811 research outputs found

    Stellarator bootstrap current and plasma flow velocity at low collisionality

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    The bootstrap current and flow velocity of a low-collisionality stellarator plasma are calculated. As far as possible, the analysis is carried out in a uniform way across all low-collisionality regimes in general stellarator geometry, assuming only that the confinement is good enough that the plasma is approximately in local thermodynamic equilibrium. It is found that conventional expressions for the ion flow speed and bootstrap current in the low-collisionality limit are accurate only in the 1/ν1/\nu-collisionality regime and need to be modified in the ν\sqrt{\nu}-regime. The correction due to finite collisionality is also discussed and is found to scale as ν2/5\nu^{2/5}

    Less constrained omnigeneous stellarators

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    A stellarator is said to be omnigeneous if all particles have vanishing average radial drifts. In omnigeneous stellarators, particles are perfectly confined in the absence of turbulence and collisions, whereas in non-omnigeneous configurations, particle can drift large radial distances. One of the consequences of omnigeneity is that the unfavorable inverse scaling with collisionality of the stellarator neoclassical fluxes disappears. In the pioneering and influential article [Cary~J~R and Shasharina~S~G 1997 {\it Phys. Plasmas} {\bf 4} 3323], the conditions that the magnetic field of a stellarator must satisfy to be omnigeneous are derived. However, reference [Cary~J~R and Shasharina~S~G 1997 {\it Phys. Plasmas} {\bf 4} 3323] only considered omnigeneous stellarators in which all the minima of the magnetic field strength on a flux surface must have the same value. The same is assumed for the maxima. We show that omnigenenous magnetic fields can have local minima and maxima with different values. Thus, the parameter space in which omnigeneous stellarators are possible is larger than previously expected. The analysis presented in this article is only valid for orbits with vanishing radial width, and in principle it is not applicable to energetic particles. However, one would expect that improving neoclassical confinement would improve energetic particle confinement.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Collisional transport across the magnetic field in drift-fluid models

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    Drift ordered fluid models are widely applied in studies of low-frequency turbulence in the edge and scrape-off layer regions of magnetically confined plasmas. Here, we show how collisional transport across the magnetic field is self-consistently incorporated into drift-fluid models without altering the drift-fluid energy integral. We demonstrate that the inclusion of collisional transport in drift-fluid models gives rise to diffusion of particle density, momentum and pressures in drift-fluid turbulence models and thereby obviate the customary use of artificial diffusion in turbulence simulations. We further derive a computationally efficient, two-dimensional model which can be time integrated for several turbulence de-correlation times using only limited computational resources. The model describes interchange turbulence in a two-dimensional plane perpendicular to the magnetic field located at the outboard midplane of a tokamak. The model domain has two regions modeling open and closed field lines. The model employs a computational expedient model for collisional transport. Numerical simulations show good agreement between the full and the simplified model for collisional transport

    Long-wavelength limit of gyrokinetics in a turbulent tokamak and its intrinsic ambipolarity

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    Recently, the electrostatic gyrokinetic Hamiltonian and change of coordinates have been computed to order ϵ2\epsilon^2 in general magnetic geometry. Here ϵ\epsilon is the gyrokinetic expansion parameter, the gyroradius over the macroscopic scale length. Starting from these results, the long-wavelength limit of the gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck and quasineutrality equations is taken for tokamak geometry. Employing the set of equations derived in the present article, it is possible to calculate the long-wavelength components of the distribution functions and of the poloidal electric field to order ϵ2\epsilon^2. These higher-order pieces contain both neoclassical and turbulent contributions, and constitute one of the necessary ingredients (the other is given by the short-wavelength components up to second order) that will eventually enter a complete model for the radial transport of toroidal angular momentum in a tokamak in the low flow ordering. Finally, we provide an explicit and detailed proof that the system consisting of second-order gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck and quasineutrality equations leaves the long-wavelength radial electric field undetermined; that is, the turbulent tokamak is intrinsically ambipolar.Comment: 70 pages. Typos in equations (63), (90), (91), (92) and (129) correcte

    Drift of ablated material after pellet injection in a tokamak

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    Pellet injection is used for fuelling and controlling discharges in tokamaks, and it is foreseen in ITER. During pellet injection, a movement of the ablated material towards the low-field side (or outward major radius direction) occurs because of the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field. Due to the complexity of the theoretical models, computer codes developed to simulate the cross-field drift are computationally expensive. Here, we present a one-dimensional semi-analytical model for the radial displacement of ablated material after pellet injection, taking into account both the Alfv\'en and ohmic currents which short-circuit the charge separation creating the drift. The model is suitable for rapid calculation of the radial drift displacement, and can be useful for e.g. modelling of disruption mitigation via pellet injection.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Journal of Plasma Physic

    Systemic fungal endophytes and ploidy level in Festuca vivipara populations in North European Islands

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    Exploring the regional pattern of variation in traits driven by symbiotic interactions may provide insights to understand the evolutionary processes that operate over plant populations. Polyploidy, which is associated with fitness improvement, is expected to increase with latitude and altitude. However, it has never been explored in relation with the occurrence of epichloid fungal endophytes in plants. Both, variation in ploidy level and in the incidence of fungal endophytes, are known to occur in species of fine fescues. Here, we surveyed the occurrence of systemic fungal endophytes in natural Festuca vivipara populations in North European islands. In addition, we identified the fungal species associated with this grass and determined the predominant ploidy level for each population. Endophytes were found in four of six, two of three, and one of three populations for Faroe Islands, Iceland and Great Britain, respectively. With an average low incidence level of 15 % in infected populations, there was no relationship between infection level and either latitude or altitude. The phylogenetic analysis based on sequences ITS and the tub2 genes, supports that the endophytic species is EpichloA &lt;&lt; festucae, the same as in other fine fescues. We found no variation in ploidy level as all the plants were tetraploid (4X) with 28 chromosomes, a pattern which contrasts with the variation reported in previous antecedents. Our results suggest that apart from low and variable benefits of the endophyte to the plants, there would be a complex dynamics between epichloid endophytes and species of the fine fescue complex which merits further studies.</p

    Sources of intrinsic rotation in the low flow ordering

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    A low flow, δf\delta f gyrokinetic formulation to obtain the intrinsic rotation profiles is presented. The momentum conservation equation in the low flow ordering contains new terms, neglected in previous first principles formulations, that may explain the intrinsic rotation observed in tokamaks in the absence of external sources of momentum. The intrinsic rotation profile depends on the density and temperature profiles and on the up-down asymmetry.Comment: 20 page
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