100 keV) thick hybrid pixel detectors provide an advantageous architecture for direct electron imaging

    Trayectorias familiares después del divorcio : una revisión de las contribuciones recientes desde la demografía

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    En este artículo, se presenta una revisión de la literatura reciente en demografía de la familia, concretamente en el ámbito de las trayectorias biográficas después del divorcio. Se pondrá especial atención en la formación de nuevas familias, y en como éstas afectan a las relaciones con el cónyuge anterior y los hijos habidos antes del divorcio. Nos interesamos, en particular, por las transiciones hacia la formación de nuevas parejas y hacia una nueva maternidad y paternidad, tanto biológica como social.En aquest article, hi presentem una revisió de la literatura recent en demografia de la família, concretament sobre les trajectòries biogràfiques postdivorci. El tema d'interès específic és la formació de noves famílies, i com aquestes afecten les relacions amb el cònjuge anterior i els fills haguts abans del divorci. Ens centrarem en les transicions cap a la formació de noves unions i cap a noves maternitats o paternitats, tant si aquestes són biològiques com socials.Dans cet article nous présentons une révision de la littérature produite récemment par la démographie familiale sur les trajectoires biographiques après divorce. Parmi cette littérature nous posons l'accent sur la formation de nouvelles familles et sur les relations qui s'établissent avec les ex-conjoints et avec les enfants eus d'antérieurs couples. Nous nous intéressons aux transitions vers la formation de nouvelles unions et vers la nouvelle maternité et paternité biologique ou sociale.In this paper we will present a review of the recent bibliography of family demography relevant to individual post-divorce biographical trajectories. We emphasize the formation of new families and how this affects relationships with former partners and with children from previous partnerships, emphasizing the transitions to remarriage or new unions and the transition to new biological or social fatherhood and motherhood

    A pilot trial to assess the effect of a structured COMmunication approach on QUality Of Life in secure mental health settings (Comquol)

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    Forensic mental health services have largely ignored examining users’ views on the nature of the service offered to them. Priebe and colleagues have developed a structured communication approach placing the service users’ perspective of their care at the heart of the discussions between service users and clinicians. This approach was used as the basis of a pilot study to evaluate a structured six-month approach designed to increase the quality of life of service users in secure settings. The specific objectives of the study were to: • Establish the feasibility of the trial design as the basis for determining the viability of a large full-scale trial • Determine the variability of the outcomes of interest • Estimate the costs of the intervention • If necessary, to refine the intervention following the study based upon the experiences of the clinicians and service users. A 36 month pilot trial was undertaken. Participants were recruited from 6 medium secure in–patient services with 55 patients in the intervention group and 57 in the control group as well as 92 nurses (47 in the intervention group and 45 in the control group). The intervention was based on the structured communication approach. Assessments took place prior to the intervention (baseline), at 6 months (post intervention) and at 12 months (follow-up). A review of the trial design indicated this approach was viable as the basis for a large full-scale trial; no refinements were needed to the intervention. The variability of the outcomes can be used start thinking about how large a full scale trial needs to be. A full trial would be able to estimate the effect of the intervention whereas this small pilot study cannot. The total cost of the intervention was £29,100 (£529 per patient) when assuming the intervention was part of the nurses normal work. Disturbed behaviour was also found to be costly since it was associated with significant use of NHS resources and police

    malT knockout mutation invokes a stringent type gene-expression profile in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in bronchoalveolar fluid

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    Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae causes contagious pleuropneumonia, an economically important disease of commercially reared pigs throughout the world. To cause this disease, A. pleuropneumoniae must rapidly overcome porcine pulmonary innate immune defenses. Since bronchoalveolar fluid (BALF) contains many of the innate immune and other components found in the lungs, we examined the gene expression of a virulent serovar 1 strain of A. pleuropneumoniae after exposure to concentrated BALF for 30 min.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    A PC parallel port button box provides millisecond response time accuracy under Linux

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    For psychologists, it is sometimes necessary to measure people's reaction times to the nearest millisecond. This article describes how to use the PC parallel port to receive signals from a button box to achieve millisecond response time accuracy. The workings of the parallel port, the corresponding port addresses, and a simple Linux program for controlling the port are described. A test of the speed and reliability of button box signal detection is reported. If the reader is moderately familiar with Linux, this article should provide sufficient instruction for him or her to build and test his or her own parallel port button box. This article also describes how the parallel port could be used to control an external apparatus
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