2,580 research outputs found

    Multifuncionalidad y Sistemas Agroalimentarios locales: prioridades de investigación e innovación en medio ambiente, territorio y desarrollo rural en el sector español del aceite de oliva

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    Los sistemas agroalimentarios locales (SIAL) de aceite de oliva en España son un buen ejemplo del comportamiento multifuncional y de su contribución potencial a la gobernanza territorial. Se detectan cambios significativos en la geografía del olivar español, derivados, por una parte, de la expansión de nuevas superficies de olivar en regadío de cultivo intensivo y superintensivo y, por otra, de la creciente marginalización a la que se ve abocado el olivar español de media y alta pendiente. Por otra parte, el olivar español produce un fuerte grado de externalidades ambientales negativas, como la erosión o la contaminación difusa de suelos y acuíferos. El principal objetivo del trabajo es detectar las relaciones que se establecen entre la definición de los principales problemas que atañen a los SIAL de aceite de oliva en España y las prioridades de investigación e innovación en materia de territorio y medio ambiente, desde una óptica multidisciplinar que integre enfoques procedentes de las Ciencias Sociales y de las Ciencias Agronómicas y Ambientales. El marco teórico procede de las teorías sobre la multifuncionalidad de los espacios rurales y sobre los SIAL. La metodología utiliza información cualitativa y cuantitativa procedente de dos fuentes primarias: i) un grupo de discusión integrado en un panel presencial de expertos sobre innovación en olivicultura, sostenibilidad y aprovechamiento de residuos; ii) un análisis Delphi dirigido a un conjunto amplio de expertos sobre medio ambiente, territorio y desarrollo rural sostenible en el sector oleícola. En cuanto al análisis de resultados, el grupo de discusión ha tenido como misión categorizar las grandes tipologías de olivicultura en España y sintetizar sus respectivos problemas ambientales y territoriales. Estos resultados sirven como marco de referencia del análisis Delphi, que tiene un doble objetivo: por una parte, el análisis de los principales problemas ambientales y territoriales de los SIAL oleícolas en España; por otra, el estudio de las prioridades en materia de programas y de grupos de líneas de investigación sobre la materia, así como las relaciones entre dichas líneas de investigación y los problemas a los que se enfrentan los SIAL oleícolas.prioridades de investigación e innovación, medio ambiente y territorio, análisis Delphi., Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Labor and Human Capital,

    Harvest index, a parameter conditioning responsiveness of wheat plants to elevated CO2

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    The expansion of the world’s population requires the development of high production agriculture. For this purpose, it is essential to identify target points conditioning crop responsiveness to predicted [CO2]. The aim of this study was to determine the relevance of ear sink strength in leaf protein and metabolomic profiles and its implications in photosynthetic activity and yield of durum wheat plants exposed to elevated [CO2]. For this purpose, a genotype with high harvest index (HI) (Triticum durum var. Sula) and another with low HI (Triticum durum var. Blanqueta) were exposed to elevated [CO2] (700 µmol mol–1 versus 400 µmol mol–1 CO2) in CO2 greenhouses. The obtained data highlighted that elevated [CO2] only increased plant growth in the genotype with the largest HI; Sula. Gas exchange analyses revealed that although exposure to 700 µmol mol–1 depleted Rubisco content, Sula was capable of increasing the light-saturated rate of CO2 assimilation (Asat) whereas, in Blanqueta, the carbohydrate imbalance induced the down-regulation of Asat. The specific depletion of Rubisco in both genotypes under elevated [CO2], together with the enhancement of other proteins in the Calvin cycle, revealed that there was a redistribution of N from Rubisco towards RuBP regeneration. Moreover, the down-regulation of N, NO3 –, amino acid, and organic acid content, together with the depletion of proteins involved in amino acid synthesis that was detected in Blanqueta grown at 700 µmol mol–1 CO2, revealed that inhibition of N assimilation was involved in the carbohydrate imbalance and consequently with the down-regulation of photosynthesis and growth in these plants

    Folding of dimeric methionine adenosyltransferase III: identification of two folding intermediates

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    Methionine adenosyl transferase (MAT) is an essential enzyme that synthesizes AdoMet. The liver-specific MAT isoform, MAT III, is a homodimer of a 43.7-kDa subunit that organizes in three nonsequential alpha-beta domains. Although MAT III structure has been recently resolved, little is known about its folding mechanism. Equilibrium unfolding and refolding of MAT III, and the monomeric mutant R265H, have been monitored using different physical parameters. Tryptophanyl fluorescence showed a three-state folding mechanism. The first unfolding step was a folding/association process as indicated by its dependence on protein concentration. The monomeric folding intermediate produced was the predominant species between 1.5 and 3 m urea. It had a relatively compact conformation with tryptophan residues and hydrophobic surfaces occluded from the solvent, although its N-terminal region may be very unstructured. The second unfolding step monitored the denaturation of the intermediate. Refolding of the intermediate showed first order kinetics, indicating the presence of a kinetic intermediate within the folding/association transition. Its presence was confirmed by measuring the 1,8-anilinonaphtalene-8-sulfonic acid binding in the presence of tripolyphosphate. We propose that the folding rate-limiting step is the formation of an intermediate, probably a structured monomer with exposed hydrophobic surfaces, that rapidly associates to form dimeric MAT III

    Effect of peri-implant mucosal thickness on esthetic outcomes and the efficacy of soft tissue augmentation procedures: Consensus report of group 2 of the SEPA/DGI/OF workshop

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to comprehensively assess the literature in terms of the effect of peri‐implant mucosal thickness on esthetic outcomes and the efficacy of soft tissue augmentation procedures to increase the mucosal thickness with autogenous grafts or soft tissue substitutes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two systematic reviews (SR) were performed prior to the consensus meeting to assess the following questions. Review 1, focused question: In systemically healthy patients with an implant‐supported fixed prosthesis, what is the influence of thin as compared to thick peri‐implant mucosa on esthetic outcomes? Review 2, focused question 1: In systemically healthy humans with at least one dental implant (immediate or staged implant), what is the efficacy of connective tissue graft (CTG), as compared to absence of a soft tissue grafting procedure, in terms of gain in peri‐implant soft tissue thickness (STT) reported by randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) or controlled clinical trials (CCTs)? Review 2, focused question 2: In systemically healthy humans with at least one dental implant (immediate or staged implant), what is the efficacy of CTG, as compared to soft tissue substitutes, in terms of gain in peri‐implant STT reported by RCTs or CCTs? The outcomes of the two SRs, the consensus statements, the clinical implications, and the research recommendations were discussed and subsequently approved at the consensus meeting during the group and plenary sessions. CONCLUSIONS: There was a tendency of superior esthetic outcomes in the presence of a thick mucosa. The connective tissue graft remains the standard of care in terms of increasing mucosa thickness

    Heterogeneity of melanoma cell responses to sleep apnea-derived plasma exosomes and to intermittent hypoxia

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is associated with increased cutaneous melanoma incidence and adverse outcomes. Exosomes are secreted by most cells, and play a role in OSA-associated tumor progression and metastasis. We aimed to study the effects of plasma exosomes from OSA patients before and after adherent treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on melanoma cells lines, and also to identify exosomal miRNAs from melanoma cells exposed to intermittent hypoxia (IH) or normoxia. Plasma-derived exosomes were isolated from moderate-to-severe OSA patients before (V1) and after (V2) adherent CPAP treatment for one year. Exosomes were co-incubated with three3 different melanoma cell lines (CRL 1424; CRL 1619; CRL 1675) that are characterized by genotypes involving different mutations in BRAF, STK11, CDKN2A, and PTEN genes to assess the effect of exosomes on cell proliferation and migration, as well as on pAMK activity in the presence or absence of a chemical activator. Subsequently, CRL-1424 and CRL-1675 cells were exposed to intermittent hypoxia (IH) and normoxia, and exosomal miRNAs were identified followed by GO and KEG pathways and gene networks. The exosomes from these IH-exposed melanoma cells were also administered to THP1 macrophages to examine changes in M1 and M2 polarity markers. Plasma exosomes from V1 increased CRL-1424 melanoma cell proliferation and migration compared to V2, but not the other two cell lines. Exposure to CRL-1424 exosomes reduced pAMPK/tAMPK in V1 compared to V2, and treatment with AMPK activator reversed the effects. Unique exosomal miRNAs profiles were identified for CRL-1424 and CRL-1675 in IH compared to normoxia, with six miRNAs being regulated and several KEGG pathways were identified. Two M1 markers (CXCL10 and IL6) were significantly increased in monocytes when treated with exosomes from IH-exposed CRL-1424 and CRL-1625 cells. Our findings suggest that exosomes from untreated OSA patients increase CRL-1424 melanoma malignant properties, an effect that is not observed in two other melanoma cell lines. Exosomal cargo from CRL-1424 cells showed a unique miRNA signature compared to CRL-1675 cells after IH exposures, suggesting that melanoma cells are differentially susceptible to IH, even if they retain similar effects on immune cell polarity. It is postulated that mutations in STK-11 gene encoding for the serine/threonine kinase family that acts as a tumor suppressor may underlie susceptibility to IH-induced metabolic dysfunction, as illustrated by CRL-1424 cells. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Análisis de impacto del Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima PNIEC 2021-2030 de España

