3,723 research outputs found

    On non-abelian homomorphic public-key cryptosystems

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    An important problem of modern cryptography concerns secret public-key computations in algebraic structures. We construct homomorphic cryptosystems being (secret) epimorphisms f:G --> H, where G, H are (publically known) groups and H is finite. A letter of a message to be encrypted is an element h element of H, while its encryption g element of G is such that f(g)=h. A homomorphic cryptosystem allows one to perform computations (operating in a group G) with encrypted information (without knowing the original message over H). In this paper certain homomorphic cryptosystems are constructed for the first time for non-abelian groups H (earlier, homomorphic cryptosystems were known only in the Abelian case). In fact, we present such a system for any solvable (fixed) group H.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    BRST-anti-BRST Symmetric Conversion of Second-Class Constraints

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    A general method of the BRST--anti-BRST symmetric conversion of second-class constraints is presented. It yields a pair of commuting and nilpotent BRST-type charges that can be naturally regarded as BRST and anti-BRST ones. Interchanging the BRST and anti-BRST generators corresponds to a symmetry between the original second-class constraints and the conversion variables, which enter the formalism on equal footing.Comment: 12 pages, misprints correcte

    Joint US/USSR study: Comparison of effects of horizontal and head-down bed rest

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    An account is given of the results of the first joint U.S./U.S.S.R. bed rest study. The study was accomplished in two parts: A soviet part (May to June 1979) and an American part (July to August 1979). Both studies were conducted under identical conditions and provided a basis for comparison of physiologic reactions and standardizing procedures and methods. Each experiment consisted of three periods: 14 days of pre-bed rest control, 7 days of bed rest, and a 10 to 14 day recovery period. Ten males participated in each study, with five subjects experiencing horizontal bed rest and five subjects a -6 deg head-down body position. Biochemical and hormonal measurements were made of blood and urine, with particular attention to electrolyte metabolism and kidney function; cardio-pulmonary changes at rest and exercise; influence of Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP); and incremental exercise using a bicyle ergometer while supine and sitting. Expected moderate changes were noted to occur for various physiologic parameters. Clinical evidence pointed to the fact that head-down bed rest when compared to horizontal conditions more closely matched the conditions seen after manned spaceflight. For the most part, statistically significant differences between the two body positions were not observed

    BRST Formalism and Zero Locus Reduction

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    In the BRST quantization of gauge theories, the zero locus ZQZ_Q of the BRST differential QQ carries an (anti)bracket whose parity is opposite to that of the fundamental bracket. We show that the on-shell BFV/BV gauge symmetries are in a 1:1 correspondence with Hamiltonian vector fields on ZQZ_Q, and observables of the BRST theory are in a 1:1 correspondence with characteristic functions of the bracket on ZQZ_Q. By reduction to the zero locus, we obtain relations between bracket operations and differentials arising in different complexes (the Gerstenhaber, Schouten, Berezin-Kirillov, and Sklyanin brackets); the equation ensuring the existence of a nilpotent vector field on the reduced manifold can be the classical Yang-Baxter equation. We also generalize our constructions to the bi-QP-manifolds which from the BRST theory viewpoint corresponds to the BRST-anti-BRST-symmetric quantization.Comment: 21 pages, latex2e, several modifications have been made, main content remains unchange

    Математичне моделювання руху вільної поверхні рідини при транспортуванні сільськогосподарських напівпричіпних цистерн

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    Mathematical modeling of the oscillatory process ofthe longitudinal motion of a machine-tractor unit with a semitrailer tank equipped with a hydraulic liquid mixer is developed. The redistribution of liquid in the tank by the characteristics of Rayleighsurface waves is taken into consideration. The influence of the mixer operation on the total vibrational motion of the liquid in the tank is given. Thespectrum of frequencies of free mechanical oscillations is determined, and the corresponding forms ofinterconnected movements of the elements of a tractor and a tank are analyzed.Виконано математичне моделювання коливального процесу поздовжнього руху машинно-тракторного агрегату з напівпричіп-цистерною, яка має гідравлічний змішувач рідини. Для перерозподілу рідини у цистерні, що викликаний коливаннями оболонки, використано характеристики поверхневих хвиль Релея. Наведено вплив роботи змішувача на загальний коливальний рух рідини в цистерні. Знайдено спектр частот вільних механічних коливань, а також проаналізовано відповідні форми взаємопов’язаних рухів елементів трактора та цистерни

    New bounds on neutrino magnetic moment and re-examination of plasma effect in neutrino spin light

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    Recent discussion on the possibility to obtain more stringent bounds on neutrino magnetic moment has stimulated new interest to possible effects induced by neutrino magnetic moment. In particular, in this note after a short review on neutrino magnetic moment we re-examine the effect of plasmon mass on neutrino spin light radiation in dense matter. We track the entry of the plasmon mass quantity in process characteristics and found out that the most substantial role it plays is the formation of the process threshold. It is shown that far from this point the plasmon mass can be omitted in all the corresponding physical quantities and one can rely on the results of massless photon spin light radiation theory in matter.Comment: to appear in Nuovo Cimento 35 C, No. 1, 2012 (based on the talk presented at the 25th Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste on "Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics", La Thuile, February 27 - March 5, 201