7,068 research outputs found

    Breu història de la introducció del bàsquet a Mataró

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    Hadrons in AdS/QCD models

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    We discuss applications of gauge/gravity duality to describe the spectrum of light hadrons. We compare two particular 5-dimensional approaches: a model with an infrared deformed Anti-de Sitter metric and another one based on a dynamical AdS/QCD framework with back-reacted geometry in a dilaton/gravity background. The models break softly the scale invariance in the infrared region and allow mass gap for the field excitations in the gravity description, while keeping the conformal property of the metric close to the four-dimensional boundary. The models provide linear Regge trajectories for light mesons, associated with specially designed infrared gravity properties. We also review the results for the decay widths of the f0's into two pions, as overlap integrals between mesonic string amplitudes, which are in qualitative agreement with data

    Perinatal outcomes of frequent attendance in midwifery care in the Netherlands: a retrospective cohort study

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    Background Over the last decade, a trend towards high utilisation of primary maternity care was observed in high-income countries. There is limited research with contradictory results regarding frequent attendance (FA) and perinatal outcomes in midwifery care. Therefore, this study examined possible associations between FA in midwifery care and obstetric interventions and perinatal outcomes. Methods A retrospective cohort study was performed in a medium-sized midwifery-led care practice in an urban region in the Netherlands. Frequent attenders (FAs) were categorised using the Kotelchuck-Index Revised. Regression analyses were executed to examine the relationship between FAs and perinatal outcomes, stratified by antenatal referral to an obstetrician. Main outcomes of interest were Apgar score ≤ 7 and perinatal death, birth weight, mode of delivery, haemorrhage, place of birth, transfer during labour, and a requirement for pain relief. Results The study included 1015 women, 239 (24%) FAs and 776 (76%) non-FAs, 538 (53%) were not referred and 447 (47%) were referred to an obstetrician. In the non-referred group, FA was significantly associated with a requirement for pain relief (OR 1.98, 95% CI 1.24–3.17) and duration of dilatation (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.04–1.38). In the referred group, FA was significantly associated with induction of labour (OR 1.86, 95% CI 1.17–2.95), ruptured perineum (OR 0.50, 95% CI 0.27–0.95) and episiotomy (OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.24–0.95). In the non-referred and the referred group, FA was not associated with the other obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Due to small numbers, we could not measure possible associations of FA with an Apgar score ≤ 7 and perinatal death. Conclusion In our study, perinatal outcomes differed by FA and antenatal referral to an obstetrician. In the non-referred group, FA was significantly associated with medical pain relief and duration of dilatation. In the referred group, FA was significantly associated with induction of labour, ruptured perineum, and episiotomy. Further research with a larger study population is needed to look for a possible association between FA and primary adverse birth outcomes such as perinatal mortality

    Orfeo y Federico García Lorca. El mito y lo órfico en Sonetos del amor oscuro

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    El siguiente trabajo pretende mostrar la relación entre la poesía utilizada desde un punto de vista órfico y Sonetos del amor oscuro de Federico García Lorca. El estudio, basado en la última obra de Federico García Lorca, analiza la poesía en Sonetos del amor oscuro centrándose en dos características que el orfismo otorgaba a la poesía: la lírica como medio de purificación y como medio de penetración en el alma humana. Asimismo, se realiza un breve estudio sobre la obra Sonetos del amor oscuro y la relación entre el mito de Orfeo y el orfismo.El següent treball pretén mostrar la relació entre la poesia utilitzada des d'un punt de vista òrfic i Sonetos del amor oscuro de Federico García Lorca. L'estudi, basat en l'última obra de Federico García Lorca, analitza la poesia en Sonetos del amor oscuro centrant-se en dues característiques que l'orfisme atorgava a la poesia: la lírica com a mitjà purificador i com a mitjà de penetració en l'ànima humana. Així mateix, es realitza un breu estudi sobre l'obra Sonetos del amor oscuro i la relació entre el mite d'Orfeu i l'orfisme

    Naming It. Adolescent Desire and the Construction of Identity in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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    This paper will focus on the essential role that names and naming play in the fatal desire that drives Romeo and Juliet to their tragic end. In the first part of the paper, the manner in which other characters define and characterize Romeo and Juliet individually will be analyzed, paying particular attention to Capulet's view of his daughter and to Benvolio and Mercutio's view of Romeo. In the second part of the paper I will deal with how Romeo and Juliet define themselves and each other through their desire. Passages such as their nocturnal encounter under Juliet's window on Act 2 will be paid especial attention to, as well as Romeo's lamentations at his banishment on Act 3.Aquest treball es centrarà en el paper esencial que tenen els noms i el nomenament en el desig fatal que porta en Romeu i la Julieta a la seva trágica fi. A la primera part del treball, s'analitzarà la manera en que altres personatges defineixen i caracteritzen en Romeu i la Julieta individualment, parant especial atenció a la visió d'en Capulet de la seva filla i a la visió d'en Benvolio i en Marcutio de Romeu. A la segona part del treball tractaré amb com Romeu i Julieta es defineixen a ells mateixos i a l'altre a través del seu desig. Es donarà especial atenció a passatges com l'escena al balcó de Julieta al segon acte o els laments d'en Romeu després de ser desterrat al tercer acte

    El papel de la metáfora en los lenguajes de especialidad. Un estudio sobre el lenguaje figurativo en textos de especialidad sobre VIH

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    El lenguaje especializado se caracteriza principalmente por su intención de transmitir el conocimiento de la manera más clara y objetiva posible. Sin embargo, el estudio de este tipo de lenguaje, que ha adquirido una gran relevancia en los últimos años, muestra el uso recurrente de metáforas, una figura que suele asociarse con la subjetividad y con otros tipos de lenguaje, como el poético. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el uso de este recurso en el lenguaje especializado, centrándonos en textos del ámbito de la virología, a fin de establecer cuál es su función en este tipo de textos, si se trata de un recurso puramente retórico o si, por el contrario, persigue un objetivo que va más allá de los propósitos estilísticosEl llenguatge especialitzat es caracteritza principalment per la seva intenció de transmetre el coneixement de la manera més clara i objectiva possible. No obstant això, l'estudi d'aquest tipus de llenguatge, que ha adquirit una gran rellevància els darrers anys, mostra un ús recurrent de metàfores, una figura que acostuma a relacionar-se amb la subjectivitat i amb altres tipus de llenguatge, com el poètic. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar la utilització d'aquest recurs al llenguatge especialitzat, centrant-nos en l'àmbit de la virologia, per tal d'establir quina és la seva funció en aquest tipus de text, si es tracta d'un recurs purament retòric o si, per contra, busca una finalitat que va més enllà d'intencions retòriquesThe main characteristic of specialised language is its purpose to communicate knowledge as clearly and objectively as possible. However, studies on this type of language, which has become highly relevant over the last few years, show a recurrent use of metaphors, a figure usually related to subjectivity and other types of language, such as poetic language. The aim of this paper is to analyse the use of this resource in specialised language, focusing in the field of virology, in order to establish its function in this kind of texts, whether it is simply a rhetoric resource or whether it pursues an objective beyond stylistic purpose