81 research outputs found

    Hepatobiliary and pancreatic imaging in children—techniques and an overview of non-neoplastic disease entities

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    Imaging plays a major role in the diagnostic work-up of children with hepatobiliary or pancreatic diseases. It consists mainly of US, CT and MRI, with US and MRI being the preferred imaging modalities because of the lack of ionizing radiation. In this review the technique of US, CT and MRI in children will be addressed, followed by a comprehensive overview of the imaging characteristics of several hepatobiliary and pancreatic disease entities most common in the paediatric age group

    Reduced costs with bisoprolol treatment for heart failure - An economic analysis of the second Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study (CIBIS-II)

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    Background Beta-blockers, used as an adjunctive to diuretics, digoxin and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, improve survival in chronic heart failure. We report a prospectively planned economic analysis of the cost of adjunctive beta-blocker therapy in the second Cardiac Insufficiency BIsoprolol Study (CIBIS II). Methods Resource utilization data (drug therapy, number of hospital admissions, length of hospital stay, ward type) were collected prospectively in all patients in CIBIS . These data were used to determine the additional direct costs incurred, and savings made, with bisoprolol therapy. As well as the cost of the drug, additional costs related to bisoprolol therapy were added to cover the supervision of treatment initiation and titration (four outpatient clinic/office visits). Per them (hospital bed day) costings were carried out for France, Germany and the U.K. Diagnosis related group costings were performed for France and the U.K. Our analyses took the perspective of a third party payer in France and Germany and the National Health Service in the U.K. Results Overall, fewer patients were hospitalized in the bisoprolol group, there were fewer hospital admissions perpatient hospitalized, fewer hospital admissions overall, fewer days spent in hospital and fewer days spent in the most expensive type of ward. As a consequence the cost of care in the bisoprolol group was 5-10% less in all three countries, in the per them analysis, even taking into account the cost of bisoprolol and the extra initiation/up-titration visits. The cost per patient treated in the placebo and bisoprolol groups was FF35 009 vs FF31 762 in France, DM11 563 vs DM10 784 in Germany and pound 4987 vs pound 4722 in the U.K. The diagnosis related group analysis gave similar results. Interpretation Not only did bisoprolol increase survival and reduce hospital admissions in CIBIS II, it also cut the cost of care in so doing. This `win-win' situation of positive health benefits associated with cost savings is Favourable from the point of view of both the patient and health care systems. These findings add further support for the use of beta-blockers in chronic heart failure

    Heterozygous missense variants of LMX1A lead to nonsyndromic hearing impairment and vestibular dysfunction

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    Unraveling the causes and pathomechanisms of progressive disorders is essential for the development of therapeutic strategies. Here, we identified heterozygous pathogenic missense variants of LMX1A in two families of Dutch origin with progressive nonsyndromic hearing impairment (HI), using whole exome sequencing. One variant, c.721G > C (p.Val241Leu), occurred de novo and is predicted to affect the homeodomain of LMX1A, which is essential for DNA binding. The second variant, c.290G > C (p.Cys97Ser), predicted to affect a zinc-binding residue of the second LIM domain that is involved in protein–protein interactions. Bi-allelic deleterious variants of Lmx1a are associated with a complex phenotype in mice, including deafness and vestibular defects, due to arrest of inner ear development. Although Lmx1a mouse mutants demonstrate neurological, skeletal, pigmentation and reproductive system abnormalities, no syndromic features were present in the participating subjects of either family. LMX1A has previously been suggested as a candidate gene for intellectual disability, but our data do not support this, as affected subjects displayed normal cognition. Large variability was observed in the age of onset (a)symmetry, severity and progression rate of HI. About half of the affected individuals displayed vestibular dysfunction and experienced symptoms thereof. The late-onset progressive phenotype and the absence of cochleovestibular malformations on computed tomography scans indicate that heterozygous defects of LMX1A do not result in severe developmental abnormalities in humans. We propose that a single LMX1A wild-type copy is sufficient for normal development but insufficient for maintenance of cochleovestibular function. Alternatively, minor cochleovestibular developmental abnormalities could eventually lead to the progressive phenotype seen in the families

