115 research outputs found

    On the terminal velocity of sedimenting particles in a flowing fluid

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    The influence of an underlying carrier flow on the terminal velocity of sedimenting particles is investigated both analytically and numerically. Our theoretical framework works for a general class of (laminar or turbulent) velocity fields and, by means of an ordinary perturbation expansion at small Stokes number, leads to closed partial differential equations (PDE) whose solutions contain all relevant information on the sedimentation process. The set of PDE's are solved by means of direct numerical simulations for a class of 2D cellular flows (static and time dependent) and the resulting phenomenology is analysed and discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, submitted to JP

    Obturacyjny bezdech senny jako czynnik ryzyka rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego

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    Obturacyjny bezdech senny jest stosunkowo często występującym schorzeniem, które dotyka około 5-15% populacji. Zaburzenie to zazwyczaj ściśle wiąże się ze zwiększonym ryzykiem rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Diagnostyka obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego opiera się na badaniu polisomnograficznym, a jego nasilenie mierzy się za pomocą wskaźnika bezdechów i spłyceń oddychania. Większość działań niepożądanych wywoływanych przez obturacyjny bezdech senny w odniesieniu do układu sercowo-naczyniowego ma, w toku włączonego leczenia, charakter odwracalny. Oprócz terapii za pomocą wentylacji w trybie ciągle dodatniego ciśnienia w drogach oddechowych w celu kompleksowego leczenia obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego zaleca się również zmniejszenie masy ciała, unikanie leków o depresyjnym wpływie na centralny układ nerwowy, leczenie niedrożności jamy nosowej, a także spanie w pozycji bocznej. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2008; 3: 74-78

    Runge-Kutta methods for third order weak approximation of SDEs with multidimensional additive noise

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    A new class of third order Runge-Kutta methods for stochastic differential equations with additive noise is introduced. In contrast to Platen's method, which to the knowledge of the author has been up to now the only known third order Runge-Kutta scheme for weak approximation, the new class of methods affords less random variable evaluations and is also applicable to SDEs with multidimensional noise. Order conditions up to order three are calculated and coefficients of a four stage third order method are given. This method has deterministic order four and minimized error constants, and needs in addition less function evaluations than the method of Platen. Applied to some examples, the new method is compared numerically with Platen's method and some well known second order methods and yields very promising results.Comment: Two further examples added, small correction

    A generic materials and operations planning approach for inventory turnover optimization in the chemical industry

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    Chemical industries usually involve continuous and large-scale production processes that require demanding inventory control systems. This paper aims to show the results of the implementation of a mixed-integer programming model (MIP) based on the Generic Materials and Operations Planning Problem (GMOP) for optimizing the inventory turnover in a fertilizer company. Results showed significant improvements for Inventory Turnover Ratios and overall costs when compared with an empirical production planning method

    Adaptive Approach for Modelling Variability in Pharmacokinetics

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    We present an improved adaptive approach for studying systems of ODEs affected by parameter variability and state space uncertainty. Our approach is based on a reformulation of the ODE problem as a transport problem of a probability density describing the evolution of the ensemble of systems in time. The resulting multidimensional problem is solved by representing the probability density w.r.t. an adaptively chosen Galerkin ansatz space of Gaussian distributions. Due to our improvements in adaptivity control, we substantially improved the overall performance of the original algorithm and moreover inherited the theoretical property that the number of Gaussian distribution stays constant for linear ODEs to the numerical scheme. We illustrate the approach in application to dynamical systems describing the pharmacokinetics of drugs and xenobiotics, where variability in physiological parameters is important to be considered

