756 research outputs found

    Buoyancy Instabilities in Weakly Magnetized Low Collisionality Plasmas

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    I calculate the linear stability of a stratified low collisionality plasma in the presence of a weak magnetic field. Heat is assumed to flow only along magnetic field lines. In the absence of a heat flux in the background plasma, Balbus (2000) demonstrated that plasmas in which the temperature increases in the direction of gravity are buoyantly unstable to convective-like motions (the ``magnetothermal instability''). I show that in the presence of a background heat flux, an analogous instability is present when the temperature decreases in the direction of gravity. The instability is driven by the background heat flux and the fastest growing mode has a growth time of order the local dynamical time. Thus, independent of the sign of the temperature gradient, weakly magnetized low collisionality plasmas are unstable on a dynamical time to magnetically-mediated buoyancy instabilities. The instability described in this paper is predicted to be present in clusters of galaxies at radii from ~ 0.1-100 kpc, where the observed temperature increases outwards. Possible consequences for the origin of cluster magnetic fields, ``cooling flows,'' and the thermodynamics of the intercluster medium are briefly discussed.Comment: 5 pages; 1 cartoon; ApJ in pres

    Angular Momentum Transport in Particle and Fluid Disks

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    We examine the angular momentum transport properties of disks composed of macroscopic particles whose velocity dispersions are externally enhanced (``stirred''). Our simple Boltzmann equation model serves as an analogy for unmagnetized fluid disks in which turbulence may be driven by thermal convection. We show that interparticle collisions in particle disks play the same role as fluctuating pressure forces and viscous dissipation in turbulent disks: both transfer energy in random motions associated with one direction to those associated with another, and convert kinetic energy into heat. The direction of angular momentum transport in stirred particle and fluid disks is determined by the direction of external stirring and by the properties of the collision term in the Boltzmann equation (or its analogue in the fluid problem). In particular, our model problem yields inward transport for vertically or radially stirred disks, provided collisions are suitably inelastic; the transport is outwards in the elastic limit. Numerical simulations of hydrodynamic turbulence driven by thermal convection find inward transport; this requires that fluctuating pressure forces do little to no work, and is analogous to an externally stirred particle disk in which collisions are highly inelastic.Comment: 15 pages; final version accepted by ApJ; minor changes, some clarificatio

    Convection-Dominated Accretion Flows

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    Non-radiating, advection-dominated, accretion flows are convectively unstable. We calculate the two-dimensional (r-theta) structure of such flows assuming that (1) convection transports angular momentum inwards, opposite to normal viscosity and (2) viscous transport by other mechanisms (e.g., magnetic fields) is weak (alpha << 1). Under such conditions convection dominates the dynamics of the accretion flow and leads to a steady state structure that is marginally stable to convection. We show that the marginally stable flow has a constant temperature and rotational velocity on spherical shells, a net flux of energy from small to large radii, zero net accretion rate, and a radial density profile proportional to r^{-1/2}, flatter than the r^{-3/2} profile characteristic of spherical accretion flows. This solution accurately describes the full two-dimensional structure of recent axisymmetric numerical simulations of advection-dominated accretion flows.Comment: final version accepted by ApJ; discussion expanded, references adde

    On the Energetics of Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows

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    Using mean field MHD, we discuss the energetics of optically thin, two temperature, advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). If the magnetic field is tangled and roughly isotropic, flux freezing is insufficient to maintain the field in equipartition with the gas. In this case, we expect a fraction of the energy generated by shear in the flow to be used to build up the magnetic field strength as the gas flows in; the remaining energy heats the particles. We argue that strictly equipartition magnetic fields are incompatible with a priori reasonable levels of particle heating; instead, the plasma β\beta in ADAFs (defined to be the gas pressure divided by magnetic/turbulent pressure) is likely to be \gsim 5; correspondingly, the viscosity parameter α\alpha is likely to be \lsim 0.2Comment: 24 pages, ApJ submitte

    Turbulence and Particle Heating in Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows

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    We extend and reconcile recent work on turbulence and particle heating in advection-dominated accretion flows. For approximately equipartition magnetic fields, the turbulence primarily heats the electrons. For weaker magnetic fields, the protons are primarily heated. The division between electron and proton heating occurs between β5\beta \sim 5 and β100\beta \sim 100 (where β\beta is the ratio of the gas to the magnetic pressure), depending on unknown details of how Alfv\'en waves are converted into whistlers on scales of the proton Larmor radius. We also discuss the possibility that magnetic reconnection could be a significant source of electron heating.Comment: 17 pages (Latex), incl. 2 Figures; submitted to Ap

    Higher Spin Entanglement and W_N Conformal Blocks

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    Two-dimensional conformal field theories with extended W\cal{W}-symmetry algebras have dual descriptions in terms of weakly coupled higher spin gravity in AdS3_3\, at large central charge. Observables that can be computed and compared in the two descriptions include R\'enyi and entanglement entropies, and correlation functions of local operators. We develop techniques for computing these, in a manner that sheds light on when and why one can expect agreement between such quantities on each side of the duality. We set up the computation of excited state R\'enyi entropies in the bulk in terms of Chern-Simons connections, and show how this directly parallels the CFT computation of correlation functions. More generally, we consider the vacuum conformal block for general operators with Δc\Delta \sim c\,. When two of the operators obey Δc1{\Delta \over c} \ll 1\,, we show by explicit computation that the vacuum conformal block is computed by a bulk Wilson line probing an asymptotically AdS3_3 background with higher spin fields excited, the latter emerging as the effective bulk description of the excited state produced by the heavy operators. Among other things, this puts a previous proposal for computing higher spin entanglement entropy via Wilson lines on firmer footing, and clarifies its relation to CFT. We also study the corresponding computation in Toda theory and find that this provides yet another independent way to arrive at the same result.Comment: 56 page

    Multiflow TCP, UDP, IP, and ATM Traffic Generation Module

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    Networking devices must be capable of processing traffic flows from multiple sources. In order to verify that such devices operates properly, a network testbench can be used to inject traffic into the device. The specification of the traffic flows can be difficult. At the low level, there are header fields, data checksums, and packet length fields that all must be formatted correctly. Further, there can be multiple flows of traffic that will arrive simultaneously. It is desirable to specify traffic at a high level of abstraction. A software program can then be written to parse the specification and generate the low-level data that is actually processed by the networking hardware. For this project, a traffic generation program was built that accepts high-level traffic flow specifications. The program generates a cell-by-cell representation of the combined traffic flows. These flows can then be read by a testbench and fed into a simulation. With a hardware module capable of sending traffic created from the above program, a hardware test can be conducted using traffic generated with this program

    Galaxy Morphology from NICMOS Parallel Imaging

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    We present high resolution NICMOS images of random fields obtained in parallel to other HST observations. We present galaxy number counts reaching H=24. The H-band galaxy counts show good agreement with the deepest I- and K-band counts obtained from ground-based data. We present the distribution of galaxies with morphological type to H<23. We find relatively fewer irregular galaxies compared to an I-band sample from the Hubble Deep Field, which we attribute to their blue color, rather than to morphological K-corrections. We conclude that the irregulars are intrinsically faint blue galaxies at z<1.Comment: 13 pages, including 4 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter