4 research outputs found

    Perebutan Modalitas Sosial dan Model Integrasi Desa Berlegitimasi Religius pada Masyarakat Pantai Utara di Provinsi Bali

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    Target utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan dinamika konflik yang terjadi dalam masyarakat tradisional kawasan pantai utara Bali, sebagai potret salah satu masyarakat Bali Kuno berkaitan dengan adanya upaya terprogram untuk memodernisasi agama demi kepentingan industri kepariwisataan berdasarkan tingkat dan jenis konflik yang terjadi di tengah-tengah masyarakat desa adat, serta mengembangkan model penanganan konflik berbasis kearifan nilai-nilai lokal masyarakat desa adat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan (Research & Development). Model pengembangan yang digunakan mengacu pada model pengembangan dari Plomp (1997). Prosedur pengembangan model, meliputi fase-fase: (1) analisis kebutuhan, (2) pengembangan model, (3) integrasi model, (4) validasi preliminary model, (5) penerapan model. Pada penelitian ini, analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptip-kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) masyarakat desa adat Bali Utara memandang bahwa konflik adat yang terjadi merupakan imbas dari ketidaknyamanan sekelompok orang dalam mengelola diri dan lingkungannya. (2) konflik adat yang terjadi pada desa adat Bali Utarasebagai dampak dari pengembangan industri pariwisata dan diperkuat lagi oleh sengketa masalah konservasi dan kepemilikan tanah adat terpola menjadi dua, yaitu konflik yang bersifat horizontal dan konflik yang bersifat vertikal. (3) pengembangan industri pariwisata di desa adat Bali Utara telah membawa dampak yang sangat tajam pada aspek sosial-ekonomi masyarakat. (4) sistim dan bentuk tata pemerintahan desa adat diantara desa adat Bali Utaramemiliki persamaan yang sangat banyak, karena kedua desa tersebut tergolong ke dalam desa adat kuno yang merupakan desa yang dibangun oleh para pelarian Majapahit gelombang pertama. (5) faktor dominan yang memicu timbulnya konflik adat di kalangan masyarakat desa Bali Utara, yaitu: pengembangan desa adat sebagai kawasan wisata budaya, sistim konservasi dan kepemilikan tanah adat sebagai pendukung industri pariwisata, upaya penjualan simbol-simbol keagamaan dan budaya masyarakat bagi kepentingan pengembangan industri pariwisata, dan kebijakan pemerintah desa adat dan pemerintah daerah setempat

    Developing Instructional Material for Sepak Takraw Playing Technique Course Completed with Smart Audiovisual to Improve Competencies of the Students of Sport & Health Education Department Ganesha University of Education

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    This study was conducted with the aim to develop major instructional topics and practices/ tasks needed to support the attainment of the expected graduates\u27 competencies. This study was a descriptive qualitative research that adopted Dick and Carey model (1985). The subjects of the study were the third-semester students of Sport and Health Education Department who took up the course. This study used questionnaire and interview guide as the instruments. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that (a) the need for the instructional materials for “Sepak Takraw” Playing Technique was very urgent; (b) there were six major topics in Sepak Takraw Playing Technique course: The history of “sepak takraw”, facilities, defending techniques, smashing techniques, service techniques and rules & refereeing; c) there were two types of practice/tasks developed: answering open-ended questions, and demonstration; d) the audiovisual major topics, i.e., audiovisual materials consisted of the implementation of all knowledges, skills, and basic technique skill for playing sepak takraw that has to be mastered by the students as prospective professional teachers and training coaches; e) the practices available in smart audiovisual were responses/judgments of the students on the progress of him/herself and that of other students

    Learning Models and Authentic Assessment on Football Skill Learning Achievement

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    The current study was aimed at finding the effect of teaching models and an authentic assessment on football skill learning achievement by controlling motor educability. The sample consisted of 142 students of Physical Education Health Department that were selected randomly. The study used the 2x2 factorial experimental design, while the data were analyzed using 2-way ANACOVA. The results showed that after controlling motor educability, football skill learning achievement of the students who learned through the Cooperative Learning type Jigsaw model was higher than those who learned through the conventional model; the football skill learning achievement of those who were assessed by portfolio assessment was better than those who were assessed by authentic assessment. There was also an interaction between the teaching model and an authentic assessment on football skill learning achievement. The students who learned through the Cooperative Learning type jigsaw model was more appropriately assessed by portfolio assessment, while those who learned through the conventional learning model was more appropriately assessed by performance assessment