1,266 research outputs found

    Multiphoton localization and propagating quantum gap solitons in a frequency gap medium

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    The many-particle spectrum of an isotropic frequency gap medium doped with impurity resonance atoms is studied using the Bethe ansatz technique. The spectrum is shown to contain pairs of quantum correlated ``gap excitations'' and their heavy bound complexes (``gap solitons''), enabling the propagation of quantum information within the classically forbidden gap. In addition, multiparticle localization of the radiation and the medium polarization occurs when such a gap soliton is pinned to the impurity atom.Comment: 8 pages, RevTEX, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Systematic Review of Magnesium Sulfate for Perinatal Neuroprotection: What Have We Learnt From the Past Decade?

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    There is an important unmet need to improve long term outcomes of encephalopathy for preterm and term infants. Meta-analyses of large controlled trials suggest that maternal treatment with magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is associated with a reduced risk of cerebral palsy and gross motor dysfunction after premature birth. However, to date, follow up to school age has found an apparent lack of long-term clinical benefit. Because of this inconsistency, it remains controversial whether MgSO4 offers sustained neuroprotection. We systematically reviewed preclinical and clinical studies reported from January 1 2010, to January 31 2020 to evaluate the most recent advances and knowledge gaps relating to the efficacy of MgSO4 for the treatment of perinatal brain injury. The outcomes of MgSO4 in preterm and term-equivalent animal models of perinatal encephalopathy were highly inconsistent between studies. None of the perinatal rodent studies that suggested benefit directly controlled body or brain temperature. The majority of the studies did not control for sex, study long term histological and functional outcomes or use pragmatic treatment regimens and many did not report controlling for potential study bias. Finally, most of the recent preterm or term human studies that tested the potential of MgSO4 for perinatal neuroprotection were relatively underpowered, but nevertheless, suggest that any improvements in neurodevelopment were at best modest or absent. On balance, these data suggest that further rigorous testing in translational preclinical models of perinatal encephalopathy is essential to ensure safety and best regimens for optimal preterm neuroprotection, and before further clinical trials of MgSO4 for perinatal encephalopathy at term are undertaken

    Spatial Distribution of Nucleosynthesis Products in Cassiopeia A: Comparison Between Observations and 3D Explosion Models

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    We examine observed heavy element abundances in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant as a constraint on the nature of the Cas A supernova. We compare bulk abundances from 1D and 3D explosion models and spatial distribution of elements in 3D models with those derived from X-ray observations. We also examine the cospatial production of 26Al with other species. We find that the most reliable indicator of the presence of 26Al in unmixed ejecta is a very low S/Si ratio (~0.05). Production of N in O/S/Si-rich regions is also indicative. The biologically important element P is produced at its highest abundance in the same regions. Proxies should be detectable in supernova ejecta with high spatial resolution multiwavelength observations.Comment: To appear in the Conference Proceedings for the "10th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC X)", July 27 - August 1 2008, Mackinack Island, Michigan, US

    Quantum Cryptography Based on the Time--Energy Uncertainty Relation

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    A new cryptosystem based on the fundamental time--energy uncertainty relation is proposed. Such a cryptosystem can be implemented with both correlated photon pairs and single photon states.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Contribution of Long Wavelength Gravitational Waves to the CMB Anisotropy

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    We present an in depth discussion of the production of gravitational waves from an inflationary phase that could have occurred in the early universe, giving derivations for the resulting spectrum and energy density. We also consider the large-scale anisotropy in the cosmic microwave background radiation coming from these waves. Assuming that the observed quadrupole anisotropy comes mostly from gravitational waves (consistent with the predictions of a flat spectrum of scalar density perturbations and the measured dipole anisotropy) we describe in detail how to derive a value for the scale of inflation of (1.55)×1016(1.5-5)\times 10^{16}GeV, which is at a particularly interesting scale for particle physics. This upper limit corresponds to a 95\% confidence level upper limit on the scale of inflation assuming only that the quadrupole anisotropy from gravitational waves is not cancelled by another source. Direct detection of gravitational waves produced by inflation near this scale will have to wait for the next generation of detectors.Comment: (LaTeX 16 pages), 2 figures not included, YCTP-P16-9

    A panchromatic view of PKS 0558-504: an ideal laboratory to study the disk-jet link

