660 research outputs found

    Heart failure hospitalization prediction in remote patient management systems

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    Healthcare systems are shifting from patient care in hospitals to monitored care at home. It is expected to improve the quality of care without exploding the costs. Remote patient management (RPM) systems offer a great potential in monitoring patients with chronic diseases, like heart failure or diabetes. Patient modeling in RPM systems opens opportunities in two broad directions: personalizing information services, and alerting medical personnel about the changing conditions of a patient. In this study we focus on heart failure hospitalization (HFH) prediction, which is a particular problem of patient modeling for alerting. We formulate a short term HFH prediction problem and show how to address it with a data mining approach. We emphasize challenges related to the heterogeneity, different types and periodicity of the data available in RPM systems. We present an experimental study on HFH prediction using, which results lay a foundation for further studies and implementation of alerting and personalization services in RPM systems

    The integrated effect on properties and composition of high-paraffin oil sludge

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    The study is devoted to the integrated effect of acoustic treatment and addition of an inhibitor on viscosity-temperature properties and n-alkane composition in high-paraffin oil sludge. Ultrasonic treatment for 1 minute and addition of the inhibitor at the concentration of 0.05% wt. decrease viscosity by 10 times and pour point by 8°С

    The Social Credit System of the People’s Republic of China through the Eyes of Foreign Researchers

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    The purpose of this article is to identify and analyze the ideas currently available in world science and practice among foreign researchers on the Social Credit System (SCS). The article analyzes the basic principles of SCS, which allowed us to draw the following conclusions: the social credit system for China is very close to ours mentally and historically, it fits well with the management paradigm based on the principles of Confucianism and Taoism, its main task is to promote the formation of citizens’ behavior based on openness, following rituals.The main conclusions are made, such as the fact that this system allows you to put into practice the principle of the golden mean, that the application of SCS will contribute to the formation of citizens’ behavior on the basis of openness, following rituals and the desire for peace of mind. The formation of the population’s habit of living in the context of SCS, as the authors believe, will help to increase the sincerity of life. An analysis of the materials of foreign researchers was carried out in the article, which gave reason to conclude that the social credit system, launched in China, so far scares the rest of the world. In this regard, the article discusses the five main fears associated with SCS, as well as the five advantages of introducing this system, draws conclusions, and develops recommendations

    Game Modeling of the Political Space: Analysis of Foreign Literature

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    Purpose is to identify the main trends and gaps in the research of foreign scientists on the topic “Game modeling of political space”.Methods. In this review, the authors used a semi-systematic method of researching the literature, in which at the first stage they used quantitative methods, and then the selected array of publications was investigated by the integrative method, revealing theoretical studies and practical results of the application of game political components.Results. Based on the selected foreign publication stream on the topic “game modeling of political space” by the method of semi-systematic analysis, six main trends in the study and application of game theory and game modeling in political discourse have been identified:considering the value of game modeling through the prism of interaction, not collision of actors;application of game modeling in the development and adoption of political decisions;development of new approaches to the analysis of the very methodology of game modeling in politics;game as a form of effective political communication;study of game theory on the basis of fundamental classical monographs of the mid-20th century as applied to the solution of pressing political problems;application of game modeling in predicting election results, especially in those political systems that are based on the theory of rational choice during voting.A lacuna in the studies of recent decades has identified the issue of using political game modeling in electoral processes. Despite the continuing relevance of the topic of elections around the world, no significant volume of publications was selected.Conclusions. Foreign researchers use the potential of game modeling in politics more often and more multifaceted than in domestic political science. Evolutionary game-theoretic models are used not only to model political and international processes themselves, but also to related social spheres, such as economics, religious and ethnic relations. Game theory is used to study a wide range of social and political problems and social phenomena: voting, fundamentalism, religious and ethnic conflicts, civil violence

