21 research outputs found

    Note on the Pelecaniformes, Ciconiiformes, terns (Sterninae) and black skimmers (Rynchopinae) along the Costa Chica of Oaxaca, Mexico

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    To study the coastal birds of Oaxaca's Costa Chica, we visited this region in the fall of 1995 and the summer and fall of 1996. During these visits we focused on coastal lagoons and barrier beaches, although we also made two sea trips and visited sandy beaches. We gathered data on 10 species of Pelecaniformes, 14 species of Ciconiiformes, 6 species of terns and on black skimmers. Many of these species have not been well documented in the area we covered. We describe our findings, including data on breeding and general observations

    The role of singing style in song adjustments to fluctuating sound conditions: A comparative study on Mexican birds

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    Many bird species adjust their songs to noisy urban conditions by which they reduce masking and counteract the detrimental impact on signal efficiency. Different species vary in their response to level fluctuations of ambient noise, but it remains unclear why they vary. Here, we investigated whether noise-dependent flexibility may relate to singing style and signal function of the flexible acoustic trait. Species with highly variable songs may generally be more flexible and strongly repetitive singers may be more limited to stray from their stringent patterns. We exposed males of four passerine species with contrasting singing styles (repertoire size, immediate or eventual variety singing and syllable diversity) to three experimental sound conditions: 1) continuous urban noise; 2) intermittent white noise and 3) conspecific song playback. We found no spectral or temporal changes in response to experimental noise exposure in any of the four species, but significant temporal adjustment to conspecific playback in one of them. We argue that the consistency in song frequency and timing may have signal value, independent of singing style, and therefore be an explanation for the general lack of noise-dependent flexibility in the four species of the current study.Animal science

    Satellite-Derived Estimates of Phytoplankton Biomass Off Southern Baja California

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    All available estimates of photosynthetic pigment concentration derived from data generated during 1978-1986 by the sensor CZCS were used to interpret the spatial and temporal variations of phytoplankton biomass in a transect from Punta San Hipolito to Cabo Corrientes. Highest pigment concentrations were present in areas near the coast. It is suggested that they were due to upwelling and to interaction between the marine currents and local physiography. There was a clear seasonal variation near the coast. El Nino had a clear effect on pigment concentration, but it was not the only cause of interannual variation. -from Author

    Nuevos retos en la atención de enfermería en el paciente crónico con insuficiencia cardíaca

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    • Introduction: HF is a high prevalence condition that causes negative consequences on life quality on people who suffers the disease. Patients expectations on health service has evolved, from a paternalist approach, to an holistic one. Patientnurse relationship is charged with emotions. Patients, being at a more vulnerable state, feel lots of negative emotions, expecting from nursing staff care that preserves their dignity. • Aims: Reflect on our role as nurses providing care for HF patients. Do a critical judgement on our daily performance as an opportunity to improve practise. • Material and method: Literature review. Reflect on how we want to provide our services and how the therapeutic relationship with patients should be. Group meetings. Sharing and discussing ideas. • Results: “... On our hospitals we do not always have time, due to many different issues, to provide a good quality holistic care to patients. This means that we only provide clinical care on the acute state of the condition...” “... The main carer is not involved on HF education, and when the patient is discharged, is the main carer the one who is going to be looking after the patient...” “... All our efforts are nothing if we do not involve patients on their health process...” • Conclusions: Nursing staff is responsible not only for providing care for these patients, but also should help them to cope with disability, respecting their believes, and giving respond to educational needs. It is a challenge for nurses to develop pathways and teaching sessions on the wards. We think it is important to reflect on our daily practise in order to advance on the care that is being delivered.• Introducción: La IC es un síndrome de alta prevalencia; provoca consecuencias negativas en la calidad de vida de quien las padece. La demanda sanitaria del paciente ha evolucionado, desde una perspectiva paternalista, hacia una holística. La relación enfermera-paciente está cargada de emociones. El paciente es más vulnerable, siente una pléyade de emociones negativas, esperando de nosotras un trato que preserve su dignidad. • Objetivos: Reflexionar sobre nuestro papel como enfermeras en la atención al paciente crónico con IC. Realizar un juicio crítico sobre nuestro quehacer diario como área de mejora. • Material y metodología: Estudio cualitativo. Revisión bibliográfica. Autorreflexión sobre cómo queremos trabajar y cómo tiene que ser la relación con el enfermo. Reuniones de grupo. Puesta en común. • Resultados: “… En nuestro medio hospitalario, no siempre tenemos tiempo, debido a múltiples factores, para prestar una atención integral de calidad a los pacientes, quedándonos sólo en la prestación asistencial en el cuadro agudo…. ” “… No se implica, en la educación sanitaria, al cuidador informal, cuando sobre éste recae el cuidado al alta del paciente…”. “… De nada sirven todos nuestros esfuerzos, si al paciente no le hacemos partícipe de su proceso de salud…” • Conclusiones: Las enfermeras tenemos la responsabilidad no sólo de prestar asistencia, sino que también tenemos que ayudar a afrontar la incapacidad, respetar sus valores y creencias, atendiendo a sus necesidades educativas. Es un reto para las enfermeras elaborar guías y sesiones de educación sanitaria en las unidades de hospitalización Creemos importante reflexionar sobre nuestro trabajo diario para dar un paso más en los cuidados prestados

