28 research outputs found

    Самоорганізовані метал-напівпровідникові мікро- та наноструктури Au-GaAs для застосування у плазмонній фотовольтаїці

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    Au-GaAs metal-semiconductor composite microstructures have been prepared by an anisotropic etching of n-GaAs (100) wafers doped with Te (1016 to 1017 cm-3) with subsequent photostimulated chemical deposition of noble metal (Au) on formed semiconductor quasigratings. The microrelief topology of GaAs surface is controlled by the anisotropic etching conditions. Au metal was deposited on the structured GaAs surface as randomly placed nanoparticles of various shape and size and/or nanowires on the top of the hills of formed semiconductor microstructure. As the number of Au nanoparticles increases, they tend to localize on the ledges of the GaAs microrelief forming a system of approximately parallel nanowires. Obtained periodic structures with submicron to microns periods without Au nanoparticles and with deposited nanoparticles have been studied by means of scanning electron microscopy, optical spectroscopy (photoluminescence spectroscopy at room temperature), and photoelectric measurements. The decrease of the relative intensity of main photoluminescence band for samples with Au nanostructures compared to ones without nanoparticles deposition and simultaniously changes of the shape of photocurrent spectra of Au-GaAs microstructures have been observed. Such correlation in behaviour of measured spectra make formed Au-GaA metal-semiconductor microstructures perspective for the application in plasmonic photovoltaics. Pages of the article in the issue: 139 - 142 Language of the article: EnglishМетал-напівпровідникові композитні мікроструктури Au-GaAs були отримані шляхом анізотропного травлення з подальшим фотостимульованим хімічним осадженням благородного металу (Au) на сформовані напівпровідникові квазігратки. Золото наносилося на структуровану поверхню GaAs у вигляді хаотично розміщених наночастинок металу та/або нанодротів на вершинах пагорбів напівпровідникової мікроструктури. Сформовані структури вивчаються за допомогою скануючої електронної мікроскопії, оптичної спектроскопії та фотоелектричних вимірювань. Створені метал-напівпровідникові мікроструктури Au-GaAs є перспективними для застосування в плазмонній фотовольтаїці, що підтверджується поведінкою спектрів фотолюмінесценції та змінами форми спектрів фотоструму

    Homozygous staggerer (sg/sg) mice display improved insulin sensitivity and enhanced glucose uptake in skeletal muscle

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    Homozygous staggerer (sg/sg) mice, which have decreased and dysfunctional Ror alpha (also known as Rora) expression in all tissues, display a lean and dyslipidaemic phenotype. They are also resistant to (high fat) diet-induced obesity. We explored whether retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor (ROR) alpha action in skeletal muscle was involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism

    Control of Gene Expression by the Retinoic Acid-Related Orphan Receptor Alpha in HepG2 Human Hepatoma Cells

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    Retinoic acid-related Orphan Receptor alpha (RORα; NR1F1) is a widely distributed nuclear receptor involved in several (patho)physiological functions including lipid metabolism, inflammation, angiogenesis, and circadian rhythm. To better understand the role of this nuclear receptor in liver, we aimed at displaying genes controlled by RORα in liver cells by generating HepG2 human hepatoma cells stably over-expressing RORα. Genes whose expression was altered in these cells versus control cells were displayed using micro-arrays followed by qRT-PCR analysis. Expression of these genes was also altered in cells in which RORα was transiently over-expressed after adenoviral infection. A number of the genes found were involved in known pathways controlled by RORα, for instance LPA, NR1D2 and ADIPOQ in lipid metabolism, ADIPOQ and PLG in inflammation, PLG in fibrinolysis and NR1D2 and NR1D1 in circadian rhythm. This study also revealed that genes such as G6PC, involved in glucose homeostasis, and AGRP, involved in the control of body weight, are also controlled by RORα. Lastly, SPARC, involved in cell growth and adhesion, and associated with liver carcinogenesis, was up-regulated by RORα. SPARC was found to be a new putative RORα target gene since it possesses, in its promoter, a functional RORE as evidenced by EMSAs and transfection experiments. Most of the other genes that we found regulated by RORα also contained putative ROREs in their regulatory regions. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) confirmed that the ROREs present in the SPARC, PLG, G6PC, NR1D2 and AGRP genes were occupied by RORα in HepG2 cells. Therefore these genes must now be considered as direct RORα targets. Our results open new routes on the roles of RORα in glucose metabolism and carcinogenesis within cells of hepatic origin

    Development of Solar Energy Systems Based on High Performance Bulk and Film Thermoelectric Modules

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    Abstract: Due to the increase in energy demand and depletion of natural resources, the development of energy harvesting technologies becomes very important. Thermoelectric devices, based on the direct conversion of heat into electrical energy, are being the essential part of cost-effective, environmental-friendly, and fuel-saving energy sources for power generation, temperature sensors, and thermal management. High reliability and long operation time of thermoelectric energy systems lead to their extensive use in space industry and gas pipe systems. Development and wide application of solar thermoelectric converters (generators) is mainly limited by relatively low thermoelectric conversion efficiency. In this work, we suggest for the first time to use direct conversion of solar energy by systems based on high-performance multistage thermoelectric modules operating in the temperature range of 300 - 900 K for creation of autonomic systems with electric power up to 500 W and electric efficiency up to 15 %. Furthermore, we developed film thermoelectric modules on thin flexible substrates with the figure of merit Z corresponding to that of bulk modules. Such film thermoelectric converters with output voltage of several volts and electric power of several microwatts can be used at micro-solar energy systems

    Turning On and Off Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Fluorescent Proteins by π-Stacking, Halide Binding, and Tyr145 Mutations

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    Photoinduced electron transfer in fluorescent proteins from the GFP family can be regarded either as an asset facilitating new applications or as a nuisance leading to the loss of optical output. Photooxidation commonly results in green-to-red photoconversion called oxidative redding. We discovered that yellow FPs do not undergo redding; however, the redding is restored upon halide binding. Calculations of the energetics of one-electron oxidation and possible electron transfer (ET) pathways suggested that excited-state ET proceeds through a hopping mechanism via Tyr145. In YFPs, the π-stacking of the chromophore with Tyr203 reduces its electron-donating ability, which can be restored by halide binding. Point mutations confirmed that Tyr145 is a key residue controlling ET. Substitution of Tyr145 by less-efficient electron acceptors resulted in highly photostable mutants. This strategy (i.e., calculation and disruption of ET pathways by mutations) may represent a new approach toward enhancing photostability of Fps