26 research outputs found

    Administrative offenses cases number assessment in the Russian regions

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    Reducing crime is an important objective in the Russian Federation, therefore monitoring the dynamics of offending is relevant and of research interest nowadays. The aim of the article is to analyse the number of administrative offenses cases initiated by officials in the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the changes that have occurred in the period between 2006 and 2019. In order to obtain a stable classification, all regions of Russia were ranked according to the arithmetic average number of administrative offenses cases for the period indicated. The paper implemented the cluster analysis method to identify typical, similar regions in terms of administrative offenses. The clusters and atypical regions composition according to the number of  administrative offenses cases in the Russian Federation for the analysed period was formed. The deviations of the clusters and regions values from the average Russian level were calculated

    Production of nano-bentonite and the study of its effect on mutagenesis in bacteria Salmonella typhimurium

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.The production of nano-bentonite and its effects on mutation process in the strains of Salmonella typhimurium are studied. It is revealed that nano-bentonite particles essentially differ from bentonite particles in structure, size, and shape. Bentonite particles are cone-shaped and 0.3 to 1.0 μm in size, whereas nanobentonite nanoparticles are oval-shaped and 25 to 95 μm in size. Single particles (less than 10.0%) are irregular polyhedra and 0.6 μm in size. The structure of bentonite consists of separate fragments of constituent minerals composed of packages–lamelee 0.6 μm in size cemented with an amorphous mass. An amorphous mass containing single micrometer-sized packages–lamelee is observed in the structure of the nano-bentonite. It is determined that nano-bentonite does not possess mutagenic activity on microorganisms. The study of antimutagenic potential of nano-bentonite reveals that it possesses a moderate inhibitory effect on mutagenesis caused by mitomycin C, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, and ethyl methanesulphonate, but does not inhibit genotoxic potential of hydrogen peroxide. The results demonstrate that nano-bentonite is nongenotoxic and can be used for the development of next-generation safe nanotechnological materials

    Characteristics of bivalve mollusk <i>Serripes groenlandicus </i>in connection with its rational use

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    Greenland cockle Serripes groenlandicus is a burrow bivalve mollusk that forms dense aggregations on silty-sandy and muddy grounds at the depth 50-60 m. Its total stock in Peter the Great Bay is estimated as 8,700 t. The species is not used yet as a raw material for food industry that is a reason to investigate its safety, chemical composition and technological characteristics. There is noted that the aggregations of S. groenlandicus in Peter the Great Bay are formed mostly by large-sized individuals (> 80 %), so they have high commercial value. Its soft tissue (on average 25.8 % of total weigh) contents 11.9 % of protein, < 1.0 % of fat, and 5.4 % of carbohydrate, its energy value is 70 kcal, so it is a promising raw material for low-calorie dietary products. Technological losses in mass of the clam meat in the process of broth extraction under hydrothermal treatment are rather high: 45-47 %. To prevent the mass losses, the species is recommended to use as the raw material for canned products with its natural meat

    Analysis of etiology and antimicrobial sensitivity of fungal keratitis pathogens in a series of clinical cases

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    Purpose. To analyze pathogens of keratomycosis resistant to antifungal therapy, the spectrum of sensitivity to antimicotic agents in series of fungal keratitis. Material and methods. There is a retrospective analysis of fungal keratitis in 12 patients (12 eyes) who underwent an inpatient treatment from August 2018 to January 2020 (18 months). Clinical data of patients was recorded in specially developed forms. Results.Keratomycosis was confirmed in 12 cases of keratitis with resistantce to the local antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy during the study period. All patients used contact lenses from different manufacturers, had a history of outpatient treatment with antibacterial, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops, and keratoprotectors, topical glucocorticosteroids and antiherpetics for 2 weeks to 2 months. Identification of the pathogen was carried out by the direct microscopy method, followed cultural research in the mycological laboratory, as well as clinical manifestations. In 10 cases, Fusarium spp was detected, in 1 case – Penicillinum, in 1 case – Candida. According to the conclusion of the mycological study, 100% of fungal agents has resistance to fluconazole and amphotericin B. The sensitivity of agents to antimicotic agents was analyzed, and the equipment of antifungal drugs required for use on the basis of the study was revised. Conclusion. In a series of clinical cases of fungal keratitis, the dominant pathogen was Fuzarium. The found broad resistance to fluconazole and amphotericin B, high sensitivity to nystatin, terbinafine, and ketoconazole shows that each case of keratomycosis has an original clinical picture, must be considered in detail, and requires a careful diagnosis and individual treatment tactics

