11 research outputs found


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    40 children with chronic pyelonephritis aged 5-14 years were examined. Research of level in blood of phosphorus and calcium for the children of a chronic pyelonephritis at 20 % patients was found hyperphosphatemia, and at 17% - hypоphosphatemia. At 8 % children are marked increase of level of calcium in the serum of blood and at 27% it is his decline.Обследовано 40 детей с хроническим пиелонефритом в возрасте 5-14 лет. Исследование уровня в крови фосфора и кальция у детей з ХПН у 20 % больных виявлено гиперфосфатемию, а у 17 % - гипофосфатемию. У 8 % детей отмечено повышение уровня кальция в сыворотке крови и у 27 % - его снижение.Обстежено 40 дітей з хронічним пієлонефритом у віці 5-14 років. При аналізі вмісту в крові фосфору і кальцію у дітей з ХПН у 20 % хворих виявлено гіперфосфатемію, а у 17% - гіпофосфатемію. У 8 % дітей відмічено підвищення рівня кальцію в сироватці крові і у 27 % - його зниження


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    The analysis of biochemical indeces of mineral metabolism and the results of densitometry in children with chronic gastroduodenitis (the duration of disease — 1-5 years) have revealed the signs of osteologic pathology associated with mineral metabolism disturbances, depending on alkaline phosphatase aectivity. The findings of our investigation prove the necessity of seeking the ways to correct osteologic changes.Проведено анализ биохимических показателей минерального обмена веществ й результатов денситометрии у детей с хроническим гастродуоденитом при сроке заболевания 1-5 лет. Результати исследований показали наличие признаков остеопороза й остеосклероза на фоне нарушенного минерального обмена в зависимости от активности щелочной фосфатази, что указывает на необходимость поиска коррекции выявленных изменений.Проведено аналіз біохімічних показників мінерального обміну речовин та результатів денситометрії у дітей з хронічним гастродуоденітом при терміні захворювання 1-5 років. Результати досліджень показали наявність ознак остеопорозу та остеосклерозу на тлі порушеного мінерального обміну в залежності від активності лужної фосфатази, що вказує на необхідність пошуку корекції виявлених змін


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    The article shows peculiarities of cardio-vascular disorders among pre-military-age boysinTernopil region. It’s established, that the autonomous vascular dysfunction is detected in 75.9 % observed boys, mitral valve prolapse in 48.1 % patients. The autonomous vascular dysfunction has hypertensive type in 62.9 % and cardial type in 12.0% cases.Работа посвящена изучению кардиологической патологии у допризывников Тернопольской области. Установлено, что вегето-сосудистая дисфункция регистрируется в 75,9 % обследованных, пролапс митрального клапана - 48,1 % пациентов. Вегето-сосудистая дисфункция, в основном, протекает за гипертоническим (62,9 %) и кардиальным типом (12,0 %).Робота присвячена вивченню кардіологічної патології у допризовників Тернопільської області. Встановлено, що вегето-судинна дисфункція реєструється в 75,9% обстежених, пролапс морального клапана -48,1 % пацієнтів. Вегето-судинна дисфункція, в основному, протікає за гіпертонічним (62,9 %) та кардіальним типом (12,0 %)

    The role of preclinical SPECT in oncological and neurological research in combination with either CT or MRI

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    Firm resilience in regions of Eastern Europe during the period 2007–2011

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    Firms are important economic agents in regions, and their survival and prosperity in crisis periods is closely related to the evolution and welfare of the regions in which they are located. This ability of firms to respond to and recover from shocks is conceptualised by the notion of firm resilience. This paper studies the determinants of firm resilience in the regions of Eastern Europe during the period 2007–2011 using a novel, dynamic, spatial and broad conceptual framework aspect. The analysis shows through a variety of determinants that firms of Eastern EU countries have greater resilience, while it also highlights that the resilience of firms is defined, firstly, not only by current structural transformations but also by the initial conditions and, secondly, not only by the firms’ characteristics and capabilities but also by the spatial characteristics and irregularities of their broader environment. © 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Fragmented Integration and Business Cycle Synchronization in the Greek Regions

