387 research outputs found

    Brachytherapy in organ-preserving treatment of choroidal melanoma: complications and the possibility of their prediction

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    This review analyzed the domestic and foreign literature on brachytherapy of choroidal melanoma using ruthenium ophthalmic applicators. The review highlights the historical aspects of radiation treatment, from the first experience of using ionizing radiation in the treatment of malignant neoplasms to modern methods of brachytherapy; presents the radiobiological foundations of radiation therapy; considers the issues of radiation pathomorphosis, reflecting the nature of pathological changes in the choroidal melanoma tissue during brachytherapy; shows the dependence of the effect of exposure ionizing radiation from the phase of the cycle of cell division; and also describes the presence of changes characteristic of the response to ionizing radiation in unirradiated tissues. The analysis of various post-radiation complications, both early and late, was carried out in some detail, with emphasis on the possibility of predicting and preventing them in real clinical practice. A comparison is made in terms of the frequency of development of various post-radiation complications in the works of domestic and foreign authors, as well as a comparison with the effect of ionizing radiation from other radioactive isotopes. Recommendations of experts are given regarding the correct calculation of the dose to the sclera and medication support, based on many years of experience in the use of ruthenium ophthalmic applicators for brachytherapy of choroidal melanoma. The risks of developing such late complications as radiation maculopathy and radiation neuropathy have been demonstrated, especially in pre-equatorial tumor localization. The possibilities of modern methods of instrumental diagnostics for studying the processes occurring in the area of the tumor, as well as changes in the surrounding tissues, are shown, which determines the feasibility and importance of further study of this issue


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    The articles raises the issues that occur in the course of diagnostics of malignant neoplasms of the organ of vision. Description of structural units and personnel of the formed oncological ophthalmology center is provided. Research, therapeutic, and diagnostic activities of each structural unit of the center is described. Characteristics of the ultrasonic and computed tomography method of examination are provided. Peculiarities of the ultrasonic and computed tomography examination results are described regarding patients with malignant neoplasms of the organ of vision of the periorbital, intraocular, and orbital localization. Results of reorganization of the oncological ophthalmology service are assessed (detailed description of management of patients with malignant neoplasms of the organ of vision at different stages before and after formation of the specialized oncological ophthalmology center is provided with illustrative diagrams that demostrate the need for integration of ophthalmic services in oncology, scientifically grounded and statistically proven results of quality of specialized care at the prehospital and the hospital stage, as well as changes in the structure of stages of patients with malignant neoplasms of the organ of vision). The feasibility of creation of specialized oncological ophthalmology centers is justified on the basis of the results received

    Forecast of the Development of Sediment Pile Foundations in Water-Saturated Clay Soils

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    The article presents the methodology and the main results of experimental studies of the laws governing the development of single-pile sediment in time on models under short-term and long-term exposure to loads. The obtained data are compared with the results of observations of precipitation of natural foundations. Indicates the direction of further research on the development of methods for predicting the sediment pile foundations. Established the legitimacy of the design of pile foundations for the maximum allowable deformations in the conditions of water-saturated clay soils. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The problem of anthelminthic resistance in horse breeding

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    The purpose of the research is to outline the growing problem of anthelmintic resistance of horse nematodes in the world, to describe the methods currently used to detect it, and the proposed ways to overcome it.Materials and methods. A review of the world literature on the resistance of horse nematodes to anthelmintic drugs is carried out.Results and discussion. Currently, veterinary parasitology is faced with the growing problem of the emergence of resistant races of helminths, against which previously tested anthelmintic drugs in recommended doses are ineffective. This phenomenon has been noted in many animal species and manifests itself in relation to many drugs of the main groups of anthelmintics. This is evidenced by numerous reports. In horse breeding, benzimidazoles have been used for over 40 years, leading to widespread resistance to them in intestinal nematodes. There is a loss or weakening of the effectiveness of treatment of nematodes of horses with anthelmintic drugs: thiabendazole, pyrantel pamoat, drugs from the benzimidazole groups and macrocyclic lactones. There is no doubt that a similar situation of the spread of resistant races of helminths is also typical for Russia, since here the same anthelmintic drugs are used for treatment as abroad. However, this problem in our country remains practically unexplored. In this situation, the uncontrolled use of anthelmintics, which does not take into account the possibility of resistance to them, inevitably leads (and possibly in some cases has already led) to the emergence and spread of resistant populations of helminths, against which existing drugs will be ineffective

