48 research outputs found

    الترغيب والترهيب في قصة لقمان: دروس تربوية مختارة Targeeb and Tarheeb in Surah Luqman: Selected Educational Implications

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    يُعد الترغيب والترغيب من الأساليب القرآنية المميزة في مخاطبة النفس الانسانية بطريقة الثواب والعقاب. ويكون الترغيب في جنس الطاعات وأنواعها، والترهيب بذكر الوعيد بالعذاب والعقوبات على جنس المعاصي والذنوب. وهذا يشكل دافعا كبيرا للإقبال على كل ما هو نافع والابتعاد عن كل ما هو ضار، سواء كان هذا النفع أو الضرر حاصلاً للنفس أو المجتمع. ويُعد الترغيب والترهيب من الأساليب التربوية الناجحة في أي عصر بشرط أن يكون المضمون التربوي سويًّا. ولهذه الأساليب ( الترغيب والترهيب) أغراضها وطرقها وأقسامها وصيغها الخاصة والتي تحفل بها العديد من مشاهد القصص القرأنية التي تهدف إلى إحداث نوع من التغيير الفردي والجماعي، وصولاً إلى إحداث تغيير إيجابي شامل على كافة المستويات، منها الاعتفادي والفكري والنفسي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي والسياسي. يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل مشاهد قصة لقمان التي استخدمت أسلوب الترغيب والترهيب و استخلاص الدروس التربوية منها باتباع المنهج التحليلي (التفسيري). وتبين أن القصة حملت بين ثنايا كلماتها آداب العلاقة مع الله ثم مع المحيط القريب (الوالدين) إلى آداب العلاقة مع الآخرين، والصفات الحسنة وطيب السجايا، وعمل الخير ونشر الفضيلة وذلك بالترغبيب في الإيمان وطلب الحكمة والشكر لصاحب النعمة و إظهار الخير والتنويه بفاعله و استخدام لغة الوعظ الرفيق اللين واتّباع الاسلوب والخطاب الحسن في الدعوة والعمل بكل أصناف المعروف صَغُرت أم كبرت والاخلاص في القول والعمل واستشعار مراقبة الله سبحانه وتعالى، وعٌزِّزَ هذا بالترهيب من مصير من لايطبق أمر الله سبحانه وتعالى. فقصة لقمان على قلة عدد آياتها، قد جمعت أصول الشريعة وهي: الاعتقاد والاعمال وأدب المعاملة وأدب النفس. لذلك على المربي أن يتحلى بالإيحابية في الحياة والصدق في المعاملات والعلاقات والاعتدال والثبات على المبدأ والسلوك بالقدوة؛ وهي من الامور الاساسية التي لا غنى عنها في حياة كل إنسان

    SSR- and RAPD Analysis of a New Agropyron Repens Genotype

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    SSR-(single sequence repeat), and RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) primer generated DNA fingerprints were used to distinguish a new genotype of quackgrass from its original type of Agropyron repenes L. Beauv. (= Elytrigia repens). Products of polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were separated by agarose (AGE) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Although, both kinds of primers were found to be polymorphic, the microsatellite primer with sequence of 5í-AC(GACA)4-3í generated distinguishing fingerprints in the two types of quackgrasses. This result gives genetic evidence for the new genotype of quackgrass

    Case Study on the Dissemination of Radicalism on Social Media

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there is a close connection between exposure to radicalism and the quantity of terrorism-related discourse on social media. For this study, responses from local high school students were gathered using a technique called as simple random sampling. The number of samples was determined using the method for proportional stratified random sampling, with a precision value of 10 percent and a confidence level of 90 percent. After applying these settings, a total sample of 93 respondents was generated. The data collection process comprised survey research and literature studies, while the data analysis methodology included single table analysis, cross tables, and hypothesis testing. Due to the fact that the majority of respondents visited social media for less than one hour in total, the results suggested that the impact of social media discourse on broadcast of terrorist actions was minimal. There is a connection between the degree of exposure to radicalism and the impact that terrorist rhetoric has on social media. This connection is weak yet indisputable


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    A collection of diverse germplasm is the foundation for the genetic improvement of crop plants. Sorghum is a versatile crop and a staple food for the poorest parts of Africa. It is a crop endowed with one of the highest genetic diversity. Worldwide, there are close to a quarter million sorghum accessions collected and maintained by national and international genebanks. The two biggest sorghum germplasm holders are the US Department of Agriculture and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. Together they maintain about 1/3 of the world’s sorghum germplasm collection. Majority of accessions have been characterized, and accessions with specific attributes have been identified. Researchers can access these data and select accessions to meet their project needs. More importantly, core and minicore collections or genotype-based reference sets, representing diversity present in the entire germplasm, have been formed, and using these subsets new sources of variations have been identified for use in sorghum improvement programs. Genome-wide mapping experiments revealed marker–trait associations for agronomically useful traits

    Sweet Sorghum: Genetics, Breeding and Commercialization

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    This chapter describes sweet sorghum characteristics and utilization as food and fuel; climate requirements and distribution; reproductive biology including floral biology, pollination, fertilization and seed development; genomics; genetic transformation; breeding objectives and methods; and commercialization. Full exploration of the available genetic resources through plant breeding with the aid of molecular tools could dramatically increase biomass yield of sorghum and thus meet the demand of feedstocks for biofuel production without a significant impact on our food supply and natural environment

    Comparison of Lipid Extraction Methods of Food-Grade Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Using Hexane

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    Much has been reported concerning sorghum phytochemicals, such as policosanols, but little literature exists on how various extraction methods might be used to optimize the recovery of such phytochemicals. The purpose of this study was to compare three extraction methods for recovery of different sorghum lipids. Lipids were extracted from whole kernel and ground Macia, a food-grade sorghum hybrid, with hexane by a Soxtec method, a refluxing method (RB), and a bench-scale recirculated solvent (RC) method. Comparisons of total lipid yield and lipid class yields extracted from the grain by each method were made. Total lipid yield for the three extraction methods ranged from 0.04% to 3.59%. The extraction method affected the total lipid recovered and the composition of the extract. The Soxtec method yielded greater total lipid content and yielded greater amounts of policosanols than the RB and RC methods

    Development of STS markers linked to Hessian fly resistance gene H6 in wheat

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