1,913 research outputs found

    A metamorphic perspective on the Pan African overprint in the Amery area of Mac. Robertson Land, East Antarctica

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    The Amery area of Mac. Robertson Land lies between the early Palaeozoic granulite terrain of Prydz Bay and Meso-Neoproterozoic granulites in northern Prince Charles Mountains (nPCM). In contrast to the nPCM which shows an apparently simple near-isobaric history, granulites exposed in the Amery area contain reaction textures suggesting a more complex evolution. Peak-M1 Mesoproterozoic assemblages formed at c. 700 MPa and 800°C and initially underwent a near-isobaric cooling. A subsequent increase in temperature (M2) resulted in the formation of cordierite-spinel assemblages at ~450 MPa and 700°C in metapelite. The timing of M2 is not firmly established, however existing data strongly suggest it is an early Palaeozoic event coeval with tectonism in Prydz Bay to the north-east. Thus the metamorphic evolution of granulites in the Amery area reflects a terrain-scale thermal interference pattern between two unrelated orogenic events. In rocks not recording post-M1 isobaric cooling, the superposition of M2 on M1 assemblages resulted in the formation of M2 cordierite-spinel symplectites at the expense of peak M1 garnet and sillimanite. This texture, commonly interpreted to reflect near-isothermal decompression, has no relevance in terms of a single tectonothermal event in the Amery area.Ian Scrimgeour and Martin Han

    Factors affecting mortality in late stage Parkinson’s Disease

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    To determine the effect of dysphagia and hospital admissions on mortality in late stage Parkinson’s disease

    Oral Tissue Responses to Travel in Space

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    The oral cavity functions in taste, mastication, solubilization and digestion of nutrients, as well as in respiration and speech, and participates in innate and adaptive immunity. Saliva creates and regulates the environment of the oral cavity, and changes in its composition and rate of secretion have significant effects on oral tissues as well as on systemic health. The effects of microgravity on the salivary glands, mandible and teeth were studied in mice flown on US space shuttle STS-131 and STS-135 missions, and the Russian Bion-M1 biosatellite. Significant changes in morphology and secretory protein expression occurred in parotid glands; submandibular glands were affected only on the 30-day Bion-M1 mission, indicating tissue specificity of the effects due to changes in gravity which may be similar to those taking place in humans. Changes also occurred in mandibular bone and incisor teeth. Collection of saliva is a non-invasive procedure for assessing physiological status and diagnosis of several disorders and provides a simple method for monitoring astronaut health during extended spaceflight

    Efficient estimation of AUC in a sliding window

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    In many applications, monitoring area under the ROC curve (AUC) in a sliding window over a data stream is a natural way of detecting changes in the system. The drawback is that computing AUC in a sliding window is expensive, especially if the window size is large and the data flow is significant. In this paper we propose a scheme for maintaining an approximate AUC in a sliding window of length kk. More specifically, we propose an algorithm that, given ϵ\epsilon, estimates AUC within ϵ/2\epsilon / 2, and can maintain this estimate in O((logk)/ϵ)O((\log k) / \epsilon) time, per update, as the window slides. This provides a speed-up over the exact computation of AUC, which requires O(k)O(k) time, per update. The speed-up becomes more significant as the size of the window increases. Our estimate is based on grouping the data points together, and using these groups to calculate AUC. The grouping is designed carefully such that (ii) the groups are small enough, so that the error stays small, (iiii) the number of groups is small, so that enumerating them is not expensive, and (iiiiii) the definition is flexible enough so that we can maintain the groups efficiently. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that the average approximation error in practice is much smaller than the approximation guarantee ϵ/2\epsilon / 2, and that we can achieve significant speed-ups with only a modest sacrifice in accuracy

    Evidence for early Mesoproterozoic arc magmatism in the Musgrave Block, central Australia: Implications for Proterozoic crustal growth and tectonic reconstructions of Australia

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    The Musgrave Block in central southern Australia separates the dominantly Paleoproterozoic North Australian Craton from the Late Archean to early Mesoproterozoic Gawler Craton in southern Australia. Geochemical and Nd isotopic data from ∼1.59–1.55-Ga felsic rocks in the Mann Ranges suggest that the early history of the Musgrave Block was linked to the development of subduction along the northern margin of the Gawler Craton. Characteristic geochemical patterns of these felsic rocks include negative anomalies in Nb, Ti, and Y and are accompanied by steep light rare earth element patterns and comparatively juvenile Nd isotopic compositions (εNd(1550) values from -1.2 to 0.9). The geochemical and isotopic signatures of these early Mesoproterozoic felsic rocks have similarities with island arc systems involving residual Ti-bearing minerals and garnet. We propose that the 1.59–1.55-Ga arclike rocks in the Musgrave Block indicate the presence of an active margin between the North Australian Craton and the South Australian Craton, with subsequent suturing of the Australian continent during the early Mesoproterozoic. The existence of arclike magmatism in the Musgrave Block during the early Mesoproterozoic suggests a period of major crustal growth in the Australian Proterozoic that has important implications for current Proterozoic reconstructions of Australia and Australia’s fit within the supercontinent Rodinia.B. P. Wade, K. M. Barovich, M. Hand, I. R. Scrimgeour and D. F. Clos

