17 research outputs found

    MEDIÁRIUM, 2015.IX. évfolyam 3–4. szám

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    KOMMUNIKÁCIÓ – EGYHÁZ – TÁRSADALOM A Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem Kommunikáció- és Társadalomtudományi Intézetének folyóirat

    MEDIÁRIUM, 2016. X. évfolyam 1. szám

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    KOMMUNIKÁCIÓ – EGYHÁZ – TÁRSADALOM A Debreceni Református Hittudományi Egyetem Kommunikáció- és Társadalomtudományi Intézetének folyóirat


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    A brief review of the developments leading to the advent of femtochemistry is presented, along with the major achievements that have marked the past fifteen years since the birth of the field

    Перспективы формирования библиографического репертуара русской книги и периодики

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    The roundtable discussion “Prospects of formation of the bibliographic repertoire of Russian books and periodicals” was held on 27 October, 2016 at the Russian State Library. There were made and discussed presentations devoted to creation of the “Union catalogue of Russian books 1801-1825”, possible ways of formation of the repertoire of Russian books 1826-1917, and implementation of the project on creation of database of the repertoire of Russian journals and continued editions 1728-1917.Заседание круглого стола «Перспективы формирования библиографического репертуара русской книги и периодики» прошло 27 октября 2016 г. в Российской государственной библиотеке. Были заслушаны и обсуждены сообщения, посвященные созданию «Сводного каталога русской книги, 1801-1825», возможным путям формирования репертуара русской книги 1826-1917 гг., реализации проекта подготовки базы данных - репертуара русских журналов и продолжающихся изданий 1728-1917 годов

    L'interprétation économique de l'histoire dans le projet de Karl Polanyi

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    Le projet de Karl Polanyi s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un socialisme humaniste, opposé aux tenants de la planification centralisée comme aux libéraux. La place assignée par Polanyi aux déterminations économiques dans l'histoire, à travers l'exemple de l'analyse de la Grèce ancienne, illustre sa conception de "l'économie substantive"? Celle-ci confère un rôle essentiel aux valeurs et à la politique, ce qui permet de réfuter l'économicisme de la vulgate marxiste et du courant dominant de la science économique. Enfin, dès les années 1940, Polanyi s"élève contre l'utopie libérale du Grand Marché que défend le capital américain et sa critique mérite aujourd'hui d'être entendue.Déterminisme économique - histoire économique - Grèce antique - substantivisme - utopie libérale -

    Privatization and State Capacity in Postcommunist Society

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    Economists have used cross-national regression analysis to argue that postcommunist economic failure is the result of inadequate adherence liberal economic policies. Sociologists have relied on case study data to show that postcommunist economic failure is the outcome of too close adherence to liberal policy recommendations, which has led to an erosion of state effectiveness, and thus produced poor economic performance. The present paper advances a version of this statist theory based on a quantitative analysis of mass privatization programs in the postcommunist world. We argue that rapid large-scale privatization creates severe supply and demand shocks for enterprises, thereby inducing firm failure. The resulting erosion of tax revenues leads to a fiscal crisis for the state, and severely weakens its capacity and bureaucratic character. This, in turn, reacts back on the enterprise sector, as the state can no longer support the institutions necessary for the effective functioning of a modern economy, thus resulting in deindustrialization. Using cross-national regression techniques we find that the implementation of mass privatization programs negatively impacts measures of economic growth, state capacity and the security of property rights.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/40192/3/wp806.pd

    Три слоя лексического редактирования в Зографском евангелии

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    В статията се изследват кирилските и глаголическите глоси в полетата на Зографското евангелие, които са оставени от преписвача на ръкописа. Те са едно от най-ранните свидетелства за начина, по който през Х–ХI в. се е извършвало лексикалното редактиране на текстовете и за същността на този процес. Проучването на глосите е поставено в контекста на предходни проучвания върху други два пласта: лексикалните варианти, с които текстът на Зографското евангелие се противопоставя на този в Мариинското евангелие, Асеманиевото евангелие и Савината книга, и синонимните замени, които в научната литература се третират като източнобългарски. Направеният анализ води към заключението, че ежедневното писмо на преписвача е кирилицата, а стремежът му е да замени или обясни определени чужди, неславянски думи. Повечето синоними и тълкувания, които той предлага в полетата, не са повлияни от традицията и най-вероятно са негова собствена инициатива, която се вписва типологически във вече установени процеси на лексикална редакция през българския Х в. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.1.1The article aims to examine Cyrillic and Glagolitic glosses in the OCS Codex Zographensis, inserted by the scribe himself. These notes in the margins are among the earliest examples of editorial work in a Slavonic written monument ever, hence they are an important evidence about the way the lexical editing in the 9th–10th century was applied and about its essence. The study on the glosses is put in the context of previous research on 1) the lexical variants with which the text of Codex Zographensis is opposed to that of Codex Marianus, Assemanianus and Liber Sabbae, and 2) the lexical alterations which in scholarly literature are treated as East Bulgarian. The analysis leads to the conclusion that Cyrillic was the copyist’s usual script, that his daily writing routine might have been in Cyrillic, and that his intention was to replace or explain certain foreign, non-Slavic words. Most synonyms and interpretations he offers are not influenced by the tradition and are probably due to his own initiative, which typologically corresponds to already established processes of lexical editing in 10th century Bulgaria. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.1.1Целью статьи является изучение кириллических и глаголических глосс на полях Зографского евангелия, которые добавлены писцом рукописи и представляют собой одно из древнейших свидетельств лексического редактирования X–XI в. Глоссы рассматриваются в контексте 1) лексических разночтений, в которых текст Зографского евангелия противопоставляется Мариинскому и Ассеманиевому евангелию и Саввиной книге и 2) синонимичных замен, которые в научной литературе считаются восточноболгарскими. Анализ показывает, что основной азбукой писца Зографского евангелия была кириллица, а его цель заключалась в замене или объяснении некоторых неславянских слов. Большинство синонимов и толкований он включил, как кажется, не под влиянием традиции, а, скорее всего, по собственной инициативе. Типологические характеристики его работы сходны с уже известными особенностями лексического редактирования в Болгарии десятого века. DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2019.8.1.

    Three Layers of Lexical Editing in Codex Zographensis

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    e-ISSN: 2305-6754 p-ISSN: 2304-0785 Indexed in: ............................................. Creative Commons ............................................. ............................................. About The Author Yavor Miltenov https://ibl.bas.bg/en/struktura/istoriya-na-balgarskiya-ezik/satrudnitsi/ The Institute for Bulgarian Language (IBL), 52 Shipchenski Prohod Blvdr., block 17, Sofia 1113 Bulgaria Bulgaria Assoc. prof. Open Journal Systems Current Issue Atom logo RSS2 logo RSS1 logo Article Tools Indexing metadata Finding References Review policy Email this article (Login required) Email the author (Login required) Post a Comment (Login required) User Username Password Remember me Language Select Language Journal Help Journal Content Search Search Scope Browse By Issue By Author By Title Notifications View Subscribe Information For Readers For Authors For Librarians Keywords 15th century 18th century Church Slavonic Enlightenment Novgorod Old Church Slavonic Old Russian Old Russian language Old Russian literature Russian Russian language St. Clement of Ohrid chronicles epigraphy hagiography orthography paleography poetics syntax textual criticism translation Home About Login Search Current Archives Announcements Editorial Board Publication Ethics Our Languages MM Registration Certificate Home > Vol 8, No 1 (2019) > Miltenov Three Layers of Lexical Editing in Codex Zographensis Yavor Miltenov Abstract The article aims to examine Cyrillic and Glagolitic glosses in the OCS Codex Zographensis, inserted by the scribe himself. These notes in the margins are among the earliest examples of editorial work in a Slavonic written monument ever, hence they are an important evidence about the way the lexical editing in the 9th–10th century was applied and about its essence. The study on the glosses is put in the context of previous research on 1) the lexical variants with which the text of Codex Zographensis is opposed to that of Codex Marianus, Assemanianus and Liber Sabbae, and 2) the lexical alterations which in scholarly literature are treated as East Bulgarian. The analysis leads to the conclusion that Cyrillic was the copyist’s usual script, that his daily writing routine might have been in Cyrillic, and that his intention was to replace or explain certain foreign, non-Slavic words. Most synonyms and interpretations he offers are not influenced by the tradition and are probably due to his own initiative, which typologically corresponds to already established processes of lexical editing in 10th century Bulgaria