2,126 research outputs found

    Cavity cooling of a single atom

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    All conventional methods to laser-cool atoms rely on repeated cycles of optical pumping and spontaneous emission of a photon by the atom. Spontaneous emission in a random direction is the dissipative mechanism required to remove entropy from the atom. However, alternative cooling methods have been proposed for a single atom strongly coupled to a high-finesse cavity; the role of spontaneous emission is replaced by the escape of a photon from the cavity. Application of such cooling schemes would improve the performance of atom cavity systems for quantum information processing. Furthermore, as cavity cooling does not rely on spontaneous emission, it can be applied to systems that cannot be laser-cooled by conventional methods; these include molecules (which do not have a closed transition) and collective excitations of Bose condensates, which are destroyed by randomly directed recoil kicks. Here we demonstrate cavity cooling of single rubidium atoms stored in an intracavity dipole trap. The cooling mechanism results in extended storage times and improved localization of atoms. We estimate that the observed cooling rate is at least five times larger than that produced by free-space cooling methods, for comparable excitation of the atom

    Scaling properties of cavity-enhanced atom cooling

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    We extend an earlier semiclassical model to describe the dissipative motion of N atoms coupled to M modes inside a coherently driven high-finesse cavity. The description includes momentum diffusion via spontaneous emission and cavity decay. Simple analytical formulas for the steady-state temperature and the cooling time for a single atom are derived and show surprisingly good agreement with direct stochastic simulations of the semiclassical equations for N atoms with properly scaled parameters. A thorough comparison with standard free-space Doppler cooling is performed and yields a lower temperature and a cooling time enhancement by a factor of M times the square of the ratio of the atom-field coupling constant to the cavity decay rate. Finally it is shown that laser cooling with negligible spontaneous emission should indeed be possible, especially for relatively light particles in a strongly coupled field configuration.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Age dependence of serum beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase (NAG) activity

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    Serum Nacetyl-beta-Dglucosaminidase (NAG; EC is a hexosaminidase and may be a predictor of vascular injury, e.g., in infant respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and necrotizing enterocolitis. To estimate the new diagnostic prospects we have modified our urinary NAG assay. In this sensitive colorimetric microassay, VRAGlcNAc was used as a substrate. In the present study the age dependence of serum NAG activity was investigated in newborn babies, infants (124 months), children (218 years) and adults (1980 years). Serum NAG activity was found to be agedependent; it is higher in early childhood (1159 U/l) but decreases to a constant value at the age of 12 years. After the age of 2 years it is similar to adults NAG (1030 U/l). In pediatrics agematched reference ranges must be taken into consideration

    Coherent dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in high-finesse optical cavities

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    We study the mutual interaction of a Bose-Einstein condensed gas with a single mode of a high-finesse optical cavity. We show how the cavity transmission reflects condensate properties and calculate the self-consistent intra-cavity light field and condensate evolution. Solving the coupled condensate-cavity equations we find that while falling through the cavity, the condensate is adiabatically transfered into the ground state of the periodic optical potential. This allows time dependent non-destructive measurements on Bose-Einstein condensates with intriguing prospects for subsequent controlled manipulation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures; revised version: added reference

    Phase resolution limit in macroscopic interference between Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the competition between phase definition and quantum phase fluctuations in interference experiments between independently formed Bose condensates. While phase-sensitive detection of atoms makes the phase progressively better defined, interactions tend to randomize it faster as the uncertainty in the relative particle number grows. A steady state is reached when the two effects cancel each other. Then the phase resolution saturates to a value that grows with the ratio between the interaction strength and the atom detection rate, and the average phase and number begin to fluctuate classically. We discuss how our study applies to both recently performed and possible future experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Globally-Linked Vortex Clusters in Trapped Wave Fields

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    We put forward the existence of a rich variety of fully stationary vortex structures, termed H-clusters, made of an increasing number of vortices nested in paraxial wave fields confined by trapping potentials. However, we show that the constituent vortices are globally linked, rather than products of independent vortices. Also, they always feature a monopolar global wave front and exist in nonlinear systems, such as Bose-Einstein condensates. Clusters with multipolar global wave fronts are non-stationary or at best flipping.Comment: 4 pages, 5 PostScript figure

    Trapping atoms in the vacuum field of a cavity

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    The aim of this work is to find ways to trap an atom in a cavity. In contrast to other approaches we propose a method where the cavity is basically in the vacuum state and the atom in the ground state. The idea is to induce a spatial dependent AC Stark shift by irradiating the atom with a weak laser field, so that the atom experiences a trapping force. The main feature of our setup is that dissipation can be strongly suppressed. We estimate the lifetime of the atom as well as the trapping potential parameters and compare our estimations with numerical simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Vacuum-stimulated cooling of single atoms in three dimensions

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    Taming quantum dynamical processes is the key to novel applications of quantum physics, e.g. in quantum information science. The control of light-matter interactions at the single-atom and single-photon level can be achieved in cavity quantum electrodynamics, in particular in the regime of strong coupling where atom and cavity form a single entity. In the optical domain, this requires permanent trapping and cooling of an atom in a micro-cavity. We have now realized three-dimensional cavity cooling and trapping for an orthogonal arrangement of cooling laser, trap laser and cavity vacuum. This leads to average single-atom trapping times exceeding 15 seconds, unprecedented for a strongly coupled atom under permanent observation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Laboratory versus daily life gait characteristics in patients with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and matched controls

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    Background and purpose Recent findings suggest that a gait assessment at a discrete moment in a clinic or laboratory setting may not reflect functional, everyday mobility. As a step towards better understanding gait during daily life in neurological populations, we compared gait measures that best discriminated people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) from their respective, age-matched, healthy control subjects (MS-Ctl, PD-Ctl) in laboratory tests versus a week of daily life monitoring. Methods We recruited 15 people with MS (age mean ± SD: 49 ± 10 years), 16 MS-Ctl (45 ± 11 years), 16 people with idiopathic PD (71 ± 5 years), and 15 PD-Ctl (69 ± 7 years). Subjects wore 3 inertial sensors (one each foot and lower back) in the laboratory followed by 7 days during daily life. Mann–Whitney U test and area under the curve (AUC) compared differences between PD and PD-Ctl, and between MS and MS-Ctl in the laboratory and in daily life. Results Participants wore sensors for 60–68 h in daily life. Measures that best discriminated gait characteristics in people with MS and PD from their respective control groups were different between the laboratory gait test and a week of daily life. Specifically, the toe-off angle best discriminated MS versus MS-Ctl in the laboratory (AUC [95% CI] = 0.80 [0.63–0.96]) whereas gait speed in daily life (AUC = 0.84 [0.69–1.00]). In contrast, the lumbar coronal range of motion best discriminated PD versus PD-Ctl in the laboratory (AUC = 0.78 [0.59–0.96]) whereas foot-strike angle in daily life (AUC = 0.84 [0.70–0.98]). AUCs were larger in daily life compared to the laboratory. Conclusions Larger AUC for daily life gait measures compared to the laboratory gait measures suggest that daily life monitoring may be more sensitive to impairments from neurological disease, but each neurological disease may require different gait outcome measures

    Trapping of single atoms in cavity QED

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    By integrating the techniques of laser cooling and trapping with those of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), single Cesium atoms have been trapped within the mode of a small, high finesse optical cavity in a regime of strong coupling. The observed lifetime for individual atoms trapped within the cavity mode is τ≈28\tau \approx 28ms, and is limited by fluctuations of light forces arising from the far-detuned intracavity field. This initial realization of trapped atoms in cavity QED should enable diverse protocols in quantum information science.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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