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    PKS 0558-504 is the brightest radio-loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxy at X-ray energies. Here we present results from the radio, optical, UV, and X-ray bands obtained with Swift, XMM, and ATCA during a 10-day monitoring campaign in September 2008. The simultaneous coverage at several wavelengths makes it possible to investigate in detail the broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) and the energetic of this source. The main results can be summarized as follows. The ATCA reveals the presence of an extended radio emission in PKS 0558-504 with two lobe-like structures at ~7" from the bright central source. The extended radio structure and the low value of the radio-loudness similar to radio-quiet Seyfert galaxies coupled with constraints from higher energy bands argue against a jet-dominated emission. The study of the SED, which is dominated by a nearly constant optical-UV emission, supports the conclusion that PKS 0558-504 is accreting at super-Eddington rate. This conclusion was reached assuming M_BH=2.5e8 M_sun, which was obtained with a new scaling method based on X-ray spectral variability results. A comparison between the accretion luminosity and the kinetic power associated with the jet suggests that in this source the accretion power dominates in agreement with the results obtained from Radiation-MHD simulations of Galactic black holes (GBHs) accreting at the Eddington rate. The combined findings from this panchromatic investigation strongly suggest that PKS 0558-504 is a large-scale analog of GBHs in their highly accreting intermediate state. Importantly, PKS 0558-504 may also be the prototype of the parent population of the very radio-loud NLS1s recently detected at gamma-ray energies.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Affine Constellations Without Mutually Unbiased Counterparts

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    It has been conjectured that a complete set of mutually unbiased bases in a space of dimension d exists if and only if there is an affine plane of order d. We introduce affine constellations and compare their existence properties with those of mutually unbiased constellations, mostly in dimension six. The observed discrepancies make a deeper relation between the two existence problems unlikely.Comment: 8 page

    Deficiency of the zinc finger protein ZFP106 causes motor and sensory neurodegeneration

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    Acknowledgements We are indebted to Jim Humphries, JennyCorrigan, LizDarley, Elizabeth Joynson, Natalie Walters, Sara Wells and the whole necropsy, histology, genotyping and MLC ward 6 teams at MRC Harwell for excellent technical assistance. We thank the staff of the WTSI Illumina Bespoke Team for the RNA-seq data, the Sanger Mouse Genetics Project for the initial mouse characterization and Dr David Adams for critical reading of the manuscript. We also thank KOMP for the mouse embryonic stem cells carrying the knockout first promoter-less allele (tm1a(KOMP)Wtsi) within Zfp016. Conflict of Interest statement. None declared. Funding This work was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) to A.A.-A. and a Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) project grant to A.A.-A. and EMCF. D.L.H.B. is a Wellcome Trust Senior Clinical Scientist Fellow and P.F. is a MRC/MNDA Lady Edith Wolfson Clinician Scientist Fellow. Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this article was provided by the MRC grant number: MC_UP_A390_1106.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Error threshold in optimal coding, numerical criteria and classes of universalities for complexity

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    The free energy of the Random Energy Model at the transition point between ferromagnetic and spin glass phases is calculated. At this point, equivalent to the decoding error threshold in optimal codes, free energy has finite size corrections proportional to the square root of the number of degrees. The response of the magnetization to the ferromagnetic couplings is maximal at the values of magnetization equal to half. We give several criteria of complexity and define different universality classes. According to our classification, at the lowest class of complexity are random graph, Markov Models and Hidden Markov Models. At the next level is Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass, connected with neuron-network models. On a higher level are critical theories, spin glass phase of Random Energy Model, percolation, self organized criticality (SOC). The top level class involves HOT design, error threshold in optimal coding, language, and, maybe, financial market. Alive systems are also related with the last class. A concept of anti-resonance is suggested for the complex systems.Comment: 17 page

    Fabry-Perot interference and spin filtering in carbon nanotubes

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    We study the two-terminal transport properties of a metallic single-walled carbon nanotube with good contacts to electrodes, which have recently been shown [W. Liang et al, Nature 441, 665-669 (2001)] to conduct ballistically with weak backscattering occurring mainly at the two contacts. The measured conductance, as a function of bias and gate voltages, shows an oscillating pattern of quantum interference. We show how such patterns can be understood and calculated, taking into account Luttinger liquid effects resulting from strong Coulomb interactions in the nanotube. We treat back-scattering in the contacts perturbatively and use the Keldysh formalism to treat non-equilibrium effects due to the non-zero bias voltage. Going beyond current experiments, we include the effects of possible ferromagnetic polarization of the leads to describe spin transport in carbon nanotubes. We thereby describe both incoherent spin injection and coherent resonant spin transport between the two leads. Spin currents can be produced in both ways, but only the latter allow this spin current to be controlled using an external gate. In all cases, the spin currents, charge currents, and magnetization of the nanotube exhibit components varying quasiperiodically with bias voltage, approximately as a superposition of periodic interference oscillations of spin- and charge-carrying ``quasiparticles'' in the nanotube, each with its own period. The amplitude of the higher-period signal is largest in single-mode quantum wires, and is somewhat suppressed in metallic nanotubes due to their sub-band degeneracy.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure