10,221 research outputs found

    Clear Experimental Signature of Charge-Orbital density wave in Nd1x_{1-x}Ca1+x_{1+x}MnO4_{4}

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    Single Crystals of Nd1x_{1-x}Ca1+x_{1+x}MnO4_{4} have been prepared by the travelling floating-zone method, and possible evidence of a charge -orbital density wave in this material presented earlier [PRB68,092405 (2003)] using High Resolution Electron Microscopy [HRTEM] and Electron Diffraction [ED]. In the current note we present direct evidence of charge-orbital ordering in this material using heat capacity measurements. Our heat capacity measurements indicate a clear transition consistent with prior observation. We find two main transitions, one at temperature TH=310314T_{_H}=310-314 K, and other at TA=143T_{_A}=143 K. In addition, we may also conclude that there is a strong electron-phonon coupling in this material.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Perancangan Antena Mikrostrip Array 2x2 Frekuensi 2,4 Ghz Untuk Komunikasi Iot

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    Jurnal ini ditujukan untuk men-desain antena mikrostrip dengan empat elemen peradiasi dengan susunan array 2x2 yang bekerja pada frekuensi 2,4 Ghz . Teknik pencatuan yang digunakan pada perancangan antena microstrip adalah teknik pencatuan saluran microstrip. Pada desain antena ini dititik beratkan pada gain dengan frekuensi 2,4 Ghz yang digunakan untuk komunikasi antara sensor-sensor pada jaringan Wi-Fi dengan sensor gateway. Hasil simulasi perancangan antena pada frekuensi 2.4 Ghz didapatkan return loss sebesar -27.23 dB dengan VSWR sebesar 1.089. Bandwidth yang didapatkan pada perancangan antena mikrostrip array 2x2 adalah 308 MHz

    Kedudukan Laki­ Laki Dalam Budaya Hukum Kasultanan Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA (Studi Kasus Pengisian Jabatan Gubernur Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA)

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    This research discusses on men\u27s position in the law culture of DIY sultanate. The questions posed are (1) How is the value system in DIY sultanate as a source of Paugeran determination? (2) How is the position of men in the DIY sultanate law culture? (3) How does the Paugeran respond to current development? The research shows that (1) the value system is heavily influenced by Islamic law, thus making a king caliph for the people; (2) Men\u27s position in said sultanate is depicted through Law number 13 of 2012, in which a Sultan is deemed to be both the leader of region and head of province, and traditionally Sultans are men; (3) Paugeran\u27s response to current development is an effort to rationalize sultanate traditions to be in line with modern values.IntisariPenelitian ini membahas tentang kedudukan laki-laki dalam budaya hukum kesultanan DIY. Rumusan masalah yang dikemukakan adalah (1) Bagaimana sistem nilai dalam Kasultanan DIY sebagai sumber penyusunan Paugeran? (2) Bagaimana kedudukan laki-laki dalam budaya hukum Kasultanan DIY? (3) Bagaimana Paugeran merespon perkembangan zaman? Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) sistem nilai dalam Kasultanan DIY sangat erat kaitannya dengan Islam di konsep kekuasaan, kedudukan dan fungsi raja dalam perspektif ajaran Islam, yaitu sebagai khalifah; (2) Kedudukan laki-laki dalam budaya hukum dilihat dari Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2012 tentang Keistimewaan DIY dan sejarah kepemimpinan Kasultanan DIY, yang telah mengakomodasi dwifungsi Sultan sebagai kepala daerah di tingkat provinsi, pemegang kekuasaan tertinggi di kerajaan yang bertugas untuk memelihara dan melestarikan tradisi. Berdasarkan sejarah kepemimpinan Kasultanan DIY, secara turun-termurun Sultan adalah laki-laki; (3) Respon Paugeran terhadap perkembangan zaman merupakan upaya untuk merasionalisasi nilai-nilai luhur budaya Kasultanan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta sesuai dengan nilai-nilai modernitas

    Rancang Bangun Antenna Mikrostrip Peripheral Slits Linear Array Untuk Aplikasi Wi-Fi

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    Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) is the modern telecommunication technology nowadays being so widely used and developed at operating frequency of 2.4 GHz, that needs microstrip antenna as best suited supporting means for transmitting and receiving data signals as well at its wave transceiver subsystem. The proposed antenna design were consists of four elements rectangular patch antenna with peripheral slits technique arranged in a linear array of 2x2 operating at the frequency of 2.4 GHz until 2.5 GHz. In addition to that, the feeding technique used in this research is microstrip fed line. The simulation from this research resulted in reducing the size of related antenna dimension up to 17% compared to that of four elements array without peripheral slits. It is also apparent that the bandwidth of the proposed antenna is 320 MHz (2.253 GHz–2.573 GHz) which is equivalent to bandwidth increase percentage of 13.07%, The simulation results in the center of frequency 2.448 GHz obtained return loss of -26.14 dB with a VSWR of 1.104. The measurement results obtained bandwidth of the proposed antenna is 150 MHz (2.424 GHz–2.574 GHz) which is equivalent to 12% increase of bandwidth percentage. The results of measurements process at the center of frequency 2.448 GHz obtained value of return loss of -16.88 dB with VSWR of 1.304