    Zuidnederlandse Archeologische Notities 215

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    Van maandag 21 april tot en met maandag 27 april 2009 is in opdracht van de gemeente Veldhoven een inventariserend onderzoek door middel van proefsleuven (IVO-p) uitgevoerd in het plangebied Veldhoven-West Zilverackers. In het tracé zijn enkele bescheiden vindplaatsen aangetroffen en dat de afzonderlijke sporen op basis van zowel de fysieke als de inhoudelijke kwaliteit in principe niet behoudenswaardig zijn. Dit neemt echter niet weg dat er een reële kans bestaat dat de akkers waar de weg doorheen aangelegd wordt, meer vindplaatsen herbergen. Dit zal te zijner tijd door middel van proefsleuven vastgesteld moeten worden. Als wordt gekeken naar het bredere onderzoekskader voor Veldhoven West Zilverackers, is het bij vervolgonderzoek tevens zinvol om een studie te verrichten naar de genese en verbreiding van de akkers ten westen van Veldhoven

    Zuidnederlandse Archeologische Notities 217

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    Van 8 juni tot en met 29 juni 2009 is in opdracht van de gemeente Bergeijk een inventariserend veldonderzoek door middel van proefsleuven (IVO-p) uitgevoerd in het plangebied Waterlaat 6 (fig. 1). Het plangebied ligt ten westen van de dorpskern van Bergeijk en wordt begrensd door de Oude Postelseweg en de Waterlaat in het noorden, de Wilgenakker en de Elskensakker in het oosten en de Weebosserweg in het zuiden. Het terrein is voor een groot deel onverstoord; in het zuidoosten en westen van het plangebied is echter wel sprake van verstoringen. Samenvattend kan worden gesteld dat er in het plangebied vier relevante vindplaatsen zijn aangetroffen (A-D). Deze zijn als behoudenswaardig aangemerkt en dienen te worden ingepast in de planvorming (behoud in situ) of als dit niet mogelijk blijkt veilig gesteld te worden door een opgraving (behoud ex situ)

    Lésions cancéreuse et pré-cancéreuse sur oesophage de Barrett : Etude clinique, endoscopique et histologique

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    14 patients porteurs d'udénocarcinome œsophagien entouré de muqueuse de type cylindrique (Barrett) ont été investigués sur le plan clinique, endoscopique et ont été soumis à une étude histologique spéciale destinée à caractériser l'environnement muqueux de cette lésion maligne. Pratiquement tous les patients se plaignaient de dysphagie, de perte pondérale et avaient présenté antérieurement des symptômes de reflux gastro-œsophagien. Les aspects tumoraux ont été variables: envahissement superficiel (I), crois" sance exopilytique (4), multifocale (1), ulcération maligne distale (4) ou ulcération sténosante (4). Les biopsies prélevées au niveau de la tumeur et dans l'épithélium cylindrique type Barrett environnant ont révélé des adénocarcinomes peu ou modérément différencié. La muqueuse de type cardial (MC) était présente chez tous les patients avec des degrés de dysplasie sévère ou modérée observés sur toutes les biopsies. Ces changements dysplasiques ont été observés dans un peu plus de la moitié des biopsies de muqueuse type cylindrique avec métaplasie intestinale (MCMI) et manquaient au niveau des muqueuses de type fundique (MF). Ces résultats ont été comparés avec les données histologiques de 200 biopsies endoscopiques prélevées chez 50 patients porteurs d'endobrachyœsophage sans lésion maligne. Des changements dysplasiques ont été observés sur 18 % du matériel biopsique: 16 % de muqueuse type cardial (MC) et 2 % de muqueuse type cylindrique avec métaplasie intestinale (MCMI). Les résultats de l'étude en microscopie optique correspondent aux résultats préliminaires d'une étude de cinétique cellulaire actuellement en cours: le marquage cellulaire avec autoradiographie montre au niveau de la muqueuse cylindrique péri-tumorale une expansion du comportement prolifératif sur la muqueuse de type cardial (MC), et seulement sporadiquement sur la muqueuse de type cylindrique avec métaplasie intestinale (MCMI) et jamais au niveau de la muqueuse de type fundique (MF)