    Dime corazón, ¿qué sabes de tu enfermedad y qué te gustaría saber?

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    • Introduction: Heart failure (HF) has become an important and increasing health problem in developed countries, due to, specially, the ageing of the population. In our country it is the first cause of hospital admissions in people over 65 and the third cause of cardiovascular mortality. • Aims: To know how much information patients have about their pathology. To detect improving areas as well as strong areas in nurse-directed education. To obtain a higher autonomy and quality of life on HF patients, reducing their mortality. • Materials and method: HF patients admitted in our ward are interviewed in order to detect how much they know about their disease, in December 2008. Bibliographical revision. Analysis of clinical-statistical information on admitted patients during 2007 with HF diagnosis. • Results: 284 HF patients were admitted, 48 were readmitted. Survey: 25 people. Average age: 73,12 years old. Knowledge of pharmacological treatment: Most of them didn’t know about treatment indications and nobody of them knew something about adverse effects. 76% never got any nursing medical education. 40 % knows about symptoms of alarm. 48% take a low salt diet. Educational interests: 52%: cause of their disease and risk factors. 64%: exacerbation of the disease. 56%: Diet. The educational interests of patients and informal carers differed between them. Conclusions: An important lack of knowledge of HF is detected in our patients and carers. It becomes important to involve both groups (patients and carers) on heart failure education, being the final objective to get a better quality of life.• Introducción: La insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) se ha convertido en un importante y creciente problema de salud en los países desarrollados debido, principalmente, al envejecimiento de la población. En nuestro país supone la principal causa de ingreso hospitalario en mayores de 65 años y la tercera causa de mortalidad cardiovascular. • Objetivos: Conocer qué grado de información tienen los pacientes sobre su patología. Detectar áreas de mejora y áreas fuertes en la educación sanitaria de enfermería. Mejorar la autonomía y calidad de vida de los pacientes con IC, disminuyendo la morbilidad. • Material y método: Se encuesta a los pacientes ingresados con IC en nuestra unidad para detectar el grado de conocimiento sobre su enfermedad, en diciembre del 2008. Revisión bibliográfica. Análisis de los datos clínicos-estadísticos de los ingresados en el 2007 con el diagnóstico de IC. • Resultados: Ingresaron por IC 284, 48 reingresaron. Encuesta: 25 personas. Edad media: 73,12 años. Conocimiento sobre tratamiento farmacológico: La mayoría desconocía las indicaciones del tratamiento y un 100% los efectos adversos. Un 76% no habían recibido nunca educación sanitaria de enfermería. El 40% conoce los síntomas de alarma. El 48% realiza dieta hiposódica. Intereses educacionales: 52%: causas de su enfermedad y factores de riesgo. 64%: reagudizaciones. 56%.: Dieta. Los intereses educacionales de los pacientes y cuidadores informales diferían. • Conclusiones: Se detecta un déficit importante de conocimiento sobre la IC en nuestros pacientes y cuidadores. Importante implicar a los dos grupos (pacientes y cuidadores), en la educación sanitaria, siendo el objetivo final la mejora de la calidad de vida

    Functional traits used to determine the functional diversity of the bat community in the Huasteca region of the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.

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    <p>Functional groups of the frugivorous species (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0166765#pone.0166765.s001" target="_blank">S1 Fig</a>): F1: <i>Sturnira hondurensis</i> and <i>S</i>. <i>parvidens</i>, F2: <i>Artibeus lituratus</i> and <i>A</i>. <i>jamaicensis</i>, F3: <i>Carollia perspicillata</i> and <i>Dermanura tolteca</i>, and F4: <i>Chiroderma salvini</i>.</p

    List of bat species captured.

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    <p>For each species we include the total number of individuals recorded in each site of the Huasteca region in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.</p

    Bat community parameters per sampling night in relation to forest cover in the Huasteca region, Hidalgo, Mexico.

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    <p>As an example, forest cover is shown when it is measured in the buffers of 1 km radius around sampling sites, given that all the results are consistent at the 3 measured spatial scales. Six sampling nights were carried out at each one of the six sites (total n = 36).</p