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    Este artículo recoge un análisis del impacto del borrador del Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima (PNIEC) 2021-2030 de España, cuyo objetivo central es reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) un 23 por 100 con respecto a 1990. El estudio utiliza varios modelos (DENIO y FASTT-TM5) para abordar los impactos de una forma integrada y multidisciplinar. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el PNIEC movilizaría 241.000 millones de euros, de los cuales un 80 por 100 provendría de financiación privada. Las medidas del PNIEC reducirían en 67.000 millones de euros la importación de combustibles fósiles, que serían sustituidos por energías renovables autóctonas, y generarían un aumento del PIB del 1,8 por 100 en 2030 y del empleo neto entre 253.000 y 348.000 empleos/año. La reducción de GEI, lleva asociada una importante reducción de emisiones de contaminantes atmosféricos que causan daño a la salud (SO2, NOX, PM2.5, entre otras), lo que supondría una reducción del 27 por 100 de las muertes prematuras. Una conclusión robusta de este trabajo, similar a la de otros estudios recientes (OCDE, 2017; Comisión Europea, 2018; FUNSEAM, 2018 o IRENA, 2019), es que las soluciones para la crisis climática además de urgentes y necesarias, son una oportunidad, si son bien aprovechadas por aquellos países importadores netos de combustibles fósiles y que además disponen de recursos renovables.Los autores/as agradecen al equipo de la Subdirección General de Energías Renovables y Estudios del MITECO, a cargo de la mode-lización energética: Patricia Bañón, Miriam Bueno, Alejandro Fernández, Javier Galar-za, Víctor Marcos y Manuel Pérez. También a Pedro Linares (Universidad P. Comillas), Antxon Olabe (MITECO), Sara Aagesen (MITECO), Hugo Lucas (IDAE) y Eduardo González (OECC) por los comentarios recibi-dos, así como a IDAE y la Oficina Española de Cambio Climático y la Unidad de Inventarios por la información proporcionada. Cualquier error es responsabilidad de los autores. Fi-nalmente, agradecen la cofinanciación del Gobierno Vasco a través del programa BERC 2018-2021 y del Gobierno de España a tra-vés de la acreditación de BC3 como centro María de Maeztu (MDM-2017-0714) y MI-NECO (RTI2018-093352-B-I00)

    An Experimental Study of Effects of Step Roughness in Skimming Flows on Stepped Chutes

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    On a spillway chute, a stepped design increases the rate of energy dissipation on the chute itself and reduces the size of a downstream energy dissipator. Up to date, the effects of step roughness on the flow properties remain unknown despite the practical relevance to damaged concrete steps, rock chutes and gabions weirs. New measurements were conducted in a large-size laboratory facility with two step conditions (smooth and rough) and three types of step roughness. Detailed air-water flow properties were measured systematically for several flow rates. The results showed faster flow motion on rough step chutes. Although the finding is counter-intuitive, it is linked with the location of the inception point of free-surface aeration being located further downstream than for a smooth stepped chute for an identical flow rate. In the aerated flow region, the velocities on rough-step chutes were larger than those of smooth chute flows for a given flow rate and dimensionless location from the inception point of free-surface aeration both at step edges and between step edges. The results suggest that design guidelines for smooth (concrete) stepped spillway may not be suitable to rough stepped chutes including gabion stepped weirs, and older stepped chutes with damaged steps

    Development of novel low-mass module concepts based on MALTA monolithic pixel sensors

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    The MALTA CMOS monolithic silicon pixel sensors has been developed in the Tower 180 nm CMOS imaging process. It includes an asynchronous readout scheme and complies with the ATLAS inner tracker requirements for the HL-LHC. Several 4-chip MALTA modules have been built using Al wedge wire bonding to demonstrate the direct transfer of data from chip-to-chip and to read out the data of the entire module via one chip only. Novel technologies such as Anisotropic Conductive Films (ACF) and nanowires have been investigated to build a compact module. A lightweight flex with 17 {\mu}m trace spacing has been designed, allowing compact packaging with a direct attachment of the chip connection pads to the flex using these interconnection technologies. This contribution shows the current state of our work towards a flexible, low material, dense and reliable packaging and modularization of pixel detectors.Comment: 5 pages + 1 page references,8 figure

    Clinical subgroups in bilateral meniere disease

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    Meniere disease (MD) is a heterogeneous clinical condition characterized by sensorineural hearing loss, episodic vestibular symptoms, and tinnitus associated with several comorbidities, such as migraine or autoimmune disorders (AD). The frequency of bilateral involvement may range from 5 to 50%, and it depends on the duration of the disease. We have performed a two-step cluster analysis in 398 patients with bilateral MD (BMD) to identify the best predictors to define clinical subgroups with a potential different etiology to improve the phenotyping of BMD and to develop new treatments. We have defined five clinical variants in BMD. Group 1 is the most frequently found, includes 46% of patients, and is defined by metachronic hearing loss without migraine and without AD. Group 2 is found in 17% of patients, and it is defined by synchronic hearing loss without migraine or AD. Group 3, with 13% of patients, is characterized by familial MD, while group 4, that includes 12% of patients, is associated by the presence of migraine in all cases. Group 5 is found in 11% of patients and is defined by AD. This approach can be helpful in selecting patients for genetic and clinical research. However, further studies will be required to improve the phenotyping in these clinical variants for a better understanding of the diverse etiological factors contributing to BMD