30 research outputs found

    Lack of phylogeographic structure in the freshwater cyanobacterium <i>Microcystis aeruginosa</i> suggests global dispersal

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    Background: Free-living microorganisms have long been assumed to have ubiquitous distributions with little biogeographic signature because they typically exhibit high dispersal potential and large population sizes. However, molecular data provide contrasting results and it is far from clear to what extent dispersal limitation determines geographicstructuring of microbial populations. We aimed to determine biogeographical patterns of the bloom-forming freshwatercyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Being widely distributed on a global scale but patchily on a regional scale, this prokaryote is an ideal model organism to study microbial dispersal and biogeography.Methodology/Principal Findings: The phylogeography of M. aeruginosa was studied based on a dataset of 311 rDNAinternal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences sampled from six continents. Richness of ITS sequences was high (239 ITS typeswere detected). Genetic divergence among ITS types averaged 4% (maximum pairwise divergence was 13%). Preliminary analyses revealed nearly completely unresolved phylogenetic relationships and a lack of genetic structure among all sequences due to extensive homoplasy at multiple hypervariable sites. After correcting for this, still no clear phylogeographic structure was detected, and no pattern of isolation by distance was found on a global scale. Concomitantly, genetic differentiation among continents was marginal, whereas variation within continents was high and was mostly shared with all other continents. Similarly, no genetic structure across climate zones was detected.Conclusions/Significance: The high overall diversity and wide global distribution of common ITS types in combination with the lack of phylogeographic structure suggest that intercontinental dispersal of M. aeruginosa ITS types is not rare, and that this species might have a truly cosmopolitan distribution

    Lack of Phylogeographic Structure in the Freshwater Cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa Suggests Global Dispersal

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    Background : Free-living microorganisms have long been assumed to have ubiquitous distributions with little biogeographic signature because they typically exhibit high dispersal potential and large population sizes. However, molecular data provide contrasting results and it is far from clear to what extent dispersal limitation determines geographic structuring of microbial populations. We aimed to determine biogeographical patterns of the bloom-forming freshwater cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Being widely distributed on a global scale but patchily on a regional scale, this prokaryote is an ideal model organism to study microbial dispersal and biogeography. Methodology/Principal Findings : The phylogeography of M. aeruginosa was studied based on a dataset of 311 rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences sampled from six continents. Richness of ITS sequences was high (239 ITS types were detected). Genetic divergence among ITS types averaged 4% (maximum pairwise divergence was 13%). Preliminary analyses revealed nearly completely unresolved phylogenetic relationships and a lack of genetic structure among all sequences due to extensive homoplasy at multiple hypervariable sites. After correcting for this, still no clear phylogeographic structure was detected, and no pattern of isolation by distance was found on a global scale. Concomitantly, genetic differentiation among continents was marginal, whereas variation within continents was high and was mostly shared with all other continents. Similarly, no genetic structure across climate zones was detected. Conclusions/Significance : The high overall diversity and wide global distribution of common ITS types in combination with the lack of phylogeographic structure suggest that intercontinental dispersal of M. aeruginosa ITS types is not rare, and that this species might have a truly cosmopolitan distribution

    Secondary metabolite gene expression and interplay of bacterial functions in a tropical freshwater cyanobacterial bloom

