100 research outputs found

    Impact of the intensification of beef production in Brazil on grenhouse gas emissions and land use.

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    Brazil has the largest herd of beef cattle in the world, estimated at approximately 200 million animals. Production is predominantly pasture-based and low input and hence time to slaughter is long, which promotes high methane (CH4) emissions per kg of product. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of increasing animal productivity using fertilizers, forage legumes, supplements and concentrates, on the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in five scenarios for beef production in Brazil. A life cycle analysis (LCA) approach, from birth of calves to mature animals ready for slaughter at the farm gate, was utilized using Tier 2 methodologies of the IPCC and the results expressed in equivalents of carbon dioxide (CO2eq) per kg of carcass produced. Fossil CO2 emitted in the production of supplements, feeds and fertilizers was included using standard LCA techniques. The first four scenarios were based solely on cattle production on pasture, ranging from degraded Brachiaria pastures, through to a mixed legume/Brachiaria pasture and improved N-fertilized pastures of Guinea grass (Panicum maximum). Scenario 5 was the most intensive and was also based on an N-fertilized Guinea grass pasture, but with a 75-day finishing period in confinement with total mixed ration (TMR). Across the scenarios from 1 to 5 the increase in digestibility promoted a reduction in the forage intake per unit of animal weight gain and a concomitant reduction in CH4 emissions. For the estimation of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from animal excreta, emission factors from a study in the Cerrado region were utilized which postulated lower emission from dung than from urine and much lower emissions in the long dry season in this region. The greatest impact of intensification of the beef production systems was a 7-fold reduction of the area necessary for production from 320 to 45 m2/kg carcass. Carcass production increased from 43 to 65 Mg per herd across the scenarios from 1 to 5, and total emissions per kg carcass were estimated to be reduced from 58.3 to 29.4 kg CO2eq/kg carcass. Even though animal weight gain was lower in the mixed grass-legume scenario (3) than for the N-fertilized Guinea grass pastures (scenarios 4 and 5) GHG emissions per kg carcass were similar as the legume N2 fixation input had no fossil-fuel cost. A large source of uncertainty for the construction of such LCAs was the lack of data for enteric CH4 emissions from cattle grazing tropical forages

    Eficiência agronômica de diferentes fontes e doses de fertilizantes nitrogenados na cultura do milho em sistema de plantio direto no Oeste da Bahia.

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    A aplicação de fertilizantes nitrogenados é de fundamental importância para o aumento de produtividade do cultivo do milho. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência agronômica de fertilizantes nitrogenados nítricos e convencionais em milho em área de Cerrado no oeste da Bahia. O experimento foi montado a campo em área de Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo, no município de Luis Eduardo Magalhães-BA. Na fase fenológica V4 foi aplicada superficialmente em área total as doses de 75; 150 e 225 kg ha-1 N para o fertilizante Nitrato de Cálcio Amônio e Ureia, e Controle (sem N em cobertura). Verificou-se resposta significativa na produção de grãos em todas as fontes nas doses de N aplicadas em relação ao Controle

    Stoloniferous Forage Legumes for Sustainable Mixed Pastures in the Tropics

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    Brazil has over 80 million ha of tropical pastures formed with species of Brachiaria (syn. Urochloa), mostly grazed by beef cattle and with low fertilizer inputs, especially nitrogen. Recent investigations by our team show that stoloniferous legumes such as forage peanut (Arachis pintoi) and Desmodium ovalifolium are able to persist in mixed swards with Brachiaria brizantha (cv. Marandu) if grazing height is regulated (maximum 30 cm) so that radiation can reach the soil surface allowing stolons to take root. These legumes can persist in mixed pastures and produce milk or animal weight gains similar to the application of 120 to 150 kg N/ha/yr. In studies at the CEPLAC field station south Bahia State (16°39´S, 39°30´ W), N2O emissions from urine of dairy cattle were 0.47 and 0.76 kg N-N2O/ha/yr for a mixed forage peanut/Marandu pasture and Marandu monoculture + 120 kg N fertilizer ha/yr, respectively, equivalent to emission factors (EF) of 0.81 and 2.09%. N2O emissions from the N fertilizer were 2.70 and 0.24 kg N-N2O/ha (EFs of 4.10 and 0.40 %) for the two applications, respectively. N2O emissions from urine of beef cattle were 0.314 and 0.267 kg N-N2O/ha/yr for a mixed Desmodium ovalifolium/Marandu pasture and Marandu monoculture + 150 kg N fertilizer ha/yr, respectively, equivalent to EFs of 0.45 and 0.40 %. Annual N2O emissions from 3 x 50 kg N fertilizer were 0.30 kg/ha/yr. Preliminary results indicate that enteric methane emissions from cattle grazing a mixed forage peanut/Marandu pasture were 9 % lower per kg weight gain than those on an N-fertilized Marandu monoculture. Considering the total elimination of the fossil CO2 emissions associated with manufacture and application of N fertilizer, the substitution of 150 kg N by the mixed grass legume pastures represents a decrease in GHG emission intensity of over 20 %

    Yield of sugarcane varieties and their sugar quality grown in different soil types and inoculated with a diazotrophic bacteria consortium.

