24 research outputs found

    Ventila per la teva Salut. Una guia bàsica de criteris i recomanacions per ventilar millor la nostra llar. Projecte HABITAS: Habitatge i Salut en temps de pandèmia i més enllà

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    Aquesta guia ha estat elaborada per Societat Orgànica +10 SCCL, com a entitat col·laboradora del projecte. HABITAS: Habitatge i Salut en temps de pandèmia i més enllà, finançat per l’Ajuntament de Barcelona a la convocatòria 2020 dels Premis de Recerca Científica a Reptes Urbans a la Ciutat de Barcelona (Pla Barcelona Ciència

    Role of Neural NO Synthase (nNOS) Uncoupling in the Dysfunctional Nitrergic Vasorelaxation of Penile Arteries from Insulin-Resistant Obese Zucker Rats

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    Objective: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is considered as an early sign of vascular disease due to its high prevalence in patients with cardiovascular risk factors. Endothelial and neural dysfunction involving nitric oxide (NO) are usually implicated in the pathophysiology of the diabetic ED, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. The present study assessed the role of oxidative stress in the dysfunctional neural vasodilator responses of penile arteries in the obese Zucker rat (OZR), an experimental model of metabolic syndrome/prediabetes. Methods and Results: Electrical field stimulation (EFS) under non-adrenergic non-cholinergic (NANC) conditions evoked relaxations that were significantly reduced in penile arteries of OZR compared with those of lean Zucker rats (LZR). Blockade of NO synthase (NOS) inhibited neural relaxations in both LZR and OZR, while saturating concentrations of the NOS substrate L-arginine reversed the inhibition and restored relaxations in OZR to levels in arteries from LZR. nNOS expression was unchanged in arteries from OZR compared to LZR and nNOS selective inhibition decreased the EFS relaxations in LZR but not in OZR, while endothelium removal did not alter these responses in either strain. Superoxide anion production and nitro-tyrosine immunostaining were elevated in the erectile tissue from OZR. Treatment with the NADPH oxidase inhibitor apocynin or acute incubation with the NOS cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) restored neural relaxations in OZR to levels in control arteries, while inhibition of the enzyme of BH4 synthesis GTP-cyclohydrolase (GCH) reduced neural relaxations i

    Palacio de los deportes - Madrid

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    La capital de España contará, gracias al tesón del Delegado Nacional de Educación Física y Deportes, don José Antonio Elola Olaso, con un magnífico Palacio de Deportes. Sin él, el proyecto de los arquitectos señores Boteras y García-Barbón habría sido uno de los muchos que, habiendo obtenido el primer premio en un Concurso, terminan cubiertos por el polvo y el olvido

    Integrating partners into erectile dysfunction treatment: improving the sexual experience for the couple

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    Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition estimated to affect more than 150 million men worldwide. ED should be regarded as a shared sexual problem which has significant detrimental effects both on the men who experience this condition and on their partners.Evidence to support partner involvement in ED therapy: Evidence shows that the partner plays a key supportive role in the man\u27s ED treatment and in successful long-term ED therapy. Including the partner in consultations may highlight discordant attitudes and communication problems between couple members which may indicate treatment acceptance or rejection, or realistic or unrealistic treatment expectations.Options for partner involvement in ED therapy: Most patients with ED consult their physician in the absence of their partner. Therefore, involving the partner in therapy can be challenging. Two options which physicians should consider are: encouraging the patient to bring the partner into the office and, often more realistically, seeking information about, and providing information to, the partner, via the patient.Objectives: The objective of these recommendations is to provide practical guidance on treating couples affected by ED, and suggest techniques that may be helpful in integrating the partner into the process of ED treatment.<br /