569 research outputs found

    Spectral shape of the UV ionizing background and HeII absorption at redshifts 1.8 < z < 2.9

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    The shape of the UV ionizing background is reconstructed from optically thin metal absorption-line systems identified in spectra of HE2347-4342, Q1157+3143, and HS1700+6416 in the redshift interval 1.8 < z < 2.9. The systems are analyzed by means of the Monte Carlo Inversion method completed with the spectral shape recovering procedure. The UVB spectral shape fluctuates at 2.4 < z < 2.9 mostly due to radiative transfer processes in the clumpy IGM. At z < 1.8, the IGM becomes almost transparent both in the HI and HeII Lyman continua and the variability of the spectral shape comes from diversity of spectral indices describing the QSO/AGN intrinsic radiation. At z > 2.4, the recovered spectral shapes show intensity depression between 3 and 4 Ryd due to HeII Ly-alpha absorption in the IGM clouds (line blanketing) and continuous medium (true Gunn-Petersen effect). The mean HeII Ly-alpha opacity estimated from the depth of this depression corresponds within 1-2sigma to the values directly measured from the HI/HeII Ly-alpha forest towards the quasars studied. The observed scatter in eta = N(HeII)/N(HI) and anti-correlation between N(HI) and eta can be explained by the combined action of variable spectral softness and differences in the mean gas density between the absorbing clouds. Neither of the recovered spectral shapes show features which can be attributed to the putative input of radiation from soft sources like starburst galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Conditions of the Development of Logistic Centers in Poland in the Context of European States Experiences

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    The article is, for the most part, the aftermath of his own examinations carried out in years 2007-2010 and concerning logistic centers development conditioning.Artykuł jest w znacznej mierze pokłosiem badań własnych autora przeprowadzonych w latach: 2007-2010 dotyczących uwarunkowań rozwoju centrów logistycznych

    Nitrogen-deficient and iron-rich associated absorbers with oversolar metallicities towards the quasar HE0141-3932

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    HE0141-3932 (zem=1.80) is a bright blue radio-quite quasar which reveals an emission line spectrum with an unusually weak Ly-alpha line. In addition, large redshift differences (Delta z=0.05) are observed between high ionization and low ionization emission lines. Absorption systems identified at z=1.78, 1.71, and 1.68 show mild oversolar metallicities (Z ~= 1-2Zsolar) and can be attributed to the associated gas clouds ejected from the circumnuclear region. The joint analysis of the emission and absorption lines leads to the conclusion that this quasar is seen almost pole-on. Its apparent luminosity may be Doppler boosted by ~10 times. The absorbing gas shows high abundance of Fe, Mg, and Al ([Fe, Mg, Al/C] ~= 0.15+/-0.10) along with underabundance of N ([N/C]<=-0.5). This abundance pattern is at variance with current chemical evolution models of QSOs predicting [N/C]>0 and [Fe/C]<0 at Z ~ Zsolar. Full details of this work are given in Reimers et al. (2005).Comment: 2 pages, to appear in the Proceed. of IAU Symp.228 "From Lithium to Uranium: Elemental Tracers of Early Cosmic Evolution", eds. V.Hill, P.Francois and F.Prima

    Unusually large polarizabilities and "new" atomic states in Ba

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    Electric polarizabilities of four low-J even-parity states and three low-J odd-parity states of atomic barium in the range 35,60035,600 to $36,000\ cmcm^{-1}areinvestigated.Thestatesofinterestareexcited(inanatomicbeam)viaanintermediateoddparitystatewithasequenceoftwolaserpulses.TheoddparitystatescanbeexcitedduetotheStarkinducedmixingwithevenparitystates.Thepolarizabilitiesaremeasuredviadirectspectroscopyonthesecondstagetransition.Severalstateshavetensorandscalarpolarizabilitiesthatexceedthevaluesthatmightbeexpectedfromtheknownenergylevelsofbariumbymorethantwoordersofmagnitude.TwooftheStarkinducedtransitionscannotbeidentifiedfromtheknownenergyspectrumofbarium.Theobservationssuggesttheexistenceofasyetunidentifiedoddparityenergystates,whoseenergiesandangularmomentaaredeterminedinthepresentexperiment.Atentativeidentificationofthesestatesas[Xe] are investigated. The states of interest are excited (in an atomic beam) via an intermediate odd-parity state with a sequence of two laser pulses. The odd-parity states can be excited due to the Stark-induced mixing with even-parity states. The polarizabilities are measured via direct spectroscopy on the second-stage transition. Several states have tensor and scalar polarizabilities that exceed the values that might be expected from the known energy levels of barium by more than two orders of magnitude. Two of the Stark-induced transitions cannot be identified from the known energy spectrum of barium. The observations suggest the existence of as yet unidentified odd-parity energy states, whose energies and angular momenta are determined in the present experiment. A tentative identification of these states as [Xe]6s8p ^3P_{0,2}$ is suggested.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    HE 0141-3932: a bright QSO with an unusual emission line spectrum and associated absorption

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    HE 0141-3932 (zem = 1.80) is a bright blue radio-quite quasar with an unusually weak Ly-alpha emission line. Large redshift differences (Delta z = 0.05) are observed between high ionization and low ionization emission lines. Absorption systems identified at zabs = 1.78, 1.71, and 1.68 show mild oversolar metallicities (Z ~= 1-2Zsolar) and can be attributed to the associated gas clouds ejected from the circumnuclear region. The joint analysis of the emission and absorption lines leads to the conclusion that this quasar is seen almost pole-on. Its apparent luminosity may be Doppler boosted by ~10 times. The absorbing gas shows a high abundance of Fe, Mg and Al ([Fe, Mg, Al/C] ~= 0.15 +/- 0.10) along with underabundance of N ([N/C] <= -0.5). This abundance pattern is at variance with current chemical evolution models of QSOs predicting [N/C] >= 0$ and [Fe/C] < 0 at Z ~ Zsolar.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Strong influence of the complex bandstructure on the tunneling electroresistance: A combined model and ab-initio study

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    The tunneling electroresistance (TER) for ferroelectric tunnel junctions (FTJs) with BaTiO_{3} (BTO) and PbTiO}_{3} (PTO) barriers is calculated by combining the microscopic electronic structure of the barrier material with a macroscopic model for the electrostatic potential which is caused by the ferroelectric polarization. The TER ratio is investigated in dependence on the intrinsic polarization, the chemical potential, and the screening properties of the electrodes. A change of sign in the TER ratio is obtained for both barrier materials in dependence on the chemical potential. The inverse imaginary Fermi velocity describes the microscopic origin of this effect; it qualitatively reflects the variation and the sign reversal of the TER. The quantity of the imaginary Fermi velocity allows to obtain detailed information on the transport properties of FTJs by analyzing the complex bandstructure of the barrier material.Comment: quality of figures reduce

    Application of Volcano Plots in Analyses of mRNA Differential Expressions with Microarrays

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    Volcano plot displays unstandardized signal (e.g. log-fold-change) against noise-adjusted/standardized signal (e.g. t-statistic or -log10(p-value) from the t test). We review the basic and an interactive use of the volcano plot, and its crucial role in understanding the regularized t-statistic. The joint filtering gene selection criterion based on regularized statistics has a curved discriminant line in the volcano plot, as compared to the two perpendicular lines for the "double filtering" criterion. This review attempts to provide an unifying framework for discussions on alternative measures of differential expression, improved methods for estimating variance, and visual display of a microarray analysis result. We also discuss the possibility to apply volcano plots to other fields beyond microarray.Comment: 8 figure