1,959 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of water-salt metabolism disturbances in dogs subjected to six month hypokinesia

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    Water-salt metabolism in dogs during prolonged restricted motor activity (hypokinesia) was investigated. It was found that hydration occurred and fluid was redistributed between the extra- and intra-cellular sectors. Also, electrolyte excretion rose, and magnetism and calcium metabolism changed significantly. It is concluded that the forces caused by muscle strain proper (which was decreased under conditions of hypokinesia) influence the state of bone metabolism

    Влияние дозаривания на биохимические показатели плодов томата (Solanum lycopersicum L.) оранжевой окраски

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    Relevance. When creating tomato varieties and hybrids, much attention is paid not only to the commercial component (yield, appearance and uniform ripening), but also to the taste qualities of the products. Salad tomato varieties with yellow, tangerine, and pink fruits are increasingly in demand. As a rule, these fruits do not store for a long time, so it is necessary to increase their storability and transportability. Fruits of this group of tomatoes have high antioxidant activity, which is due not only to the significant content of water-soluble antioxidants (such as ascorbic acid), but also carotenoids. The preservation of fruit largely depends on the dry matter content.The aim of investigation is to study biochemical parameters of tangerine tomatoes fruits under different ripening conditions.Materials and methods. Plants were grown in the greenhouse of Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. Biochemical characteristics of tomato fruits were studied during harvesting and after laying for storage in the milky ripeness phase according to the following indicators: dry matter, ascorbic acid, total content of water-soluble antioxidants, titratable acidity, monosaccharides, polyphenols and carotenoids.Results. The percentage of dry matter in tangerine tomato fruits does not change during storage, even increases slightly. The dry matter content of fruits from the open field is slightly higher than that of fruits from the greenhouse. The content of sugars and ascorbic acid in fruits with tangerine fruits after laying for ripening decreases slightly. However, the content of these compounds is higher in mature fruits immediately after picking than in fruits after ripening. The total content of antioxidants during ripening decreases, though not significantly (in 1.1-1.7 times). Актуальность. При создании сортов и гибридов томата уделяется большое внимание не только коммерческой составляющей (урожайности, внешнему виду и равномерному созреванию), но и вкусовым качествам продукции, относящиеся к органолептическим показателям. Все больше востребованы салатные сорта томата с жёлтыми, оранжевыми и розовыми плодами. Как правило, такие плоды долго не хранятся, в связи с чем необходимо увеличить их лёжкость и транспортабельность. Плоды данной группы томата имеют высокую антиоксидантную активность, которая обусловлена не только значительным содержанием водорастворимых антиоксидантов (например, аскорбиновой кислоты), но и каротиноидами. Сохранность плодов во многом зависит от содержания сухого вещества.Цель исследования – изучение биохимических показателей оранжевоокрашенных плодов томата при разных условиях дозаривания.Материалы и методы. Растения выращивали в поликарбонатных теплицах лаборатории селекции и семеноводства паслёновых культур ФГБНУ ФНЦО. В лабораторно-аналитическом отделе был изучен биохимический состав плодов томата при уборке с поля и после закладки на хранение в фазе молочной спелости по следующим показателям: сухое вещество, аскорбиновая кислота, суммарное содержания водорастворимых антиоксидантов, титруемая кислотность, моносахаров, полифенолы и каротиноиды.Результаты. Процент сухого вещества в оранжевоокрашенных плодах томата не изменяется при хранении, даже несколько повышается. Содержание сухого вещества в плодах из открытого грунта несколько выше, чем в плодах из теплицы. Содержание аскорбиновой кислоты в плодах с желто-оранжевой окраской плодов после закладки на дозаривание уменьшается в 1,2-1,4 раза, а сахаров в 1,4 раза. Однако в зрелых плодах, сразу после сбора, содержание данных соединений несколько выше, чем в плодах после дозаривания. Отмечена тенденция по снижению суммарного содержания водорастворимых антиоксидантов при дозаривании (в 1,1-1,7 раза).

    Causative Role of Ureaplasma Urealyticum and other Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Urethral Meatus Polyp Development in Women

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    The objective of this study was the investigation of the influence of ureaplasmal infection on the development of urethral meatus polyps in women. The article presents the results of the examination of women with chronic cystitis and urethritis over a 0.5- to 5-year duration, complicated by the presence of urethral meatus polyps and associated with concomitant Ureaplasma urealyticum and other sexually transmitted infections (STI). This was based on the culture analysis of the cervical and urethral content, and PCR-diagnostics of STI, as well as a complex pathomorphologic study of the resected polyps, including electron microscopy. In this study, 98 women between 45 and 60 years (52.5±4.9 years) were examined, who had undergone radiowave resection of the polyps: 52 women were infected by STI, including Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma hominis, Chlamydia trachomatis and Trichomonas vaginalis, while the remaining 46 women had been diagnosed as not having STI. According to the culture results in the women with STI, U. urealyticum was identified as a monoinfection in 69% of cases, while in the remaining 31% of cases it was evident in the form of mixed infections, mainly in association with Mycoplasma hominis (17.5%) and Trichomonas vaginalis (13.5%). Pathomorphological examination of the urethral meatus polyps of the women with U. urealyticum and other STI demonstrated the proliferative character of the remodeling of the surface epithelium with hyperplasia, acanthosis, and keratinization of the stratified squamous epithelium and synchronous changes in the underlying connective tissue - impaired microcirculation and the diffuse inflammatory cell infiltrates with transepithelial leukopedesis. Using electron microscopy in the fibroblasts and plasma cells of the resected polyps the markers of U. urealyticum were detected in patients with negative results of the bacteriological diagnostic methods

    Modern information technologies in high school education

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    Article is devoted to urgent problems of using modern information technologies in teaching students of universities. New conditions of the development Russian society determine the necessity of using information technologies as a means of accumulation and implementation of innovative potential participants in the educational process. Analyzes the efficiency conditions of using information technologies in improving the quality of educationИсследуются актуальные вопросы использования современных информационных технологий при обучении студентов вузов. Новые условия развития российского общества определяют необходимость использования информационных технологий как средств накопления и реализации инновационного потенциала участников образовательного процесса. Анализируются условия эффективности применения информационных технологий в повышении качества образовани

    Evidence for Trapped Anomalous Cosmic Ray Oxygen Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere

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    A series of measurements of 5–30 MeV/nucleon oxygen ions made with track detector stacks on Cosmos satellites show isotropic angular distributions during solar energetic particle events. Solar-quiet times, on the other hand, have highly anisotropic distributions suggestive of a trapped-particle component. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations confirm this interpretation and allow us to measure the trapped and cosmic-ray contributions to the observed fluxes. Our data are fully consistent with anomalous cosmic-ray ions, rather than radial diffusion from the outer zone, as the source of the trapped particles

    Observation of Energetic Trapped Oxygen Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere

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    We report on a series of measurements of 5-30 Me V /nuc oxygen ions made with trackdetector stacks on Cosmos satellites. We find that the angular distributions during solar energetic particle events are isotropic, while solar-quiet times show highly anisotropic distributions suggestive of a trapped particle component. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations confirm this interpretation and allow us to separate the trapped and cosmic ray contributions to the quiet-time fluxes. Our data appear fully consistent with trapping of anomalous cosmic ray ions as the source of the trapped particles but inconsistent with radial diffusion from the outer radiation zone


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    The description of a new determinant tomato variety for open field and greenhouse film with the original small dense fruit, keeping quite well its marketable qualities within 15-20 days after harvest in milk maturity phase is given. The fruits are rounded with sharp elongated spout. Fruits are good for fresh consumption, canning and pickling. Recommended for baby food and food for people with problems of the digestive system.Представлено описание нового детерминантного (полуштамбового) сорта томата для открытого грунта и пленочных малогабаритных теплиц с оригинальными плотными плодами, довольно хорошо сохраняющими свои товарные качества в течение 15-20 суток после сбора в молочной фазе зрелости. Плоды имеют округлую форму с вытянутым острым носиком. Плоды хороши для свежего потребления, засолки и консервирования. Рекомендуются для детского питания и для питания людей с проблемами пищеварительной системы

    Electron paramagnetic resonance and quantitative color investigations of various vacuum heat treated wood species

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    © Kazan Federal University (KFU). The effect of the heat treatment duration on the electron paramagnetic resonance signal amplitude of free radicals for various wood species was observed. It was found that the amplitude of the electron paramagnetic resonance signal grows linearly with the vacuum heat treatment duration. The quantitative measurements of color changes for various wood species (pine, spruce, larch, birch and small-leaved lime) were performed. It is found that results of EPR experiments and color measurements of heat treated samples correlate with each other

    Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis and Annealing of DyF 3

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    The series of DyF3 nanosized samples was synthesized by the colloidal chemistry method. The microwave-assisted hydrothermal treatment was used for the first time for the modification of DyF3 nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy images show that the DyF3 nanoparticles have average particle size of about 16–18 nm and the size distribution becomes narrower during the microwave irradiation. The X-ray diffraction analysis shows the narrowing of the diffraction peaks versus microwave treatment time. The experimental data demonstrates restructuring of the nanoparticles and their crystal structure becomes closer to the ideal DyF3 regular structure during the microwave irradiation of colloidal solution. The defect-annealing model of the microwave-assisted hydrothermal modification process is suggested