303 research outputs found


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    The paper presents a study of the distribution of stresses and strains in the curved stilt of the plough-body, using the ELCUT analysis program by the finite element method. In its public version, the program allows the static structural analysis in three stages of precision. However, there are some limitations on the number of nodes for the discretized structure, depending on its complexity (250 to 500 nodes)


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    The paper presents a study on the analysis of the distribution of stresses and strains in the curved stilt of the plough-body, using the Finite Element Method. Modeling was performed with the help of triangular finite elements "CST" (Constant Strain Triangle), using a special program for this type of applications “CSTPL.EXE”, developed at University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Materials Strength


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    Heavy-disc harrow with integrated GDG-2.7M transport train is intended for carrying out the work of harrowing stubble on medium and heavy light soils located on lands with a maximum slope of 22 °, as well as for discussing bulky and dry plows, in the framework for the preparation of the germinating bed for sowing. Depending on the specificity of the work performed and the working conditions (plowing quality, humidity and soil type), the GDG-2.7M heavy disc harrow can also be used in aggregate with other ground grinding machines (soiled or adjustable harrows, staples or rollers). The paper presents the test methodology of the GDG-2.7M disc harrow

    Endoscopic reinterventions in patients with poor recovery after ERC

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    Catedra Chirurgie nr. 4, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Anual în clinicile IMSP SCR ”Timofei Moșneaga” din diferite motive, intervențiilor endoscopice ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography) sunt supuși în jur de 500 pacienți. Ca regulă, pacienții suportă ERCP adecvat, însă un procent din ei sunt totuși supuși unei reintervenții endoscopice din diferite motive. Materiale şi metode: În lucrare sunt analizate evoluțiile post-ERCP la 1432 pacienți realizate pe parcursul ultimilor 3 ani (2016, 2017, 2018) și în special frecvența și motivul reintervențiilor. Astfel s-a constatat că reintervenții au avut loc în 172 (12%) cazuri. Am realizat că motivul principal al reintevențiilor a fost colangita condiționată de fragmente sau calculi restanți – 115 (66,7%), obstrucție de stent – 36 (20.9%), altele – 21 (12.2%). Rezultate: În majoritatea cazurilor reintervențiile endoscopice au servit drept manoperă finală pentru soluționarea cazurilor - 159 (92.4%). Doar în 13 (7.6%) cazuri, reintervențiile endoscopice nu au soluționat situația, urmând ca pacienții să fie supuși intervențiilor chirurgicale tradiționale. Concluzii: Întotdeauna în situațiile nesigure, intervențiile endoscopice urmează a fi finalizate cu una din metodele de drenare endoscopică, și anume - protezare endoscopică sau drenare nazobiliară.Introduction: Anually, in the clinics of IMSP SCR ”Timofei Moșneaga”, because of various reasons, around 500 patients are undergoing endoscopic interventions – ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography). As a rule, the patients endure the ERCPs adequately, but still, a percentage of them sustain an endoscopic reintervention because of a variety of reasons. Materials and methods: This study analyzes post-ERCP evolution in 1432 patients which underwent an ERCP during the last 3 years (2016, 2017, 2018), and especially the frequency and reasons of reintervention. Thus, it was determined that reinterventions took place in 172 (12%) cases. Also, it was determined that the main reason of reinterventions was cholangitis conditioned by fragments or residual calculus – 115 (66,7%), stent obstruction – 36 (20,9%), other reasons – 21 (12,2%). Results: In most cases, endoscopic reinterventions served as a final maneuver for the settlement of cases - 159 (92,4%). Only in 13 (7,6%) cases, endoscopic reinterventions didn’t solve the situation, the patients later undergoing a traditional surgery. Conclusions: In uncertain situations, endoscopic interventions must always be finalized with one of the endoscopic drainage options, namely endoscopic prosthesis or nasobiliary drainage

    Partial intestinal obstruction due to tumoral form of actinomycosis (Case report)

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    Secția Chirurgie, Secția ATI, Spitalul Județean de Urgență, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, România, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Caz clinic: Se prezintă cazul unui bolnav în vârstă de 65 de ani cu sindrom subocluziv intestinal cronic, scădere ponderală cca 20 de kg în ultimul an. La examenul obiectiv: formațiune tumorală palpabilă în fosa iliacă stângă de cca 15/20 cm. Colonoscopia evidențiază stenoza sigmoidiană la cca 15 cm de la orificiul anal. Nu s-a prelevat fragment pentru biopsie. S-a intervenit chirurgical. S-a găsit un bloc tumoral sigmoidian mare și un mic abces între acesta și vezica urinară. S-a practicat colectomie segmentară pe sigmoid. Evoluție postoperatorie favorabilă. Surpriză la examenul anatomo-patologic: actinomicoză.Clinical case: We present the case of a patient aged 65 years with the syndrome of chronic bowel obstruction, and about 20 kg of weight loss during last year. On physical examination: palpable tumoral mass in the left iliac fossa of about 15/20 cm. On colonoscopy sigmoid stenosis at approximately 15 cm from anus is detected. No tissue was taken for biopsy. On surgery was found a large sigmoid tumor and a small abscess between it and the urinary bladder. Segmental sigmoid colectomy is performed. Postoperative evolution was favorable. Surprise on histopathological examination: actinomycosis

    Derivaţi ligninici modificaţi prin reacţiile de hifroximetilare şi epoxidare

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    Lignin derivative (the commercial product -Protobind 2000) offered by the Granit Recherche Developement S.A. company, Lausanne-Schwitzerlandwas synthesized from annual plants. The present study’s aim was tomodify commercial lignins by the reaction of hydroxymethylation (produced in alkaline medium) and epoxydation (reaction with epichlorohydrin was performed in basic catalysis, aiming at increase the functionality) and to characterize the lignin derivatives chemical, spectral (1H NMR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). Studies have revealed some functional changes related to the difference in reactivity and reaction conditions

    Esophageal surgery – the experience of the department of surgery of CME faculty of SUMPh “Nicolae Testemitanu”

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    Catedra chirurgie FECMF, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Esofagul, pentru chirurgi, rămâne un segment deosebit al tractului digestiv atât din cauza particularităţilor anatomo-topografice a organului, a căilor de acces către acesta, cât şi a tehnicilor operatorii asupra respectivului. Scopul lucrării: De a ne împărtăşi cu experienţa Clinicii de 30 ani în domeniul chirurgiei esofagiene. Material şi metode: Clinica de Chirurgie FECMF a USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” – secţia de chirurgie toracică şi chirurgie generală a Spitalului Clinic Republican îşi are direcţia cercetărilor, studiilor practico-ştiinţifice ale intervenţiilor pe esofag din 1974. Fişierul clinicii deţine mai mult de 1000 operaţii pe esofag. Rezultate: Punct de pornire au servit traumele esofagului adunând 70 cazuri. Alți 83 pacienţi – operaţi pentru diverticul, 192 cu hernii a hiatusului esofagian, 226 suferinzi de diferite forme de stenoze postcaustice, 118 pacienţi s -au operat pentru boala de reflux gastroesofagian, 115 cu achalazii, cu neoplasm esofagian s-au operat 92 pacienţi, esofag Barrett au avut 34 bolnavi, neoplasm al joncţiunii esofago-gastrice – 37 pacienţi. Avem 32 cazuri cu ruptură spontană de esofag (sindromul Boerhaave). Concluzii: Aceasta este experienţa Clinicii, în baza căreia s-a susţinut o teză de doctor habilitat şi două teze de doctor în medicină.Introduction: Esophageal surgery represents very special kind of digestive surgery, because of multiple factors – anatomical-topographic features, specific surgical access and surgical technique. Aim: To evaluate our clinical experience of 30 years of esophageal surgery. Material and methods: Since 1974, in the Department of Surgery of CME Faculty of SUMPh „Nicolae Testemitanu”, thoracic and general surgery departments of Republican Clinical Hospital, were performed about 1000 clinical cases of esophageal surgery. Results: Our first experience in esophageal surgery, as a start point was esophageal injuries – 70 patients, followed by esophageal diverticula – 83 patients, esophageal hiatus hernia – 192 treatment cases, esophageal stricture of various origin – 226 cases, 118 patients have been treated for gastro-esophageal reflux disease, 115 cases with achalasia of esophagus, 92 patients have been treated for esophageal cancer, 34 cases – with Barrett’s esophagus, gastroesophageal junction cancer – 37 cases. In addition, we have experience of 32 cases of spontaneous esophagus rupture (Boerhaave syndrome). Conclusions: The experience of the Clinic mentioned above was reflected in a thesis of doctor habilitatus of medical since and two thesis of doctor of medical since


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    The use of biomass has become extremely important for the production of clean energy from renewable sources. This is due to the continuously increased need for energy, to the possible depletion of conventional fossil fuels in the near future, and also to the regulations of European Union on the need to reduce significantly the emissions of greenhouse gases. This paper presents a synthesis on the raw materials used for pellets production, some of the important characteristics of pellets (density, ash content and heating power), and also data on the status of pellets production and consumption in different countries. Latest reported data show that the European Union is the biggest wood pellets producer globally, with a production of 13.5 million tonnes in 2014. Romania’s pellets production in 2014 was of 740000 tonnes, and estimations are that in 2020 it will exceed 1.2 million tonnes


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    In the context of the ongoing development of mechanized agriculture, which implies the use of heavy agricultural machinery, often on soils with high moisture content, it increased significantly the risk of soil compaction. Compaction has become a problem of major proportions especially to farmers, because this phenomenon causes environmental damage, and affects soil quality and crop production. Penetration resistance is a valuable and easy to determine indicator of the degree of compaction of agricultural soil. In this paper are presented the results of some experimental research conducted to determine the penetration resistance of a plot of clover, under the influence of the number of passes of a tractor, in order to assess, from an qualitative point of view, the degree of soil compaction

    Risk factors for gliomas: An extensive review

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    Primary brain tumors consist are a heterogenic group of malignancies. Gliomas represent subtypes which include all tumors arising from glial cells. The risk factors for gliomas are until today unclear. The aim of this study was to summarize all possible connections between suspected risk factors and glial brain tumors