34 research outputs found

    Complex of Chemical-technological and Sanitary-hygienic Quality Indicators of the New Pastry Products of Special Nutrition

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    The complex of chemical-technological and sanitary-hygienic quality indicators of new pastry products of special nutrition was studied. The original recipes of meat pastries for special nutrition, enriched with biologically active components at the expanse of vitaminized blended vegetable oils (VBVO) and protein-fatty emulsions (PFE) on their base, were elaborated. There were elaborated four recipes of pastries of chicken and Turkey with PFE, included in recipes in the amount 15…20 % and with vitaminized blended vegetable oils of two-component and three-component composition in the amount 10 %. Pastry samples, prepared according to SSTC 4432:2005 were used as a control.VBVO composition and fat-soluble vitamins content in them was determined by the gasochromatographic method.Molecular-genetic methods were used for the accelerated diagnostics of pastries safety by agents of food intoxications– Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus, number of mesophyl aerobic and facultative-anaerobic microorganisms (NMAFAnM), classic ones – colon bacillus group bacteria (CBGB), sulphite reductive clostridia, Staphylococcus aureus, L.monocytogenes, Salmonella. The storage term of products was prolonged in 2 times (48 against 24 hours) according to SSTC). The expedience of their introduction in production was proved


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    In the article the expansion of technologically advanced training in the modern development of computer science and information technology. The current level of development and preparation of engineering and design documentation involves the use of computer graphics systems, which can significantly increase the efficiency, quality and speed of creation and implementation of civil and industrial projects. Learning and mastering graphic system AutoCAD, which is one of the most common computer systems engineering level is based in particular on methodical maintenance of laboratory and practical training in engineering and computer graphics. Therefore, the work presented, which provides training material for filling methodical course of computer graphics has relevance in the learning process.  В статье рассматривается расширение практики с использованием новейших технологий обучения в условиях современного развития информатики и информационных технологий. Современный уровень разработки и подготовки инженерно–конструкторской документации предполагает использование компьютерных графических систем, которые существенно повышают эффективность, качество, скорость разработки строительных и промышленных проэктов. Изучение и применение студентами графической системы AutoCAD базируется на методическом обеспечении лабораторных и практических занятий по инженерной и компьютерной графике. Поэтому, представленная работа – подготовка материала для методического наполнения курса компьютерной графики, актуальна в учебном процессе.В статті розглядається розширення практики з використанням новітніх технологій навчання в умовах сучасного розвитку інформатики та інформаційних технологій. Сучасний рівень розробки та підготовки інженерно–конструкторської документації передбачає застосування комп’ютерних графічних систем, які дозволяють суттєво підвищити ефективність, якість та швидкість створення та впровадження будівельних та промислових проектів. Вивчення та засвоєння студентами графічної системи AutoCAD, яка являється однією з найпоширеніших комп’ютерних систем інженерного рівня, базується, зокрема, на методичному забезпеченні лабораторних та практичних занять з інженерної та комп’ютерної графіки. Тому, представлена робота, яка передбачає підготовку матеріалу для методичного наповнення курсу комп’ютерної графіки, має актуальність у навчальному процесі. &nbsp


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    Introduction. Monocyte chemoattractant protein type 1 (MCP-1) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) play a key role in inflammation, fibrosis and progression of renal dysfunction. Sulodexide advantages in vascular pathology treatment were proved by clinical trials, however, its efficiency in diabetic nephropathy (DN) was investigated insufficiently. The aim of the present work – to study the influence of sulodexide on clinical and laboratory parametres, MCP-1 and PAI-1 levels in blood plasma of patients with DN. Materials and methods. 76 type 2 diabetic patients with different stages of DN were observed. 44 patients received basic therapy with anti-diabetic drugs and ACE- inhibitors, 32 patients in addition to basic therapy were treated with sulodexide in a daily dose 600 LU. Concentrations of MCP-1 and PAI-1 in blood plasma were determined using immunoassay kits. Results. In patients with DN when compared with healthy controls MCP-1 and RAI-1 levels in blood plasma significantly increased already at initial stages of the disease. Such changes may promote a development of inflammatory and fibrotic processes in kidneys. Progression of the disease was accompanied by more essential growth of MCP-1 and RAI-1 in DN patients with expressed clinical manifestations of kidney injury. Sulodexide treatment in patients with DN resulted in essential decrease of inflammatory and fibrotic markers and had positive effect on urinary protein excretion. Conclusions. Glicosaminoglycans, in particular, sulodexide, is effective in complex treatment of patients with DN


