257 research outputs found

    Music genre classification: a multilinear approach

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    In this paper, music genre classification is addressed in a multilinear perspective. Inspired by a model of auditory cortical processing, multiscale spectro-temporal modulation features are extracted. Such spectro-temporal modulation features have been successfully used in various content- based audio classification tasks recently, but not yet in music genre classification. Each recording is represented by a third-order feature tensor generated by the auditory model. Thus, the ensemble of recordings is represented by a fourth-order data tensor created by stacking the third-order feature tensors associated to the recordings. To handle large data tensors and derive compact feature vectors suitable for classification, three multilinear subspace techniques are examined, namely the Non-Negative Tensor Factorization (NTF), the High-Order Singular Value Decomposition (HOSVD), and the Multilinear Principal Component Analysis (MPCA). Classification is performed by a Support Vector Machine. Stratified cross-validation tests on the GTZAN dataset and the ISMIR 2004 Genre one demonstrate the advantages of NTF and HOSVD versus MPCA. The best accuracies obtained by the proposed multilinear approach is comparable with those achieved by state-of-the-art music genre classification algorithms

    MusCaps: generating captions for music audio

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    Content-based music information retrieval has seen rapid progress with the adoption of deep learning. Current approaches to high-level music description typically make use of classification models, such as in auto tagging or genre and mood classification. In this work, we propose to address music description via audio captioning, defined as the task of generating a natural language description of music audio content in a human-like manner. To this end, we present the first music audio captioning model, MusCaps, consisting of an encoder-decoder with temporal attention. Our method combines convolutional and recurrent neural network architectures to jointly process audio-text inputs through a multimodal encoder and leverages pre-training on audio data to obtain representations that effectively capture and summarise musical features in the input. Evaluation of the generated captions through automatic metrics shows that our method outperforms a baseline designed for non-music audio captioning. Through an ablation study, we unveil that this performance boost can be mainly attributed to pre-training of the audio encoder, while other design choices – modality fusion, decoding strategy and the use of attention -- contribute only marginally. Our model represents a shift away from classification-based music description and combines tasks requiring both auditory and linguistic understanding to bridge the semantic gap in music information retrieval

    Contrastive audio-language learning for music

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    As one of the most intuitive interfaces known to humans, natural language has the potential to mediate many tasks that involve human-computer interaction, especially in application-focused fields like Music Information Retrieval. In this work, we explore cross-modal learning in an attempt to bridge audio and language in the music domain. To this end, we propose MusCALL, a framework for Music Contrastive Audio-Language Learning. Our approach consists of a dual-encoder architecture that learns the alignment between pairs of music audio and descriptive sentences, producing multimodal embeddings that can be used for text-to-audio and audio-to-text retrieval out-of-the-box. Thanks to this property, MusCALL can be transferred to virtually any task that can be cast as text-based retrieval. Our experiments show that our method performs significantly better than the baselines at retrieving audio that matches a textual description and, conversely, text that matches an audio query. We also demonstrate that the multimodal alignment capability of our model can be successfully extended to the zero-shot transfer scenario for genre classification and auto-tagging on two public datasets

    Learning music audio representations via weak language supervision

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    Audio representations for music information retrieval are typically learned via supervised learning in a task-specific fashion. Although effective at producing state-of-the-art results, this scheme lacks flexibility with respect to the range of applications a model can have and requires extensively annotated datasets. In this work, we pose the question of whether it may be possible to exploit weakly aligned text as the only supervisory signal to learn general-purpose music audio representations. To address this question, we design a multimodal architecture for music and language pre-training (MuLaP) optimised via a set of proxy tasks. Weak supervision is provided in the form of noisy natural language descriptions conveying the overall musical content of the track. After pre-training, we transfer the audio backbone of the model to a set of music audio classification and regression tasks. We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach by comparing the performance of audio representations produced by the same audio backbone with different training strategies and show that our pre-training method consistently achieves comparable or higher scores on all tasks and datasets considered. Our experiments also confirm that MuLaP effectively leverages audio-caption pairs to learn representations that are competitive with audio-only and cross-modal self-supervised methods in the literature

    ST-ITO: Controlling audio effects for style transfer with inference-time optimization

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    Audio production style transfer is the task of processing an input to impart stylistic elements from a reference recording. Existing approaches often train a neural network to estimate control parameters for a set of audio effects. However, these approaches are limited in that they can only control a fixed set of effects, where the effects must be differentiable or otherwise employ specialized training techniques. In this work, we introduce ST-ITO, Style Transfer with Inference-Time Optimization, an approach that instead searches the parameter space of an audio effect chain at inference. This method enables control of arbitrary audio effect chains, including unseen and non-differentiable effects. Our approach employs a learned metric of audio production style, which we train through a simple and scalable self-supervised pretraining strategy, along with a gradient-free optimizer. Due to the limited existing evaluation methods for audio production style transfer, we introduce a multi-part benchmark to evaluate audio production style metrics and style transfer systems. This evaluation demonstrates that our audio representation better captures attributes related to audio production and enables expressive style transfer via control of arbitrary audio effects

    Preservation and Promotion of Opera Cultural Heritage: The Experience of La Scala Theatre

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    This paper focuses on music and music-related cultural heritage typically preserved by opera houses, starting from the experience achieved during the long-lasting collaboration between La Scala theater and the Laboratory of Music Informatics of the University of Milan. First, we will mention the most significant results achieved by the project in the fields of preservation, information retrieval and dissemination of cultural heritage through computer-based approaches. Moreover, we will discuss the possibilities offered by new technologies applied to the conservative context of an opera house, including: the multi-layer representation of music information to foster the accessibility of musical content also by non-experts; the adoption of 5G networks to deliver spherical videos of live events, thus opening new scenarios for cultural heritage enjoyment and dissemination; deep learning approaches both to improve internal processes (e.g., back-office applications for music information retrieval) and to offer advanced services to users (e.g., highly-customized experiences)

    Speaker-independent emotion recognition exploiting a psychologically-inspired binary cascade classification schema

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    In this paper, a psychologically-inspired binary cascade classification schema is proposed for speech emotion recognition. Performance is enhanced because commonly confused pairs of emotions are distinguishable from one another. Extracted features are related to statistics of pitch, formants, and energy contours, as well as spectrum, cepstrum, perceptual and temporal features, autocorrelation, MPEG-7 descriptors, Fujisakis model parameters, voice quality, jitter, and shimmer. Selected features are fed as input to K nearest neighborhood classifier and to support vector machines. Two kernels are tested for the latter: Linear and Gaussian radial basis function. The recently proposed speaker-independent experimental protocol is tested on the Berlin emotional speech database for each gender separately. The best emotion recognition accuracy, achieved by support vector machines with linear kernel, equals 87.7%, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches. Statistical analysis is first carried out with respect to the classifiers error rates and then to evaluate the information expressed by the classifiers confusion matrices. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011