    Lithologic-facies and paleogeographic features of Mid-Upper Jurassic oil-gas bearing sediments in Nurolsk depression (Western Siberia)

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    Bathonian-Callovian-Oxfordian sedimentation environment reconstruction in SE Nurolsk depression, Western Siberia has been described. Paleogeographic and litho-geochemical features of sediments, numerous plant remains and ichnofossils indicated the fact that this territory during the Naunaksk suite formation was the transition in-situ sedimentogenesis. Based on the integrated research data, the potential litho-facies were identified in the Mid-Upper sediments within Nurolsk depression, Western Siberia


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    Background. Prolong contact with manufacturing factors of gas producing, in particular hydrogen sulfide, results in dysfunction of various organs and systems, including immune system, which is involved in regulation of the aging process activity. Absence of effective geropreventive means creates the need for pathogenetic way for aging process deceleration. Aim. To study the geroprotective properties of rosuvastatin in respect of people engaged in the gas producing. Material and Methods. The male workers (n=100) of the company “Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan” were examined. Evaluation of biological age by the method of Chebotarev D.F ., determination of p53 protein and interleukin-8, 10, 18 concentrations by solid phase enzyme immunoassay were performed before treatment start and after 18 months of rosuvastatin taking. Results. Rosuvastatin therapy in dose of 5 mg/day resulted in the reduction in atherogenic lipids, pro-inflammatory cytokine - interleukin-8 and marker of apoptosis - protein p53 as well as aging rate slowdown. Conclusion. Pathogenic method of geroprevention with rosuvastatin 5 mg/day was proposed for people engaged in gas producing


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    The steady-state azimuthal motion of the rarefied gas in an annular gap between two coaxial infinite cylinders is modeling. One of cylinders is motionless, and the other one rotates rapidly. The influence of the discontinuity of the distribution function on the temperature field in the space between the cylinders is investigated.В работе моделируется установившееся азимутальное движение разреженного газа в кольцевом зазоре между двумя коаксиальными бесконечными цилиндрами, один из которых неподвижен, а другой быстро вращается. Исследовано влияние разрывности функции распределения на поле температуры в пространстве между цилиндрами

    Features of Morphometric Changes in Platelets and Red Blood Cells in Women with Various Forms of Hypertensive Disorders in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy

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    Background. Arterial hypertension during pregnancy is accompanied by pronounced changes in microcirculation and hemostasis in the system, the state of which is largely determined by the structural and functional properties of red blood cells and platelets. The study of quantitative and morphometric characteristics of blood cells will expand the existing understanding of their role in the pathogenesis of hypertensive disorders.Aim of the research. To study the quantitative and morphometric indicators of red blood cells and platelets in pregnant women with various forms of hypertensive disorders, on the basis of which to develop an additional method for the diagnosis of preeclampsia. Materials and methods. 237 women in the third trimester of pregnancy were examined. The main group (167 women) included patients with various forms of hypertensive disorders. The comparison group included 70 pregnant women without signs of hypertensive disorders. The characteristic of clinical and anamnestic data of the studied groups is given. A comparative analysis of the number and morphometric parameters of red blood cells and platelets was performed.Results. With moderate and severe preeclampsia, a decrease in the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit was not accompanied by changes in red blood cell indices. In women with preeclampsia, regardless of the presence of chronic arterial hypertension, an increase in the average dry weight, average volume and degree of platelet anisocytosis was detected. In severe preeclampsia and preeclampsia with underlying of  chronic arterial hypertension, an increase in the number of large forms of platelets and their granulocytosis was revealed, and in addition, in severe cases of preeclampsia, a decrease in platelet level was noted.Conclusions. Modern hematological analyzers make it possible to establish the nature of not only quantitative, but also morphometric changes in red blood cells and platelets, thereby complementing the existing understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Using average dry platelet mass and average blood pressure may be useful in diagnosing preeclampsia


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    A system model for the identification of the best available technology (BAT) was proposed on the basis of the system approach and the mathematical apparatus of set theory. The model allows to set up a problem of BAT identification for various chemical products manufactures and to solve the problem uniformlyНа основе системного подхода и с использованием математического аппарата теории множеств предложена системная модель наилучшей доступной технологии (НДТ), которая позволяет единообразно ставить и решать задачу идентификации технологии как НДТ для производства различных химических продуктов


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    The experience of application of positron-emission tomography in diagnosis of eye cancer has been described.Представлены опыт применения и эффективность позитронно-эмиссионной томографии в диагностике злокачественных новообразований органа зрения