207 research outputs found

    Glueball mass from quantized knot solitons and gauge-invariant gluon mass

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    We propose an approach which enables one to obtain simultaneously the glueball mass and the gluon mass in the gauge-invariant way to shed new light on the mass gap problem in Yang-Mills theory. First, we point out that the Faddeev (Skyrme--Faddeev-Niemi) model can be induced through the gauge-invariant vacuum condensate of mass dimension two from SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. Second, we obtain the glueball mass spectrum by performing the collective coordinate quantization of the topological knot soliton in the Faddeev model. Third, we demonstrate that a relationship between the glueball mass and the gluon mass is obtained, since the gauge-invariant gluon mass is also induced from the relevant vacuum condensate. Finally, we determine physical values of two parameters in the Faddeev model and give an estimate of the relevant vacuum condensation in Yang-Mills theory. Our results indicate that the Faddeev model can play the role of a low-energy effective theory of the quantum SU(2) Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables; a version accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.; Sect. 2 and sect. 5 (old sect. 4) are modified. Sect. 4, Tables 1 and Table 3 are adde

    The influence of environmental forcing on biodiversity and extinction in a resource competition model

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    In this paper, we study a model of many species that compete, directly or indirectly, for a pool of common resources under the influence of periodic, stochastic, and/or chaotic environmental forcing. Using numerical simulations, we find the number and sequence of species going extinct when the community is initially packed with a large number of species of random initial densities. Thereby, any species with a density below a given threshold is regarded to be extinct

    Soliton in Gravitating Gas. Hoag's Object

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    We explore the possibility of creating of solitons in gravitating gas. It is shown that the virial arguments does not put an obstacle for the existence of localized static solutions. The simplest toroidal soliton of gravitating gas could be the explanation of the peculiar galaxy named Hoag's object.Comment: 14 pages, 1 Figur

    Arctic melt ponds and bifurcations in the climate system

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    a b s t r a c t Understanding how sea ice melts is critical to climate projections. In the Arctic, melt ponds that develop on the surface of sea ice floes during the late spring and summer largely determine their albedo -a key parameter in climate modeling. Here we explore the possibility of a conceptual sea ice climate model passing through a bifurcation point -an irreversible critical threshold as the system warms, by incorporating geometric information about melt pond evolution. This study is based on a bifurcation analysis of the energy balance climate model with ice-albedo feedback as the key mechanism driving the system to bifurcation points

    Arctic melt ponds and bifurcations in the climate system

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    Abstract Understanding how sea ice melts is critical to climate projections. In the Arctic, melt ponds that develop on the surface of sea ice floes during the late spring and summer largely determine their albedo -a key parameter in climate modeling. Here we explore the possibility of a conceptual sea ice climate model passing through a bifurcation point -an irreversible critical threshold as the system warms, by incorporating geometric information about melt pond evolution. This study is based on a bifurcation analysis of the energy balance climate model with ice -albedo feedback as the key mechanism driving the system to bifurcation points

    Lithologic-facies and paleogeographic features of Mid-Upper Jurassic oil-gas bearing sediments in Nurolsk depression (Western Siberia)

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    Bathonian-Callovian-Oxfordian sedimentation environment reconstruction in SE Nurolsk depression, Western Siberia has been described. Paleogeographic and litho-geochemical features of sediments, numerous plant remains and ichnofossils indicated the fact that this territory during the Naunaksk suite formation was the transition in-situ sedimentogenesis. Based on the integrated research data, the potential litho-facies were identified in the Mid-Upper sediments within Nurolsk depression, Western Siberia

    Energy Bounds of Linked Vortex States

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    Energy bounds of knotted and linked vortex states in a charged two-component system are considered. It is shown that a set of local minima of free energy contains new classes of universality. When the mutual linking number of vector order parameter vortex lines is less than the Hopf invariant, these states have lower-lying energies.Comment: 4 pages, Latex2


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    The use of modern computer technology in the course of teaching computer modeling in pharmacy contributes to the formation of skills and competencies in the conditions of continuous development of computerization and implementation of mathematical modeling in pharmacy.  In particular, the article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using mathematical modeling using COMSOL Multiphysics to shape the competencies of future pharmacists.  The degree of efficiency, convenience and accessibility of the COMSOL Multiphysics software environment in computer modeling in pharmacy for students of the 3rd year of study of the Faculty of Pharmacy on the example of studying the process of DNA decay in plasma is considered.  The use of modern computer products in the teaching of computer technology in pharmacy contributes to the development of mathematical modeling skills in pharmacy, in particular, gene therapy is one example of clinical biotechnology.  Solution to the main problem – delivery of genes related to the transport of plasmid DNA (pDNA) to targets and conversion between different forms of pDNA, the use of parameter estimation by engineering and interface reactions, to find the rate constants of three consecutive reactions involved in the DNA process  degradation.Використання сучасних комп’ютерних технологій у процесі викладання курсу комп’ютерного моделювання у фармації сприяє формуванню вмінь та навичок в умовах невпинного розвитку комп’ютеризації та впровадженню математичного моделювання у фармації. Зокрема, у статті розглянуто переваги та недоліки застосування математичного моделювання за допомогою COMSOL Multiphysics у формуванні компетентності майбутніх фармацевтів. Розглянуто ступінь ефективності, зручності та доступності  застосування програмного середовища COMSOL Multiphysics в курсі комп’ютерного моделювання у фармації  для студентів 3-го курсу фармацевтичного факультету на прикладі вивчення процесу розпаду ДНК у плазмі. Використання сучасних комп’ютерних продуктів у процесі викладання комп’ютерних технологій у фармації сприяє формуванню вмінь та навичок із математичного моделювання у фармації, зокрема, генна терапія – один із прикладів біотехнології клінічного застосування. Вирішення головної проблеми – доставки генів, пов’язаних із транспортуванням плазмідної ДНК (пДНК) до мішеней, та перетворення між різними формами пДНК, використання функції оцінки параметрів за допомогою інженерії та реакцій інтерфейсу, для пошуку констант швидкості трьох послідовних реакцій, що беруть участь у ДНК процесі деградації