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    Balanced diet is an essential factor in maintaining the normal life of a healthy body. The importance of nutrition in preventive and reducing major risk factors of disease is provided by the specialized functionality. The range of functional foods is limited. Moreover, the majority accounts for products is enriched preparations of pharmacological action and imported supplements. Thus, the task of creating a new functional products with the aim of improving the structure of power is becoming extremely urgent. In particular, those products are supposed to be based on meat. In the article the possibility of using different types of fiber in the manufacture of chopped semi-finished products was grounded. Functional and technological properties of the selected components were investigated. It was found that in the formulation is chopped to include semi rational fiber from millet and barley bran in an amount of up to 3% and the degree of hydration of 1: 6 and 1: 4.5 respectively.  Сбалансированное питание является необходимым фактором поддержания нормальной жизнедеятельности здорового организма.Важное значение в профилактическом питании и снижении основных факторов риска возникновения болезней предоставляется специализированным функциональным продуктам.Ассортимент функциональных продуктов ограничен, причем основная часть приходится на продукты, обогащенные препаратами фармакологического действия и импортные пищевые добавки. В связи с этим чрезвычайно актуальной становится задача по созданию новых функциональных продуктов с целью улучшения структуры питания, в частности, продуктов на основе мяса.В статье обоснована возможность использования различных видов клетчатки при производстве рубленых полуфабрикатов. Исследованы функционально-технологические свойства выбранных компонентов и установлено, что рациональнее в рецептуры рубленых полуфабрикатов включать клетчатку из отрубей проса и ячменя в количестве до 3% и степенью гидратации 1: 6 и 1: 4,5 соответственно.Збалансоване харчування є необхідним чинником підтримання нормальної життєдіяльності здорового організму. Важливе значення в профілактичному харчуванні та зниженні основних факторів ризику виникнення хвороб надається спеціалізованим функціональним продуктам. Асортимент функціональних продуктів обмежений, причому основна частка припадає на продукти, збагачені препаратами фармакологічної дії та імпортні харчові добавки. У  зв'язку з цим надзвичайно актуальним стає завдання по створенню нових функціональних продуктів з метою поліпшення структури харчування, зокрема, продуктів на основі м'яса. У статті обґрунтовано  можливість  використання різних видів клітковини  при виробництві січених напівфабрикатів. Досліджено функціонально-технологічні властивості обраних компонентів та встановлено, що раціональніше у рецептури січених напівфабрикатів включати клітковину з відрубів проса та ячменю в кількості до 3% та  ступенем гідратації  1:6 та 1:4,5 відповідно. &nbsp

    Cyanothioacetamides as a synthetic platform for the synthesis of aminopyrazole derivatives

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    It was shown that the reaction of 2-cyanothioacetamides with hydrazine involves both cyano- and thioamide groups, and 3,5-diaminopyrazoles are formed. In the reaction of 2-cyano-3-(dimethylamino)-N, N-dimethylprop-2-enethioamides with hydrazine and its derivatives, the interaction proceeds with the participation of cyano- and enamine groups, not affecting the thiocarbamoyl group, and leads to the formation of 4-thiocarbamoylpyrazoles. A synthesis method has been developed and a series of 1-substituted-4-thiocarbamoyl pyrazoles has been thus synthesized. The structure of the reaction products was studied using NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry and confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis. © 2023 Filimonov et al.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 23-13-00248The authors thank the Russian Science Foundation (project 23-13-00248)

    Информация о смерти клеток необходима для жизни всего организма

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    In present paper we give the review of own experimental and literary data, devoted to programmed cells destruction— apoptosis in animal and plants. We show, that the inheritable information about cell death is necessary for life and evolutionary prosperity of multicellular organisms.В настоящей статье мы даем обзор собственных экспериментальных и литературных данных, посвященных запрограммированной гибели клеток — апоптозу у животных и растений, показываем, что наследственная информация о смерти необходима для жизни и эволюционного процветания многоклеточных организмов. За эти работы группе американских и английских учёных в 2002 г. была присуждена Нобелевская премия по физиологии и медицине. Апоптоз — центральная проблема современного комплекса наук о жизни

    Long-term consequences of COVID-19 in patients with functional bowel disorders, rehabilitation prospective of microbiocenosis-oriented therapy

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    Aim. To analyze long-term consequences of the new coronavirus infection and rehabilitation prospective of microbiocenosis-oriented therapy in patients with functional bowel disorders. Materials and methods. The study enrolled 100 consecutive patients with various types of functional bowel disorders with recurrence of symptoms after the new coronavirus infection. The severity of abdominal pain was evaluated in points, and bowel movement disorders were assessed using the Bristol stool scale. A questionnaire was used as part of an in-depth clinical examination for COVID-19 survivors to identify the clinical symptoms typical for the post-COVID syndrome. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale was used to identify and assess the severity of depression and anxiety, and the Asthenic State Scale was used to diagnose the asthenia. Results. All patients in the study subjectively linked the recurrence of bowel disorders with the new coronavirus infection. The most common bowel disorder was irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea. A distinctive feature of exacerbations of intestinal symptoms in the post-COVID period is their association with depression/anxiety and asthenic states. The addition of Zakofalk® metaprebiotic to the treatment regimen was associated with significant regression of abdominal pain and normalization of bowel movement, an improvement of asthenia, anxiety, and depression. Conclusion. The addition of Zakofalk® to treatment regimens for exacerbations of functional bowel disorders after the new coronavirus infection significantly improves the effectiveness of therapy

    Cyanothioacetamides as a synthetic platform for the synthesis of aminopyrazole derivatives

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    It was shown that the reaction of 2-cyanothioacetamides with hydrazine involves both cyano- and thioamide groups, and 3,5-diaminopyrazoles are formed. In the reaction of 2-cyano-3-(dimethylamino)-N,N-dimethylprop-2-enethioamides with hydrazine and its derivatives, the interaction proceeds with the participation of cyano- and enamine groups, not affecting the thiocarbamoyl group, and leads to the formation of 4-thiocarbamoylpyrazoles. A synthesis method has been developed and a series of 1-substituted-4-thiocarbamoyl pyrazoles has been thus synthesized. The structure of the reaction products was studied using NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry and confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis