2,849 research outputs found

    On The Linearity of The Black Hole - Bulge Mass Relation in Active and in Nearby Galaxies

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    Analysis of PG quasar observations suggests a nonlinear relation between the black hole mass, M_BH, and the bulge mass, M_bulge, although a linear relation, as proposed for nearby galaxies, cannot be ruled out. New M_BH values for nearby galaxies from Gebhardt et al., and L_bulge measurements for Seyfert 1 galaxies from Virani et al., are used here to obtain a more accurate value for the slope of the M_BH-M_bulge relation. The combined sample of 40 active and non-active galaxies suggests a significantly nonlinear relation, M_BH\propto M_bulge^{1.53\pm 0.14}. Further support for a nonlinear relation is provided by the slope of the M_BH-stellar velocity dispersion relation found recently, and by the low M_BH found in late type spiral galaxies. The mean M_BH/M_bulge ratio is therefore not a universal constant, but rather drops from ~0.5% in bright (M_V ~ -22) ellipticals, to ~0.05% in low luminosity (M_V ~ -18) bulges. Hubble Space Telescope determinations of M_BH in late type spirals, and of the bulge magnitude in narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies (both predicted to have low M_BH), can further test the validity of the nonlinear M_BH-M_bulge relation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 9 pages inc. 2 figure

    Combination of Tempeh and Carrot Prevent Atherosclerosis Wistar Rat: Indicated by Increase of Hdl and Total Antioxidant, Decrease Ldl, F2-isoprostan, and Il-6

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    Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death, either in developed and developing countries. The disease is stimulated by the present of atherosclerosis. This study aims to investigate supplementation of combined tempeh M-2 and carrot to prevent atherosclerosis wistar rat by increases HDL and TAC, decreases LDL, F2-Isoprostan, and IL-6. This was a true experimental study with the factorial completely randomized post-test only control group design. variables such as KN (standard feeding / pellets (50 g / kg bw / day), KP: pig lubrication: pellets (1: 9) (50 g / kg bw / day), T : lubrication pig: pellets (1: 9) with tempeh M -2 (20 g / kg bw / day), W: pig lubrication: pellets (1: 9) with carrots (20 g / kg bw / day), and TW: pig lubrication: pellets (1: 9) with tempeh M-2 (20 g / kg bw / day), and carrots (20 g / kg bw / day). Dependent variables in this study are serum HDL,serum TAC, LDL serum, urine F2-Isoprostan, and plasma IL-6 (with Elisa Method). Data were analyzed using the F test (two-way ANOVA), followed by LSD test. Descriptive research was also conducted in this study in order to find out the change of aortic histopathologic. The highest average levels of HDL, TAC contained on TW, which respectively amounted 68.640 ± 0.50 mg / dl, 1.454 ± 0.01 nM / mL. It showed highly significant differences (p<0.01) in the various treatments. TW treatment showed highly significant interaction effect (p<0.01) were observed for all parameters except for HDL. Average levels of LDL, F2- Isoprostan, and IL-6 lowest in the treatment TW, which respectively amounted 20.718 ± 1.33 mg / dl, 0.720 ± 0.065 ng / dl, 35.328 ± 1.000 pg/dl, showed highly significant differences (p<0.01) in the various treatments. It can be concluded that supplementation with a combination of tempeh M-2 with carrots give the best effect, can increases HDL and TAC, and can decreases LDL, F2-Isoprostan, IL-6 significantly, and may change the hystopathology structure of aorta from endotel dysfunction to become normal

    Sejarah Gamelan Gong Kebyar Di Desa Petang

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    Asal Mula Untuk mengungkap sejarah asal mula suatu kesenian seperti seni gong kebyar di Desa Petang, sungguh tidak mudah. Kesulitan-kesulitan yang menyebabkannya adalah kurangnya data-data mengenai gamelan tersebut dan hampir tidak ada data-data tertulis yang memuat tentang gamelan gong kebyar tersebut. Namun demikian dari beberapa informasi yang penulis hubungi, telah berhasil penulis kumpulkan sejumlah informasi baik dari anggota sekaa maupun informan-informan luar yang mampu memberikan keterangan mengenai data-data tentang asal mula dari gamelan gong kebyar ini

    Development of Teaching Materials Based on Contextual Video to Improve the Student Higher Order Thingking Skills of Animal Physiology Course

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    He important demands in learning in college is the lecturer should empower the potential of students with various skills primarily related to Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). These aspects need to attention by the lecture, seeing that in the 21st century learning skills, critical thinking, creative, make decisions, and solve problems is required in the work. Through the development based on contextual video teaching materials is expected to increase HOTS students of animal physiology subjects. The method used in this research is the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). Results of this study was an increase in the average value HOTS activity after treatment where the value of the average highest and lowest C41 analysis indicators are C52 evaluation indicators. Ngain value calculation is equal to 0.2 with a low category. While the results of the validation of two experts in a row both material and media experts in the amount of 3.2 and 3.12 in both categories


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    Seni karawitan merupakan sebuah warisan kebudayaan yang sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu kala. Seni karawitan ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan masyarakat Bali terutamannya masyarakat Hindu. Seni karawitan banyak dipergunakan sebagai sarana dalam upacara yadnya yang di lakukan masyarakat. Namun seni karawitan tidak hanya dipergunakan sebagai sarana yadnya tetapi berkembang menjadi suatu hiburan sehingga karya seni karawitan terus berkembang dan banyak terdapat kreasi-kreasi baru. Karena hal tersebut penata merasa tertarik untuk membuat suatu tabuh kreasi baru yang bertemakan pengembala sapi dengan judul Rare Angon. Kreasi Rare Angon ini terinspirasi dari cerita-cerita rakyat dan pengalaman penata sendiri sebagai pengembala sapi. I Rare Angon adalah seorang anak desa yang jujur dan lugu yang setiap harinya bekerja sebagai pengembala kerbau, namun mempunyai kemampuan yang lebih dalam hal melukis


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    ABSTRAK Sekarang ini kehidupan manusia tidak bisa lepas dari penggunaan plastik. Plastik terdiri dari bahan anorganik buatan yang sangat sulit diuraikan secara alami, Oleh karena itu, penggunaannya dapat dikatakan merugikan bagi lingkungan apabila digunakan berlebihan contohnya ketika sampah plastik mencemari sungai, pantai, hutan dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu sampah plastik mempunyai keragaman dari segi bentuk dan sifat seperti transparan, kering atau basah. Berdasarkan hal itu pencipta tertarik mengangkat sampah plastik ke dalam karya seni lukis dengan tema”Sampah Plastik Dalam Fenomena Lingkungan” yang berarti, penggambaran terhadap bahan buangan sintetis beserta hubungannya dengan daerah sekitar baik realitas dan dampak negatif yang melingkupinya, untuk selanjutnya bagaimana pencipta mengekpresikan objek sampah plastik, mengolah teknik, menyusun elemen seni rupa dan bisa menangkap pesan serta kaitannya dengan fenomena lingkungan sekitar, sehingga mampu memberikan manfaat bagi pencipta, masyarakat dan lembaga. Dalam mewujudkan ide serta tema-tema pada karya seni lukis, melalui proses penjajagan, percobaan, persiapan, pembentukan dan penyelesaian akhir. Dalam penciptaan karya seni lukis, mengorganisir elemen-elemen serta unsur-unsur seni rupa yang dipadukan dengan teknik sesuai kemampuan yang ditekuni selama proses belajar, dengan penerapan warna untuk mencapai karakter serta suasana pada karya yang diwujudkan secara realistik. Kesan yang dicapai adalah ringan, padat, natural, karakteristik dan kesan meruang serta memperlihatkan detail objek pada masing-masing karya. Diterapkan dengan teknik plakat, blok dan kering dengan menggunakan cat minyak dengan memakai kuas, dilakukan tahap demi tahap secara menyeluruh, agar dapat tercipta karakteristik objek sampah plastik serta objek pendukung lainnya. Dalam perwujudan objek, diungkapkan melalui gagasan serta imajinasi, sehingga dapat merepresentasikan sampah plastik serta situasinya ke dalam karya seni lukis. Dengan demikian melalui 10 karya yang digarap, dapat merepresentasikan sampah plastik serta situasi lingkungan, yang diungkap secara naturalis, realistik, dan metaforik, melalui hal tersebut dapat tercipta makna yang komunikatif dan mampu menggetarkan jiwa pencipta dengan harapan penikmat merasakan hal yang sama. Kata Kunci: Sampah Plastik, Fenomena Lingkungan. ABSTRACT PLASTIC WASTE IN THE PHENOMENON OF ENVIRONMENT Now this man's life can not be separated from the use of plastic. Plastics consists of artificial inorganic materials are very difficult to be described in a natural. Therefore, its use can be said to be harmful to the environment when used as an example of excessive plastic waste polluting the rivers, beaches, forests, and so forth. In addition, plastic waste has diversity in terms of shape and properties such as transparency, dry and wet. Based on that the creators are interested in lifting the plastic waste into works of art with the theme "Waste Plastics in Environmental Phenomena" which means, the depiction of the synthetic waste material and its relationship with the area around both the reality and impact surrounding negatife, to further express how the creator object trash plastics, process engineering, composing elements of art and can capture the message and its relation to the phenomenon of the surrounding environment, so as to provide benefits to the creators, society and institutions. In realizing the ideas and themes of the paintings, through the assessment process, trial, preparation, formation and final settlement. In the creation of works of art, organizing elements and elements of art are combined with appropriate technical capabilities occupied during the learning process, with the application of color to achieve the character and atmosphere of the work embodied in realistic. The impression that is achieved is a light, solid, natural, characteristics and spatial impression and show object details on each paper. Applied to the plaque technique, block and dry using oil paint with a brush, do a thorough step by step, in order to create an object characteristic of plastic waste and other supporting objects. In the embodiment of the object, expressed through ideas and imagination, so as to represent the plastic trash and circumstances into paintings. Thus through ten works under cultivation, can represent plastic waste and environmental situation, which is revealed in a naturalistic, realistic, and metaphorically, through it can be created meaning communicative and able soulful creator in hopes audience felt the same way. Keywords: Plastic Waste, Environmental Phenomen

    Topological phase transitions in the repulsively interacting Haldane-Hubbard model

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    Using dynamical mean-field theory and exact diagonalization we study the phase diagram of the repulsive Haldane-Hubbard model, varying the interaction strength and the sublattice potential difference. In addition to the quantum Hall phase with Chern number C=2C=2 and the band insulator with C=0C=0 present already in the noninteracting model, the system also exhibits a C=0C=0 Mott insulating phase, and a C=1C=1 quantum Hall phase. We explain the latter phase by a spontaneous symmetry breaking where one of the spin-components is in the Hall state and the other in the band insulating state.Comment: Updated version, 6 pages, 4 figure

    Orbital magnetoelectric coupling in band insulators

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    Magnetoelectric responses are a fundamental characteristic of materials that break time-reversal and inversion symmetries (notably multiferroics) and, remarkably, of "topological insulators" in which those symmetries are unbroken. Previous work has shown how to compute spin and lattice contributions to the magnetoelectric tensor. Here we solve the problem of orbital contributions by computing the frozen-lattice electronic polarization induced by a magnetic field. One part of this response (the "Chern-Simons term") can appear even in time-reversal-symmetric materials and has been previously shown to be quantized in topological insulators. In general materials there are additional orbital contributions to all parts of the magnetoelectric tensor; these vanish in topological insulators by symmetry and also vanish in several simplified models without time-reversal and inversion those magnetoelectric couplings were studied before. We give two derivations of the response formula, one based on a uniform magnetic field and one based on extrapolation of a long-wavelength magnetic field, and discuss some of the consequences of this formula.Comment: 13 page

    Piezoelectric copolymer hydrophones for ultrasonic field characterization

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    Hydrophones to be used in the characterization of medical ultrasonic transducers have been fabricated using a new polyvinylidene fluoride/trifluoroethylene (VF2/VF3) copolymer. The copolymer has an advantage over VF2 in that it does not require prestretching before poling. Thin copolymer films can be cast from solution and then poled using the corona discharge method. As there is a need for small‐diameter hydrophones to provide good spatial resolution in measuring highly focused ultrasonic beams, hydrophones with diameter as small as 0.1 mm have been made. Both needle‐type and line hydrophones have been tested and their performance reported. In the case of line hydrophones, the output signal is proportional to the line integral of the acoustic pressure and a computer tomographic technique has been used to reconstruct the beam profiles