    Глобальный ментальный сдвиг: политические ценности молодежи России и Европы

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    The subject of the article is the political values of the youth of Russia and Europe.The purpose of our study is to identify the political values of the Youth of Russia and Europe and conduct a comparative analysis based on the methodology of comparative analysis. Four hypotheses are tested that suggest the values of young people, regardless of the region or country of residence, are common, despite the differences in forms of government, political culture, living standards and traditions of the respondents.The main research tasks were: 1. Identification of common value orientations of modern youth studying at universities. 2. Determination of the type of cultural mentality (according to the methodology of Russian American sociologist Pitirim Sorokin) of the youth of Russia and European countries included in the sample. 3. Determining the place of politics and the opportunity to participate in policymaking in the system of values of today's youth. 4. Identification of attitudes (loyalty / acceptance / non-acceptance) to modern democratic values, as well as identification of the preferred form of political governance among young people. 5. Determination of the desired type of taxation. 6. Establishing the relationship between political values and quality of life. 7. Determining the understanding of the components of happiness (wellbeing) and the meaning of life of modern youth. 8. Diagnosis of the degree of involvement in politics/apathy of today's youth.The main results, scope of application. Study made it possible to introduce into contemporary science a new term "integral model of values" – an interconnected set of several life values of a person, each of which describes individual components of values, to form a complete and comprehensive idea of the value system of certain social groups. Empirical study made it possible to identify the basic components of the integral model of values of modern youth in Russia and Europe in a comparative aspect. Under the integral model of values, authors mean an interconnected set of several private value models of a person (mentality, basic human and social values, life satisfaction and a subjective feeling of happiness, political views and actions, cultural values, etc.), each of which describes individual components of values, and all together they form a complete and comprehensive idea of the value system of certain social groups. In the structure of the integral model of youth values, authors included: mentality, political values, political mobility and a system of universal values. In accordance with this structure, we present the results of our study.Conclusions. Authors not only managed to identify the already established values and, on the basis of them, draw up an integration model of the values of the youth of Russia and Europe through their comparison, but also to determine the needs of today's youth for certain values.На основе методологии компаративизма исследуются политические ценности молодежи России и Европы. Проверяются четыре гипотезы о том, что в основном ценности молодых людей, независимо от региона и страны проживания, общие, несмотря на разную форму государственного управления, политическую культуру, разный уровень жизни и традиции респондентов. Основной вывод исследования: сегодня у молодежи как России, так и Европы происходит переход от разных форм чувственной, грубо материалистической ментальности, направленной на получение удовольствий и покорение мира, к идеалистической ментальности, являющейся гармоничным балансом чувственной и духовной ментальности, и проявляется это как в системе общечеловеческих ценностей, так и в политических. Анализ результатов исследования позволил ввести в научный оборот новый термин «интегральная модель ценностей» – взаимоувязанная совокупность нескольких частных ценностных моделей человека, каждая из которых описывает отдельные составляющие ценностей, а все вместе они образуют полное и комплексное представление о системе ценностей определенных социальных групп

    Value-Oriented Model of Tuition in the Context of University 3.0 Paradigm

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    Introduction. This article presents the analysis of transformational changes in the Russian system of higher education. The authors aimed to develop a value-oriented model for the organization of educational activities. The concept of University 3.0 serves as a modern basis for ensuring the global competitiveness of national economies in the digital world. Materials and Methods. The methodological approaches of the study were systematic, comparative and problem-chronological methods. Results. The study expanded the understanding of the main stages of transformation in the higher education system in the Russian Federation. The results show that the destruction of the Soviet academic culture was accompanied by the destruction of the historical institutional balance. As a result, it became necessary to form new norms that define both the rules of interaction within the educational community and the place of this community in the overall social structure. The concept of Education 3.0 is designed to form these normative frameworks and ensure their interiorisation both in the pedagogical community and among students. It is revealed that in the modern Russian educational environment they are formed spontaneously, mainly due to the independent development of new technologies by students, while teachers continue to adhere to the previous educational concepts. Discussion and Conclusion. The practical significance of the study lies in the proposal of specific measures, the implementation of which will form the reputation of the University, attract additional investment, enhance its competitiveness both at the domestic and international level. The timeliness of the study lies in the fact that the analysis of the educational reform was carried out taking into account the needs of value-based management. The results of the study will be useful for the management of higher education institutions to reformulate development concepts, as well as for the executive authorities to further reform the educational system

    Heart failure hospitalization prediction in remote patient management systems

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    Healthcare systems are shifting from patient care in hospitals to monitored care at home. It is expected to improve the quality of care without exploding the costs. Remote patient management (RPM) systems offer a great potential in monitoring patients with chronic diseases, like heart failure or diabetes. Patient modeling in RPM systems opens opportunities in two broad directions: personalizing information services, and alerting medical personnel about the changing conditions of a patient. In this study we focus on heart failure hospitalization (HFH) prediction, which is a particular problem of patient modeling for alerting. We formulate a short term HFH prediction problem and show how to address it with a data mining approach. We emphasize challenges related to the heterogeneity, different types and periodicity of the data available in RPM systems. We present an experimental study on HFH prediction using, which results lay a foundation for further studies and implementation of alerting and personalization services in RPM systems

    The color of soils as a basis for proximal sensing of their composition

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    The color is one of the main morphological properties of soils, as it integrally reflects their material composition. Most of the macro-, micro- and nano-morphological methods in pedology are based on the analysis of soil reflectance characteristics within the visible spectrum (i.e., soils color). The evolution of soil color study methods and the features of modern instruments are described in the report. The main directions in the development of this field of soil science as well as the achievements and problems to be addressed in the study of soil color are demonstrated by specific examples