3,161 research outputs found
The aim of the work – to determine the influence of fixed metal, metal-ceramic and ceramic dentures on the state of protein and carbohydrate components of periodontal connective tissue and their cytokine regulation in patients with duodenum ulcer (DPU). Materials and Methods. 147 patients with duodenal ulcer were examined using modern clinical, biochemical and immunoenzyme methods, including 43 persons with edentulous spaces without dentures (group 1), 35 people with fixed metal dentures (group 2), 42 patients with ulcer with fixed metal-ceramic dentures ( 3 group), 27 patients with fixed ceramic dentures (group 4).Results. In patients with DU without denture a significant changes in metabolism of the periodontal extracellular matrix (ECM) components were established, likely reducing the intensity of the synthesis of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, glycoproteins and fibronectin on the background of increasing the intensity of collagenolysis and fukoglycoproteins degradation. The presence of metal fixed dentures leads to a substantial deepening of imbalances due to increased activity of collagenase and elastase of ECM, overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1) and failure of growth factors (TGF-β1) with anabolic action in the blood, which have a strong correlation with the intensity of reactions ana- and catabolism of collagen, elastin, blood levels of glycosaminoglycans, fukoglycoproteins, fibronectin content. Conclusions. The presence of metal fixed dentures in patients with DPU reduces collagen synthesis and increases collagenolytic activity of plasma due to increased activity of collagenase and elastase of ECM, accompanied by hyperproduction of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1) against the deficiency of blood growth factors (TGF-β1) content, which were significantly higher in comparison with patients with DPU without dentures and in patients with fixed ceramic dentures.Цель работы – установить влияние несъемных металлических, металлокерамических и керамических протезов на сосотояние белково-углеводных компонентов соединительной ткани пародонта и сосотояние их цитокиновой регуляции у больных язвенной болезнью (ЯБ) дванадцятиперстной кишки (ДПК).Материалы и методы. Обследованы 147 больных ЯБ ДПК в фазе рубцевания язвы, в том числе: 43 пациента с дефектами зубного ряда без зубных протезов (1 группа), 35 лиц с несъемными металлическими протезами (2 группа), 42 – с несъемными металлокерамическими протезами (3 группа), 27 – с несъемными керамическими протезами (4 группа). Испольовали современные клинические, биохимические и иммуноферментные методы исследования.Результаты исследований. У больных ЯБ ДПК без протезов зубного ряда установлены существенные нарушения метаболизма компонентов внеклеточного матрикса (ВКМ) пародонта: достоверное снижение интенсивности синтеза коллагена, гликозаминогликанов, гликопротеинов, фибронектина на фоне повышения интенсивности процессов коллагенолиза и деградаци фукогликопротеинов. Наличие металлосодержащих несъемных зубных протезов привело к существенному усугублению данного дисбаланса вследствие активации коллагеназ и элластазы ВКМ, гиперпродукции провоспалительных цитокинов (TNF-α, IL-1), недостаточности содержания в крови факторов роста (TGF-β1) анаболического дейстивия, которые в сильной взаимозависимости коррелируют с интенсивностью реакций ана- и катаболизма коллагена, элластина, содержанием в крови гликозаминогликанов, фукогликопротеинов, фибронектина.Выводы. Наличие металлосодержащих несъемных зубных протезов у больных ЯБ ДПК способствует торможению синтеза коллагена, повышению коллагенолиза вследствие активации коллагеназ и элластазы ВКМ, что сопровождается достоверной гиперпродукцией провоспалительных цитокинов (TNF-α, IL-1) на фоне дефицита факторов роста (TGF-β1), которые превышают показатели у больных ЯБ без зубных протезов и с наличием несъемных керамических протезов.Мета роботи – встановити вплив незнімних металевих, металокерамічних та керамічних протезів на стан білково-вуглеводних компонентів сполучної тканини пародонта та стан їх цитокінової регуляції у крові хворих на виразкову хворобу (ВХ) дванадцятипалої кишки (ДПК).Матеріали і методи. Обстежено 147 хворих на ВХ ДПК у фазі рубцювання виразки, у тому числі 43 особи із дефектами зубного ряду без зубних протезів (1 група), 35 осіб із незнімними металевими зубними протезами (2 група), 42 – із незнімними металокерамічними протезами (3 група), 27 – із незнімними керамічними протезами (4 група). Використовували клінічні, біохімічні та імуноферментні методи дослідження.Результати досліджень. У хворих на ВХ ДПК без протезів зубного ряду виявлено істотні зміни метаболізму компонентів позаклітинного матриксу (ПКМ) пародонта: вірогідне зниження інтенсивності синтезу колагену, глікозаміногліканів, глікопротеїнів, фібронектину на тлі підвищення інтенсивності процесів колагенолізу та деградації фукоглікопротеїнів. Наявність металовмісних незнімних зубних протезів призвела до істотного поглиблення даного дисбалансу внаслідок підвищення активності колагеназ та еластази ПКМ, гіперпродукції прозапальних цитокінів (TNF-α, IL-1) та недостатності вмісту в крові факторів росту (TGF-β1) анаболічної дії, які у сильній взаємозалежності корелюють із інтенсивністю реакцій ана- та катаболізму колагену, еластину, вмістом у крові глікозаміногліканів, фукоглікопротеїнів, фібронектину.Висновки. Наявність металовмісних незнімних зубних протезів у хворих на ВХ ДПК сприяє зниженню синтезу колагену та підвищенню колагенолізу внаслідок зростання активності колагеназ та еластази ПКМ, що супроводжується вірогідно вищою гіперпродукцією прозапальних цитокінів (TNF-α, IL-1) на тлі недостатності вмісту в крові факторів росту (TGF-β1), які істотно перевищують показники хворих на ВХ без зубних протезів та за наявності незнімних керамічних протезів
Benzene and toluene in the surface air of northern Eurasia from TROICA-12 campaign along the Trans-Siberian Railway
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured by proton transfer
reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) on a mobile laboratory in a
transcontinental TROICA-12 (21 July–4 August 2008) campaign along
the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok. Surface concentrations
of benzene (C6H6) and toluene (C7H8) along with
non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), CO, O3, SO2, NO, NO2 and
meteorology are analyzed in this study to identify the main sources of
benzene and toluene along the Trans-Siberian Railway. The most measurements
in the TROICA-12 campaign were conducted under low-wind/stagnant conditions
in moderately ( ∼ 78 % of measurements) to weakly polluted
( ∼ 20 % of measurements) air directly affected by regional
anthropogenic sources adjacent to the railway. Only 2 % of measurements
were identified as characteristic of highly polluted urban atmosphere.
Maximum values of benzene and toluene during the campaign reached 36.5
and 45.6 ppb, respectively, which is significantly less than their
short-term exposure limits (94 and 159 ppb for benzene and toluene, respectively). About 90 % of benzene and 65 % of toluene content is
attributed to motor vehicle transport and 10 and 20 %, respectively,
provided by the other local- and regional-scale sources. The highest average
concentrations of benzene and toluene are measured in the industrial regions
of the European Russia (up to 0.3 and 0.4 ppb for benzene and toluene,
respectively) and south Siberia (up to 0.2 and 0.4 ppb for benzene and
toluene, respectively). Total contribution of benzene and toluene to
photochemical ozone production along the Trans-Siberian Railway is about
16 % compared to the most abundant organic VOC – isoprene. This
contribution, however, is found to be substantially higher (up to 60–70 %)
in urbanized areas along the railway, suggesting an important role of
anthropogenic pollutant sources in regional ozone photochemistry and air
Modeling the Near-Infrared Luminosity Functions of Young Stellar Clusters
We present the results of numerical experiments designed to evaluate the
usefulness of near-infrared luminosity functions for constraining the Initial
Mass Function (IMF) of young stellar populations. From this numerical modeling,
we find that the luminosity function of a young stellar population is
considerably more sensitive to variations in the underlying initial mass
function than to either variations in the star forming history or assumed
pre-main-sequence (PMS) mass-to-luminosity relation. To illustrate the
potential effectiveness of using the KLF of a young cluster to constrain its
IMF, we model the observed K band luminosity function of the nearby Trapezium
cluster. Our derived mass function for the Trapezium spans two orders of
magnitude in stellar mass (5 Msun to 0.02 Msun), has a peak near the hydrogen
burning limit, and has an IMF for Brown Dwarfs which steadily decreases with
decreasing mass.Comment: To appear in ApJ (1 April 2000). 37 pages including 11 figures, AAS:
ver 5.
Chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols between Moscow and Vladivostok
International audienceThe TROICA-9 expedition (Trans-Siberian Observations Into the Chemistry of the Atmosphere) was carried out at the Trans-Siberian railway between Moscow and Vladivostok in October 2005. Measurements of aerosol physical and chemical properties were made from an observatory carriage connected to a passenger train. Black carbon (BC) concentrations in fine particles (PM2.5, aerodynamic diameter ?, NO3?, SO42?, Na+, NH4+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, oxalate and methane sulphonate) were measured continuously by using an on-line system with a 15-min time resolution. In addition, particle volume size distributions were determined for particles in the diameter range 3?850 nm using a 10-min. time resolution. The continuous measurements were completed with 24-h. PM2.5 filter samples which were stored in a refrigerator and later analyzed in chemical laboratory. The analyses included mass concentrations of PM2.5, ions, monosaccharide anhydrides (levoglucosan, galactosan and mannosan) and trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V and Zn). The mass concentrations of PM2.5 varied in the range of 4.3?34.8 ?g m?3 with an average of 21.6 ?g m?3. Fine particle mass consisted mainly of BC (average 27.6%), SO42? (13.0%), NH4+ (4.1%), and NO3? (1.4%). One of the major constituents was obviously also organic carbon which was not determined. The contribution of BC was high compared with other studies made in Europe and Asia. High concentrations of ions, BC and particle volume were observed between Moscow and roughly 4000 km east of it, as well as close to Vladivostok, primarily due to local anthropogenic sources. In the natural background area between 4000 and 7200 km distance from Moscow, observed concentrations were low, even though there were local particle sources, such as forest fires, that increased occasionally concentrations. The measurements indicated that during forest fire episodes, most of the aerosol mass consisted of organic particulate matter. Concentrations of biomass burning tracers levoglucosan, oxalate and potassium were elevated close to the forest fire areas observed by the MODIS satellite. The polluted air masses from Asia seem to have significant influences on the concentration levels of fine particles over south-eastern Russia
Using a moving measurement platform for determining the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols between Moscow and Vladivostok
The TROICA-9 expedition (Trans-Siberian Observations Into the Chemistry of the Atmosphere) was carried out at the Trans-Siberian railway between Moscow and Vladivostok in October 2005. Measurements of aerosol physical and chemical properties were made from an observatory carriage connected to a passenger train. Black carbon (BC) concentrations in fine particles (PM<sub>2.5</sub>, aerodynamic diameter &lt;2.5 μm) were measured with an aethalometer using a five-minute time resolution. Concentrations of inorganic ions and some organic compounds (Cl<sup>&minus;</sup>, NO<sub>3</sub><sup>&minus;</sup>, SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2&minus;</sup>, Na<sup>+</sup>, NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, Ca<sup>2+</sup>, Mg<sup>2+</sup>, oxalate and methane sulphonate) were measured continuously by using an on-line system with a 15-min time resolution. In addition, particle volume size distributions were determined for particles in the diameter range 3&ndash;850 nm using a 10-min time resolution. The continuous measurements were completed with 24-h PM<sub>2.5</sub> filter samples stored in a refrigerator and analyzed later in a chemical laboratory. The analyses included the mass concentrations of PM<sub>2.5</sub>, ions, monosaccharide anhydrides (levoglucosan, galactosan and mannosan) and trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, V and Zn). The mass concentrations of PM<sub>2.5</sub> varied in the range of 4.3&ndash;34.8 μg m<sup>&minus;3</sup> with an average of 21.6 μg m<sup>&minus;3</sup>. Fine particle mass consisted mainly of BC (average 27.6%), SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2&minus;</sup> (13.0%), NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup> (4.1%) and NO<sub>3</sub><sup>&minus;</sup> (1.4%). One of the major constituents was obviously organic carbon which was not determined. The contribution of BC was high compared with other studies made in Europe and Asia. High concentrations of ions, BC and particle volume were observed between Moscow and roughly 4000 km east of it, as well as close to Vladivostok, primarily due to local anthropogenic sources. In the natural background area between 4000 and 7200 km away from Moscow, observed concentrations were low, even though local particle sources, such as forest fires, occasionally increased concentrations. During the measured forest fire episodes, most of the aerosol mass appeared to consist of organic particulate matter. Concentrations of the biomass burning tracers levoglucosan, oxalate and potassium were elevated close to the forest fire areas observed by the MODIS satellite. The polluted air masses from Asia seem to have significant influences on the concentration levels of fine particles over south-eastern Russia
Destabilization of fast magnetoacoustic waves by circulating energetic ions in toroidal plasmas
An instability of fast magnetoacoustic waves (FMW) driven by circulating energetic ions in axisymmetric toroidal plasmas and characterized by the frequencies below the ion gyrofrequency is considered. An important role of the l=0 resonance (l is the number of a cyclotron harmonic) in the wave-particle interaction is revealed: It is shown that this resonance considerably extends an unstable region in the space of the pitch-angles of the energetic ions and the wave frequencies. The analysis is carried out for a ''slow'' instability, which has the growth rate less than the bounce frequency of the energetic ions. Specific examples relevant to the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) [J. Spitzer et al., Fusion Technol. 30 (1996) 1337], where instabilities of this kind were observed, are considered
The results of treatment of 9 patients with mechanical injury of trachea and of 22 patients with cicatricial stenoses of trachea are presented, in this article. 18 patients had. staged, reconstructive and plastic operations at the cicatricial stenosis, 2 patients had. endoscopic recanalization of tracheal lumen and. 2 patients had. sleeve resection of trachea with, anastomosis. An. original medical complex including argon-plasmatic, cryosurgical and. lymphotropic technologies. In all cases we managed, to recover respiratory tract integrity and. to provide adequate breath through, natural respiratory tract
The heating rate influence on the elastic modulus temperature dependence of a corrosion-resistant nickel alloy
The temperature dependence of the elastic modulus of nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy C4 was investigated by the method of dynamic mechanical analysis. At all heating rates, an abnormal increase in the elastic modulus is observed upon heating in the temperature range of 200-300 °C. It is shown that an increase in the heating rate shifts the beginning of the observed effect to the region of higher temperatures. The temperature anomaly in the elastic modulus of the C4 alloy is explained from the standpoint of the formation of a short-range order in a solid solution. The thermodynamically equilibrium temperature of the "disorder - short-range order" transition in C4 alloy is determined to be 205 °C. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
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