13 research outputs found

    Visualization of the decision criteria in testing statistical hypotheses on programming in R (Rstudio)

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    Purpose: The case study addresses a development and justification of approaches to visualization of decision criteria in the problems of testing statistical hypotheses for a given distribution law (specifically, checking the distribution normality). Design/Methodology/Approach: The study describes a construction of graphical model that visualizes an application of criteria when testing statistical hypotheses for compliance with a given distribution law. This problem is solved in the language of statistical analysis R in the RStudio environment. Using the standard approach and focusing only on the P-value in relation to the chosen level of significance, the researcher cannot take into account the error of the second kind. However, analyzing the graphical representation of the behavior of the sample under study, one can conclude whether the value of the obtained P-value corresponds to the real assumption that the sample corresponds to a given distribution law. Findings: The research case proposes a new approach to testing statistical hypotheses on the compliance of a sample with a given distribution law, using visualization tools and allowing a researcher having even a little experience with the R language to solve applied problems. Practical implications: The approach does not require an in-depth knowledge of mathematics and programming which can be used by experts in various fields of knowledge to successfully solve applied problems. The text of the article contains working scripts in the language R and graphical illustrations obtained with their help. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is to expand the variety of methods for testing statistical hypotheses. The proposed method extends the set of statistical problems successfully solved by means of R.peer-reviewe


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    The paper discusses the formation of the investment portfolio of an agricultural enterprise by the method of integer dynamic programming, given the import substitution conditions when the domestic market orientation urges to seek new approaches to justifying the needs of rural producers in capital goods. The logistical support of agriculture sectors is forecasted based on the emerging market of logistic resources. With the establishment of new economic relations a sharp transition from the system of centralized logistical support to supplies of free resources at supplier prices is made. A method to solve the problem of the machine and tractor fleet optimization for agricultural enterprises is proposed.The application of the method is illustrated by the case study of the “Rodina” farm, Stavropol Territory. In the recent years, the entire federal system of the logistical support of the agricultural complex has been converted to joint stock companies that are very slow to trigger the marketing activity. On the one hand, they have to form their own marketing plans and, on the other hand, agricultural producers have to forecast a relatively stable consumer demand. Therefore, when forecasting these indices at the national economy level a particular attention should be paid to agricultural producers so as to give them priority in economic relations with producers of material and technical resources, including the government regulation.Статья посвящена формированию инвестиционного портфеля сельскохозяйственного предприятия методом целочисленного динамического программирования в условиях импортозамещения, когда ориентация на внутренний рынок вынуждает искать новые подходы к обоснованию потребности сельских товаропроизводителей в средствах производства. Материально-техническое обеспечение отраслей сельского хозяйства прогнозируется на основе формирующегося рынка материально-технических средств. В условиях новых экономических отношений сделан резкий переход от системы централизованного материально-технического обеспечения к свободной реализации ресурсов по ценам предприятий-поставщиков. Предлагается метод решения задачи оптимизации машинно-тракторного парка для сельхозпредприятия. Применение метода иллюстрируется на примере реального совхоза «Родина» Ставропольского края. В последние годы вся государственная система материально-технического обеспечения аграрно-промышленного комплекса преобразована в акционерные общества, которые очень медленно разворачивают маркетинговую деятельность. С одной стороны, они должны формировать свои маркетинговые планы, с другой, предприятия - производители сельскохозяйственной продукции должны прогнозировать свой относительно устойчивый платежеспособный спрос. Таким образом, при прогнозировании этих показателей на народнохозяйственном уровне следует уделять особое внимание производителям сельскохозяйственной продукции, отдавать им приоритет в экономических отношениях с производителями материально-технических ресурсов, включая государственное регулирование


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    The cooperation of universities and employers is becoming increasingly important because the practical component in the learning process becomes a significant competitive advantage of a graduate. The student is naturallyinterested in a good job, and the employer wants to get a skilled worker. As for the university, the demand for its graduates is one of its most important performance indicators. Thus, all interested parties have a common goal that can be achieved only if the cooperation of the university and the employer starts as early as in the learning process of a future employee. The purpose of this cooperation is to impart the accumulated knowledge to future professionals and prepare them for work in a business environment keeping pace with the business communityand to show them possible career building scenarios. The forms and methods of the cooperation between financialinstitutions and universities are analyzed. The materials used for the research included data available from the Internet as well as information provided by university officials.Сотрудничество вузов и работодателей приобретает все большую актуальность, так как практическая составляющая в процессе обучения становится значительным конкурентным преимуществом выпускника. Естественно, студент заинтересован в хорошем рабочем месте, а работодатель хочет получить квалифицированного работника. В то же время вуз рассматривает востребованность своих выпускников как один из наиболее важных показателей своей эффективности. Таким образом, все заинтересованные стороны имеют общую цель. Добиваться ее реализации можно только при условии взаимодействия вуза и работодателя еще в процессе обучения будущего работника. Цель такого взаимодействия - передать накопленные знания будущим специалистам и подготовить их к работе в бизнес-среде, задать ритм делового сообщества и показать возможные пути построения карьеры. Рассмотрены и проанализированы формы и методы сотрудничества финансовых организаций с учреждениями высшего образования. В качестве материалов для исследования используются материалы, опубликованные в интернете, а также информация, предоставленная компетентными представителями вузов