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    Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) appear to be increasing in frequency on a global scale. The Cyanobacteria in blooms can produce toxic secondary metabolites that make freshwater dangerous for drinking and recreation. To characterize microbial activities in a cyanoHAB, transcripts from a eutrophic freshwater reservoir in Singapore were sequenced for six samples collected over one day-night period. Transcripts from the Cyanobacterium Microcystis dominated all samples and were accompanied by at least 533 genera primarily from the Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria. Within the Microcystis population, abundant transcripts were from genes for buoyancy, photosynthesis and synthesis of the toxin microviridin, suggesting that these are necessary for competitive dominance in the Reservoir. During the day, Microcystis transcripts were enriched in photosynthesis and energy metabolism while at night enriched pathways included DNA replication and repair and toxin biosynthesis. Microcystis was the dominant source of transcripts from polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthase (PKS and NRPS, respectively) gene clusters. Unexpectedly, expression of all PKS/NRPS gene clusters, including for the toxins microcystin and aeruginosin, occurred throughout the day-night cycle. The most highly expressed PKS/NRPS gene cluster from Microcystis is not associated with any known product. The four most abundant phyla in the reservoir were enriched in different functions, including photosynthesis (Cyanobacteria), breakdown of complex organic molecules (Proteobacteria), glycan metabolism (Bacteroidetes) and breakdown of plant carbohydrates, such as cellobiose (Actinobacteria). These results provide the first estimate of secondary metabolite gene expression, functional partitioning and functional interplay in a freshwater cyanoHAB.Singapore. National Research Foundation (Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), Center for Environmental Sensing and Modeling (CENSAM) research program)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology, Grant No. DBI-1202865)National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS Grant P30-ES002109 to the MIT Center for Environmental Health Sciences)MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI-Hayashi fund

    Phylogeography of the Microcoleus vaginatus (Cyanobacteria) from Three Continents – A Spatial and Temporal Characterization

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    It has long been assumed that cyanobacteria have, as with other free-living microorganisms, a ubiquitous occurrence. Neither the geographical dispersal barriers nor allopatric speciation has been taken into account. We endeavoured to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of global distribution within populations of the cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus, originated from three continents, and to evaluate the role of dispersal barriers in the evolution of free-living cyanobacteria. Complex phylogeographical approach was applied to assess the dispersal and evolutionary patterns in the cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus (Oscillatoriales). We compared the 16S rRNA and 16S-23S ITS sequences of strains which had originated from three continents (North America, Europe, and Asia). The spatial distribution was investigated using a phylogenetic tree, network, as well as principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). A temporal characterization was inferred using molecular clocks, calibrated from fossil DNA. Data analysis revealed broad genetic diversity within M. vaginatus. Based on the phylogenetic tree, network, and PCoA analysis, the strains isolated in Europe were spatially separated from those which originated from Asia and North America. A chronogram showed a temporal limitation of dispersal barriers on the continental scale. Dispersal barriers and allopatric speciation had an important role in the evolution of M. vaginatus. However, these dispersal barriers did not have a permanent character; therefore, the genetic flow among populations on a continental scale was only temporarily present. Furthermore, M. vaginatus is a recently evolved species, which has been going through substantial evolutionary changes

    Competitive outcome of Daphnia-Simocephalus experimental microcosms: salinity versus priority effects

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    Competition is a major driving force in freshwaters, especially given the cyclic nature and dynamics of pelagic food webs. Competition is especially important in the initial species assortment during colonization and re-colonization events, which depends strongly on the environmental context. Subtle changes, such as saline intrusion, may disrupt competitive relationships and, thus, influence community composition. Bearing this in mind, our objective was to assess whether low salinity levels (using NaCl as a proxy) alter the competitive outcome (measured as the rate of population biomass increase) of Daphnia-Simocephalus experimental microcosms, taking into account interactions with priority effects (sequential species arrival order). With this approach, we aimed to experimentally demonstrate a putative mechanism of differential species sorting in brackish environments or in freshwaters facing secondary salinization. Experiments considered three salinity levels, regarding NaCl added (0.00, 0.75 and 1.50 g L(-1)), crossed with three competition scenarios (no priority, priority of Daphnia over Simocephalus, and vice-versa). At lower NaCl concentrations (0.00 and 0.75 g L(-1)), Daphnia was a significantly superior competitor, irrespective of the species inoculation order, suggesting negligible priority effects. However, the strong decrease in Daphnia population growth at 1.50 g L(-1) alleviated the competitive pressure on Simocephalus, causing an inversion of the competitive outcome in favour of Simocephalus. The intensity of this inversion depended on the competition scenario. This salinity-mediated disruption of the competitive outcome demonstrates that subtle environmental changes produce indirect effects in key ecological mechanisms, thus altering community composition, which may lead to serious implications in terms of ecosystem functioning (e.g. lake regime shifts due to reduced grazing) and biodiversity

    Species concepts and speciation factors in cyanobacteria, with connection to the problems of diversity and classification

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    Diversity and habitat specificity of free-living protozoa in commercial poultry houses.

