57,235 research outputs found

    Origin of spin reorientation transitions in antiferromagnetic MnPt-based alloys

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    Antiferromagnetic MnPt exhibits a spin reorientation transition (SRT) as a function of temperature, and off-stoichiometric Mn-Pt alloys also display SRTs as a function of concentration. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy in these alloys is studied using first-principles calculations based on the coherent potential approximation and the disordered local moment method. The anisotropy is fairly small and sensitive to the variations in composition and temperature due to the cancellation of large contributions from different parts of the Brillouin zone. Concentration and temperature-driven SRTs are found in reasonable agreement with experimental data. Contributions from specific band-structure features are identified and used to explain the origin of the SRTs.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Computing the Girth of a Planar Graph in Linear Time

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    The girth of a graph is the minimum weight of all simple cycles of the graph. We study the problem of determining the girth of an n-node unweighted undirected planar graph. The first non-trivial algorithm for the problem, given by Djidjev, runs in O(n^{5/4} log n) time. Chalermsook, Fakcharoenphol, and Nanongkai reduced the running time to O(n log^2 n). Weimann and Yuster further reduced the running time to O(n log n). In this paper, we solve the problem in O(n) time.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, accepted to SIAM Journal on Computin

    Alfven seismic vibrations of crustal solid-state plasma in quaking paramagnetic neutron star

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    Magneto-solid-mechanical model of two-component, core-crust, paramagnetic neutron star responding to quake-induced perturbation by differentially rotational, torsional, oscillations of crustal electron-nuclear solid-state plasma about axis of magnetic field frozen in the immobile paramagnetic core is developed. Particular attention is given to the node-free torsional crust-against-core vibrations under combined action of Lorentz magnetic and Hooke's elastic forces; the damping is attributed to Newtonian force of shear viscose stresses in crustal solid-state plasma. The spectral formulae for the frequency and lifetime of this toroidal mode are derived in analytic form and discussed in the context of quasi-periodic oscillations of the X-ray outburst flux from quaking magnetars. The application of obtained theoretical spectra to modal analysis of available data on frequencies of oscillating outburst emission suggests that detected variability is the manifestation of crustal Alfven's seismic vibrations restored by Lorentz force of magnetic field stresses.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Exposing the dressed quark's mass

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    This snapshot of recent progress in hadron physics made in connection with QCD's Dyson-Schwinger equations includes: a perspective on confinement and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking (DCSB); a pre'cis on the physics of in-hadron condensates; results on the hadron spectrum, including dressed-quark-core masses for the nucleon and Delta, their first radial excitations, and the parity-partners of these states; an illustration of the impact of DCSB on the electromagnetic pion form factor, thereby exemplifying how data can be used to chart the momentum-dependence of the dressed-quark mass function; and a prediction that F_1^{p,d}/F_1^{p,u} passes through zero at Q^2\approx 5m_N^2 owing to the presence of nonpointlike scalar and axial-vector diquark correlations in the nucleon.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Contribution to the Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Newport News, Virginia, 18-21 May 201

    Rational Approximate Symmetries of KdV Equation

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    We construct one-parameter deformation of the Dorfman Hamiltonian operator for the Riemann hierarchy using the quasi-Miura transformation from topological field theory. In this way, one can get the approximately rational symmetries of KdV equation and then investigate its bi-Hamiltonian structure.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Self-gravitating astrophysical mass with singular central density vibrating in fundamental mode

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    The fluid-dynamical model of a self-gravitating mass of viscous liquid with singular density at the center vibrating in fundamental mode is considered in juxtaposition with that for Kelvin fundamental mode in a homogeneous heavy mass of incompressible inviscid liquid. Particular attention is given to the difference between spectral formulae for the frequency and lifetime of ff-mode in the singular and homogeneous models. The newly obtained results are discussed in the context of theoretical asteroseismology of pre-white dwarf stage of red giants and stellar cocoons -- spherical gas-dust clouds with dense star-forming core at the center.Comment: Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 24, No. 40 (2009) pp. 3257-327

    On theories of random variables

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    We study theories of spaces of random variables: first, we consider random variables with values in the interval [0,1][0,1], then with values in an arbitrary metric structure, generalising Keisler's randomisation of classical structures. We prove preservation and non-preservation results for model theoretic properties under this construction: i) The randomisation of a stable structure is stable. ii) The randomisation of a simple unstable structure is not simple. We also prove that in the randomised structure, every type is a Lascar type

    Junctions of multiple quantum wires with different Luttinger parameters

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    Within the framework of boundary conformal field theory, we evaluate the conductance of stable fixed points of junctions of two and three quantum wires with different Luttinger parameters. For two wires, the physical properties are governed by a single effective Luttinger parameters for each of the charge and spin sectors. We present numerical density-matrix-renormalization-group calculations of the conductance of a junction of two chains of interacting spinless fermions with different interaction strengths, obtained using a recently developed method [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 226803 (2010)]. The numerical results show very good agreement with the analytical predictions. For three spinless wires, i.e., a Y junction, we analytically determine the full phase diagram, and compute all fixed-point conductances as a function of the three Luttinger parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure