18 research outputs found
Variability in interpretation of chest radiographs among Russian clinicians and implications for screening programmes: observational study.
OBJECTIVE: To determine variability in interpretation of chest radiographs among tuberculosis specialists, radiologists, and respiratory specialists. DESIGN: Observational study. SETTING: Tuberculosis and respiratory disease services, Samara region, Russian Federation. PARTICIPANTS: 101 clinicians involved in the diagnosis and management of pulmonary tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Interobserver and intraobserver agreement on the interpretation of 50 digital chest radiographs, using a scale of poor to very good agreement (kappa coefficient: < or = 0.20 poor, 0.21-0.40 fair, 0.41-0.60 moderate, 0.61-0.80 good, and 0.81-1.00 very good). RESULTS: Agreement on the presence or absence of an abnormality was fair only (kappa = 0.380, 95% confidence interval 0.376 to 0.384), moderate for localisation of the abnormality (0.448, 0.444 to 0.452), and fair for a diagnosis of tuberculosis (0.387, 0.382 to 0.391). The highest levels of agreement were among radiologists. Level of experience (years of work in the specialty) influenced agreement on presence of abnormalities and cavities. Levels of intraobserver agreement were fair. CONCLUSIONS: Population screening for tuberculosis in Russia may be less than optimal owing to limited agreement on interpretation of chest radiographs, and may have implications for radiological screening programmes in other countries
Влияние ксенона на активность гликоген-синтазы киназы-3β в перифокальной зоне ишемического инсульта (экспериментальное исследование)
Aim of the study. To determine the effects of xenon exposure at a dose of 0.5 MAC of different duration on the content and enzyme-inactivating phosphorylation of the glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK3β) in the perifocal zone of ischemic cerebral infarction in an experimental setting.Materials and methods. The Long method was used for modelling brain ischemia/reperfusion in 39 rats weighing 300-350 g. Study group animals was exposed to xenon at a dose of 0.5 MAC during 30, 60 and 120 minutes whereas control group animals received an oxygen-air mixture. Sham-operated animals served as a comparison group. The levels of GSK3β and phospho-GSK3β in brain homogenates were determined by blotting using specific antibodies.Results. In ischemic stroke model, the content of GSK3β did not significantly change in control animals compared to comparison group. However, control group animals exhibited significant (2.7-fold, P<0.001) decrease in the content of its phospho-GSK3β in the perifocal zone of ischemic cerebral infarction. Inhalation of 0.5 MAC xenon during 30 minutes did not lead to an increase in phosphorylation of the GSK3β enzyme (P=0.9), however, 60 and 120 minutes of 0.5 MAC xenon exposures resulted in the increase in phosphorylated form of the enzyme by a factor of 2.1 (P=0.005) and 2.3 (P=0.001), respectively, compared to the control group.Conclusion. The results reveal a possible molecular mechanism (i. e., execution of neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of xenon due to GSK-Зβ inactivation) and show the prospects for using 60 and 120 minutes of 0.5 MAC xenon exposures in ischemic brain damage after a stroke, traumatic brain injury and other brain lesions.Цель исследования — определить влияние различной экспозиции 0,5 МАК ксенона на содержание и фосфорилирование (инактивирование) фермента гликоген-синтазы киназы-3β в перифокальной зоне ишемического инсульта в эксперименте.Материалы и методы. Ишемию/реперфузию головного мозга моделировали на 39 крысах массой 300-350 г по методу Лонга. В контрольной группе подавали кислородно-воздушную смесь, а в группах исследования — ксенон 0,5 МАК при экспозиции 30, 60 и 120 мин. В группу сравнения включили ложнооперированных животных. Сигнальную киназу определяли в гомогенатах методом вестерн-блоттинга с антителами против тотальной гликоген-синтазы киназы-3β и против фосфо-гликоген-синтазы киназы-3β на блоттинг-панелях с помощью спектрофотометра.Результаты. При ишемическом инсульте у контрольных животных статистически значимо не изменялось содержание гликоген-синтазы киназы-3в, но происходило выраженное снижение содержания ее фосфорилированной формы в перифокальной зоне ишемического инсульта (в 2,7 раза, р<0,001). Ингаляция ксенона 0,5 МАК при экспозиции 30 минут не приводила к увеличению фосфорилирования фермента гликоген-синтазы киназы-3β (р=0,9), однако при экспозиции 60 и 120 мин наблюдали увеличение фосфорилирования в 2,1 (р=0,005) и 2,3 раза (р=0,001) по сравнению с контролем, соответственно.Заключение. Полученные результаты раскрывают возможный молекулярный механизм (за счет инактивации ГСК-3β, реализации нейропротективного и противовоспалительного эффектов ксенона) и показывают перспективы применения 0,5 МАК ксенона в экспозиции 60 и 120 мин при ишемическом повреждении мозга в результате инсульта, черепно-мозговой травмы и других причин
Analysis of the known manners of the checking the metrological haracteristics of the measuring system, which using satellite navigational information for determination of the coordinates moving objects. The offered way operative counting inaccuracy of the measuring system, which is founded on use the indirect methods of the measurement and can be aplying when undertaking the checking in field condition.Проаналізовано відомі способи контролю метрологічних характеристик вимірювальних систем, що використовують супутникову навігаційну інформацію та застосовуються для визначення координат рухомих об’єктів. Запропоновано спосіб оперативного оцінювання похибки вимірювальної системи, який базується на використанні опосередкованих методів вимірювання та може бути застосований при реалізації контролю в польових умовах
The microbial landscape of microflora of a pharynx at patients with tonsillit’s pathology were studied. Materials and methods. 79 patients from GBUZ “Research Institute of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology” (78.5% patients with various forms of chronic tonsillitis and 21.5% of patients without chronic tonsillitis (control group). Among patients of the main group with chronic tonsillitis, at 60 (96.8%) patients there was a diagnosis chronic tonsillitis a toxical-allergic form of 1 degree (TAF I), at 1 (1.6%) the patient — chronic tonsillitis a toxical-allergic form II of degree (TAF II) and at 1 (1.6%) the patient — chronic tonsillitis. Identification of microorganisms carried out on cultural-morphological and biochemical properties. Specific identification of the hardly cultivated microorganisms and Corynebacterium was carried out by MALDI-TOFF MS of BioMerieux VITEK MS MALDI-TOF (“bioMerieux”, France). Identification of the allocated Corynebacterium was carried out by amplification of a gene rpoB and the subsequent direct sequencing. Results. The majority (98.7%) of the allocated microorganisms, treated 27 types and were Gram-positive. It is revealed 159 strains of 29 species of microorganisms, from them 41.4% of strains belonged to the Streptococcus, 19.7% — Staphylococcus, 36.9% — Corynebacterium. Among Streptococcus — 55.4% of S. viridans, 38.4% — S. pyogenes and 3.1% — of S. pneumoniae и S. oralis; Staphylococcus — 64.5% of S. aureus, 32.2% of S. epidermidis and 3.3% of S. hominis. 18 types of Corynebacterium — С. tuberculostearicum (17.2% strains), C. рseudodiphtheriticum (15.5% strains) and C. aurimucosum (18.9% strains) are revealed. At 44.3% of the surveyed patients the microflora is presented by a monoculture and at 55.7% associations are revealed. Conclusion. The microflora at patients with tonsillit’s pathology is characterized. At the expressed pathological process in a microbiota of a pharynx the monoculture while existence of associations testifies to less expressed pathological process prevails