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    To ensure reliability of making decisions concerning investments into urban planning projects, it is useful to have a model of the urban real property value, e.g. apartment value. This article proposes an algorithm for estimating the value of an urban real estate object using Pareto ranking and a method of mutual concessions. The article begins with a brief description of the Pareto ranking method. Then parameters to be taken into account in the apartment value model are defined. After that the task solution algorithm is described. The algorithm is implemented in the FORTRAN-90 language. The software developed is used for solving the task of estimating the value of Moscow apartments. The urban apartment valuation is made using information on similar objects. The software outputs an interval estimate of the apartment value.Для принятия решений об инвестициях в градостроительные проекты целесообразно располагать моделью стоимости объектов городской недвижимости, например квартир. В статье предложен алгоритм оценки стоимости объектов городской недвижимости, использующий ранжирование по Парето и метод взаимных уступок. В начале статьи дано краткое изложение метода ранжирования по Парето. Далее определяются параметры, которые следует учитывать в модели стоимости квартиры. Затем излагается алгоритм решения задачи. Программная реализация алгоритма выполнена на алгоритмическом языке ФОРТРАН-90. Разработанное программное обеспечение используется для решения задачи оценки московских квартир. Оценка стоимости городской квартиры приводится на основе информации об аналогичных объектах. Результатом работы программы являются интервальные оценки стоимостей квартир


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    The new method of estimation of the values of the VaR using the modified GARCH model is presented, effectively assessing risks as in the quiet periods of financial market and at the same time the system instabilities.To check the efficiency of the estimation of the VaR used for statistics, calculated as on total time interval, and in the sliding window. Results of local and global use of these statistics are in good agreement with each other, with the statistics computed in sliding window provide information about the uniformity of the effectiveness of calculating VaR. In particular, the effectiveness of the assessment of VaR practically did not change during the periods of the significant rise in prices in comparison with the «quiet» periods.Представлена новая методика оценки величины VaR при помощи модифицированной GARCH-модели, эффективно оценивающая риски как в «спокойные» периоды финансового рынка, так и во время системных нестабильностей. Для проверки эффективности методики оценки VaR используются известные статистики, вычисляемые как на всем исследуемом временном интервале, так и в скользящем окне. Результаты локального и глобального применения этих статистик хорошо согласуются друг с другом, при этом статистики, вычисленные в скользящем окне, дают информацию о равномерности эффективности вычисления VaR. В частности, эффективность оценки VaR практически не меняется в периоды значительного роста цен по сравнению со спокойными периодами


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    The paper discusses the formation of the investment portfolio of an agricultural enterprise by the method of integer dynamic programming, given the import substitution conditions when the domestic market orientation urges to seek new approaches to justifying the needs of rural producers in capital goods. The logistical support of agriculture sectors is forecasted based on the emerging market of logistic resources. With the establishment of new economic relations a sharp transition from the system of centralized logistical support to supplies of free resources at supplier prices is made. A method to solve the problem of the machine and tractor fleet optimization for agricultural enterprises is proposed.The application of the method is illustrated by the case study of the “Rodina” farm, Stavropol Territory. In the recent years, the entire federal system of the logistical support of the agricultural complex has been converted to joint stock companies that are very slow to trigger the marketing activity. On the one hand, they have to form their own marketing plans and, on the other hand, agricultural producers have to forecast a relatively stable consumer demand. Therefore, when forecasting these indices at the national economy level a particular attention should be paid to agricultural producers so as to give them priority in economic relations with producers of material and technical resources, including the government regulation


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    Has been developed a ranking algorithm in the logic of the choice of Pareto generated by the vector criterion for a finite collection of macroeconomic parameters. Shows the theoretical justification of the existence entered rating with a possible generalization of the factorization Pareto on an arbitrary relation preferences, satisfying a number of conditions. The algorithm of formation of the attitude preferences aggregate disparate between the signs, to form the generalized rating of the objects being compared. The developed algorithm is implemented in the form of application programs. The obtained algorithm allows to form a strategy defining the management decision-making in comparative uncertainty. On the basis of developed algorithm developed a methodology for Express analysis of the current readiness of Moscow schools to the introduction of the GEF for the new generation


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    The cooperation of universities and employers is becoming increasingly important because the practical component in the learning process becomes a significant competitive advantage of a graduate. The student is naturallyinterested in a good job, and the employer wants to get a skilled worker. As for the university, the demand for its graduates is one of its most important performance indicators. Thus, all interested parties have a common goal that can be achieved only if the cooperation of the university and the employer starts as early as in the learning process of a future employee. The purpose of this cooperation is to impart the accumulated knowledge to future professionals and prepare them for work in a business environment keeping pace with the business communityand to show them possible career building scenarios. The forms and methods of the cooperation between financialinstitutions and universities are analyzed. The materials used for the research included data available from the Internet as well as information provided by university officials


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    To ensure reliability of making decisions concerning investments into urban planning projects, it is useful to have a model of the urban real property value, e.g. apartment value. This article proposes an algorithm for estimating the value of an urban real estate object using Pareto ranking and a method of mutual concessions. The article begins with a brief description of the Pareto ranking method. Then parameters to be taken into account in the apartment value model are defined. After that the task solution algorithm is described. The algorithm is implemented in the FORTRAN-90 language. The software developed is used for solving the task of estimating the value of Moscow apartments. The urban apartment valuation is made using information on similar objects. The software outputs an interval estimate of the apartment value