    A Novel Fibronectin Binding Motif in MSCRAMMs Targets F3 Modules

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    BBK32 is a surface expressed lipoprotein and fibronectin (Fn)-binding microbial surface component recognizing adhesive matrix molecule (MSCRAMM) of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease. Previous studies from our group showed that BBK32 is a virulence factor in experimental Lyme disease and located the Fn-binding region to residues 21-205 of the lipoprotein.Studies aimed at identifying interacting sites between BBK32 and Fn revealed an interaction between the MSCRAMM and the Fn F3 modules. Further analysis of this interaction showed that BBK32 can cause the aggregation of human plasma Fn in a similar concentration-dependent manner to that of anastellin, the superfibronectin (sFn) inducing agent. The resulting Fn aggregates are conformationally distinct from plasma Fn as indicated by a change in available thermolysin cleavage sites. Recombinant BBK32 and anastellin affect the structure of Fn matrices formed by cultured fibroblasts and inhibit endothelial cell proliferation similarly. Within BBK32, we have located the sFn-forming activity to a region between residues 160 and 175 which contains two sequence motifs that are also found in anastellin. Synthetic peptides mimicking these motifs induce Fn aggregation, whereas a peptide with a scrambled sequence motif was inactive, suggesting that these motifs represent the sFn-inducing sequence.We conclude that BBK32 induces the formation of Fn aggregates that are indistinguishable from those formed by anastellin. The results of this study provide evidence for how bacteria can target host proteins to manipulate host cell activities

    Construction of a Mean Square Error Adaptive Euler--Maruyama Method with Applications in Multilevel Monte Carlo

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    A formal mean square error expansion (MSE) is derived for Euler--Maruyama numerical solutions of stochastic differential equations (SDE). The error expansion is used to construct a pathwise a posteriori adaptive time stepping Euler--Maruyama method for numerical solutions of SDE, and the resulting method is incorporated into a multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) method for weak approximations of SDE. This gives an efficient MSE adaptive MLMC method for handling a number of low-regularity approximation problems. In low-regularity numerical example problems, the developed adaptive MLMC method is shown to outperform the uniform time stepping MLMC method by orders of magnitude, producing output whose error with high probability is bounded by TOL>0 at the near-optimal MLMC cost rate O(TOL^{-2}log(TOL)^4).Comment: 43 pages, 12 figure

    Preliminary Design of a New Hybrid and Technology Innovative Suborbital Vehicle for Space Tourism

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    The general enthusiasm aroused by space tourism combined with the great technological achievement of Scaled Composites with the SpaceShipOne in 2004 initiated a new era: suborbital space tourism. As of today, most of the vehicles have been designed for performance, combining the most advanced technologies from both aeronautics and astronautics. Nevertheless, in order to become viable, vehicles must be safe enough to carry paying passengers and they must match the increasing demand. Thus, the implementation of a new design process based on adapted requirements led to a new vehicle. The latter is mainly powered by newly designed hybrid rocket engines but it also makes use of turbofans for the first segment of the climb and a safe powered landing. It takes-off and lands horizontally and is able to carry up to eight passengers and two pilots to an altitude of 109 km. The micro-gravity experienced by the passengers lasts approximately 4 minutes while the maximum load factor is reduced to 3.3 g in order to improve the passenger experience

    Genome Sequence of a Lancefield Group C Streptococcus zooepidemicus Strain Causing Epidemic Nephritis: New Information about an Old Disease

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    Outbreaks of disease attributable to human error or natural causes can provide unique opportunities to gain new information about host-pathogen interactions and new leads for pathogenesis research. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN), a sequela of infection with pathogenic streptococci, is a common cause of preventable kidney disease worldwide. Although PSGN usually occurs after infection with group A streptococci, organisms of Lancefield group C and G also can be responsible. Despite decades of study, the molecular pathogenesis of PSGN is poorly understood. As a first step toward gaining new information about PSGN pathogenesis, we sequenced the genome of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus strain MGCS10565, a group C organism that caused a very large and unusually severe epidemic of nephritis in Brazil. The genome is a circular chromosome of 2,024,171 bp. The genome shares extensive gene content, including many virulence factors, with genetically related group A streptococci, but unexpectedly lacks prophages. The genome contains many apparently foreign genes interspersed around the chromosome, consistent with the presence of a full array of genes required for natural competence. An inordinately large family of genes encodes secreted extracellular collagen-like proteins with multiple integrin-binding motifs. The absence of a gene related to speB rules out the long-held belief that streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin B or antibodies reacting with it singularly cause PSGN. Many proteins previously implicated in GAS PSGN, such as streptokinase, are either highly divergent in strain MGCS10565 or are not more closely related between these species than to orthologs present in other streptococci that do not commonly cause PSGN. Our analysis provides a comparative genomics framework for renewed appraisal of molecular events underlying APSGN pathogenesis