    Electrochemical biosensor based on polyelectrolyte complexes for the determination of reversible inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Reversible inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase are increasingly applied in the Alzheimer's disease therapy. Their determination with biosensors requires special attention to the enzyme immobilization due to importance of electrostatic and steric factors affecting accessibility of the active site to the substrate and inhibitor present simultaneously. In this work, polyelectrolyte complexes have been assembled from electrochemically inactive components with implementation of acetylcholinesterase from electric eel. The influence of the complex components and enzyme position on the assembling efficiency was explored using surface plasmon resonance and kinetic parameters of the enzyme with amperometry with Co phtalocyanine mediator. The biosensor developed showed robust response toward donepezil and berberine with limit of detection of 0.46 and 70 nM, respectively, within 1 min after inhibitor addition. The sensitivity of determination coincides or is better than characteristics of biosensors based on covalently attached AChE described in the literature. The biosensor was tested on the example of drug determination in spiked samples of artificial urine (recovery 103% for 0.6 nM donepezil and 110% for 0.1 μM berberine)

    The effect of antioxidants of vegetable origin on the change of qualitative characteristics of semi-finished fish products in the storage process

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    The article presents data on the study of the influence of spices - sage, rosemary and ginger, used as a prescription component on the quality indicators of semi-finished fish products. Physical, chemical and organoleptic indicators of the quality of experimental samples have been studied, and the positive effect of spices on the stability of semi-finished fish products during storage have been shown. The use of spices, in particular rosemary and sage, allows to slow down the oxidation process and increase the shelf life of chilled fish semi-products

    New data on small lampreys of the genus Lethenteron (Petromyzontidae) of the Tom River, a typical habitat of the Siberian brook lamprey Lethenteron kessleri

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    The article presents data of morphological and molecular-genetic analyzes of small lampreys from the Tom River, a typical habitat of the Siberian brook lamprey Lethenteron kessleri (Anikin, 1905), as well as of one specimen of a large lamprey caught in the same period of the year in the Ob River. All studied specimens are similar in the structure of the dental apparatus to lampreys of the upper Ob tributaries and the upper Irtysh basin, and also correspond to the characteristics of Lethenteron camtschaticum. They have one haplotype of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I gene, previously described for lampreys from the Ob River basin and the rivers of the White Sea basin. Currently, there is no reason to consider small lampreys of the Tom River as a valid species Lethenteron kessleri

    Production of nano-bentonite and the study of its effect on mutagenesis in bacteria Salmonella typhimurium

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.The production of nano-bentonite and its effects on mutation process in the strains of Salmonella typhimurium are studied. It is revealed that nano-bentonite particles essentially differ from bentonite particles in structure, size, and shape. Bentonite particles are cone-shaped and 0.3 to 1.0 μm in size, whereas nanobentonite nanoparticles are oval-shaped and 25 to 95 μm in size. Single particles (less than 10.0%) are irregular polyhedra and 0.6 μm in size. The structure of bentonite consists of separate fragments of constituent minerals composed of packages–lamelee 0.6 μm in size cemented with an amorphous mass. An amorphous mass containing single micrometer-sized packages–lamelee is observed in the structure of the nano-bentonite. It is determined that nano-bentonite does not possess mutagenic activity on microorganisms. The study of antimutagenic potential of nano-bentonite reveals that it possesses a moderate inhibitory effect on mutagenesis caused by mitomycin C, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, and ethyl methanesulphonate, but does not inhibit genotoxic potential of hydrogen peroxide. The results demonstrate that nano-bentonite is nongenotoxic and can be used for the development of next-generation safe nanotechnological materials

    Production of nano-bentonite and the study of its effect on mutagenesis in bacteria Salmonella typhimurium

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.The production of nano-bentonite and its effects on mutation process in the strains of Salmonella typhimurium are studied. It is revealed that nano-bentonite particles essentially differ from bentonite particles in structure, size, and shape. Bentonite particles are cone-shaped and 0.3 to 1.0 μm in size, whereas nanobentonite nanoparticles are oval-shaped and 25 to 95 μm in size. Single particles (less than 10.0%) are irregular polyhedra and 0.6 μm in size. The structure of bentonite consists of separate fragments of constituent minerals composed of packages–lamelee 0.6 μm in size cemented with an amorphous mass. An amorphous mass containing single micrometer-sized packages–lamelee is observed in the structure of the nano-bentonite. It is determined that nano-bentonite does not possess mutagenic activity on microorganisms. The study of antimutagenic potential of nano-bentonite reveals that it possesses a moderate inhibitory effect on mutagenesis caused by mitomycin C, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, and ethyl methanesulphonate, but does not inhibit genotoxic potential of hydrogen peroxide. The results demonstrate that nano-bentonite is nongenotoxic and can be used for the development of next-generation safe nanotechnological materials