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    Sugarcane is a crop of great economic, social, and environmental relevance in Brazil. The country is the largest sugar producer and the second largest bioethanol producer in the world. The goal of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of a sugarcane inoculant composed of five diazotrophic bacterial strains, as well as nitrogen fertilization of two sugarcane varieties. Two experiments were carried out on two varieties using an experimental design composed of complete randomized blocks in a factorial of two varieties and three treatments with four replicates. The treatments can be described as: inoculation with the consortium of five diazotrophic strains, or N fertilization with 120 kg ha−1, and one control treatment. The following parameters were then evaluated: stem yield, accumulation of total dry matter, nitrogen content, quality of the sugarcane juice, and 15N natural abundance on flag-leaves. Inoculation and N fertilization on the Sapucaia plantation promoted increases of stem yield equivalent to 22.3 and 26.5 Mg ha−1 in the RB867515 variety, in comparison to the control, respectively. Inoculation and N fertilizer used for the Coruripe plantation increased stem yield of 38.0 and 42.4 Mg ha−1, respectively, with the RB867515 variety, while RB72454 showed increases of 16.7 and 37.5 Mg ha−1, both compared to the control. Biological nitrogen fixation was not affected by the treatments, however, both treatments increased the total recoverable sugar yield. Benefits from inoculation appeared to promote plant growth due to the plant–bacteria interaction

    Componentes da parte aérea e raízes de pastagens de Brachiaria spp. em diferentes idades após a reforma, como indicadores de produtividade em ambiente de cerrado.

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a produção de componentes da parte aérea e raízes totais em pastagens de Brachiaria de diferentes idades após a reforma, em ecossistema de cerrado. Três pastagens eram de Brachiaria brizantha após um, sete e nove anos da reforma pelo Sistema Barreirão, e outra de Brachiaria decumbens, após vinte anos de reforma pelo sistema convencional. As áreas estudadas localizam-se em Goiânia-GO (16º35'12"S, 49º21'14"W, 730 m)

    Parámetros de evaluación diferenciados para la ecografía obstétrica estándar versus la especializada. Recomendación del servicio de medicina fetal 2019

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    El presente documento resulta del análisis del ejercicio de la ultrasonografía obstétrica en el Perú y como un aporte para el ordenamiento que repercuta favorablemente en la calidad de las evaluaciones y en la salud materno perinatal considerando, adoptando y adaptando normativas y lineamientos internacionales de entidades referentes en ecografía obstétrica y medicina fetal. Según consta en la Guía clínica de Ultrasonografía en el embarazo del 2016, diversas sociedades referentes han  adoptado la siguiente terminología uniforme para tres tipos de exámenes ecográficos según nivel de complejidad: Estandar, Limitada y Especializada. Algunas de tipo “especializada”, como las ecografías de tamizaje “Genética y Morfológica” no significa que deba ser realizada necesariamente por un médico especialista o subespecialista; sino que quien la realice deba tener la competencia requerida para una evaluación de tal complejidad. Además, al revisar los Protocolos de organizaciones internacionales como The Fetal Medicine Foundation de Londres (FMF), The Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine (SMFM), International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology  (ISUOG), la Guía nacional Técnica de Ecografía Básica Obstétrica y Ginecológica INMP 2009 y la Guía de práctica clínica y de procedimientos en obstetricia y ginecología INMP 2018 advertimos inconsistencias y diferencias en las descripciones y denominaciones de los diferentes tipos de ecografía que deben actualizarse, estandarizarse e implementarse. La denominación de ecografía “genética” a la ecografía de “tamizaje, screening o nuchal scan” del primer trimestre (término en países desarrollados) debe su nombre al traslado del término “genético” desde el segundo hacia el primer trimestre dada la mayor posibilidad de visualizar al feto y por ende evidenciar anomalías o marcadores genéticos y/o cromosómicos. Es una denominación que ya está arraigada en nuestro país y en algunas partes del mundo (“first trimester genetic ultrasound) pero sin parámetros de evaluación uniformes ni diferenciación en niveles de complejidad. Parte de la problemática de la salud pública materno perinatal se explica por el no acceso de un porcentaje de gestantes a evaluaciones ecográficas de calidad debido principalmente a la ausencia de parámetros de evaluación generando gastos innecesarios, impacto emocional, y desenlaces adversos o complicaciones no detectadas ni evitadas. Muchas evaluaciones ecográficas no cumplen los parámetros para su denominación como especializada y muchas otras no cumplen ni los parámetros básicos. Esto amerita la unificación y difusión de parámetros como tipo de ecografía según complejidad, edad a realizarse, información a obtener, competencias del evaluador, objetivos de evaluación, modo ecográfico, vía de abordaje y duración. En el Perú, el ejercicio de la ultrasonografía es desordenado sin un ente normativo y rector que conduzca formalmente un proceso de certificación, acreditación, auditoría y evaluación de los médicos ecografistas. Según normativas internacionales, el sonologist (physician o médico especialista en ecografía materno fetal) es el único facultado no solo para realizar el procedimiento sino para interpretar y reportar el informe final o diagnóstico y debe supervisar y refrendar la evaluación del sonographer o no médico, en los países donde la práctica de este último está regulada. Ante la ausencia oficial nacional de un ente rector en el ejercicio de la ecografía, el Servicio de Medicina Fetal del INMP viene considerando desde hace años estos estándares internacionales en las diferentes evaluaciones que realiza, pero en una forma no protocolizada objetivamente. En este contexto,  recomendamos estos parámetros de evaluación para referencia institucional y extra institucional fomentando la certificación y acreditación con calidad semejante a la Fetal Medicine Foundation