    Fatty Acids Profile during Anaerobic Digestion of Night Soil-Effect of temperature, Calcium Carbonate and Selectively-enriched Inoculum

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    Anaerobic biodegradation of night soil was carried out at 5-30 degree centigrade with 1.8-10.62 per cent volatile solids (VS). Biogas production increased with the temperature and VS up to 6.2 per cent. Further increase in VS caused higher Volatile fatty acids (VFA) accumulation resulting in decreased gas production. Acetate and propionate accounted for 62-83 per cent of total VFA. Butyrate to isobutyrate ratio increased with VS. Calcium Carbonate promoted VS degradation, biogas production and VFA degradation. The increased methanogenic and decreased sulphate-reducing bacteria caused proportional changes in CH4 and H2S gases. Enrichment with H2 oxidising methanogenic consortium is beneficial by enhancing VFA utilisation by two to three fold

    Polarisasi Melingkar Antena Mikrostrip E Shape Dengan Pencatu Electromagnetic Coupling

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    This paper proposed a new design of circular polarization E shaped patch microstrip antenna fed by proximity coupling for Wireless Fidelity applications at operating frequency of 2.4 GHz. To generate circular polarization in the proposed antenna, the next steps is making three slits on the patch antenna and with this embedded three slits produces antenna E shaped. Besides that, the proximity coupling fed line is used to increase the bandwidth of the proposed antenna. In this research the patch E shaped was put on the first substrate layer while the proximity coupling feeder was put on the second substrate layer. The substrate material used in this research is one of the two layers FR 4 Epoxy with relative dielectric constant ( r) of 4.4 and thickness (h) of 1.6 mm. The circular polarization can be achieved by adjusting the width and length of the E shaped antenna. The simulation of this research gave some important antenna parameters such as axial ratio value of 2.58 dB, return loss of -19.98 dB, VSWR of 1.223 and bandwidth of 151.3 MHz. Finally, its measurement results gave also some related comparative data such as return loss of -22.12 dB, VSWR of 1.16, bandwidth of 153.2 MHz, and Half Power Beamwidth of 580

    Accelerating Universe as Window for Extra Dimensions

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    Homogeneous cosmological solutions are obtained in five dimensional space time assuming equations of state p=kρ p = k\rho and p5=γρ p_{5}= \gamma\rho where p is the isotropic 3 - pressure and p5p_{5}, that for the fifth dimension. Using different values for the constants k and γ\gamma many known solutions are rediscovered. Further the current acceleration of the universe has led us to investigate higher dimensional gravity theory, which is able to explain acceleration from a theoretical view point without the need of introducing dark energy by hand. We argue that the terms containing higher dimensional metric coefficients produce an extra negative pressure that apparently drives an acceleration of the 3D space, tempting us to suggest that the accelerating universe seems to act as a window to the existence of extra spatial dimensions. Interestingly the 5D matter field remains regular while the \emph{effective} negative pressure is responsible for the inflation. Relaxing the assumptions of two equations of state we also present a class of solutions which provide early deceleration followed by a late acceleration in a unified manner. Interesting to point out that in this case our cosmology apparently mimics the well known quintessence scenario fuelled by a generalised Chaplygin-type of fluid where a smooth transition from a dust dominated model to a de Sitter like one takes place.Comment: 20 pages,3 figure

    Environmental friendly method for the extraction of cellulose from Triflolium resopinatum and its characterization

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    The leaves of Triflolium resopinatum were collected from the mountains of Malakand division, Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa, Pakistan and was grinded into smaller particles and converted into powder. The ground biomass was treated with different solvents in the Soxhlet apparatus for the removal of soluble extractive like pectin, cutin and wax substances. For bond breaking the alkaline substance was kept in the autoclave. Ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (EDTA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were used for the removal of most polar substances like pectin, cutin, waxes and other extractives. Furthermore, raw cellulose was purified through acetic acid and nitric acid. Double distilled water was used for the neutralization of pH.The analysis of purified cellulose was carried out through different procedures such as X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The extracted cellulose has high degree of purity and crystallinity (72%) and thermal stability indicating that the process for the extraction of cellulose is quite adequate.               KEY WORDS: Triflolium resopinatum, Cellulose, FTIR, XRD, TGA, SEM Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2019, 33(1), 61-68DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v33i1.