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    &lt;p&gt;Despite stringent biosecurity measures, infections by bacterial food pathogens such as Campylobacter are a recurrent problem in industrial poultry houses. As the main transmission route remains unclear, persistence of these infections has been linked to bacterial survival and possibly multiplication within protozoan vectors. To date, however, virtually no information is available on the diversity and occurrence of free-living protozoa in these environments. Using a combination of microscopic analyses of enrichment cultures and molecular methods (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis [DGGE]) on natural samples, we show that, despite strict hygiene management, free-living protozoa are common and widespread throughout a 6-week rearing period in both water and dry samples from commercial poultry houses. Protozoan communities were highly diverse (over 90 morphotaxa and 22 unique phylotypes from sequenced bands) and included several facultative pathogens and known bacterial vectors. Water samples were consistently more diverse than dry ones and harbored different communities, mainly dominated by flagellates. The morphology-based and molecular methods yielded markedly different results: amoebic and, to a lesser degree, ciliate diversity was seriously underestimated in the DGGE analyses, while some flagellate groups were not found in the microscopic analyses. Some recommendations for improving biosecurity measures in commercial poultry houses are suggested.&lt;/p&gt;</p


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    The B-BLOOMS2 project aimed to deepen knowledge of cyanobacterial blooms in Belgium, improve the modelling for prediction and early-warning, develop operational monitoring structures and tools, and propose strategies to reduce the impact of cyanobacterial blooms. From a scientific point of view, the research programme focused on: - Collection of physical, chemical, biological and meteorological data on selected reference waterbodies plagued by toxic cyanobacterial blooms in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia; - Identification and study of the toxigenic cyanobacteria present in the Belgian samples using molecular tools on samples and strains, including genetic diversity and factors regulating their population dynamics; - Measurement of the major cyanotoxins present in the blooms and water samples by analytical methods; - Development and test of management scenarios for control or mitigation of cyanobacterial blooms in one reservoir using integrated watershed models; - Development of a statistical predictive model for a series of urban ponds. From a practical and science policy point of view, B-BLOOMS2 aimed to: - Implement a network of samplers based on existing monitoring programmes of surface waters or on collaboration with health authorities or environmental organisations (BLOOMNET); - Transfer knowledge about methods of monitoring and analysis of blooms to the water/health authorities and environmental organisations by hands-on courses in our laboratories and field sites; - Reinforce the communication to and with authorities and the general population, to raise public awareness, contribute to future guidelines and risk assessment procedures, and improve monitoring and management

    The importance of morphological versus chemical defences for the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis against amoebae grazing

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    Amoebae grazing can be an important loss factor for blooms of the common cyanobacterium Microcystis. Some Microcystis strains seem to be protected against amoebae grazing, but it is unclear whether this is achieved by their colony morphology or biochemically. These factors were investigated in grazing experiments using two Microcystis-grazing amoebae (Korotnevella sp. and Vannella sp.) and two Microcystis strains with differing colony morphology (aeruginosa and viridis morphotype) and different sensitivity to amoebae grazing. Amoebae did not increase in density and failed to reduce the growth rate of cultures of the amoebae insensitive viridis strain, irrespective of whether the Microcystis strain was colonial or unicellular. This suggests that the extended mucilage matrix surrounding viridis colonies is not the main defence mechanism against amoebae grazing. At the same time, the growth rate of both unicellular and colonial cultures of the amoebae-sensitive aeruginosa strain was heavily reduced by the growing amoebae. The addition of filtered viridis-conditioned medium to aeruginosa cultures significantly decreased both amoebae growth and its effect on aeruginosa growth rates, which indicates that extracellular compounds constitutively produced by viridis are at least partially responsible for their insensitivity to amoebae grazing. These results demonstrate the potential importance of chemical interactions between lower trophic levels (protists) for Microcystis bloom dynamics