83 research outputs found

    Assessment of environmental and economic efficiency of iron ore breaking technology using emulsion explosives

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    Methodology for calculating parameters of drilling and blasting operations for stoping works in mines of Kryvorozhskiy basin and PJSC «Zaporizhskiy iron-ore plant» has been improved with the help of established coefficient of relative capacity for the Ukrainit-PM-2B explosive. A new technology of stoping operations for ore breaking by square-chamber methods at deposit thickness more than 5 m is proposed which assumes usage of emulsion explosives and downward drilling of production hole rings in the direction of underlying drilling horizons. Ecological and economical effectiveness of the proposed ore breaking technology implemented in the extraction chambers was estimated. Regularities of harmful substances hazard index changing were established depending on distance to the emission point when trotyl-contained and emulsion explosives are used. Implementation of the proposed technology allows decreasing prime-cost of 1 ton of ore by 15 % per one extraction unit

    Феноритміка деревних інтродуцентів – представників роду Syringa

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    General nature of phenorhythms and peculiarities of phenophases of introduced lilacs, subject to their geographic origin and hydrothermal conditions, have been determined. Phenological development of most species includes all phenophases of vegetative and generative stages. Less stable species change dates and duration of phenophases, and reduce generative phases.Встановлено загальний характер феноритміки видів бузків, інтродукованих у степове Придніпров’я, особливості перебігу фенофаз залежно від географічного походження та систематичного положення виду, умов температури та вологозабезпечення вегетаційного періоду. Фенологічний розвиток більшості видів включає всі фази вегетативного та генеративного етапів. У менш стійких видів змінюються строки та тривалість фенофаз, частково редукуються фази генеративного розвитку.Встановлено загальний характер феноритміки видів бузків, інтродукованих у степове Придніпров’я, особливості перебігу фенофаз залежно від географічного походження та систематичного положення виду, умов температури та вологозабезпечення вегетаційного періоду. Фенологічний розвиток більшості видів включає всі фази вегетативного та генеративного етапів. У менш стійких видів змінюються строки та тривалість фенофаз, частково редукуються фази генеративного розвитку

    Role of the process focused approach in formation of organizational and functional system of rendering the ophthalmologic aid in the region

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    Work purpose: to generalize experience of introduction of organizational and functional system of rendering the ophthalmologic aid in the region on the basis of the process focused approach. In work experience of introduction of the process focused approach to rendering the ophthalmologic aid in the territory of the Tyumen region is considered, the principles, conceptual schemes and advantages of this approach are given. The organizational and functional system of treatment of glaucoma is in detail consecrated: its specifics and basic elements are shown, criteria of entrance and total control of rendering medical care are given.Цель работы: обобщить опыт внедрения организационно-функциональной системы оказания офтальмологической помощи в регионе на основе процессно-ориентированного подхода. В работе рассматривается опыт внедрения процессно-ориентированного подхода к оказанию офтальмологической помощи на территории Тюменской области, приведены принципы, концептуальные схемы и преимущества данного подхода. Подробно освящена организационно-функциональная система оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с глаукомой, показана ее специфика и основные элементы, приведены критерии входного и итогового контроля оказания медицинской помощи

    Особливості сезонних змін білкового обміну видів роду Syringa l., інтродукованих у Степове Придніпров'я

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    The creative legitimacies of the dynamics albumen maintenance and peculiarity of them accumulation in sprouts and leafs six lilac species under dependence of the phenophase seasonal development and influence of hydrotemperature factors were investigated, he regression methods of analysis were was used in this investigationВизначені особливості динаміки вмісту розчинних білків та специфічність їх накопичення у пагонах та листках шести видів бузків залежно від перебігу фенофаз сезонного розвитку та впливу температурного фактора і умов зволоження із застосуванням методу регресійного аналізуВизначені особливості динаміки вмісту розчинних білків та специфічність їх накопичення у пагонах та листках шести видів бузків залежно від перебігу фенофаз сезонного розвитку та впливу температурного фактора і умов зволоження із застосуванням методу регресійного аналіз

    Optical echo in photonic crystals

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    The dynamics of photonic wavepacket in the effective oscillator potential is studied. The oscillator potential is constructed on a base of one dimensional photonic crystal with a period of unit cell adiabatically varied in space. The structure has a locally equidistant discrete spectrum. This leads to an echo effect, i.e. the periodical reconstruction of the packet shape. The effect can be observed in a nonlinear response of the system. Numerical estimations for porous-silicon based structures are presented for femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser pump.Comment: 4 page


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to identify changes in school-based anxiety in children aged 12 – 13 during their physical education using a special Program for the individual typological approach implementation. Methodology: Two groups had been formed: reference and experimental (25 people each); three methods were used (Method for studying individual typological peculiarities of middle-school children by A. Belov, Method of Kondash's anxiety scale (1973), and Method of identifying general physical education of students); diagnostic testing of physical fitness was conducted (long jump from the spot; lifting the body in 30 sec. (press); push-up (girls); pulling up on the crossbar (boys); running 30 meters, shuttle running 3x10; bending forward from a sitting position). Main Findings: The results of the study have been statistically processed with Excel 2000 and STATISTICA 8.0, using the Student's t-test for dependent and independent samples. The M average has been found; the differences have been considered significant at p < 0.05. Applications of this study: The Program for the individual typological approach implementation has been compiled with an emphasis on reducing school-based anxiety in children aged 12 – 13; its features, objectives, indicators, criteria, content, and forms of implementation have been substantiated; a set of general physical exercises has been developed for each type of temperament, which includes the exercises for some groups of muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, back muscles, abdomen, and hips. Novelty/Originality of this study: The significant improvement in the physical fitness of students from the experimental group compared to the reference one identified during the term proves the efficiency of the implemented physical education program, taking into account the individual typological approach to the personality of adolescents with an emphasis on reducing their school-based anxiety. The results of the study have allowed formulating recommendations for improving the approaches to conducting physical education classes

    Distribution of selenium in zebrafish larvae after exposure to organic and inorganic selenium forms

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    Selenium is an essential micronutrient for many organisms, and in vertebrates has a variety of roles associated with protection from reactive oxygen species. Over the past two decades there have been conflicting reports upon human health benefits and detriments arising from consumption of selenium dietary supplements. Thus, early studies report a decrease in the incidence of certain types of cancer, whereas subsequent studies did not observe any anti-cancer effect, and adverse effects such as increased risks for type 2 diabetes have been reported. A possible contributing factor may be that different chemical forms of selenium were used in different studies. Using larval stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism, we report a comparison of the toxicities and tissue selenium distributions of four different chemical forms of selenium. We find that the organic forms of selenium tested (Se-methyl-l-selenocysteine and l-selenomethionine) show considerably more toxicity than inorganic forms (selenite and selenate), and that this appears to be correlated with the level of bioaccumulation. Despite differences in concentrations, the tissue specific pattern of selenium accumulation was similar for the chemical forms tested; selenium was found to be highly concentrated in pigment (melanin) containing tissues especially for the organic selenium treatments, with lower concentrations in eye lens, yolk sac and heart. These results suggest that pigmented tissues might serve as a storage reservoir for selenium. © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Beer classification based on the array of solid-contact Potentiometric sensors with thiacalixarene receptors

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    Potentiometric sensors based on carbon electrodes made by screen-printing and glassy carbon electrodes covered with electropolymerized polyaniline and thiacalix[4]arene receptors have been developed for discrimination of various beer brands using three sensors. The prediction was 100% true according to principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Borrmann Effect in Photonic Crystals: Nonlinear Optical Consequences

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    Nonlinear-optical manifestations of the Borrmann effect that are consequences of the spectral dependence of the spatial distributions of the electromagnetic field in a structure are observed in one-dimensional photonic crystals. The spectrum of the light self-focusing effect corresponding to the propagation-matrix calculations has been measured near the edge of the photonic gap.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in russian at Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 2008, Vol. 87, No. 8, pp. 461-46

    Experience of use of process approach in the organization of system of assistance to prematurely born children with the retinopathy prematurely born and risk of development of the retinopathy prematurely born in the Tyumen region

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    Work purpose: to generalize experience of introduction of organizational and functional system of rendering ophthalmologic to prematurely born children with a retinopathy prematurely born and risk of development of a retinopathy prematurely bom in the region on the basis of the process focused approach. Processes of delivery of health care to prematurely bom children with a retinopathy prematurely born and risk of development of a retinopathy prematurely born are in detail consecrated, their specifics and basic elements are shown. The main actions realized within modeling of processes are in details presented, their efficiency is estimated.Цель работы: обобщить опыт внедрения организационно-функциональной системы оказания офтальмологической недоношенным детям с ретинопатией недоношенных и риском развития ретинопатии недоношенныхв регионе на основе процессно-ориентированного подхода. Подробно освященыпроцессыоказания медицинской помощи недоношенным детям с ретинопатией недоношенных и риском развития ретинопатии недоношенных, показана их специфика и основные элементы. Детально представлены основные мероприятия, реализованные в рамках моделирования процессов, оценена их эффективность