    Evidence for early Mesoproterozoic arc magmatism in the Musgrave Block, central Australia: Implications for Proterozoic crustal growth and tectonic reconstructions of Australia

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    The Musgrave Block in central southern Australia separates the dominantly Paleoproterozoic North Australian Craton from the Late Archean to early Mesoproterozoic Gawler Craton in southern Australia. Geochemical and Nd isotopic data from ∼1.59–1.55-Ga felsic rocks in the Mann Ranges suggest that the early history of the Musgrave Block was linked to the development of subduction along the northern margin of the Gawler Craton. Characteristic geochemical patterns of these felsic rocks include negative anomalies in Nb, Ti, and Y and are accompanied by steep light rare earth element patterns and comparatively juvenile Nd isotopic compositions (εNd(1550) values from -1.2 to 0.9). The geochemical and isotopic signatures of these early Mesoproterozoic felsic rocks have similarities with island arc systems involving residual Ti-bearing minerals and garnet. We propose that the 1.59–1.55-Ga arclike rocks in the Musgrave Block indicate the presence of an active margin between the North Australian Craton and the South Australian Craton, with subsequent suturing of the Australian continent during the early Mesoproterozoic. The existence of arclike magmatism in the Musgrave Block during the early Mesoproterozoic suggests a period of major crustal growth in the Australian Proterozoic that has important implications for current Proterozoic reconstructions of Australia and Australia’s fit within the supercontinent Rodinia.B. P. Wade, K. M. Barovich, M. Hand, I. R. Scrimgeour and D. F. Clos

    Thermodynamic parameters of bonds in glassy materials from viscosity-temperature relationships

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    Doremus's model of viscosity assumes that viscous flow in amorphous materials is mediated by broken bonds (configurons). The resulting equation contains four coefficients, which are directly related to the entropies and enthalpies of formation and motion of the configurons. Thus by fitting this viscosity equation to experimental viscosity data these enthalpy and entropy terms can be obtained. The non-linear nature of the equation obtained means that the fitting process is non-trivial. A genetic algorithm based approach has been developed to fit the equation to experimental viscosity data for a number of glassy materials, including SiO2, GeO2, B2O3, anorthite, diopside, xNa2O–(1-x)SiO2, xPbO–(1-x)SiO2, soda-lime-silica glasses, salol, and α-phenyl-o-cresol. Excellent fits of the equation to the viscosity data were obtained over the entire temperature range. The fitting parameters were used to quantitatively determine the enthalpies and entropies of formation and motion of configurons in the analysed systems and the activation energies for flow at high and low temperatures as well as fragility ratios using the Doremus criterion for fragility. A direct anti-correlation between fragility ratio and configuron percolation threshold, which determines the glass transition temperature in the analysed materials, was found

    Dissociation and symptom dimensions of obsessive-compulsive disorder: A replication study

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    Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a phenotypically very heterogeneous disease with high rates of comorbid psychiatric pathology. Previous studies have indicated that OCD is associated with higher levels of dissociation. The aims of the present study were to replicate and extend previous findings of a significant link between certain OCD symptom dimensions and dissociation. Methods: The study sample comprised 50 patients with OCD, as confirmed by the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview,who had a score of at least 16 on the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. All patients were assessed with the short version of the Hamburg Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory and the Dissociative Experience Scale (DES). Correlation analyses and multiple regression analyses were performed to evaluate the relationship between OCD symptom dimensions and dissociation. Results: The checking dimension was most strongly related to dissociation, followed by the symmetry/ordering and obsessive thoughts dimensions. In contrast, no significant relationship was found between dissociation and the washing/cleaning, counting/touching, and aggressive impulses/fantasies dimensions. Multiple regression analyses revealed that: (1) only the checking dimension showed an independent positive correlation with dissociation, and (2) only higher scores on the DES subscale "amnestic dissociation" were associated with higher scores for checking compulsions. Conclusions: Our results suggest that there might be a specific link between checking behavior and dissociation in OCD. Moreover, checking compulsions seem to be particularly associated with amnestic dissociation. Further studies focusing on amnestic dissociation as a potentially important determinant of checking compulsions are warrante