34 research outputs found

    End-stage kidney disease due to haemolytic uraemic syndrome - outcomes in 241 consecutive ANZDATA Registry cases

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    Extent: 11p.Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics and outcomes of patients receiving renal replacement therapy for end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) secondary to haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS). Methods: The study included all patients with ESKD who commenced renal replacement therapy in Australia and New Zealand between 15/5/1963 and 31/12/2010, using data from the ANZDATA Registry. HUS ESKD patients were compared with matched controls with an alternative primary renal disease using propensity scores based on age, gender and treatment era. Results: Of the 58422 patients included in the study, 241 (0.4%) had ESKD secondary to HUS. HUS ESKD was independently associated with younger age, female gender and European race. Compared with matched controls, HUS ESKD was not associated with mortality on renal replacement therapy (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.14, 95% CI 0.87-1.50, p = 0.34) or dialysis (HR 1.34, 95% CI 0.93-1.93, p = 0.12), but did independently predict recovery of renal function (HR 54.01, 95% CI 1.45-11.1, p = 0.008). 130 (54%) HUS patients received 166 renal allografts. Overall renal allograft survival rates were significantly lower for patients with HUS ESKD at 1 year (73% vs 91%), 5 years (62% vs 85%) and 10 years (49% vs 73%). HUS ESKD was an independent predictor of renal allograft failure (HR 2.59, 95% CI 1.70-3.95, p < 0.001). Sixteen (12%) HUS patients experienced failure of 22 renal allografts due to recurrent HUS. HUS ESKD was not independently associated with the risk of death following renal transplantation (HR 0.92, 95% CI 0.35-2.44, p = 0.87). Conclusions: HUS is an uncommon cause of ESKD, which is associated with comparable patient survival on dialysis, an increased probability of renal function recovery, comparable patient survival post-renal transplant and a heightened risk of renal transplant graft failure compared with matched ESKD controls.Wen Tang, Janaki Mohandas, Stephen P McDonald, Carmel M Hawley, Sunil V Badve, Neil Boudville, Fiona G Brown, Philip A Clayton, Kathryn J Wiggins, Kym M Bannister, Scott B Campbell and David W Johnso

    Frog diazepam-binding inhibitor: peptide sequence, cDNA cloning, and expression in the brain.

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    Three peptides derived from diazepam-binding inhibitor (DBI) were isolated in pure form from the brain of the frog Rana ridibunda. The primary structures of these peptides showed that they correspond to mammalian DBI-(1-39), DBI-(58-87), and DBI-(70-87). A set of degenerate primers, whose design was based on the amino acid sequence data, was used to screen a frog brain cDNA library. The cloned cDNA encodes an 87-amino acid polypeptide, which exhibits 68% similarity with porcine and bovine DBI. Frog DBI contains two paired basic amino acids (Lys-Lys) at positions 14-15 and 62-63 and a single cysteine within the biologically active region of the molecule. Northern blot analysis showed that DBI mRNA is expressed at a high level in the brain but is virtually absent in peripheral tissues. The distribution of DBI mRNA and DBI-like immunoreactivity in the frog brain was studied by in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. Both approaches revealed that the DBI gene is expressed in ependymal cells and circumventricular organs lining the ventricular cavity. Since amphibia diverged from mammals at least 250 million years ago, the data show that evolutionary pressure has acted to conserve the structure of DBI in the vertebrate phylum. The distribution of both DBI mRNA and DBI-like immunoreactivity indicates that DBI is selectively expressed in glial cells

    Occurrence of two somatostatin variants in the frog brain: characterization of the cDNAs, distribution of the mRNAs, and receptor-binding affinities of the peptides.

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    In tetrapods, only one gene encoding a somatostatin precursor has been identified so far. The present study reports the characterization of the cDNA clones that encode two distinct somatostatin precursors in the brain of the frog Rana ridibunda. The cDNAs were isolated by using degenerate oligonucleotides based on the sequence of the central region of somatostatin to screen a frog brain cDNA library. One of the cDNAs encodes a 115-amino acid protein (prepro-somatostatin-14; PSS1) that exhibits a high degree of structural similarity with the mammalian somatostatin precursor. The other cDNA encodes a 103-amino acid protein (prepro-[Pro2, Met13]somatostatin-14; PSS2) that contains the sequence of the somatostatin analog (peptide SS2) at its C terminus, but does not exhibit appreciable sequence similarity with PSS1 in the remaining region. In situ hybridization studies indicate differential expression of the PSS1 and PSS2 genes in the septum, the lateral part of the pallium, the amygdaloid complex, the posterior nuclei of the thalamus, the ventral hypothalamic nucleus, the torus semicircularis and the optic tectum. The somatostatin variant SS2 was significantly more potent (4-6 fold) than somatostatin itself in displacing [125I-Tyr0, D-Trp8] somatostatin-14 from its specific binding sites. The present study indicates that the two somatostatin variants could exert different functions in the frog brain and pituitary. These data also suggest that distinct genes encoding somatostatin variants may be expressed in the brain of other tetrapods