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    This paper examines the degree of business cycle synchronicity among Greek regions and investigates the determinants of the business cycle co-movements of output associated with specific functional and spatial aspects of the integration process among the Greek regions. We analyse nearly 30 years (1980-2008) of data at the NUTSIII level (prefectures). We conclude that the business cycles of prefectures are more synchronized with the NUTSII regional cycle than with the national business cycle revealing a regional (NUTSII) border effect. Moreover, the intensification of the integration process seems to diachronically affect the structural characteristics of the Greek regions and the geography of cyclical synchronization. Our study reveals a two-stage integration process where in the first stage we detect the existence of urbanization economies, while in the second one the existence of localization economies. Furthermore, our study reveals that the metropolitan regions have a low level of business cycle synchronicity with the other regions, stressing Greece's pattern of economic and structural dualism

    Disentangling different patterns of business cycle synchronicity in the EU regions

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    The present paper provides a comprehensive and consolidated analysis of the business cycle synchronicity between European regions and EU-14. Our study is conducted in three levels. First, we analyse regional business cycle synchronization with the EU-14 benchmark cycle, using real GDP in 200 NUTS II regions for a period of 30 years (1980-2009), detrended by Hodrick-Prescott filter. Secondly, we employ a VAR type methodology as a measurement devise to examine the dynamic relationship of the regional business cycles. Our main interest is to study the dynamics of business cycles as well as the pattern of the transmission mechanism to regions with different level of development. Finally, we empirically extend the research on identifying factors which might drive regional business cycle synchronization. In particular, we analyse the role of trade integration-cum- the sectoral patterns of specialisation as determinants of regional growth cycle correlations with the EU-14. Moreover, we draw attention to regional productivity as another possible determinant of business cycle synchronisation associated with the pattern of the spatial distribution of economic activities across regions. Panel three-stage least-squares estimation is implemented for the simultaneous equations between determinants and regional business cycles synchronisation

    Maternal diet during pregnancy and micronuclei frequency in peripheral blood T lymphocytes in mothers and newborns (Rhea cohort, Crete)

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    Purpose: The study assessed whether diet and adherence to cancer prevention guidelines during pregnancy were associated with micronucleus (MN) frequency in mothers and newborns. MN is biomarkers of early genetic effects that have been associated with cancer risk in adults. Methods: A total of 188 mothers and 200 newborns from the Rhea cohort (Greece) were included in the study. At early-mid pregnancy, we conducted personal interviews and a validated food frequency questionnaire was completed. With this information, we constructed a score reflecting adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research cancer prevention guidelines on diet, physical activity and body fatness. At delivery, maternal and/or cord blood was collected to measure DNA and hemoglobin adducts of dietary origin and frequencies of MN in binucleated and mononucleated T lymphocytes (MNBN and MNMONO). Results: In mothers, higher levels of red meat consumption were associated with increased MNBN frequency [2nd tertile IRR = 1.34 (1.00, 1.80), 3rd tertile IRR = 1.33 (0.96, 1.85)] and MNMONO frequency [2nd tertile IRR = 1.53 (0.84, 2.77), 3rd tertile IRR = 2.69 (1.44, 5.05)]. The opposite trend was observed for MNBN in newborns [2nd tertile IRR = 0.64 (0.44, 0.94), 3rd tertile IRR = 0.68 (0.46, 1.01)], and no association was observed with MNMONO. Increased MN frequency in pregnant women with high red meat consumption is consistent with previous knowledge. Conclusions: Our results also suggest exposure to genotoxics during pregnancy might affect differently mothers and newborns. The predictive value of MN as biomarker for childhood cancer, rather than adulthood, remains unclear. With few exceptions, the association between maternal carcinogenic exposures during pregnancy and childhood cancer or early biologic effect biomarkers remains poorly understood.The Rhea cohort was funded by the following European projects NewGeneris (FP-6-FOOD-CT-2005-016320), ESCAPE (FP7-2007-211250), HiWATE (FP-6-FOOD-CT-2006-036224), Envirogenomarkers (FP7-2008-ENV-, CHICOS (FP7-2009-GA 241604), and ENRIECO (FP7-2008-GA 226285). COG holds a Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship awarded from the Carlos III National Institute of Health (CD13/00072). MP held a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship awarded from the Spanish Ministry of Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (JCI-2011-09479). DFM received support from the Italian Ministry of Health, 5x1000 Grant-2011