686 research outputs found

    Increasing the production efficiency of chrysotile cement products

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    Improving the efficiency of chrysotile-cement products is achieved by changing the raw materials with additives, changing their structure and properties, generating new kinds of chrysotile-cement productsnoBelgorod State Universit


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    The first episode comprises one or several fits that first develop in a patient and may recur within 24 hours with a complete consciousness recovery between the fits. In addition to clinical characteristics, general somatic and neurological examinations, biochemical blood study, and brain electroencephalography and computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are recommended to define the prognosis of the first epileptic seizure and to elaborate therapeutic tactics. If the first acute symptomatic seizure (metabolic encephalopathy, acute central nervous system injury in patients with eliminable seizure-based condition) occurs, the disease that is a cause of the seizure should be treated. Symptomatic therapy for the first unprovoked seizure is unreasonable if only the seizure is not epileptic

    Terahertz generation in Czochralski grown periodically poled Mg:Y:LiNbO3 via optical rectification

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    Using a canonical pump-probe experimental technique, we studied the terahertz (THz) waves generation and detection via optical rectification and mixing in Czochralski-grown periodically poled Mg:Y:LiNbO3 (PPLN) crystals. THz waves with frequencies at 1.37 THz and 0.68 THz as well as 1.8 THz were obtained for PPLN with nonlinear grating periods of 0.03 and 0.06 mm, respectively. A general theoretical model was developed by considering the dispersion and damping of low frequency phonon-polariton mode. Our results show that THz waves are generated in forward and backward directions via pumping pulse rectification. The generated THz waves depend on the spectral shape of the laser pulses, quasi-phase mismatches and dispersion characteristics of a crystal.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure


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    The article presents the results of research of influence of inhibitors of    α-glucosidase on the basic parameters of carbohydrate metabolism and the dynamics of body weight in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 complicated with diabetic foot. The authors note the positive effect of these drugs on all components of the metabolic syndrome, safe for body, no serious contraindications and low level of development of hypoglycemia. Voglis as a representative of the group of inhibitors of α-glucosidase can be effectively used in combination with insulin therapy.У статті наведено результати дослідження впливу інгібіторів альфа-глюкозидази на основні показники вуглеводного обміну та динаміку маси тіла у пацієнтів на цукровий діабет 2 типу, ускладнений діабетичною стопою. Автори вказують на позитивний ефект препаратів цієї групи на всі компоненти метаболічного синдрому, безпеку для організму, відсутність серйозних протипоказань і низький рівень розвитку гіпоглікемій. Воглібоз як представник групи інгібіторів альфа-глюкозидази може ефективно використовуватися у поєднанні з інсулінотерапією


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    The article presents data on the need for training the patients with diabetic foot to do better compensation of type 2 diabetes. To sum up, the proper care of feet allow to slow the progression of microvascular lesions in diabetes mellitus type 2 and reduce the patients stay in hospital.У статті наведено дані щодо необхідності проведення навчання хворих із діабетичною стопою з метою  кращої компенсації  цукрового діабету. Доведено, що правильний догляд за стопами дозволяє сповільнити прогресування мікросудинних уражень при цукровому діабеті та скоротити час перебування пацієнта в стаціонарі

    Financing – The basis of organization and realization of the investment policy of Russian enterprises

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    The relevance of the research: the relevance of research problem caused the necessity in organization investment policy of Russian enterprises for intensification their strategic investment development and insufficient development of theoretical and methodological aspects in attracting financial resources for the realization of investment decisions. Purpose of the research: the purpose of this article concludes in developing of measures to overcome the negative impact of the factors limiting the financial support of the investment activity of Russian companies in the context of a systematic approach. Methods of research: the main method of research of this problem is dialectical method of cognition of reality, allowing to investigate this issue thoroughly and interpret scientific results. Results of the research: Identify issues that restrict financing and proposed measures to overcome the negative impact of the factors limiting the financial support of the investment activity of Russian companies, including the modernization of the tax policy and the depreciation policy of the enterprise, the solution lowered the carrying amount and the residual value of fixed assets. Developed measures to promote the revitalization of financing strategic investment decisions on the basis of a common mechanism of tax regulation and amortization. Practical significance: realization of these measures could attract significant financial resources for intensification of the investment activity of Russian companies in the long term. © 2016 Charaeva et al

    Discourse of University: Knowledge in the Era of Contemporary Forms of Capitalism Development

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    The article represents research in the field of the contemporary forms of economic development based on the knowledge which acts as a new productive force. It is shown that the new stage of economic development is connected to the transformation from the material forms to non-material forms of functioning and has its roots in the cultural revolution of 1970s. The reorganization of the university and the educational organization in European countries in general played the key role as preconditions of the cultural revolution. Marxist methodology was chosen as an instrument for the analysis of knowledge-based economy taking into account the need to develop Marx conception of general intellect (scientific knowledge) and revise the class theory and the theory of surplus value.The key finding is that the contemporary knowledge-based economy implements both financial and productive tendencies in conjunction. It is shown that the predominance of one or another tendency depends on university’s discourse functioning which serves as a mediator between a subject of knowledge and the capitalism discourse. The first tendency reflects undesirable processes of social life: general intellect when it isn’t tied to the production, begins to develop according to the formula «G.I - G.I’», reproducing financial logic of capital increment. In such case, we deal with the process of knowledge submission to capital. The second tendency is connected with the dominance of productive function and defined in terms of cognitive capitalism, where knowledge-based intellectual labor gets its autonomy from capital. Cognitive capitalism represents such form of economic organization where knowledge, as a productive force, makes possible the intellectual productions which involve cognitarians - cognitive workers and producers which are able to create the innovative products. The maintenance and development of the cognitive capitalism become possible in connection with the correct organization of education at university which, in addition to the classic form of knowledge (hard skills), represents a contemporary digital space for the transfer of additional knowledge (soft skills) and serves as a platform for the organization of the effective forms of intellectual productions