    Cloning of the cDNA encoding the urotensin II precursor in frog and human reveals intense expression of the urotensin II gene in motoneurons of the spinal cord

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    International audienceUrotensin II (UII) is a cyclic peptide initially isolated from the caudal neurosecretory system of teleost fish. Subsequently, UII has been characterized from a frog brain extract, indicating that a gene encoding a UII precursor is also present in the genome of a tetrapod. Here, we report the characterization of the cDNAs encoding frog and human UII precursors and the localization of the corresponding mRNAs. In both frog and human, the UII sequence is located at the C-terminal position of the precursor. Human UII is composed of only 11 amino acid residues, while fish and frog UII possess 12 and 13 amino acid residues, respectively. The cyclic region of UII, which is responsible for the biological activity of the peptide, has been fully conserved from fish to human. Northern blot and dot blot analysis revealed that UII precursor mRNAs are found predominantly in the frog and human spinal cord. In situ hybridization studies showed that the UII precursor gene is actively expressed in motoneurons. The present study demonstrates that UII, which has long been regarded as a peptide exclusively produced by the urophysis of teleost fish, is actually present in the brain of amphibians and mammals. The fact that evolutionary pressure has acted to conserve fully the biologically active sequence of UII suggests that the peptide may exert important physiological functions in humans

    Loss of function of C9orf72 causes motor deficits in a zebrafish model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    OBJECTIVE: To define the role that repeat expansions of a GGGGCC hexanucleotide sequence of the C9orf72 gene play in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). A genetic model for ALS was developed to determine whether loss of function of the zebrafish orthologue of C9orf72 (zC9orf72) leads to abnormalities in neuronal development. METHODS: C9orf72 mRNA levels were quantified in brain and lymphoblasts derived from FTLD and ALS/FTLD patients and in zebrafish. Knockdown of the zC9orf72 was performed using 2 specific antisense morpholino oligonucleotides to block transcription. Quantifications of spontaneous swimming and tactile escape response, as well as measurements of axonal projections from the spinal cord, were performed. RESULTS: Significantly decreased expression of C9orf72 transcripts in brain and lymphoblasts was found in sporadic FTLD and ALS/FTLD patients with normal-size or expanded hexanucleotide repeats. The zC9orf72 is selectively expressed in the developing nervous system at developmental stages. Loss of function of the zC9orf72 transcripts causes both behavioral and cellular deficits related to locomotion without major morphological abnormalities. These deficits were rescued upon overexpression of human C9orf72 mRNA transcripts. INTERPRETATION: Our results indicate C9orf72 haploinsufficiency could be a contributing factor in the spectrum of ALS/FTLD neurodegenerative disorders. Loss of function of the zebrafish orthologue of zC9orf72 expression in zebrafish is associated with axonal degeneration of motor neurons that can be rescued by expressing human C9orf72 mRNA, highlighting the specificity of the induced phenotype. These results reveal a pathogenic consequence of decreased C9orf72 levels, supporting a loss of function mechanism of disease

    Advanced glycation end products regulate extracellular matrix protein and protease expression by human glomerular mesangial cells

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    Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) may play a role in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, by modulating extracellular matrix turnover. AGEs are known to activate specific membrane receptors, including the receptor for AGE (RAGE). In the present study, we analyzed the various receptors for AGEs expressed by human mesangial cells and we studied the effects of glycated albumin and of carboxymethyl lysine on matrix protein and remodelling enzyme synthesis. Membrane RAGE expression was confirmed by FACS analysis. Microarray methods, RT-PCR, and Northern blot analysis were used to detect and confirm specific gene induction. Zymographic analysis and ELISA were used to measure the induction of tPA and PAI-1. We show herein that cultured human mesangial cells express AGE receptor type 1, type 2 and type 3 and RAGE. AGEs (200 microg/ml) induced at least a 2-fold increase in mRNA for 10 genes involved in ECM remodelling, including tPA, PAI-1 and TIMP-3. The increase in tPA synthesis was confirmed by fibrin zymography. The stimulation of PAI-1 synthesis was confirmed by ELISA. AGEs increased PAI-1 mRNA through a signalling pathway involving reactive oxygen species, the MAP kinases ERK-1/ERK-2 and the nuclear transcription factor NF-kappaB, but not AP-1. Carboxymethyl lysine (CML, 5 microM), which is a RAGE ligand, also stimulated PAI-1 synthesis by mesangial cells. In addition, a blocking anti-RAGE antibody partially inhibited the AGE-stimulated gene expression and decreased the PAI-1 accumulation induced by AGEs and by CML. Inhibition of AGE receptors or neutralization of the protease inhibitors TIMP-3 and PAI-1 could represent an important new therapeutic strategy for diabetic nephropathy